I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 114: Bai Yu: Boy, your path is narrow!

???? Bai Yu Yujian flew into the air with Yang Luoqi, and laughed loudly: "Huhahaha, it's too tired to be a hero, and to be a pirate is more free. At least I am with some pirates who are lost on the road. Different."

???? How terrible a hero like Zefa will ultimately end up in the future, no one in this Pirate World knows better than him.

???? "Most of the pirates are really forced to become pirates at first, but when they find that what they want is so easy to get, many pirates will be addicted to it, go Kill and rob and plunder, so as the opposing navy, you really have to change Zefa. It is too difficult to bear the name of not killing." Bai Yu kindly reminded.

???? His impression of this admiral is still good, and there is not much conflict between the two, that's why he said this.

"Blood Sword White Feather, if you and the Silver Spear were not pirates, how good would they be? I think you are more suitable to wear navy uniforms... But I know why Sakarski and Kuzan left the navy. It’s because of your mouth... the navy headquarters cannot be controlled by the world government. This world needs heroes, and I will change this world!"

???? Zefa uttered what was in his heart, turned around and rushed to Kaido, no longer caring about the two great pirates.

???? "Captain, and me, take me away too!" Krokdal rushed out from the encirclement of a group of navy.

???? The scene was very chaotic for a time, and many navies were clutching their crotches with painful expressions.

???? Seeing this scene, Bai Yu nodded with satisfaction, Yu Jian shuttled among the navy soldiers to Klockdal, and flew away in a hug.

???? "General Zefa, they have left, don't we need to send someone to chase?" a major-rank officer asked.

???? "Don't worry about them, we will do our best to take down the pirate in front of us. Our purpose this time is for him." Zefa inspected the injured navies with his knowledge and experience, and found that there was nothing serious, that was part of the navy. The lower body may be a little painful.

???? Hearing Zefa's answer, these officers and Zefa's adjutant followed the general and besieged the future four emperors Kaido.

???? "Bai Yu, I will kill you **** sooner or later!" Kaido let out a final roar of incompetence, and then Zefa and a group of navy rubbed them on the ground.

???? On the sea, Bai Yu led two people in mid-air flying 50 meters above the sea.

???? "Captain, that guy shouldn't be able to stop the admiral." Klockdal asked curiously, opening his eyes that had been beaten into panda eyes.

???? "It should be removed, the cuteness must not stop Zefa, but in the future it may be the other way around. I feel very comfortable thinking that this guy is being beaten, and thinking that he might enter the city. I feel more comfortable." Bai Yu said with a smile.

???? The current Kaido can't beat Zefa, doesn't mean that the future can't.

???? Soon after, the three of them returned to the boat, Bai Yu threw the sword to Krokdal and let him wash it away.

???? "Captain, don't worry, I will definitely wash the sword clean."

???? Krokdal participated in a battle with the navy elite, and now he is too excited. These naval soldiers are not the same as the navy in his original place, but he still defeated a lot of navies by his strength. The young navy has left an unforgettable psychological shadow. It is estimated that some navy generations will hate children

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???? Bai Yu looked at the little crocodile who was more obedient than before, nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that my method is more effective. When you encounter the rustle fruit, you can save it to Krokdal. "

???? He didn't know when he would meet Big Newgate in the ocean. Hearing from them, he would go out to sea one by one when his injury was almost healed. When Locks thought about it, he could call it together. Everyone convened at the same time.

???? This was agreed by the rest of the Rocks Pirates. Brother Newgate was injured a lot less than Golden Lion Shiji. He should be going to sea soon, I really look forward to meeting him at sea. them.

???? "During this period of time, if I could kill Tic and Whitebeard II, it would be great, but I don't even know where these people and things are."

???? Bai Yu calmed down, and was developing the power of this forest fruit again.

???? Some of his tricks are basically known to the strong, and the hole cards are no longer the hole cards. Without those unexpected moves, he still has a distance from the strong ones.

???? Or there is too little time for exercise. If he is given another ten years, he can train his body to a terrifying realm through the return of life, and with swordsmanship, he can also take the position of the world's largest swordsman.

???? "I still pay attention to the physical and fruit abilities, and improve the basic strength and overall strength, instead of developing those flashy sword moves. Without a strong body to support those sword moves, the stronger one will hit A. matter."

???? This time, Bai Yu further developed the fruiting ability.

???? He has been training hard~www.readwn.com~ braved the heat and caught a dozen fish through Tengman, and then shouted to the two people in the boat: "All of them will come out for dinner. Yes, today we eat fish."

???? "Ah, Captain Fish Eater again, can't we change one? I eat fish every day, and I am almost a cat." Klockdal looked at the dozen or so fish jumping on the boat's board with disgust, complaining. road.

???? That's the boat board he just wiped!

???? "Or let me do it this time, I still know a little cooking." Yang Luoqi said actively.

???? Bai Yu glared at Krokdal, but you talked a lot, and said: "Then I will leave it to you this time. The fish I caught are all of the kind that tastes very good. I believe I can eat it this time. Nice meal."

???? Yang Luoqi was busy in the kitchen, and soon finished a big meal, the aroma drifted to their noses.

???? "It's so delicious! This fish is so delicious, why did we not let her cook in the first place? Every day I eat the kind of fish you make, and I almost vomit." Krokdal was enjoying the deliciousness, but not yet. Forgot to make up the knife and said.


???? Kang Dang

???? "What are you talking about? Is the fish that I made so unpalatable?" Bai Yu said with a smile.

???? "No! Absolutely not! The captain's fish is also delicious, even if you eat it every day, there will always be so much greasy." Klockdall explained with a strong desire to survive.

???? Since entering this ship, he has been treated with all kinds of horrors. This man is also known for helping him train, and he has received a lot of whips.

????Those true and false whips made Krokdal completely unable to guess which whip would really fall on him.

???? This guy is a more terrifying existence than the devil!

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