I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 185 Learning every day

Gu Changkao also wants to persuade Shen Lin, because once the interest of the loss, the hit of the rule of the company and Double wood will be huge, and it will not be easy to create the ratio myth. Baidu search, more look at free reading.

It's too much not to pay.

And since it is possible that someone else's circle, we are not better to go uncomfortable.

Shenlin shook his head and said, "Don't consider, this ratio war, we must fight. I don't because I hate Jiang Wei and must suppress him. Everyone sees it, from the song to the propaganda film, to TV drama, They are all plagiarized. I will definitely, the plot is definitely plagiarized, and his character doesn't have to say anything, the last time we almost ate a big loss, so this is the existence of such people, will put the entertainment circle The pool of water is stirred, which will let plagiarism, will let the trend of the means, and the real good drama, the real talented person is suppressed without the space. Compared to the second part of the Pearl I am more afraid of a good person to fail. "

Shen Lin thinks that in order to shoot, even the wife is not able to take care of Gu Changzhi, thinking that Li Hong is in this drama, every day is a connected axis, and the home has not returned a few times.

Including Hu Yu, for this drama, in order to coordinate the time of the player, it is also everywhere, and there is a good thing everywhere.

Is it to still take a better Pearl Princess in the original class.

Therefore, for these people, it is impossible to defeat.

Everyone doesn't talk, but they don't want this drama to fail, still want to persuade Shen Lin.

At this time, the phone said: "Shen Lin, I listen to you, you say what to do, I am fully fit."

Hu Yu, Gu Chang Hui did not expect that the only one supporting Shen Lin is the most failure.

Hu Yu Zhang Zhang did not speak, which is definitely not between them, and the rule is unconditional.

"Ha, thank you, or that sentence, if you fail, I will lose you, even if I pay you, I am willing. Baidu search, more look free to read." Shen Lin said.

Ren Jing also laughed, actually a heartbeat.

"You don't want, if you really have, you don't have to pay, your sister, I am not losing."

Since the ruins, Hu Yu has also said: "Well, Ren Sisters are not afraid, we are afraid that what is not to fight, I support, big, don't come back, you can't let the little people will be married."

And Chen Tong said to Shen Linyi: "You are a small child, you will be a woman."

Shen Lin wants to say something truthfully by you.

Considering the sigh, the child said that Dad said to do it, let's do it.

The phone is said to Chen Tong, but asked again: "When will we arrange publicity?"

Shen Lin thought about how the world held the TV series

Yes, that world, it seems that important episodes, important program blocks, are placed behind a well-known variety show.

For example, South Lake, always like the episode to push, play in Wang Han's every day.

This is a good idea.

"Relie, can you put the first broadcast on this Friday"

"OK, I am looking for a platform, let my show you come out."

"No, your program is broadcast in advance, and the Pearl is connected to you, with your popularity, with the first period of the first phase, and on Friday, I think there should be a ratio."

Shen Lin said, I am in the heart, I am actually jumping. Yes, it is not better.

Even if your own program time is advanced, the ratings will fall, but many of the audience who locks the last period of the matrix programs, it is really a lot.

Hu Yu felt that his brain was hit by it. Sure Ranlin is the best marketing master, and you can see this from the box office of the last movie.

"Well, I will find a coordination immediately." Said that I was kept, and my mood became more relaxed.

Perhaps this time Shen Lin has to create a miracle, maybe Xishan Terrace has to create a new model, and it is equivalent to the ground mode by others.

Just hanging by the call, Liang Bo's phone called.

"How do I heard that Dongguang Satellite TV has to start the princess of the princess on Wednesday," Liang Bao is asked in a hurry, which is obviously different from the previous prediction.

Shen Lin said: "They started in advance."

"Then, what do you do in promoting and late, this is not letting Jiang Wei really cheaper." Liang Bo is still worried, and even the beads say.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "We are prepared to be positive, you can't give you cheap to Jiang Wei."

Liang Bo said: "That is not even more public, and it is a good drama."

I didn't want to be released in advance, now I am on a battleline now, see Liang Bo said, I can't serve myself: "Fart, wine incense is not afraid of the alley, the drama, no publicity Spike them. I am afraid of ""

Liang Bo sighs and said: "Not afraid, it is a broadcast message, it may be that there is a fan to play the theme song, now Liu Nan's song, has occupied a few new song list, put me and bright sons Topped down. "

Hu Yu is like a toothache, "ah".

It seems that you can't look at this grandson.

Since it is a big look for a few months, it is obviously ready to be prepared.

Chen Tong and Gu Changjian looked at each other, it seems that this is really difficult than they imagine.

Shen Lin is also surprised, and this is also playing a list, will not be a brush list.

No matter what to say, the situation is a bit complicated.

But good, there is still a backhand, there is another ame song.

Originally Li Hong's first half of the TV series, now only advance.

"You think that another theme song is out, and how many of their theme songs will win" Shen Lin said.

Liang Bo didn't talk, he was the most clear, it was very likely that the "returning Pearl" has no people to remember, but Li Hong's song will definitely sing for decades.

Because the lyrics are the artistic conception, it is not today's written words.

"You are said that now I will release the second theme song" Liang Bo asked.

Shenlin nodded: "Not now, it should be the broadcast on Thursday, then I have to concentrate all the firepower and don't work."

"No, why not even earnestly propaganda is not better," Hu Yu said.

Shen Lin smiled and didn't talk.

The Liang Bo on the other side knows that Shen Linxin, he wants to use this song that is full of fire, after all, this song, there is this strength.

So Liang Bo said: "Thirteenth, laughing the red dust will be released. I will do my best, let the smile and dust get the biggest propaganda."

Shen Lin Road: "Thank you."

Then hang up the phone.

Shenlin took out the encrypted coke from the pocket, and there was a smile song.

I have to wait until I cut it halfway, but now let everyone listen to Li Hong's singing voice, but also stabilize the military.

Hu Yu inserts the USB flash drive into the player, soon, it is completely like a voice of Li Hong character.

Even I know that this song is Li Hongguang Gu Changji is also wondering, this is the voice of Li Hong.

This is also too can't think of it.

This is too nice.

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