I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 615, Luo, Advising Zhang Jiarong

Zhou Xing became an ordinary person from the son brother. At first, he didn't talk three days in Shenlin, but he followed Wu Liuzi every day, it gradually became the mood becomes less gloomy, but it was not much.

A pair of confidence.

Shen Lin felt that this is nothing, the cheerful people do not necessarily do the comedy.

And this time, Shenlin arranged Zhou Star, and he didn't think this was suppressing himself.

Even the tempering yourself is not.

Sure enough, different attitude, the views of things are different.

Lu Bo is not a collection with Zhou Xingxing, because Lu Bo is turned around Shen Lin, and I have not stopped.

However, the bright son of the film suddenly felt that when Singing, Shen Lin signed Lu Bo, it was optimistic about him, but it would have never been in Lu Bo, and many Lu Bo did not understand, Shen Linbu Give him patient explanation.

Is the Shenlin not to sing Luo?

Is it a play?

Just this kid doesn't want to play, I want to be a singer, on the stage!

So Shen Lin is doing this? Talent "curve to save the country"?

Not there is no possibility!

After all, Shen Lin did not have a look.

After all, when actor, although there is no ugly than Luo, it is still ugly.

It's just such a person who can't stand the protagonist. It is natural to be red.

Is there a lot to sign Luo?

Or Lvob is dominated, can it be red?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Xiangzi feels that this has exceeded his own awareness.

Zhang Jiarong didn't have many performances in Xiangjiang, but the name is really.

Although there is no high Liu Farong, it is very big.

After met the real masters, the game of the drill trousers was filled, Zhang Jiarong came to the class.

Zhang Jiarong wore a loose white west dress, and let the school girl screamed.

This is impossible before it is, only a snoring.

Zhang Jiarong took a smile on his face, and there was no superstar in his face.

This kind of smile, Shen Lin met in the early image of Tang Guodong in the world.

It's shame, it seems that there is not much self-confidence.

The same is exactly the same as Zhang Jiarong at this time.

People always need to grow, even if the king superstar is also needed.

Zhang Jiarong knows that he is red, but this kind of red is because he is still because of the song of Shenlin. But he believes that it should be the latter.

Do you want to be red?

Zhang Jiarong saw the Shenlin in a little cautious.

The world, Shenlin and Zhang Jiarong's age are quite, Shen Lin feels that he should change his point, at least, can't let the thing happen.

Zhang Jiarong first took a photo in the play, shooting, signing, and signed, and he was sitting with Shenlin after half a day.

Shenlin naturally does not oppose the chasers of the crew, if yourself, also chase.

What's more, such as short video is issued, and it is also promoted the movie.

Although the movie is already a fire.

Zhang Jiarong saw not far away, Zhou Xingxing is also a little surprised, he knows the contradiction between Zhou Xingxing and Shenlin.

Shen Lin actually can not think that Zhou Star, at least he thinks, Zhou Xingxing is misunderstanding.

Shenlin should be a performance of Zhou Xingxing.

But Zhang Jiarong felt himself, but the rapids were retired.

At least it is also red.

Zhang Jia Rong took a smoke, and his eyes said a little bit: "Debut, I think I should quit this line."

Lu Bo has been following the back of Zhang Jiarong butt, full face is worship.

Listening to Zhang Jiarong said, 10,000 people don't believe: "Teacher Zhang said? You quit? Do you know how many red now?"

Anxious, the accent is a seafood taste.

Shen Lin also said: "You listen, Lu Bo feels a bit too much."

Zhang Jiarong smiled and patted Lu Bo's shoulder.

"But I think I am really not this piece. The song, who sang red, not my reason."

"That is not necessarily. Don't say," silence is gold "this song, no you, I can't write it." Shen Lin said that it is not a lie.

Although there are many people who have sang "silence is gold", the most favorite of Shenlin is the version of Zhang Guorong.

Lu Bo also said: "Right, you have a taste than Shen Lin."

Lu Bo is afraid that his idol is exited, and even the garde of Shenlin did not shoot.

He didn't think of it. If Zhang Jiarong quits, can you join the rolling stone record?

"Lvbo said yes." Shen Lin Road.

Lu Bo is so green. I am care worry about it.

"Do you don't like this?" Shen Lin felt the most critical is to do a good job in Zhang Jiarong's thoughts, but this is your strength, the class teacher is working.

Zhang Jiarong took a smoke and shook his head.

"I always like it."

Shen Lin is relieved.

If Zhang Jiarong is not interested in this line by Wang Yongsheng and Lin Anhua, Shen Lin can really don't want to spare these two.

"Just I have no confidence in myself." Zhang Jiaru laughed, but still charming.

There is no need to do thinking about it.

"Didn't confidence? Do you have any confidence? How much is your smash? I tell you, I am performing at the bar, the snoring is the best treatment, I'm not welcome to use a beer bottle. I said. Hey? Different dreams, different from Shen Lin signed? And, you are still fire now, what about me? I ... I am not still in this dragon set? I said? ... Say it? "

Lu Bo said sad, it is a tear.

Zhang Jiarong is a bit awkward, as if you have done something to do.

Moreover, this ... is really a bigger than yourself!

"I am not still there, the curve is saved ... I gave up the dream of the singer?"

After saying it, I can't say that it is pitiful or funny.

Shen Lin almost didn't hold back and wanted to laugh.

Fortunately, Zhang Jiarong did not, it seems to have a common experience, and I feel so good to Lubo instantly.

And he felt that the curve saved the country.

"Brothers, there is this sentence, as long as Shen Lin doesn't, I will leave."

Lu Bora said Zhang Jiarong's hand: "Brothers, listen to it, follow Shen Lin with meat."

Shenlin's black line.

But I can't stand it.

There is indeed Lu Bo in this comparison, Zhang Jiarong feels too lucky.

In fact, people are like this, a comparison, happiness is coming.

At this time, Lu Bo cried even more.

"Debut, you also hold me when you write me?" Lu Baowang wants to wear, take the opportunity.

Shenlin did not hear it.

If you write, you can only write "I am ugly, but I am very gentle", afraid to fight you.

Shen Lin quickly transferred the topic: "Zhang Jiarong, recent movies may not arrange you, but I immediately arranged to record a new song again, so you can stand in the Xiangjiang Lejia, then, you won't still Want to quit? "

Shen Lin still has this fear, this world does not have happened.

Zhang Jiarong shook his head.

If you can sing red songs, the at least proof your strength.

Seeing Shen Lin ignored himself, Lu Bo is anxious.

"Delivery, deal, how do my things?"

Lvbo thinks that Shenlin should write a song to himself?

"Your song, Xiangzi will arrange."

Shenlin pushed.

Don't write yourself?

Lu Bo's grievance.

Tears in tears.

Shen Lin felt a bit sorry.

"I am telling the truth, ..." Shen Lin has not finished, I saw that Lu Bo suddenly looked at himself.

Then how do you bear to fight him.

"You must have your share, don't worry!"

Shen Lin sighed. I don't want to make Zhang Jiarong comfort, and then let Luo collapsed.

"It's all my people, I will fire."

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