I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 19, I want to understand some things.

Hu Yu also hopped in smoke. Some uneasy looked at Wang Shiwen asked: "They are inside, will not be played again?"

Wang Shiwen shook his head, all changed, and farthed a fart!

"What are they doing inside?" Hu Yu is still not relieved.

These two are evil, can not be able to explain Tang Wen!

"More writing the script!" Wang Shiwen Road.

Hu Yu's eyes are bright, happy! so good? Still Shu Shuo's teacher, this meeting, let Shen Lin's pen?

And if Shen Lin wrote the script, the company can turn it up, the money is the source of the source!

But why is the plot to convert so awkward, what is it still quarreling?

"Walk, the reception room drinks tea?" Hu Yu still had to ask Wang Shiwen, and in the middle of the way.

Wang Shixin's hands in the suit pocket, don't drink tea now, it's okay!

However, he is also curious, Shu Shuo and Shen Lin are more written in the script, who is more winning. Then drink tea, etc.!

In Tang Wen's office, Shu Shuo sat in Tang Wen, holding a pen for a while, do not know what to write.

And Lin is like it is also, sitting opposite the eyes closed, is meditation.

Fang Shuo gave a white eye, the heart wants to put it, can't write it out.

However, in fact, Shen Lin didn't write it. His mind had himself, and Wang Zhiwen starred in several TV series's plots turned.

And these TV series, everything in Shenlin can't see four or five times.

Not zero-scattered on TV, it is in the classroom at the classroom, and even the circumstances, later in the shake, the headline has also seen countless times.

So the impression is very deep.

And after this world, Shenlin found himself on the TV series, movies' plurality of memory, even some lines, they all came out of the paragraph.

At first, Shen Lin still thought about the reason, I thought I took a system, but now he seems to understand, maybe because he just participated in the work, it is popular with a special teaching method.

This kind of teaching method is a memory method. It is said that the memory of the brain can develop, and the school has been carefully studied, specializing in the young, there is no way to learn this memory method.

After all, this memory method is very boring, the study is very long, almost no one is willing to learn.

Just after learning, the wind of this teaching method has already blown, and it has been replaced with new models, and no one will mention it.

But it may be, just like this skill, just like to ride, forget, and habitually use this method in many places.

Plus the TV, the number of movies is also much more, and naturally, I will remember more and more firm.

Just didn't try to recite it, and I don't know if I have this collar.

But Shen Lin knows that he has prepared a class, whether it is what lesson, as long as you have seen one or two times, you are able to recite the big paragraph, and it is still forgotten.

It's just that the content behind the world has not been used. I didn't expect it. He became a weapon that I was forced to make money.

Destiny! It seems that you never owe anyone!

Shen Lin finally decided that this script was "black ice", just like "Tiandao", Wang Zhiwen, who is very hot, is very hot.

But Shen Lin did not dare to train, because he is not sure that he can really carry down the large section inside.

To know, Wang Zhiwen in "Black Bing", there can be a few minutes of understanding.

Shen Lin believes that other TV series is missing a few words, or if you change a few words, this is not, because the lines become too classic under Wang Zhiwen's interpretation, it is a soul, and he does not want to change it easily.

Shenlin has picked several trials in his heart.

God, it may be too classic, a memory, like Wang Zhiwen, showing it in his own brain, is too happy.

If you move this TV series, if you let Wang Shoushen to play, you have a blessing, it is absolutely better than watching "Pearl".

Wang Shiwen, who has been talking about the TV series, you will love this role because you are too suitable.

However, the premise is also Wang Shiwen. After all, he is not an actor of his company, and there is a certain difficulty.

No matter, write it first, try it!

The Shenlin opened his eyes, "" has opened the pen, and it began to write on the paper.

And Fang Shuo is still there, and I didn't think about what to write at all.

After the discovery of Shen Lin began to write, anxious, even more chaotic, completely can't think of the plot, I can't think of what kind of protagonist who wants to describe one.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Wen came back from outside.

After reception room, I saw Hu Yu and Wang Shiwen drinking tea.

Wang Shousen can be rare, and Hu Yu is already a person in Shenlin. It is busy every day, and there is time to chat with Wang Shiwen.

Do they have such a good relationship?

He just walked away from the door of the reception room, but found through the window of his office, Skyshuo sat in his position.

Teacher Fang promised to help himself to invest in, is it? But why didn't you call yourself?

And again, I actually sit in Shenlin opposite, and the two are in the pen.

What is this doing?

Tang Wen is curious.

At this time, Wang Shishin came out of the reception room, took Tang Wen's shoulder and said: "Don't disturb, there is a war without smoke, is in the wind, it is better than any of the script."

Tang Wen did not expect that there will be such a game?

It is also, it is, but I'm looking for Shuo to write a script, but I used to use the script of Shenlin. Maybe this is the holiday!

But when Shu Shuo saw "Sunshine Day", it also felt that Shen Lin's script was well written, there was no signs of uncomfortable, I originally want to introduce two awareness. How did this suddenly start fighting?

However, Tang Wen is a sense of temper, never really serve who, some people have talents than they themselves, plus someone ignite ignition, will definitely smoke.

Tang Dynasty Wang Xiwen, then said to his assistant: "Why didn't you send water to send coffee?"

The assistant is a bit griety, not that you don't go, you don't dare, you have not come, you have not seen him almost playing, this is not easy to change the style, who dares to bare.


Assistant This is only busy to pour the coffee.

Wang Shiwen felt that Tang Wen must believe that he has provoked his two, but in fact, he is really embarrassing. You said that Mr. asked himself, can you say it?

And when the teacher finds that Shenlin is so young, and the director is written by the poem, and actually, it is very proficient, can I meet it? If you don't play, you have already burned it!

In the Office of Tang Wen, the smog is linger.

Shen Lin took the coffee handed over Tang Wen, event, and put down his pen.

The opposite Fang Shuo did not look up at all, and there were a few sweat on the rounded head.

He is the next page of the Shenlin, and the next page is next to it, the more you are.

He heard that several times, Shen Lin wrote the first part of the "St. Pearl", which was written in the first five episodes on the spot.

And the last one didn't change, I used the script.

He is watching the TV series, actually not bad.

The more you think so, the more you are in a hurry, the ideas are almost chaos. This discovered that I may fall into the circle!

Good in the powerful writing skills, or let him draw a thinking, although it can't say any classic work, but the script is compared with the "returning Pearl", he is confident.

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