I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 195, Yan, you have a room.

the next day.

The left side of the Shenlin desk is famous, and the right side is to write a script, behind Hu Yu is holding big hair.

Today, Hu Yu has not went, and I will come to Shenlin in the morning and supervise him write a script.

Because only has a script, you can build a group can we follow the contract to make big money.

Ok, it is actually that he is too much to know that the back is, too want to know what kind of fate of the two have all the beautiful and smart women inside will experience what kind of fate.

Like the Dynasty hair and the chicken, sitting at the table.

What makes yourself so sad? Shouldn't you sing a song to shoot an advertisement to the peak of life?

Why is this word?

Why do you want a codon!

Sighted, Shen Lin began to write pen.

Hu Yu lies in the sofa of the living room, eating snacks holding big hair, holding the script of Shenlin just printed, don't be too comfortable.

And Shenlin, I have been chaotic in the table, and the taste of instant noodles is still floating. His head is not lifted, and has been tapping the keyboard to write the script.

Because the speed of the hand is, it is not in the picture in the brain!

At this time, the big hair suddenly came out from Hu Yu's arms, and ran to the door called a non-stop.

Then there is a voice that opens the door.

Li Hong wore a mask and dragged in the box, and hugged big hair.

Then, looked at the full house, and there was still a good mood in the desk, and didn't look up.

She looked at Hu Yu in her dead: "You abuse your own boss?"

Hu Yu is haterpan, I want to be true, who saw this look, I feel that I am abused with Shenlin?

"Li Hong, you listen to me explained, not this ..."

Hu Yu stood up and carefully packed the garbage in front of himself.

Li Honggang had to be gone, and he listened to the Shenlin shouted in the room: "You can finally come, this day, I have ate a place for instant noodles."

Hu Yu is horror and looks at my own Li Hong.

Li Hongdao: "Do you believe this?"

"You believe that I don't know, anyway, this is the case!" Hu Yu said.

It's really not Hu Yu to abuse the Shenlin, it is really a hurry.

"I said Shen Lin, I didn't say you, he is a lot of people, can you really abuse him?"


Hu Yu is shocked.

"Shen, big star, you don't do this, scare me."

Shenlin came out of the chicken nest at this time, it is really written, and I don't want to write.

Li Hong has no state spectrum, and then starts to pack up the room to make Hu Yu to make the room, even if there is no sentence.

Shenlin and Hu Yu plus big hair, all on the sofa.

Li Hong cleaned up the room and shook his head and went to the kitchen to start cooking.

Not long after dinner.

Three people a dog, surrounded at the table.

I didn't expect Li Hong, this craft, actually progress. It is estimated that it is a merit for "diet men and women".

Half of rice, Li Hong asked: "Is it written in the script? Is there any" Xin Ling's own play? "

Hu Yu looked up to Shen Lin, he didn't know if there is a drama of Li Hong.

However, it seems that the hanging, after all, these are not the image of women in the script!

"This time, but also doesn't necessarily have a suitable script to give you. Hu Yu, what should the company do?" Shen Lin really didn't understand.

Hu Yukao: "This is good, there are many film and television companies, and our Doshi, and Xinling, they have not promised, thinking that they will continue to shoot their play, now it seems that there is no time, but instead Just allow them to shoot the drama of others. "

Shenlin nodded, there is no play, it will play someone else, according to the extent that Li Hong is red, it should be difficult.

"Big star, what do you think?" Shen Lin felt that it was not suitable for fat, and called a big star.

Li Hong gave a white eye: "I have no opinion, I also said with Xin Ling, and I also want to go out, I can't rely on you."

Hu Yu said with a smile: "There are several major arguments for a company in the future."

Shen Lin didn't think this is not good, it is true, indicating that brokerage company also makes money!

Li Hong put down the tableware at this time, and said to the Shenlin: "I took the time two days to see the house, optimistic, I bought it."

my God!

Shen Lin had been in a long time, this hoe actually bought a house in Yanbu? Do you know what the price of Yandu's house is?

"What is true? How much?" Shen Linyi asked.

But Hu Yu is completely unpleasant, let alone you are called people, what happened to buy a house?

"More than 700 million, not big, you are not far from your school, enough, I continue to be your chair!"

"I rely! I still have me to live? Is wrong, more than 7 million? You grab the bank?"

Li Hong also said another white eye: "You will grab the bank, I have this money!"

Shenlin turned his eyes and nodded to Hu Yu and Hu Yu. He said in this half year, earning should have a small tens of thousands, buy a set of ordinary houses, should not be big! "

Oh my God!

Ten thousand million?

Last time I borrowed my five hundred?

Shen Lin Road: "Does not steal tax?"

Hu Yu shook his head, Li Hongbai eyes.

Shen Lin put down the chopsticks and said: "Say with Dong Shanshan, let her pay taxes on time, no matter which step is going, it is necessary to pay taxes."

Hu Yu said: "The company helps, don't pay it!"

Shenlin said to Li Hong: "I must bring it, or it will be harmful."

"Cut, you will be as you will be!" Li Hong did not say it.

Shenlin quickly shut up, it is also a different world. Many things may be different.

It's hard to make Li Hong, like Xiao Yanzi Zhao Wei, also tested the film school director? impossible!

"I still have something to think about you." Li Hong said a little dodge, unlike her character.

Shen Lin didn't want to say: "The house is decorated, it is, thinking about it?"

Hu Yushen wants, if you know that you know the relationship between you, I really think that you are a little a little!

"Not this." Li Hongdao.

"It's a big star, this is not a heart, then you said." Shen Lin Road.

Li Hong touched the big hair: "I want to study the research student of the film college."

Shen Lin was a bit stupid.

Relying on, is it so clever? No wonder you have to buy the house to the movie college!


Yandu Film Academy, Shenlin just arrived in his classroom, Lei Dadou has been waiting for him.

"Shen Lin, last time you promised me, Teacher Wu agreed?" Lei Daddy's thing for himself, and it is already unfunded.

And this, Shen Lin forgot to die.

Lei Jiaying saw the expression of Shenlin, I knew that this is forgotten my business.

"Shen Lin, , although the concert is that you are busy with me, but after all, you can promise, you can't do anything, you can't do it!" Lei Jiaying hurried, if the test does not make Then, the chairman of this, it is bubble.

Shenlin uses a laughter to resolve his own embarrassment: "How can I, rest assured! I will go to you in the afternoon, I will ask Teacher Wu, see how I can pass it, don't you see it?"

Lei Jiaying's eight eyebrows were released. To the Shenlin: "Brothers, I didn't see the wrong person, then I will go back first, and your TV dramas are well written, really good."

After the Ray family, the Ray camp was running.

Shenlin shook his head and got on the floor.

I entered the classroom, he felt that his head was bigger than the Lei family!

I rely on, is today?

How do you have a master of this teacher in the classroom?

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