I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 124: I hate someone more than me!

"Then please work harder everyone, please help move these things into the storage room, please disembark consciously when you have moved them, and move anything in the middle, otherwise please be at your own risk." Bai Yu's eyes are like hungry in the night. The wolf, staring at a large amount of vegetables and meat, was moved into the cabin.

He finally doesn't have to eat fish anymore!

During this period of time, the kid Klockdal has been vomiting too much to eat fish. It seems that Bai Yu wants to eat fish very much. He also wants to eat some green and healthy vegetables and all meats except fish. , He wants to taste it.

"Luo Qi, I will trouble you in the future. Remember to stew a few trotters for me to eat first, and keep the tiger whip for me. I will have wine and food tonight." Bai Yu thought of the rich human body tonight...Vegetables and other meats Such a feast, the saliva is almost flowing out.

"There are actually deer antlers... why are there so many of these things?" Bai Yu stared at Lieutenant General Squirrel on the warship with a very strange look. This guy is doing something. No wonder there are so many strange things in a room. s things.

This lieutenant admiral is not only good, he is also good at playing.

"Captain, all the money and supplies that should be moved have been moved, when shall we start the meal?" Krokdal stared at the vegetables and meat desperately, drooling.

This future heroic big pirate was obviously taken crooked.

"Don't rest assured that you can't stop cooking. This time I will be a chef."


As soon as Bai Yu's voice fell, Krokdal exclaimed.

"Your kid has a problem?"

"Captain, I mean you two have great cooking skills, but the cooking skills of the deputy captain are more to my liking."

"Don't be mean, show me the supplies left on the navy ship, and see if they are lacking." Bai Yu spared Krokdal this time, and redoubled his training in the future.

He has thrown away the leather whip because he has a better tool than the leather whip.

That is to feel better than the leather whip, from the vines more than the leather whip, using the power of the forest fruit to train Krokdal, not only can exercise the ability, but also play a role in training. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Seeing Krokdal, who arrogantly came over to check, the navy on this warship had an uncomfortable expression. Why would their navy be bullied by the pirates to such an extent.

Lieutenant General Squirrel lowered his eyebrows and invited the uncle to visit the warehouse. Klockdal saw that there was only a half of the supplies left in the navy warehouse and nodded with satisfaction and said, "You have done a good job, and I will report back. "

"It's fine if you are satisfied. I'll let the warship go and **** you away." The admiral smiled and felt MMP in his heart.

He has been lingering for half of his life, and a misstep has become an eternal hate, and most of his hard work is gone...

"Captain, I have confirmed that half of the navy's supplies have been moved to our ship." Klockdal returned to the Pirate Ship and said to Bai Yu excitedly.

Half of the supplies are so much... I would have known it a long time ago, it was too sloppy.

"That's good, we can set sail." Bai Yu felt a little regretful in his heart.

"Krokdal hasten to clean up for me, and clean up and down the boat." Bai Yu's ability to turn into vines hovered in the vicinity of Krokdal.

"Yes, Captain! I'm going to clean up now!"

This is really not Bai Yu targeting Krokdal, but the three people on board, who are cooking in the kitchen, and he is responsible for steering the ship to prevent the ship from running off the track.

Krokdal is the only one left on the boat. If he doesn't sweep the floor, who will sweep?

If you don't want to sweep the floor, let's wait until the next crew member is recruited.

Although he is not a professional navigator, as long as he knows which direction to sail, he can still do it.

Bai Yu and the others set sail.

Such a spectacle appeared on the great sea. A small pirate ship sailed slowly in front, followed by a large warship and always kept a certain distance from the pirate ship in front, and did not dare to cross the line of thunder.

"Lord Admiral, do we really want to **** the pirates? If this reaches the navy headquarters, our jobs will be lost." The lieutenant commander on the side asked nervously.

"What can I do? Tell me! Those are two big pirates who are offering billions of dollars! They are not pirates!" Lieutenant Admiral Squirrel kicked the Lieutenant Commander down unhappily. This action He had lost most of his efforts, and licked his face and gave it to others.

His heart was broken to the ground.

"Who told me to bring the ship over in this operation? Stand up for me!" Lieutenant Squirrel looked at the group of navy and roared loudly: "No one admits it, don't let me catch him, otherwise I must have skinned him!"

A navy soldier couldn't see what he wanted to say, so he was grabbed by Lieutenant General Squirrel and shouted: "You said it. When I go back, let's see how I can deal with you!"

"No, no~ it's not like that! Isn't the Lieutenant-Admiral...you said...you told us to let the ship pass by?" the navy soldier explained in fear.

At this time, Lieutenant General Squirrel remembered that there was indeed such a thing...he was doing it himself for a long time.

That's all right.

"Everyone in this operation will be tight-lipped to me, have you heard it. If it spreads, we will all suffer. Before you do something, think about your family and friends." Lieutenant General Squirrel let go. I took this navy soldier, hit a stick and fed a sweet jujube and said~www.readwn.com~ After this incident, after a while, I will still take you to drink spicy food, so I do certain things. Before, it must be carefully considered. "

Lieutenant General Squirrel helped organize the navy soldier's clothes in front of him, and patted him: "This is just an accident. We will still be happy from now on."

"Okay, long live Lieutenant General!"

A sword gas came from a distance and penetrated the head of Lieutenant General Squirrel, leaving a fist-like hole.

"You don't need to follow it anymore. Go back to the naval base and report whatever you should. I believe this generation of admiral and admiral will handle it."

After listening to the voice coming from afar, the navy looked at the dead lieutenant admiral in front of them, staring at each other.

Soon this navy warship began to drive in the opposite direction, and it drove to the maximum speed. Seeing the pirate ship that was getting further and further away, all the navies on the warship breathed a sigh of relief.

They survived!

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