I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 233: Naval headquarters meeting! The comparison between white feather and red hair! (Four t

The Holy Land Mary Gioia.


   "Five old stars! The big thing is not good!"


   "Five old stars! Something has happened!"


"what happened again?"


   The four old men sitting around the table looked at the person who came in to report with unhappy eyes.


   There are four of them now, and at most they can only make up a table of Mahjong.


   Now these four old men are looking for the next person, the more they listen to the name Wu Lao Xing, the more awkward they are.


  Wearing a crimson suit and a blonde five-star, said impatiently: "Didn't you have reported the meeting between Shanks and Whitebeard Newgate in the New World? Why did you come here again?"


   The person kneeling on the ground said nervously: "It is not to report this incident, but it is related to this incident. The world's largest swordsman also met with the two Four Emperors!"


   "Eagle Eye?"


   "It's not Hawkeye, now the world's largest swordsman has been replaced by the blood sword."


   "Did you forget?"


   The five old stars with curly hair and the five old stars with long hair remind the five old stars of baldness.


   Why they can only make up a table of Mahjong now because of the newly appointed world's number one swordsman.


   "What!?" The five-star blonde old star looked nervous.


   There are three five old stars left: "..."


Not only this golden five old star, but the other three five old stars also had bad complexions. They still don’t know how their colleagues died on the great route, but they knew that this matter must be related to the guy named Bai Yu. There are relationships.


   This kind of thing hasn't happened in too many years, the great sword tyrant named "Blood Sword" Bai Yu must have an incredible secret in him, otherwise how could there be an existence that could kill them out of thin air in the sea.


   "You should withdraw first, I'll take care of this." The fifth old star curled up just to let his kneeling subordinates leave.


   The kneeling man was also very winking, and left the meeting hall as quickly as possible.


   There are only four five old stars left on the field.


   The five golden old stars: "This time it is really too much trouble, what do you think?"


Curly Five Old Star: "Don't worry too much. The Rocks Pirates back then have the power to threaten us. If we hadn't stopped them in the Valley of Gods, maybe we would have died alone. ."


   Bald Five Old Stars: "The most important thing is that we did not die in the past, but now one of us has died, and it is not even clear about the strength of the opponent this time."


The long-haired five old star looked at the three arguing and calmly analyzed: "Shanks is a smart person. We can talk to him if we have the opportunity. What do you think is the spare position of the five old star? ?"


   The other three five-stars were quiet at the same time, and they were also thinking about the rationality of this idea.


  The five old star with curly hair took the lead to speak: "He has broken an arm, and his strength is impossible to reach our level. At most, he is better than Kaido and Auntie."


   Bald five old star: "We can help heal that arm, provided that he is really willing to be a part of us."


  The golden five old star: "I agree, after this time the matter is over, please call Shanks over."


  Long-haired five old stars: "There is one more thing worthy of our attention. The madman Isaac said he would give us a gift soon."


   The five old star with curly hair frowned, "Isn't he guarding the Jail Island Prison?"


   The long-haired five old star said slightly uncomfortable: "That lunatic went on a great route not long ago and said that he had found a good doll."


  The other three five old stars are not surprised. The warden of Isaac, who guards the prison all the time, is a bit abnormal. That monster has a strong combat power, and this is what they need.


   Otherwise, other than the monster, no one else can guard that place, and they can't let the superior people personally guard it.


   Ganggukong is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, occupying an important position, and is higher than the status of several marshals, and cannot easily be replaced.


   The Five Old Stars had also considered making Ganggukong a part of them, but considering that Ganggukong had a strong sense of justice, once they knew the truth might lead to uncontrollable results, they did not pass this opinion.


   After all, it is difficult to cultivate a commander in chief.


   As for the guy Karp, they are eager to die, how could they send him to guard such an important place.




   Marine Headquarters, Marine Vandor.


   The current Marine Marshal Warring States heard the news from the people below, he was going crazy.


   Things happen every year, but there are so many things this year.


   Not long ago, there was news that the naval fleet was defeated by the Four Emperor Shanks.


   Now, another dangerous person like Bai Yu went to the site of White Beard and met with Red Hair and White Beard.


   How did these three dangerous people get together? I'm afraid it's not playing him, right?


   "Polo Salino, are you really sure that the man wants to kill you?" Thinking of what might happen next, the Warring States period looked at Huang Yuan with a headache and asked.


   Huang Yuan was unusually serious and reported: "If I hadn't run fast, the navy would have lost one general."


   Looking at the yellow ape with this tone and expression, the Warring States period understood that this was true, plus the news that Karp had sent back from Alabastan.


   Qiwuhai Krokdal has belonged to the "Blood Sword" White Feather, and the "Blood Sword" White Feather is surrounded by three powerful women and a major criminal wanted by the world government-Nicole Robin.


   Whitebeard 1st team captain Marco, for some unknown reason, seems to have a close connection with Bai Yu. Doesn't this mean that the Whitebeard Pirates have a close connection with this mysterious powerhouse?


   Fighting domestic heart: "w(?д?)w"


   "The Marshal of the Warring States Period~ Krokdal has become the original form~ It's so terrible~~" Huang Yuan began to look and tone of undue beating again.


   "You said Krokdal has come out of the shadows again!? This is really bad." The Warring States period knew that the Navy had to create a sea of ​​Qiwu alongside the Three Emperors and the Navy Headquarters in order to balance the order.


   But the naval headquarters finally found that Qiwuhai's strength was too strong, and several of them were quite powerful and ambitious.


   In order to weaken the strength of Qiwuhai, and for Qiwuhai to naturally become a vassal of the navy headquarters, the navy headquarters overwhelmed the three emperors in overall strength.


   In the past, they conceived a big plan to provoke a dispute between the Three Emperors and the Qiwu Sea, leading to a war, and they would go fishing in troubled waters to weaken the power and strength of the Qiwu Sea.


   Finally, this plan can be said to be half successful.


   Krokdal was defeated by Whitebeard, but Whitebeard did not move him, not even the people of Krokdal.


   Now the navy headquarters is unwilling, and the forces of Klockdal's forces are destroyed, and even the important partners are secretly eliminated by the navy.


   Moriah’s forces were completely destroyed, and even he suffered a huge setback in Kaido's hands.


   At that time, Moria could actually fight the Kaido Chamber that had not reached its peak. The reason for the final defeat was that his forces were not enough?

   It was actually the navy who had a miserable kick. It would be strange for Moria to win. Kaido itself could not be killed by Moria. They didn't want another emperor on the sea.


  Eagle Eye is related to red hair. Ming has the identity of a dragon and is afraid of Kaido. The remaining three Qiwuhai are very special.


"The original plan failed. Although it weakened Qiwuhai's strength and influence, it also gave birth to an emperor on the sea." Thinking of Qiwuhai who hardly obeys orders now, Warring States did not know the plan many years ago. Is it useful?


   The Navy Headquarters has entered the most advanced state of alert, and all are on standby.


   The Warring States Period leaned on the chair, and on the desk was a letter sent from an unbelievable place, signed by Isaac.


   That monster was not cultivated by the navy headquarters. It guards the legendary island. Even the admiral of the navy has only heard of the existence of this person.




   "Bai Yu, do you really want to compete with me?" Shanks stood sloppily on the opposite side, looking reluctant.


   "Stop talking nonsense!"


   "Since we met, let me see the overlord's fixed point anyway."


   Bai Yu will not let go of this rare opportunity. He hopes that he can go to the path of becoming a king through the overlord's appearance.


   "Husband, you haven't told me yet, what are you going to do next, don't you want to throw me down?" Yang Luoqi quietly watched the battle and asked.


   "I won't leave you. I'm going to meet a guy who doesn't know if it's a human being." Bai Yu looked at her and smiled: "But just this time, I hope you must listen to me."


"I'll listen to you."


   The two looked at each other and smiled.


   Shanks opposite, holding Griffin in his hand, was stunned.


  He wants to hack someone out of nowhere...


   "You said you want to see the territory of the overlord, right?" Shanks' eyes became steady, and a momentum was accumulated in his body. When the potential accumulated to the peak, it burst out in an instant.


   The surrounding air became dignified, and a sense of suffocation and fear came from everyone's heart.


   The sky, the sea, and the surrounding environment disappeared from the eyes, and everyone in them entered the realm of Shanks.


With that, Shanks took a step forward, and the countless pirates in the field all fell. Even some cadres of the Pirate Group could not hold it. The rest of the people on the field except for dozens of powerful people. There is no standing existence.


   When this Shanks, who aspired to the four emperors with the overlord appearance, took the second step.


   Joz, Marco, Bista, Waidibe and others have changed their faces. When were they forced to enter the realm of red hair?


   Huai Dibei is not inferior to the top-ranked captain. After Mita's death, he rejected the position of captain of the second division, preferring to command a pirate group with thousands of people, rather than ranking lower than Marco, who had been an intern.


   She also used to be the eldest sister of Bai Tuan, and her position in the Pirate Group is second to none.


   But at this moment, she saw a real monster, a monster that was not much worse than that of the old man.


   "This kind of overlord look!"


   Bai Yu felt a sense of excitement in her heart, and her adrenaline soared.


   The overlord color he has mastered is to compress a wide range of overlord color to the extreme, wrap it on his hand or weapon, and concentrate it on one point for release. That kind of penetrating power and destructive power are things that advanced armed color cannot do.


   So two people who can be overbearing and domineering entangle each other, and the two compressed to the extreme forces can produce huge power without contact.


   And the overlord color will shock and suppress opponents who do not have the overlord color.


   The red-haired overlord color is different from other people, and it seems to be unscrupulous, but in fact it has formed a field, creating the most suitable place for him to fight.


   In this area, red hair casually swings the sword with the power of the overlord color, but in this area, the opponent will always be suppressed, and the strength of the tenth layer can generally only be used by the seven or eight layers.


   Even if it is a strong person at the same level as the red hair, it will be affected to a certain extent.


   Unless you use long-range attacks, you won’t be suppressed and affected if you don’t step into the realm of red hair.


   "Is this the territory of the Overlord? If it is only like this, I will be a little disappointed."


"as you wish."


   Shanks took the third step, and they were no more than two meters apart.


   At that moment, Bai Yu seemed to have fallen into the abyss, and with the darkness he could never touch the bottom, a sense of tension and anxiety suddenly surged into his heart.


   When he thought it was just like this, the darkness disappeared and the realm disappeared.


  The sea, the sky, and the surrounding environment reappeared in front of him, which gave him a sense of emptiness, surprise and strange enjoyment, just like the feeling of relaxing all over his body.


   A sword appeared in front of Bai Yu's eyes, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of relaxation.


   "It's so dangerous!" Bai Yu came out of the strange feeling and took a step in the direction of the red hair.


  He has a sword.


   At that moment, the surrounding air became dignified again, and the overlord territory erupted from Shanks' body weakened Bai Yu's power.




   The two overlord colors entangled and collided together, and the two weapons fought in the air.


  The huge power generated by the collision, under the consciousness of the two of them, rose to the sky.


   The sky is not just cracking, and the clouds are torn to pieces.


   "Are you a monster!!?" Shanks couldn't help shouting when he saw Bai Yu who hadn't stepped back.


"The Overlord Territory and the old man’s sword area are really dangerous, but you broke an arm, and even the Overlord Territory is flawed~www.readwn.com~ Bai Yu can see that Shanks is still far from the five old star in strength. Some distance, compared to the ceiling figures of the Four Emperors, is still slightly inferior.


   In terms of strength alone, his chances of winning are even greater.


   After experiencing the baptism of the overlord's territory, Bai Yu was even more convinced that he could win, "Do you really want to compete? I still want to warm up before going to that place."


   "Warm up?" Shanks smiled helplessly, "Isn't the warm up just now enough? You have already seen the Overlord Territory, and I believe you will not be suppressed by other people who have the Overlord Territory."


   Bai Yu glanced at the red hair intently. This incongruous guy is really careful.


   "Captain, the movement just now was really big enough."


   Klockdal came with Robin, the big pirate who had challenged the white beard, looked at the white beard with complicated expression, and stared at the red hair with unbelievable eyes.


   One of the two people who were competing just now is the newcomer on the ocean! ?


   Although Krokdal knew that Red Hair had become the Four Emperors, he still felt that this newcomer could not be compared with the other Four Emperors. Now it seems that he is behind this era.


   Although he is ready to start again, his years of wastefulness cannot be made up overnight.


   "Ku~hahaha~ crocodile boy, you finally came over."


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