I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 795 Big Red Packet

"Good guy, if someone else, I have to be three feet. But you said this, I am serviced."

"This song will also write it out. This is only a dung saying this. Did you deal with dumplings?"

"Online admire. Fire line Liu Ming!"

"You don't have low-key."


Shen Lin looked at the commentary to see the Spring Festival Evening, I feel that I will bring you a water army, but also cultivate a group of cute netizens.

Fortunately, no one in the New Year is troublesome, Shen Lin doesn't want to be a big New Year.

Zhang Jiarong's "silence is gold", and everyone knows is the song of Shenlin.

The Spring Festival Evening stage walks, and this song is really like a golden plated gold.

Zhang Jiarong's two songs have been sang, start to the small product, is Jinyan's "working adventure".

An actor started to start the subtitle.

Although the list is in the corner, the name "Wranta Shenlin" is still the most conspicuous.

And many people just discuss Shenlin, at this time, the eyes will be scanned, and they will notice this name.

Hey, this year, Shenlin wrote a script to the Queen of the Qibotus?

Just this Jin Yan squatted himself so old makeup?

However, this product is very ordinary! Without "selling", it is a sense of stunning.

But just starting this feeling, soon, they found that Jin Yan was dressed in this old age, interesting.

I have a fight with Guo Mountain's old age.

I haven't waited for it, I found that this product is not just interesting, the form is also new. I actually started singing.

(Sing) how this wine?

(Sing) listen to me to blow you -

(Said) blowing! blow!

(Sing) I am a mouth!

(Sing) a cup of appetizing,

(Sing) I shouted a beautiful,

(Sing) two glasses of your kidney is not lost,

(Sing) haha, or beautiful,

(Singing) three cups of five cups of belly,

(Sing) to ensure your little face -

(Say) How?

(Sing) White is red!

(Sing) red and black!

(Said) black?

(Say) oh, black, green, green,


I rely on.

Can you sing so interesting?

What is this drama, so nice?

The audience in front of the TV is really bright. Supil products can be written, can you play like this?

And also, so good.

And the Shenlin didn't care about it, just to find out the scene, the most fat.

Yan Dan's face is white, and the eyes are also large.

Smile, delicious wine is clear ...

In a house staying away from Yan Shang, the original living room has been surrounded.

The living room is conspicuous, and a word is decorated, and the snow is wiped.

A group of men stared at the TV to smoke.

"Xiao Dan is this, it is a fire, giving the village. I got on the Spring Festival Evening, and I have already have a picture."

No, I stand in Jin Yan, just as long as the lens gives Jin Yan, there is always Yan Dan, the eyes of the wine, and the half-faced face.

Because of a face, the lens is really installed.

"No, I still don't believe it, it is a graduate student. How can I follow Guo Shan to Spring Festival Evening? How can I play a small product with Jin Yan?" An older said that it is incredible, The smoke is connected.

"It's still a blessing, a woman, and a woman, it is a big face. It is not a fire in the next year?"

The big brother called the big brother is the parents of Yan Dan.

Don't mention more faces, especially Yan Dan father, the burning is half a year, and finally it is blown into it.

"Is it so powerful?"

Many people have envied feelings.

"Nothing, it is Yan Dan's graduate classmate, it is Shen Lin. How do you know?"

I don't know if I Lin is still there.

People nodded hard, no wonder!


"This is dangerous, this year's small king's hat, wear it on the head of the queen."

"Jin Yan's small product is really you written?" Someone asked in the meager of Shenlin.

"By, it is definitely, this world, in addition to a Shenlin cattle to the list of the master of the Spring Festival Evening, do you still have anyone? Don't forget, Shen Lin is the Spring Festival Evening consultant. Lin does not have these two brushes, how can it be such a position? How big is the Shenlin? Twenty-five? Still twenty-eight? "

"Also, I rely on, according to the practice, when I was 12 o'clock in the midnight, the end of the song" unforgettable "will definitely sound, is it a work of Shenlin?"

"It's a big strange, Guo Mountain's small product has not been killed!"

I rely on. It is also!

This year's party, Zhang Jiarong's appearance, the two songs brought, do not want to be the classic of the classic.

And Jin Yan's small product, as long as it is not unexpected, it is definitely one of the best and fine products.

Others don't say this kind of song, plus this year's special stage design, this Spring Festival Evening is already invincible.

And if Guoshan's small product is wonderful, no matter what, this year's Spring Festival Evening is the best over the years.

It is no wonder that in advance of the Spring Festival Evening program, this year, in order to increase mystery, it is only published an actor's list, and the list is not announced.

Just now, the TV is just scrolling the preview will be on the game, and there is no news name.

Description Today's program, it is definitely the quality.

"Working adventure" arrived in the end, Jin Yan was in the four beautiful ... The characters in the fat head, and there was a force, but also wrote four big words "genuine real".

Even the audience before the TV is called well.

I didn't expect it, I originally Jin Yan is a calligraphy master.

Still ... Many people think that the script is the creation of Shenlin, then this word will not be the Shenlin education!

A hot-haired performance, Hu Mei is more confident to this year's Spring Festival Evening.

The actor's state is good, the key is the programming of the program, and the quality of the program and the stage are all super.

At the end of the song and dance of the two strings, Guo Mountain came.

If you look at the ratio monitoring equipment, you will find that this time the ratio begins to fly.

This is the charm of the name of the two Spring Festival Evening and Shenlin Pieces.

And people also believe that this time, he will work with Shenlin.

That is absolutely good.

However, is it possible to more than Jinsheng, you have to read it again.

Still familiar with familiar characters, and the name of Shenlin suddenly appeared on the list of screenwriters.

Sure enough.

When these three appears, some people broke their mouths.

"Is it confused?"


"Will learning to talk?"

"Please listen ..."

"Congratulations, I will answer ..."

Have to say, the words of the beads are compact, each sentence is growing on a smile.

Plus the three-person fire is pure, but also make many people laugh.

This is too addictive.


Eight-fold small products, no one thinks how long is it, and it is still still unfinished.

At this time, there were more than one in the family.

It is Zhang Jiarong, just rushed from the Spring Festival Evening Studio.

However, I have already replaced the performance service, and I stood together in the living room and smiled until the waist.

Ren Jing and Zhang Shu are also happy for a long time.

How is the brain of Shenlin?

I think so interesting lines.

Ren Jing bite the lips and stare at Shen Lin's back.

There is also no Dynasty's program.

A few people got on the table.

Shenlin gave Zhang Shuyun poured the special Maotai sent by the Yusu Pillar.

"Zhang Shu, hard work."

"What is hard, this is not the days I want?"

After talking about the laughing of Shenlin.

Shenlin nodded, don't say it's right.

"Come and drink one." Shenlin said while he was a cup.

Zhang Shuyu said: "Wait a minute."

Just touched a big red envelope in your pocket.

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