I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 836 Stop Super Girl 2

Shen Lin has time to go into CCTV, especially a variety channel.

And now there are also programs and variety channels, no one stops him.

When he opened the door, he saw that Lin Huixuan wretched to pull the quiet, the blood on the brain was chaos.

Don't say that it is bullying oriented, it is to bully any girls, Shenlin will stand up without hesitation. This is also the career habits of our last life.

But I saw Ren Jing to open Lin Huixuan, and then slap in the past.

I feel that Ren Jing is not average person.

I was always alone, I didn't like myself, and I would definitely be swollen by my face.

At this time, Shen Lin didn't want to go directly to the door.

And Lin Huixuan is a hills, and there is no found in people.

And you don't allow anyone who can come in? Who dares to come in?

"I don't kill today ..." Lin Fengxuan launched a lot, he thought that there were no women who couldn't do.

Ren Jing bite your teeth and prepare it, it will not make him cheap.

Lin Huixuan just rushed to grab the silent hands again, it was going to press it, but the body suddenly became a.

I feel that there is something in my knees to hit it, I haven't come to the next time.

Then I saw that Shen Lin arrived in front of himself. Just to open, I heard a sound of "", and my face is even more hot.

It's a slap in your face.

Ren Jing didn't think that the Shenlin will appear here. I just unloaded it, I was unfortunately, I didn't want the Shenlin to see such oneself.

At this time, Shenlin did not at me, but he looked at rule and a warm smile.

Ren Jing feels that it has disappeared half.

But I feel that it is myself, I don't have this thing, I have a big project, and there are so many advertising fees, now I am afraid it will be called.

CCTV's loss is less than any, and the contract is a light and shadow company and its own company, and that losses are definitely only them.

Shenlin's Lin Huixuan, who had just stood up, was slapped.

Lin Huixuan feels dark.


Shenlin took a silence of the ring from CCTV.

I got on the car, and I was still a little girl who did a mistake. I didn't talk.

But if the average person, I have been scared when I have been.

"I will do this later." Shen Lin was a little angry, he didn't want something to give himself a lot, but he didn't want to do things.

Ren Jing looks at the Shenlin who is satisfied with his own face, I don't know what to shook his head. This is my own business, how can I give it to Shenlin?

"I think about it for no circumference, but what should I do next?" Ren Jing thought or helped Shen Lin solved this matter, can't let such a good show stopped. But at this time, I am afraid, if I didn't appear, what would it be?

The body is a little trembling. But she still endures.

"What should I do? This grandson is like this, even if there is no such thing, I don't want to cooperate with him." Shen Lin said that he didn't care, but still pulled the ruily and more cool.

Ren Jing looked at the eyes of Shenlin, which slowed calm down. I used to feel that I need himself, but now it seems that I need Shen Lin.

After the rule replied, Shen Lin did only drive, the ruined car made the driver back.

"But our program is still in his hand, but now not only requires the chairmanship to change the judges, but also to change the model of the competition, and even add five minutes of other advertisements in the advertisement, these are not we can. "To be honest, everything resources are in the hands of CCTV variety channel, in the hands of Lin Huixuan.

Shen Lin did not talk, and now there is really no thing and one channel director to fight.

And this kind of thing is impossible to find Huo Dong, or Li An, you are not their son, this thing can solve, just let them look.

But Shenlin will never cooperate with Lin Huixuan, let him in that position, I feel lost. I don't know how many people will be also pit.

"I want to find a way." No matter what, Shen Lin wants to solve this matter. Can no longer let Ren Jing.

On Friday morning, CCTV variety channel phone called the light and shadow media.

Wang Chengzhang did not expect that CCTV variety requests re-recorded a national competition.

The national competition has completed two phases, all completed the first record, how can it be re-recorded?

Moreover, I have to change the host and I have to change the judges.

how can that be?

The results of the game came out on the spot. Is it re-comparison? No one will be willing.

Shenlin is a venue, guiding the rehearsal.

Wang Chengzhang is rushing out of the company and gets on the game.

Because the variety channel also said that if it is not required to rectify, it will stop tonight.

Not the ruined to negotiate this? How did it?

Wang Chengzhang just arrived at the game, the ruined car was too.

Wang Chengzhang saw that Ren Jing's face was not good, did not dare to say this, but Ren Jing seems to know what asked: "Is it a variety channel?"

Wang Chengzhang said this only five or ten.

Ren Jing did not be a horrified, even did not express his opinions, Wang Chengzhang felt, this situation, seeing the rui and the application have long known.

That change?

The venue meeting room.

Shenlin Station is in the middle of the conference room, and smokes with Wang Chengzhang.

Sitting in the sofa low, you don't talk.

At least you should go together with Hu Yu.

Such a situation will not occur.

But even if so, even if she hated Lin Hui to the extreme, I felt nausea, still I still want to find a way to convince the forest gather.

Not for this program, in order to help Shen Lin let everyone see this show, help those little girls achieve their dreams.

She dared to think, once this show is parked in CCTV, this group will work hard, and will work hard.

The sadness is always inevitable, and it is more cruelly that they have no challenges.

"Do you want me to say? Isn't that we don't have to use, it is a variety channel." Wang Chengzhang did not know the things inside, I feel this time, since Lin Gong gave a small shoes, I have to endure. Because Lin Gong is not Hu Mei, and we have no feelings.

Shenlin said to Wang Chengzhang, who is going to go, said: "No, nothing, continue to record the show."

Wang Cheng Zhang wondered to Shen Lin, and looked at Ren Jing.

Variety channels can be said, do not change as required, will be broadcast.

This is not scarring, they played the phone, but also internally.

Shen Lin took a very bad rui, and then smiled: "All the consequences of the appearance, I am going to solve this."

Shenlin still took things on their own body. But he didn't do anything.

And the ruined is not clear how the Shenlin will solve this matter. Find someone? They are just to recognize the vice president in CCTV, but this is not dealt with by the ganglong itself. It is not used at all.

What is the higher level of relationship?

May be.

But in your own understanding of the Shenlin, it may not be great.

The rest, unless Lin Huixuan left the variety channel.

But this is even more likely, he will come. Three years at least three years.

Lin Huixuan finished the meeting in the variety channel, and then returned to his office.

When he thought of the last time, he felt that his face was hot.

The special mother, I was a mess of Shenlin.

It's okay to be quiet and there is no audience. That's right, I don't dare to speak, I have to listen to myself.

I have to turn this fire in my own credit, then let the show change according to my own requirements, or that is still Hu Mei's credit.

The woman can do, you can, even better than her.

If Shen Lin does not follow his own, it is better to do, directly stopped the show, and then built the "Super Girl" program group, completely build his own program, isn't it better?

No matter how it is, it is earned, why not?

Of course, it is necessary to let Dun Shao see own value, and then better cooperation.

Even later, it is possible to have a sub-party, and even the taller, it is possible.

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