I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 201, please play a female master

"I think it is very good, beyond imagined." Jiang Li woing the hair and then prepared to welcome the storm who would arrive.

Lei Jiaying also looked at Shenlin, although not clear what happened below, but a frenzy rain should be inevitable.

"Thank you!"

The Lei Jiaying fell, how is this? Thank you?

Jiang Li is also a changing, but still laughs.

What is your heart thinking about? Does the hypocrite? At this time, what are you still?

Lei Jiaying can't guess the number of Shenlin's road, the last concert, obviously what he is looking for him, he is not to make yourself.

Is it a little in this heart?

This time he is a little guess.

Jiang Liqiang said with his emotions: "What do you want to say, you don't say it straight, but you think it is good, I am not a weak woman, you will not be insulted!"

Lei Jiaying nodded.

He is too understanding Jiang Li, recognizes the reason, arrogant, and really can do it.

But these Shenlin look at the eyes, too like a person's young.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Then I said it straight?"

Lei Jiaying scratched his hair, some laughed.

And Jiang Li smiled, in this case, still beautiful people want to crimes!

Shen Lin took up a smile, and said sincerely: "How do you think Wang Jingwen is?"

"Very good, there is something to say."

Shen Lin squatted: "I want to ask you to play this role, how do you see?"


Lei Jiaying's eyes, the eyebrows have stand up, what does this mean?

Jiang Li is also a glimpse, but she does not believe in the Shenlin will have such a kindness. How is it possible?

"If you can, I want to ask you to play the woman, if you agree," Shen Lin took out a business card from the bag and handed over, "You and Hu Yu, he is responsible for arrangement."

this one?

There is nothing else?

Lei Jiaying really can't see it, it is half a day, you don't want to humiliate her, you really want her to watch the script!

And not only don't humiliate, but also give a role of a female master, this is a swollen thinking?

Lei Jia wanted Jiang Li, but it was a sudden arm of Shen Lin said: "Is it a serious?"

"I just want to find a chairman of Jiang Li to play, what do you think?" Shen Lin Road.

Lei Jiaying is anxious to pull it out: "You, are you not given me?"

Shelin shrugged.

Jiang Li also couldn't understand which two people were playing.

But but still caught the business cards from Shen Lin, because it is really too tempting.

Lei Jiaying's heart is in the heart, it is hard to have a chance to knock down this woman. As a result, people stand directly to the top of their head.

This is not awesome!

Lei Jiaying is just, but there is no way, only pulls Shen Lin said: "Shen Lin, then you said, which role I am playing? Male two or male three?"

Lei Jiaying's head in Jiang Lang, a little demonstrated.

That means you look at it, you are a woman, I am definitely not bad than you.

Shen Lin said: "Lu An."

Lei Jiaying is wondering, which Lu An?

Then I thought, I said to the Shenlin: "The two played two plays, the second game appeared in the sea as the body of Lu An?"

Shenlin nodded.

Lei Jiaying's grievance, this is not much better than the dragon set!

Jiang Li actually didn't think of it, he would laugh.

At this time, I will look at the Lei Jiaying, but it is some cute.

Shenlin is in Jiang Li Road: "The script, you should take it, promise, you will go to Hu Yu sign, it is so simple."

Lei Jiaying envyed and saw Jiang Li, but I didn't think of it. Jiang Li is a person who signed the old man brokerage company. It is not that she wants to sign anyone to sign.

"She can't play, she has signed a brokerage company, and the company does not allow the play of others, especially the first three years. And people are not lacking, and the brokerage company where Lao Zi is located." "Lei Jiaying Road.

Is there anything? That's trouble. Although Shenlin does not know this company, it should be not small!

Shen Lin is difficult, inexplicably let Jiang Li look at the eyes, the brain is the picture of his poetry.

Such a person, should it be kind? Do you want this world, what good?

"I took this show." Jiang Li was determined to say.

Lei Jiaying forgot the exmanent vessel, unbelieving: "Are you crazy? What should your company do?"

Jiang Li is like a relaxation, and it is very much like it to say: "In fact, I have not signed a contract at all."

Lei Jiaying stunned, then happy.

Chairman Jiang Li did not sign the company where Lao Zi was located?


"You have today!" Lei Jiaying Road, but changed, "You can be so good!"

Jiang Li smiled, thought, ok? Not good! But it is also good!

But she really felt the big stone in my heart, landing.

Shen Lin was also happy, just worried about himself, if Jiang Li did not appear, this absolute ratio of this show is lower than that it is expected.

But now he is more confident, Jiang Li will definitely burst into this play, and it will be red, even can catch up with Li Hong, and they do not conflict, because the audience of them is different.

"In this case, if you are interested, you can also sign a double wood company, that is, Xiao Yanzi Li Hong is the company, the same as they are." Shen Lin Road.

Jiang Li did not expect that he can sign in Li Hong's company, and the treatment can be like her.

You can starring a play, it has exceeded your own imagination.

Just this really no picture?

Lei Jiaying took the neck of Shenlin, and he tried to say: "You can also do this. Do you want me to sign me?"

Shen Lin frowned and said: "Sign your estimated money!"

I rely! That's there is no play?

If no one signs yourself, Lei Jiaying feels that he only has the role of two play.

Lei Jiaying has some disappointment.

"Whether it is not like this, wait for you to graduate, these two years have played a few play, see again?" Shen Lin Road.

Lei Jiaying is happy, music is to make yourself a few play, not signing it.

"Shen Lin, I don't say it, I am thinking!"

"The line is like this, you have to sign the TV drama two days, no matter whether you believe, Wang Shiwen is really signed." Shen Lin Road.

When Lei Jiaying, I didn't believe in Shen Lin, and I quickly smoked with my hands: "I don't say it, I have a whole letter."

Jiang Li squinted with a business card, and the starring is really Wang Shiwen?

Do you really want to play the heroine?


She really thought that this surprise was yet, but see Lei Jiaying, she received the unclear, and the only time to express the Leijiaying: "This is a big semester, you have a good performance, I decided Support for the President of the Student Association. "

Lei Jiaying felt that he was dreaming, and did not expect Jiang Li to praise himself. I didn't expect that she actually supported himself.

"Chairman of Jiang Li, what are you talking about?" Lei Jiaying said in a wide glance.

Jiang Li smiled, it is really beautiful.

"Of course, do you think I have to go back to school?"

"Special way to praise me?"

"of course!"

"I believe you!"


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