I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 397 Who is not a teacher to teach?

"There is a feeling of love" the sweet plot part is smooth.

But nice, not just because of its content, it can cause the audience's extreme comfort. The key is always unsettled, which will make the audience have always worried.

It is not the police to find rich women, induce the rich family to recognize that Liu Fu Rong is the parent of the rich, from Canada, give her to prepare for her.

From the eyes of parents, it seems that they seem to know that daughters are mixed with small mix.

The relationship between the sedimentary men and women of this status door, how is it, more people worry.

The more sweet now, the more it indicates the faint ending.

The brother took the rich and gave birth to the rooftop, and I met myself, and now I still have the sisters of the mother of the old business.

Dust women have ancient roads.

The rich woman is very well-behaved, and the three raised mother of the brother also interested in rich women.

A meal, it is very harmonious, and it is also a lot of plots that have not paved.

As a result, the mobile phone of the brother rang.

The props used in the film of Shenlin that year is a BP machine, but it is obvious that the era is different, it is impossible to copy.

Slightly changed, it is also very good to use the phone directly.

Just Shen Lin did not know the boss of the mobile phone, and it would not completely sell an advertisement.

The brother took the phone and picked up the helmet face.

Scene jumps to the hospital.

The vast majority of the hospital is a young man.

And the brother of the brother is also there.

The big faction makes the brother who robbers robbers.

The expression of the big brother is heavy, and the brother is also the case.

They know that this time, I am afraid that people like them are not too good.

A lot of slow lens, the heart of each person is very good.

The entire screen has a tension.

Huadi took out his mobile phone, and the phone did not turn on it.

He borrowed a mobile phone and wanted to make a phone call to the rich.

The number has not been completed, the doctor came out from the rescue room, all people were shining,

It turns out that the big brother will die.

Another dispute, you will start now.

The brother of the brother sighed, looking at the brother shook his head silently, the brother is clear, people are not from the rivers and lakes.

The brother removed the mobile phone number, and everything is expected.

They are not two people on a road.

Tang Wen is also good, other deputy director is good, all in the heart, even if you know the follow-up development of the plot, it is silent.

A deep fatalistism, it plays the middle of the protagonist.

Then the rivers and lakes dispute, from the enemy, to their own brothers.

The brother and his big brother were arrested by a large reaction.

Finally, Big Brother in order to save him, locked himself and chasing people locked in the room and pushed the brother.

This play.

The plot is Shenlin, but the action design is the Huan Dragon and Hong Dabao, have to say that the action design is very smooth, bloody is just right.

There is a shock, and it will last.

This is what Shen Lin wants. After all, I can't teach the children.

Liu Farong fled the sad picture, and was recorded by the camera.

Small people also patted tragic feelings.

This is not there.

Huang Taiyue feels that he is not to make money, he is to learn.

Studying things outside the story, learning the lens rendering the fate, this is what I have never thought before.

Qulun's new song will be in Xiangjiang, but the focus of promotion will be in Yanfu, she is waiting for the arrangement of Shenlin, it can't wait.

Hu Yu wants to understand that Shen Lin is such a savvy planner, why do you have a catacleman?

Moreover, "Entertainment Brand" also has no propaganda reports.

This is not logical. This is obvious that it is neither for money or not for the name.

What is this for?

Shen Lin took the film's shooting gap, from Xiangjiang back to Yandu.

In order to be a college student director contest.

Hu Yu asked his doubts on the car of Shenlin: "Deliberate, do not look into a thing, what is it for?

Shen Lin took up and smiled, threw away half of the Chinese smoke, then sat up straight and said, "I want the world to enter the world."

Hu Yu did not figure out the meaning of Shenlin.

Shen Lin added another sentence: "What is the most important in the world today, the most important person is the talent."

Hu Yu is like understanding.

It turns out that Shen Lin is not money, it is not name, but people.

For example, like Li Hong, Liu Fuxor, which can hold red, like Tang Wen, and people who can do things like this.

But people who are really absent, you are tens of thousands!

"Debut, although money is a million, the resistance of the directors is still not small. This is a comprehensive project, a director is impossible to cover the postpartial photography, and the fund investment is very big, the average person I can't finish this. "

Hu Yu said, looked at Shenlin, such a enchanting, standing in front of him.

Shen Lin did not say: "Therefore, we have added screenwriters, photography, and great prizes, just name or called director competition."

"It's too much to invest too much. It is difficult for poor students to take so many funds to shoot a good movie. If there is no school support." Hu Yu explained.

However, this is very good to solve it in Shenlin. Is there a short movie in this world, there is no three or five minutes of movie?

Take a piece of tone for three or five minutes, don't shoot the feeling of movies for ten minutes?

Duan Sizhi is also.

"I didn't say much to invest more, and I can't do it in three five minutes?" Shen Lin shook his head.

Hu Yu smiled: "Is that also?"

Shen Lin said: "Why don't you count? Two shots are calculated. Have you heard of the shortest winning award?"

Hu Yu scratched his scratch: "How can I get three thousand to 50,000 words?"

Shen Linle said: "Three words, add a punctuation."

"What? How can this? Three words? Delivery, I really don't believe this," Hu Yu felt that Shen Lin was confused, and he had this kind of thing.

Is it good to write a personal name?

"I really didn't make you. Plus topics only five words."

Hu Yu is thinking of you.

I see how you compiled.

Shen Lin saw him did not believe, a book: "The title is called" contribution ", the content is' Waiting", there is still a omitted number. "

Hu Yu is stupid. What is this?

But Hu Yu thinks about it, don't say, it is really a bit.

I really explained this.

Although there is no age of the protagonist's appearance, there is no way to create contributions.

But in these words, instead showed the focus of the submission.

There is no psychological description, but it is more in place than the use of tens of thousand words.

Hu Yu is busy out of the phone.

I have this award-winning short message.

Hu Yu suddenly understood, smiled: "Delivery, you will not be finished, your talent, can't make me not much? But others also have you?"

Shen Lin wants, others have no such thing, I can teach, this is my strength.

"No one is not a teacher to teach."

What is it? Hu Yu did not understand the words of Shenlin.

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