I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 792 Options Venue

Huang Jianlin had to admire the ability of Shenlin to mobilize the audience.

Or, Shenlin has a very viewer.

Simple two sentences, self-suction, rapidly draw the distance, then explain the reason for the cause of the viewer.

Let everyone have attracted him.

Have a set.

Shenlin quickly came from the stage, people have taken the initiative to give the Shenlin a passage, coupled with security guidance, Shen Lin quickly entered the channel that only workers can enter.

Ren Jing and Xiangzi have been waiting for the Shenlin.

Xiangzi saw that Shen Lin did not come over, smiled and said: "I am not a good thing, I am attending a event, you see, people in the sea."

Ren Jing didn't laugh, and the heart is relaxed, so she is more beautiful.

"Hey you can run, what do you run?" Shen Lin said with a smile.

The bright child is red, it is also, or if you run, you may not now.

At this time, Huang Jianlin stepped out from the manager office, seeing the look of Shenlin, no longer the beginning of the case.

Today, if it is, if it is Shen Lin, he has a premiere, he will definitely fall into the vortex, want to get up, and have a lot of strength.

The key is the first step in entering the metropolis. Once the matter, it is not the problem that I can't go up, and there will be countless feet to step on my head, scraping your own market.

Huang Jianlin is a savvy businessman. Today, he came here, it is because of the passenger flow.

It is because he suddenly discovered that he couldn't see a activity, and he actually brought such a big passenger flow. He had a lot of strength, and he didn't do it.

And such a good approach, once it was found, the wall feet came.

What is most, I haven't intended to work with people at all.

But he still underestimated the other party and underestimated the traffic.

Still overestimation.

Xiangzi saw Huang Jianlin, whispered to Shen Lin: "Mainly, you gave the venue, but they didn't take things well, I am giving this help with capital."

Shen Lin said: "Now the prostitute is coming, you continue to be."

Xiangzi huh, laughing two times: "That must be."

Ren Jing wants to persuade you to listen to Shenlin, don't mess. Xiangzi bent waist, smiled and greeted Huang Jianlin said: "Huang boss, fortunately, will be lucky."

Huang Jianlin just saw Shen Lin-like look, but it was still a polite.

Simple handshake, Huang Jianlin put his gaze on the body of Shenlin.

At this time, Huang Jianlin took light, and the expression was also very polite. He didn't follow someone behind it. Domineering seems to be much less.

"Just now, thank you for your dedication." Huang Jianlin is not just polite.

Shenlin smiled and didn't speak, but also in Huang Jianlin.

This world, can this be a rich?

Shen Lin is not very clear.

But just look at him to come over to find yourself, explain that this person can be flexed, it is a person who is a big event.

And he also has a person in his hand, looking out from his own position, Shen Lin found that once people don't surround the desk, stubborn just want to see the sea election, the company actually has a way, transforming the passenger flow into a real guest.

"No matter what the delegation will decide, can you talk to two sentences in the office." Huang Jianlin said, letting the rule feel that this attitude towards Shenlin has changed. Just don't know what the idea of ​​Shenlin is.

Xiangzi also looked at Shenlin.

"No problem at all."

Stretching without smiling, Shen Lin is also.

The office of the shopping center, the light is the door, there is four meters high.

One opening is a renovation like a duplex villa.

It looks like this, it is also one of Huang Jianlin's office in Yandu.

Oil painting, landscape painting, there is a heavy imported carpet, let Shen Lin feel that this special mother is really rich, and the waves are almost.

"I opened the door, what conditions, you promised to move away from the selection site." Huang Jianlin is very clear, if now does not move Shen Lin, there is a possibility that the people of the Shenlin Company will announce the place in the scene.

Several other cities belong to their own sea election venues, it will also fly.

That is really a good girl, I got someone else's bed.

And there is no exaggeration to say that you can determine that this show of Shenlin is not just a fire, it may be a fire of the fire.

I am afraid he has not seen the plan.

I didn't have a plan to see the programs of Shenlin, but people's talents can knew that eightjust is not left ten as long as he has passed.

It is also no wonder that the Yushu Pillar is a saying that Shenlin is a speech.

Also thought that the waves were just optimistic about the resources behind the Shenlin.

I am afraid of Shen Lin again to give Huang Jianlin.

"The yellow boss, the melon of the strong twist is not sweet." Ren Jing said very hard.

However, Huang Jianlin is still unsatisfactory, but there is no impatient look, which is simply two people.

Shen Lin looked at the oil painting that I couldn't understand, but suddenly said: "Nothing is not possible."

Shen Lin's words made Huang Jianlin interest.

Ren Jing is a glimpse, and then I look at the Shenlin, since Shen Lin feels that I can, what else is there?

"You said." Huang Jianlin personally put the teacup to Shen Lin.

The person in charge here, standing next to Huang Jianlin, full of surprises.

If such a person, if it does not cooperate, it is really a loss of the company.

The next one of the game is not the average person.

Shenlin is a way to change people, but that is also forced to have.

After all, if it is not completely organized in accordance with your own requirements, plus the object of cooperation is unfavorable, this sea choice can drag himself.

How can I complete Hu Mei's demand when I follow?

But now it is different.

Now the location has been converted, not for them, but they ask for themselves. Plus Huang Jianlin saw a place to be beneficial to him, it will fully support himself.

What is it?

When Shen Lin was on the stage, I decided not to change it.

If you don't come from the stage, you will immediately let the company come, and you will go out all the things of the changing site.

And he wants to be good, the venue is not looking for, there is no good care, you can record it on TV.

I can't even have time.

The reason why you didn't go, didn't say it, just wait for the other side.

"You don't need to be more complicated. I want every sea selection venue, all in an independent space, can't be the same as the stage. When I start, I can't do it." Shen Lin said.

"Is this?" Huang Jianlin did not believe.

The person in charge does not believe, if yourself, you have biting it.

Shelin nodded.

"That's too simple." Said that the head is said to the person in charge, "You take it out of the movie drawing, see how it is good."

The person in charge quickly went to take a flat blueprint.

Shenlin looked at a very strong drawing, such an area, such a device, which is completely suitable. Even more than enough. The sea election is to open with the grade of the game, so that everyone can upgrade the feel.

"I don't think there is no problem." Shen Lin said that he looked at himself, the long eyelashes were flashing.

Ren Jing also nodded.

"All the venues are like this?" Shen Lin asked again.

"Almost, our shopping center, in addition to this is super-level building, others are a blueprint. But the event room is basically almost." Huang Jianlin is like giving the leadership, there is no sense of domineering This shows that he is more agree with Shenlin.

At this time, Huang Jianlin is thinking about what it is, carefully staring at Shenlin, saying: "Do you say all venues?"

What is it?

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