I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 718 Successfully gets the lot

Ren Jing didn't know if the Shenlin had pressure.

But when so many people want you to lose, March is not worth it for Shen Lin.

He is completely in our own field, more flowers and applause, not like present, like a clown.

However, at this time, she suddenly found that Shenlin did not care about her eyes.

Let the Shenlin feel the desperation of the grievance, I feel that I may want to be wrong, Shen Lin seems to be defeated, in fact, it is within his calculation, and it will win.

Ren Jing suddenly thought of it, is it what he wants?

And all use him very satisfied with the price?

The Shenlin is a thought of Deng Rong's heart, knowing his steps in every step?

His age, where is it so embarrassing?

It is a bit exaggerated, it is exaggerated than his talents.

Ren Jing has some incredible thinking.

But for the Lynn, this is not what, all the year round and students fighting, this ability is still.

When I first read the postgraduate, if I got those students, Shen Lin definitely also be able to overcome.

But that is there is another feelings and purpose, and it is different now.

Soon, there is a set of auctions to push.

It is a bit big here.

There are two things left in Ma Xuelu, all in this group.

This group of two pieces of the old horse, there are two pieces, four total four.

This group is incapable. The key is also an inconspicuous small object.

Take a price of 900,000.

And the price of the old horse gave it to 6 million.

Sure enough, the old horse is like which world is all rich.

Shen Lin took this time, and the old horse reported the news.

One hundred thousand, one is 20 million.

The old horse received the news of Shenlin.

I didn't say it for a long time.

There is no flower that even gives it.

The old horse wants to make a big hair.

"Debut, can not let you help, I am willing to use my offer to buy it from you. And two of the rest, you must also shoot it."

The old horse is excited to shake, and if they are not bad.


Buy with his quote?

I have a auction, can you earn millions?

It's been in the future.

But Shen Lin loves money, it also takes the way, can't really take the money of the old horse.

Let's mention that these two are not necessarily like just like it just now.

All money is taken in a small? Didn't help Ma Yumei? Let Deng Rong account for the upper wind is the biggest problem.

Bullying people are addictive. Especially after bullying is successful. Shenlin understood this.

Shen Lin looked at Deng Rong.

Coincidentally? He also aims Yu Guang to Shen Lin.

How to make a unwilling look? I hope to make each other.

Deng Rong's face suddenly got a proud smile, which made Shen Lin very satisfied? Your own acting is still good.

And the more you feel that yourself, the more you can win in the next.

As long as it wins this? How much do you have? Laozi is drinking tea chat.

I am mad. Shen Lin thought.

The little eye auctionee, see everyone is still talking, and between Deng Shaohe Shenlin, there is an unclear gunpowder.

I am happy in my heart.

It's just that these two have not really fighting? If these two people really fight? It is even more to make a lot of money.

But this is not bad.

The auction item is good, the auction book book is long, the proportion is almost the perfect female service personnel sent to everyone.

But it is almost no one to see these, and I have focused on Deng Shantong and Shenlin.

Hu Mei strongly maintained Shenlin in front of officials, but many people just smiled.

The biggest possibility of Shenlin is only DENG Shao's idle chess? This kind of heart is not possible.

Still watching him spend money? It's okay.

At this time, the amers opened the microphone, smiled and said: "Everyone is a group of lots, a total of four. The auction in the previous year is a good thing. It is a good thing. Just incomplete group? But worth it is very high This auction price is not high? 900,000. This will also spend a few days. "

Which of the following is listening to him, I am guess this time who is first.

The auctionee thinks again that you can have no, the auction is also available. They are happy to watch the play is true.

"The bottom price is 900,000, and the minimum price will be increased at a time. Everyone starts auction."

The auctionee felt that he said these words, and the audience was quiet to hear his breathing.

At this moment, I feel that I am the focus of the audience.

It is just a moment, the focus is transferred, or in fact, it is not the focus at all.


I am afraid I haven't come and disappointed, I saw Deng Shaoji.

That Lynn is also followed, just a little late late.

The small eye auctione directly points to Dun Shao.

"Two million." Deng Ho thought didn't think.

I rely on.

Even if you have money, it is surprised by Dun Sha 's big hand.

But they are even more surprised, and the Shenlin who has raised his hand directly shouted: "Two hundred ..."

Then Shen Linton stopped.

It seems that he did not expect that Dun Shao shouted this figure.

I added more than one million.

As long as the Shenlin is a second time, as long as he speaks the money.

Deng Shao has completely accounted for the wind, so that Shen Lin took out more money than him, and bought it at all, it is not worthy of the money.

This is not who auction, there is no existence of anything else to deliberately add high prices.

Not any official storage auction, the auction will change the gift. This is just an ordinary auction, just in contact, there will be such a high price increase.

Many people look at Shenlin laugh.

Hu Mei also felt not worth it.

With the status of Shenlin, he lacks only the background.

"Two hundred and one million." Shen Lin finally squeezed this number from the teeth.

Make a lot of laughter.

Because of this number, many people have guessed.

Deng Shang also laughed, and then a bigest look, shrugging the auction, that means to give him.

"Two hundred and one million. Thanks for the auction of the dedicated, you have no bids than the dedicated bidding?" He all felt funny, who is silly this money?

Sure enough, no one is playing.

"Hey! Transaction!"

"Thanks for the dedication."

Shenlin wiped sweat.

This shot, but also gives yourself a few million.

However, Shen Lin feels that the old horse is looking for others, there may be a total of about 2 million.

But in any case, he is helped to help the old horse.

Shen Lin sent a message to the old horse.

"Get it, two hundreds of orders of 100 million. And buy one get one free, but also send two."

I didn't want to dream of dreaming, it was so cheap.

And he can guess the two of the two, then there is a good thing today.

"Earn!" The old horse directly returned two words.

It turns out that this group of people, this is auction, but also took auction last year, they didn't know, this year, there is such a foreign country auction.

The pattern is really too small. It also makes yourself.

Shenlin did this only gave the mobile phone, even if everyone felt that she was a monk, she still supported her ruble.

Ren Jingyi is the information of Ma Yumei.

And it is really a Ma Youlu to make the Shenlin shot, the key is that the quote is really cheap than Ma Yumei.

That said, Shen Lin really won?

Ren Jing looked at the breath, Deng Shao.

If they know that it is this result, what will be?

If Shen Lin does not have this kind of thing, the light is talented, is it used?

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