Netizens have no face, this question is really sending.

This idea is too obvious.

The food chain eats a layer, no difficulty. The most is to eat fairyan!


Many people began to suspect that the IQ of Shenlin has a problem.

Half a day, this?

Didn't read movies, I have been interested in Shen Lin. I have a good sense. At this time, I have no feelings for Shenlin, and I have no interest in the movie.

After all, no one likes IQ.

So this question, it also affected the booking of online movie tickets.

Chen Yu, the music teacher of Yucai Primary School, the bitterness of the face, why is it as simple as Shen Lin?

I will, the eagle eats the snake!

too easy.

Sun Blue also feels simple, but with her understanding of Shenlin, this guy may be so simple?

And Lin Lin is very confident on this question.

It seems simple, but it can be difficult to doubt your IQ.

The screenshot of the last post of Shenlin has not finished, the post of answering the question has been the same as the nuclear fission, and the moment is incremented.

In front of the computer, Xiao Guangming, who is holding mobile phone, feels that he is it, this film's movie will never go beyond the "Tianshan Jian" box office.

So Shen Lin is lost.

He took a smoke and waited for Shen Lin to be closed.

If so, he is not only lost, but also in the mainland movie market, even if it is holding a thick thigh.

Next, it is malicious to give his film score.

Even if you are good movies, don't want to have a market.

Once this is successful, once success, just like a girl who is destroyed, I want to wash it, it is difficult!

And the two movies of the Assets you have issued are true winners.

"It's over!" Hu Yu came back in front of Shenlin, but it was not willing.

But the movie is absolutely true. What will happen in the future? It's hard to say.

Tang Wen is a comfortable man with why Mslin, but it doesn't understand, this time is so calm, what is it?

To know, they are the deepest interest.

? Tang Wen thought of a possibility.

Sema, is it wrong with them.

At this time, Shenlin's mobile phone rang.

The phone is the waves.

"Shen Lin, knowing your meal, how much? Downloads reached a million, my God, who can think of it, open the meager can make money. You will make money than I will make money!" The column is the pulse of Shenlin.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "It's a small money, or you make a big head."

Tang Wenxin wants to discuss this money at this time?

If you don't have to be more than the box office, it is a burst, but if it affects the box office, it is a few billion.

If there is a problem with Huo Dong relationship, it affects the listing, and the loss is not the problem.

"You don't care about how to retain the Shenlin?" Tang Wen felt that the Yupuzhu was only concerned about his business. If Shen Lin defeated, some people pay attention? Can you make money?

Tang Wen's voice is very characterized, and the mast is listening.

Tang Wen is stupid? Shen Lin, take a back door, what is the answer? "The Yupuzhu smiled curiously, he is more clear than anyone, the Shenlin answer is definitely no one guess.

Because I didn't want to understand why? What will the eagle eat? Is it a fairy, or a mouse, or a snake? All.

Once you can't figure it out, you can see how well it is guided by Shenlin, so smart people have been wrapped in.

Tang Wen pulled his eyes, what is the answer?

Your sister, you haven't guess it?

Hey, what I just suddenly emerged? Is the water army wrong?

Tang Wen took his head, he saw the calm look of Shenlin, how can it be that the water army thinks about the answer?


Tang Wen cough, hands with hands together, install.

The Wom Pilla creed that Shen Lin did not say that this guy didn't care about it.

"The eagle will fly."


What the hell!

Tang Wen feels this answer, almost put himself ..., the special mother is, the eagle will fly.

Eat your mother's fairy, eat your mother's snake!

People will come.

At this time, Shenlin is not waiting.

Reply directly on the meager: What will the eagle eat? Hungry will fly, people will come!

The netizen holding a mobile phone feels that the mobile phone is kuckth.

A shooting brain, it is true.

The eagle will fly, but also use the snake?

I also use my mice and eat fairyan!

I rely!

Then the comment area is chaotic!

"A group of pigs, this has answered."

"I don't say it, I haven't aroused Ili Lin on the Internet."

"Shenlin is really too cow, saying that I am worse, I'm going to put it in this group of pigs! Running!"

"Winning! Shen Lin, too cattle, idol, or mix with you later."

"How does your head? How long is your head? He is more than you ... I feel that I am also a pig!" The netizen said that he still got a pose.

Under the post of Shenlin, all the words of the horses.

Today is still the first time.

And the water army, quiet and abnormal.

So many people have lost, shame.

The key is to have Shen Lin called your pig, you have to promise.

At this time, someone asked weakly: "How do you do next step? Do you want to let Shen Lin go out?"

Someone almost spurmed blood over the phone.

No one answered.

The group must die quietly.

The key is that labor is not yet.

This is awkward.

"Money thing ..."

Some people began to ask.

I haven't waited for anyone, and I have to kick out this.

Then, several groups began to kick, and started to disperse.

Do not dissolve? Opening a pig farm?

Without the aquatic army of the Commerce, I instantly became a fallen chicken.

When I watched the meager's meager's tensile, I have become very embarrassed.

Just think of going to delete the post, but again, Shen Lin is a screenshot.

Ma egg, this grandson is really thinking.

That will give grandson?

still is?

Some people began to tangled.

At this time, the topic of Shenlin's brain tend to turn "Why does the mouse will fly?" Actually got a single position in the hot search list.

I don't know this matter, I thought it was a real thing, I clicked more, the attracted onlookers more people.

At this time, Fans of Shenlin have reached more than 40 million.

Take meager first.

And Lin did not want to let himself.

The current Shenlin is very clear, can't be kind to the enemy.

Moreover, it is also aware that I want to be a water army, and I am not a good end, especially smearing myself.

No matter what the mentality, then everyone is waiting for the post of Shenlin, shouting the post.

Ren Jing felt that although this is not correct, it is a bit naive, but they indeed apologize to Shelin.

Shen Lin ended this in the manner of toughness, in fact, it is also a wise manifestation.

Of course, Shen Lin wants another possibility.

Is there a water army to refurbish?

If so, it is really victory.

In order to really give "drunk" in the online, in order to take the "drunk" box office really pulled up.

Shen Lin directly posted on Weibo: Pig!

Unusually quiet.

People seem to have heard the sound of embarrassment.

Fortunately, this is on the network, and finally the skin is not pulled down.

But it is also awkward.

Ren Jing suddenly felt that if this is the case, even these people are spending for money, but they will hate Shenlin.

And this is not a small group.

The number of people will definitely not be less.

Ren Jing, I feel that I should really change the program, or may it be counterproduced.

But Ren Jing didn't expect that Shen Lin had put down the phone, and took out the guitar from the back bookcase.

When I can't celebrate?

Tang Wen started is still happy, but now I want to understand.

Can't do it online and so many people, even if these people are really awkward.

Netizens also watching the problem of Shen Lin will solve this problem.

Many people have the hearts of the beginning, Shen Lin is a bit wrong, a little child is angry, and there is a little proud.

In front of Shenlin, these people are indeed weak.

People are all true, regardless of the right mistakes.

I like me to hold a red and half an entertainment circle. Please collect: () I hold the fastest and update the fastest.

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