I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 230: The White Beard Territory! Irregular Shanks! (Four thousand one hundred)

New world.


   The four emperors white beard territory.


"Klockdal, don't think about what happened just now. Just keep what happened in the past." Bai Yu looked at Klockdal, who was absent-minded, and said, "You will still have a chance to meet him in the future. You will kill him by yourself. Just drop him."


   "Uncle is right, we are not much worse than the generals. If you practice physical skills, we will still have a chance to kill the yellow ape." Marco flew in the air, breathing comfortably in the air of his own territory.


   "Marko, your physical skills don't seem to be good, right." Thinking of these two half-dozen guys, Bai Yu said that his head hurts.


   Marko's physical skills are a little bit stronger, but it's really a little bit stronger than Krokdal.




"I'll talk about revenge later, and remember one thing. If you can fight in a group, don't go one-on-one, understand?" Bai Yu walked towards the base of the White Beard Pirate Group, and said as he walked: "Krokdal, don't Thinking of fighting alone, just beating him at that time, blindly acting aggressive is the most stupid behavior."


  Yang Luoqi held a spear and said solemnly: "He can just leave it to me, I can seal his position... the next time I meet, I will hit him hard when he can't react."


   "Take me for revenge. Dad will definitely allow me to help." Marco said excitedly.


   Krokdal smiled, this kind of long-lost feeling is really good.


   The pirates and the navy have different positions. Life and death can be divided between the two. Let alone put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, Bai Yu can't say such stupid things.


   "Go and kill."


   "I will." Klockdal nodded, even if it was for his companions back then, he would do his best.


   After the five entered the white beard's permanent residence, Marco took them directly to find the old man.


   "Marko, you finally came back, father is very worried about you." Joz said honestly.


   "Yes, I almost fell on the great route." Marco looked embarrassed.


"Isn't this Krokdal? Why would you come back with them?" Widibei noticed the four people who came back with Marko. After seeing Bai Yu, his eyes were slightly shocked: "White Feather? That defeated in swordsmanship. Eagle Eye's World's No. 1 Swordsman!?"


   The world's number one swordsman who can defeat Hawkeye is enough for the Four Emperors to take it seriously.


   The top-ranked captains got into a state of preparation nervously. Marko quickly explained: "All the weapons should be put down. I wouldn't be able to come back if it weren't for my uncle. This time..."


   Marco told the story again, and the captain of the White Beard Pirate and several team captains breathed a sigh of relief.


   But then, the eyes of these people suddenly became strange again.


   I saw these people all looking at Bai Yu and Yang Luoqi with a bewildered expression. When did they have an extra uncle and aunt...


   Time stood still for a while.


"I'm going! Those things Marco said are true. We really have an uncle! The relationship between Daddy and Skee is very unusual!" Raqueyo took the meteor hammer and was so surprised that he almost smashed his head. arrive.


   Huaidibei, who hadn't changed much for many years, walked up to Bai Yu and looked at his uncle carefully.


   The nature of a woman made Waidibei unable to help but ask: "This young uncle, how do you take care of it?"


   "I still want to ask you how are you!?" Bai Yu looked at Huaidibei, who was at least fifty years old but almost twenty years old, and said in a speechless voice.


   "Have you forgotten what I told you?" Marco couldn't believe that these people took his words to ears, and his eyes widened.


"Oh, yes, I remembered, our uncle and this young aunt seem to be very young." As the IQ representative of the White Group, Huaidibei thought for a while, "So there really is another world. We will lose the battle, and the old man will die!!?"


   Just then, Bista met Marco, rushed over from a distance, and asked, "Brother Ace, did you come back with you?"


   "Isn't Ace coming back!?" Marco asked nervously.


  Bista looked at the tension in Marko's eyes with a puzzled look, then saw Krokdal again, and he immediately drew two knives.


   "No, what is the situation now?"


   "Aren't you the one who snatched the world's number one swordsman from Hawkeye?" Bista recognized Bai Yu's identity.


   I have to say that no one can compare Morgans in spreading news.


   Then, this swordsman who is one of the best swordsmen in swordsmanship glanced at Krokdal nervously. This Krokdal was in a state very similar to when he challenged his father.


   Marco told Bista some of the situation and speculation, and a group of people began to worry.


   But Bai Yu's eyes looked ugly, and the black beard was killed by him, and Ace was still missing.


   In addition to the three generals who guarded the naval headquarters, the other two generals and Captah saw him. The Warring States period, as a naval marshal, would not easily leave the naval headquarters. The other two alternate generals were guarded in the Holy Land Mariagioa.


   It stands to reason that apart from the chief of staff of Crane, who has been pursuing Doflamingo, no one else in the navy can easily take Ace. The captain of the dignified White Beard Second Division is stronger than the average lieutenant admiral.


   Could it be that another naval candidate also went to the great route from the Holy Land Mariagioa?


   "Don't worry too much. There are not many people who can easily take Ace in the sea. If the Navy Headquarters takes Ace, they will definitely not let go of this opportunity to attack the morale of the pirates."


   Bai Yu's calm words gave them great self-confidence.


   "Don't worry, I have Ace's life card." Waidibei found a blank piece of paper and completely calmed them down.


   The life card belonging to Ace disappeared a bit, which shows that Ace is still alive, but in a bad state.


"Sure enough, something happened. The life card will indicate that the Firefist Ace was caught." Klockdal said faintly with a cigar in his mouth: "Other forces dare not touch the Whitebeard Pirates, what the navy does. I will miss the opportunity."


   "You can choose not to believe what I said, and you should believe what the captain said."


   Marco helped to explain: "Ace is the blood of Roger, the Pirate King."


   "What!? Ace is Roger's son!?"


"No way!?"


"You all quiet down, Ace is our family, that's enough." Widibey still stopped them with great momentum, and calmly said: "And don't tell Skuyard about this for now. , I am afraid that unexpected situations will occur at this critical juncture."


  Skuyard was the man who stabbed the white beard in the war on the top. Although he was provoked by the red dog, Skuyard himself had a grudge with Roger, and his partner was killed by Roger.


"we know."


   After a group of people from the White Beard Pirates group discussed it, they decided to notify the old man who was drinking with the red hair first.

   "Uncle, the red hair is here, let me go and take a look first." Marco said hello and flew in the direction of the party.


   "Captain, should we leave?" Krokdal looked at the direction Marko was leaving. There was his lifelong pursuit in that place.


   "If you want to go, just go and see, Robin, do you want to go there and see?" Bai Yu looked at Robin strangely and asked.


   "No, Captain Bai Yu, take the deputy captain over there. I want to visit that village." Robin pointed to the peaceful village and said.


   She wanted to see how this village protected by White Beard differs from other places.


   "Captain, I won't go there anymore. Let me go to the village with Robin." The proud Klockdal still couldn't bear the embarrassment after going.


   That newcomer Shanks has become the Four Emperors?


   And the grudge between him and Baibeard back then was unclear. Although Baibeard did not kill him, it also made him understand that someone was stronger than himself, which defeated his self-confidence.


   "Luo Qi, let's go there together." Bai Yu smiled at Krokdal, then took Yang Luoqi's hand and followed Huaidibei to the banquet.


   Robin smiled, and didn't mind that Klockdal went with her. She and this Qiwuhai had worked together for a long time, and there was a certain tacit understanding between each other.


   The two went to the village guarded by White Beard.


   "Let me take you there."


  On the road, Waidibei still couldn't help but look at Bai Yu a few more times. This uncle is really young, handsome and powerful, and he can defeat Hawkeye at a young age.


  Why didn't she hear the old thing about her father...


"Uncle, I have been with my father for a long time, but I have never heard him mention you, and I have never met you." Waidibei said tentatively, "That magical group master really knows Is everyone’s future?"


   "Maybe you weren't born yet." Bai Yu teased.


   "That's impossible, I'm all..."


   "What are you doing?"


   "..." Waidibei's footsteps suddenly speeded up, and the expression on his face became stiff, "Anyway, you can't live larger than me from that era until now."




   "Husband, don't tease her." Yang Luoqi praised from the heart: "I think Sister Huaidibei looks very young and beautiful."


   "This little...aunt is the best talker."


   "Haha... I'll tell you the truth, no matter how the two worlds are the same, there will be different places. Moreover, in my world, the Rocks Pirates did not completely lose in the Valley of Gods battle."


   "The future has never been constant."


   The trajectory of the two-person world has already undergone tremendous changes because of him alone. Both the two pirate worlds are different from the original.


   When the three of them came to the banquet, they were faced with a huge wave of air. This is a wave of air that can only be generated when the imperial powers meet.


   A normal one-armed man confronted a giant with a pinhole in his body.


   "I said, please don't chase Blackbeard, that's a very ambitious conspirator." The red-haired magnetic voice said with a serious face.


   "Ku~ la la la ~ red-haired kid, I'll take care of this." Whitebeard Newgate took the knife back, knowing that he was really no better than before, he took the initiative to attack the red-haired, and was stopped.




   "Hurry up and help hang up the potion again!"


   After some busy schedule, the banquet started again.


   "Ku~ la la la ~ you are the people Marko said." White beard smiled boldly: "Let's be a guest together, then I'll call you brother Bai Yu."


   "No problem, Brother Newgate."


   "Ku~hahaha~Brother Baiyu has an appetite for me." Baibeard said with a big smile.


"I killed Blackbeard in Alabastan. I wanted to stop Ace's affairs. Unfortunately, I failed." Bai Yu understood that a big event could only be prevented unless it happened. It may cause something in advance. Unforeseen results.


   For example, he killed Blackbeard, who was likely to become a boss in the future, and he didn't know who replaced the plot of Blackbeard in the future.


   But no matter how powerful it is, it can’t be better than the black beard who became the four emperors...


   "Titch... he still hasn't been able to hold back his ambitions. The people who killed his family are not forgivable."


   "Father, what happened to brother Ace..." Whitney was worried about this brother.


"I already know about Ace, I let him go." White beard drank the wine and shouted: "Ace is my son, no matter where he is, no matter what happens in the future. I do Your father will definitely stand by your side, whoever dares to move us."


   "Ask first whether the knife in my hand will answer."


   The redhead who was drinking and drinking saw the scene of Bai Yu and Baibeard communicating, "What an interesting young man."


   "Captain, that's not just interesting. The young man you mentioned defeated Hawkeye." Beckman said with a sigh, carrying a gun.


   "Such a young strong man appeared on the sea."


   "It's amazing. Our captain was only in his thirties before becoming the Four Emperors."


   The members of the Red Hair Pirates Group have some feelings. The strength of the young man who communicated with the white beard can be said to have reached the level of the four emperors ~ www.readwn.com~ In addition to the power, it can be called the fifth emperor.


   Baibeard has sent a large number of personnel and affiliated pirates to the sea to find Ace's whereabouts. As a precaution, he is also ready to fight a tough battle.


   White Beard believed what Marco said, because he believed that his family would not lie.


   "Husband, we will go back in more than a day at most, but we can't help much. Do you still have something you want to do?" Yang Luoqi asked with an obedient expression.


   Bai Yu nodded and explained earnestly: "We will solve our own problems after we go back, and come to help when the time is right."


   "Before I go back, I want to do one thing alone, that is..."


   "Hey~ My name is Shanks, let's have a drink together~"


   Shanks interrupted Bai Yu's words, with a very serious look.


   "This person is Shanks? Why has it changed so much?" Yang Luoqi asked with a strange expression.


   The first time she saw someone, she would live younger and younger in this respect. She was very stable when she was a child. How can she grow up...


   "You bastard, I haven't finished my words yet!" Bai Yu directly gave Shanks a lock of throat, and shouted angrily: "I've been emotionally brewing just now, and it's all ruined by you bastard!"


   "Puff~hahaha~ our captain was bullied again."

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