Once the post production understands your intentions, Shenlin is not worried.

Professionals, one minute production, plus the top equipment, Shen Lin believes, even if it is a day, you can make what you want.

Shen Lin no longer stayed in the car and got off the bus.

Zhu Jiaxin suppressed his curiosity, did not get off at Shenlin, but stayed in the car.

Tang Wen took a bus behind Shenlin, he handed a smoke in the past: "Deliberate, now?"

The person of the Tang Dynasty film circle is more than the Shenlin, and the people of foreign film circles are also.

He already knows, now "red" is here.

I don't know if it should be said with the Shenlin.

Just look now, Zhu Jiaxin has no bottom, I am afraid ...

"Waiting for? Continue to shoot. It's hard to find the feeling. Tang Gui, use a good director to record, you will record and summarize the shooting experience. In the future, he is the Master of these people." Shen Lin said with a smile.

Tang Wen wants to pull it down, can you really do it?

In the eyes of others, Shen Lin is the end of the strong, how can be such a complex experiment, so simple?

But for Shen Lin, it is indeed complicated, but it is not complex to explore step by step.

When the film review was first written, Shen Lin also studied special effects. The favorite thing is that the special effects of the group of China's directors, the most important thing to defeat is the effects of yours.

Now have a chance, why don't you walk in front?

"you sure?"

Tang Wen styled to ask Shen Lin.

Huan Yuanlong and Hong Dabao think about this is not sure? Do you have anything you don't have?

Is it good?

"Which one is dedicated?" Huan Yuanlong asked.

Hong Dabao Xianxun Wang Dao said: "Did not watch the director manual? The 180th game."

Huan Yuanlong did not despise Dabao, but said happily: "Ok, I am going to go."

Effects team even if it is no confidence in Shenlin, it is also fast to lay a venue. Of course, I have to give Smith them to the site.

Zhang Jiarong and Wang Zhixian looked at the script and once again determined a good line. They have been immersed in the script, and they are afraid that they have trocked the hind legs of Shenlin.

Zhang Lang Xiong also helped the crew to prepare, Shen Lin was so confident, then he still worried.

In the RV, Li An looked at the five-six-seventh production personnel and made it in accordance with the idea of ​​Shenlin.

It's not skilled in the beginning, but slowly, it's more and more.

However, there is no film, and it is impossible to determine the film after rendering, can not be able to produce the computer than the computer.

But he really felt that such production methods, although it is impossible to replace the pure special effects, it will also be another way of special effects, it is good, not good, what is the pursuit of movies.

Li An standing there, one stop is more than an hour.

Smith is waiting for the results, waiting to earn 80 million, not too urgent.

However, Smith is increasingly, and Shenlin shooting is a law.

It is not like a new person who is a newcomer to shoot such a movie.

But a literary film director, how can you understand how the effect is going?


But now I want to continue shooting, I also need to wait a while.

Because of the fragment used in Smith, then they also made, and finally compared.

Shen Lin cleaned the film and let Smith shoot material.

At this time, Zhu Jiaxin, who was most wants to see Smith, did not come down from the car.

But do not mean that other special effects group members did not look serious.

Without Smith, Zhang Jiarong and Wang Zhixian have completed performances.

This is to let Smith have not thought.

Next is the production.

Zhu Jiaxin's production team does not use so many machines at all.

Take a few machines to establish a model to the Smith team.

At this time, Zhu Jiaxin's people didn't have it.

Because they explore again and again, I found the idea of ​​Shenlin, but they were surprisingly good, even beyond my imagination.

Shenlin is shooting outside, every time you pass the material, you must come to determine that their ideas are what they want, and then put forward their own requirements for the details.

When Shen Lin said, those post-production personnel, all of the whole gods, and I was afraid that I will miss it.

And every time, seeing the eyes of Shenlin once a change.

From the untrust of the beginning, it has slowly appeared a fanatic worship.

Shenlin will write a song, will write the script, will guide, will plan, and they will not feel unexpected, the only accident is that Shen Lin has such a high understanding.

Also, how can he take a special effect fragment such as "Shaolin Football"? Is it that Shenlin has begun to create an idea of ​​shooting a technique?

And now, the requirements for the special effects of Shenlin "Shaolin Football" are the first time to break through the original cognition.

It turns out that the effect is not just a flying imagination, it takes pragmatic.

Explain the things that exist in imagination, more perfect than imagination.

And this time, that is, the concept of the concept is improved.

Time is lapse at a little bit, and Shenlin see a further sample, and increases confidence.

Another special effects of the world have been plagiarized by Shelin.

That world, these two special effects have parallel, each has a preference.

Some people like the physical capture, some people like modeling.

It is very good to develop.

Of course, the world's special effects, no matter which kind, it is stronger than this world.

Even if the world's special effects is very realistic, it is not a smart. Just don't know how to force, don't know the importance of details.

Shen Lin understood.

Every time you ask, you must be detailed, you have to feel excited, not just a picture stimulus, the performance of the actor's performance and the perfect combination of the picture.

This is the same as the painting, like, and pay attention to the charm of the details, it is two things.

Moreover, the details of the movie are to be processed by logical thinking, in line with people's imagination, but they are exceeded.


Even if Shenlin started to make, the speed is still more than Smith them.

They started from modeling, reflecting their high level of business. This is the world's first insight and speed.

Moreover, the modeling of the truth is modeled, and the incompatibility of the Shenlin painting.

However, they can be more realistic.

But now it is like a photo. And other foreign objects are put together, too bright, but it is like false.

They actually found dubble in the material library, and took the lead in the rendering screen.

Rendering takes time, even one minute rendering.

Smith feels that they have taken half of their skills, but in this half of the skill, he is confident, the opponent is absolutely less than.

Not to mention the prototype with a fake in kind.

Tang Wen has a bun and Zhang Shu smoking outside.

In the rest of Wang Zhixian, the mobile phone suddenly received a link from foreign students.

The classmate is a woman who asked the video. But she is not this.

It turns out that this game is widely spread in the rice national special effects, or half a rice country film circle.

They regard the Shenlin as a joke in the onlookers.

Wang Zhixian was originally thought that Shen Lin was the most expensive special effect team. Now it seems that people just want to earn Eight million, and then step on the two feet.

At this time, another link was sent.

A minute of a smith team is actually made and uploaded.

The picture is realistic, than the sponge is not just a double twice, that is a big tongue that is incomparable.

Their level is too powerful.

What about Lynch?

"MGD, Smith is a level of half, but we won."

"Smith, you have let them see our power."

"This group of Chinese, movies are not what they can play. They still take special effects of those soil slag."

Wang Zhixian's face gradually became bad. She quickly out of the makeup.

I like me to hold a red and half an entertainment circle. Please collect: () I hold the fastest and update the fastest.

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