I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 674 The world is so big, I want to see

Shen Lin is still not thinking. Your own company, but in the eyes of many people, the machine to make money is the printing machine.

"My double wood, a year of revenue is not less than five billion, valuable fifteen billions. Of course, this is what I estimate. But I am estimated that there is little. And there is a derived income of movie TV dramas. These I estimate that there are a lot of billions per year. This is still the company just started, if the movie continues to shoot, the daily movie will revenue for more than a dozen, or even hundreds of billions. Key it is possible to list That time, it is not just this. "

When Shen Lin said, Tan Zongwei scared a jump, the production company of the Shenlin's movie TV drama is so powerful?

Such a company, Shen Linhe gave it to others?

Shen Lin did not say yet, there is a brokerage company, then make money?

Once you have a red, you can sign it out to make money.

Light is advertising is a lot of income.

Double wood, actually just an empty case.

And this is not a thing that is not unable to in the eyes of the film and television, but the development is so fast, no matter whether it is good, it is so good, and there is no other person in addition to Shen Lin.

Asians can't, wireless is even better.

After that, Shenlin's company is not limited.

If Huo Dong is really stock, or the whole purchase, the Shenlin's movie still does not introduce the mainland?

A movie more than one billion box office, don't say Huo Dong, it is yourself.

Huo Dong's maid has fallen into a cup of hot tea, and the faint white faster is floating in front of Huo Dong.

"You are willing to pay the initiative, put your destiny to someone else's hands? To know, once this, your movie is not just your work, many people will do your hand, even arrange you." Huo Dong is not The movie circle is also quite understanding, who is still inserted by the actress?

Qin Sihai felt that this is not correct, Huo Dong said nothing.

Although Huo Dong may not have too many interference of the creation of Shenlin, once he acquired the company, don't you send supervision?

Once some people have supervised, the constraint will appear. People are like this.

Tan Zongwei admitted that Shen Lin did attende, but he could take such a good work, or because he can master any details of his own work.

If there is no premise, Shen Lin will be held everywhere, and the movie can not guarantee full shot according to his ideas.

This is also the reason why Shen Lin is not willing to shoot movies in the Mainland.

"Shen Lin, you can also think about other ways, slowly come." Qin Sihai did not agree.

Huo Dong stared at Shenlin at this time, and wanted to see his answer.

"How can the initiative give others? I am not saying, once I don't have time to do, I will take it into it. I can't shoot my own, I would rather not shoot." Shen Lin did not speak meaning.

But he is very clear, the more like this, Huo Dong is likely to accept.

After all, it is a person who is at this level, especially businessmen, and most emphasizes the interests.

Infuse is always the matter of employees, the boss will always want the interest.

Huo Dong faches it in the face.

He didn't expect that Shen Lin can discard such a big interest for the release of the movie.

This is obviously not a lot of money in Xiangjiang and the Southeast Asian market, not just because the mainland market is huge, he may want, really a bit of literati, want your movie, let more people see.

There is also a "Journey to the West" in the living room.

If you often go to the Mainland, there is a point on the mobile phone, and the "Journey to the West" will not see it.

This kind of good book didn't see it, how much regret is?

"I don't want to win General, how do you make sure you will definitely sell? How do you think I will buy? Will I stand with you?" Huo Dong's three questions.

It is not an aggressive, but the Qin Sihai also has Tan Zongwei, which is a mood.

No matter what results, they are all concerned.

"Others are not, but I am. At least is now. Why do you buy it, I will stand with me, I don't care, I don't know if I will buy it, others will not be willing to sin. Mainland film circle. But as long as I solve this problem, I still don't do it. I still retired in advance, the world is so big, I want to see! "

I rely!

Huo Dongyi, specially, do you threaten the man is still such a literary?

"The world is so big, I want to see!" Tan Zongwei felt that his heart was burned by this sentence.

There is also a kind of imagination that Shen Lin is so sprinkled, putting it down.

But that's not a flee, but better to do yourself.

"Your sister, think of beauty! Laozi can't arrange yourself, you think?" Huo Dong said the sofa next to it, then grinned.

"This is, you have to make me shot, this is you asking me to buy your company. Don't say that Huo people take a big bully, and Qin four seas, you can don't go out to chew your tongue, say that I am deceived. This is the Shen Lin asking me. "

Huo Dong's meaning, it is to agree?

Qin Sihai did not know anything, but he believed that he can't bury a hidden danger for the company. If so, Shen Lin's cardiopus may be in a white fee.

"If so, I have to enter the share." Qin four seas must give Shen Lin to the waist when the key.

Huo Dong looked at the script that has become ashes: "Do you think I am a piece of person? Playing with you? Do you think I care about 1.8 billion? I want to go to the market, it is more Many value. "

Huo Dong is obviously in front of the interests.

Otherwise, if you agree, you have no meaning, you have to sin, let you make a cheap, this matter will not do it.

Qin Sihai is obviously angry.

He didn't have seen it, Huo Dong bought a good company, then pulled away, leaving the means of rotten stalls.

"You are a big bullying, and you will rob it." Qin four seas quickly angry, but he shouted directly to Huo Dong.

Tan Zongwei wets behind.

"Let your mother's fart, who is going to go to the door?" Huo Dong's old street is coming, and it will not let it.

Qin four waters were blocked, but this is obviously bullying.

Shen Lin's good company, it is likely to become Huo Dong.

Can you take a good movie in the same way?

How did Shenlin think?

I broke my own way.

Tan Zongwei is also anxious, Huo Dong is not Qin four seas, he is the mall of the mall.

"Shen Lin, some things are not in a hurry, released in the mainland, nothing to drag for several years. The box office can't run." Tan Zongwei advised Shenlin.

Shen Lin did not shake, because he wants to be released in the same period, the fare of the mainland audience is not lower than Xiangjiang, why should you pick up his teeth, see the old movie for three or five years?

"Huo Dong, are you buying or enter the share?" Shen Lin did not have any dismisions, even if there is no reason to seek people, "I decided. But I will not be less than 15 billion valuation."

15 billion?

After the three movies, several TV series companies have a price of more than 500 billion?

Huo Dong thinks that Shen Lin is really dare to open.

But he knows that this company value is this price, the premise is that Shenlin is in the movie in Shenlin.

Qin Sihai stared at Huo Dong, Tan Zongwei accepted the water, and the glasses behind the lens were in the fire.

Huo Dong's decision means that the four-sea group will follow the relationship between Double Mu.

Once it is acquisition, it is impossible to have a four-sea group investment, and it is impossible to issue things, I am afraid it will be recovered.

Even if you don't recover, the profits will have a wide range of displays.

This is obviously better than discarding the mainland market.

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