I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 239: The development of planting industry! Back to Qinghai!

What Bai Yu said was the truth. Since he wanted to make it a paradise, he would naturally have the power to protect him.

People without power can't hold what they want to protect. Sky Island needs its own combat troops, and can't rely on a few high-level combat power alone as support.

The Kung Fu Manatee brought back from Alabastan has officially started training, and the vital force of Sky Island has already started large-scale training under the prestige of Yang Luoqi. It has a certain combat effectiveness and will continue to grow stronger in the future.

Assassin troops, Bai Yu wanted one very much. It would be even better if Rovko was willing to become the leader of the troops. Unfortunately, the kind of thing that happened back then... I guess Rovko is disgusted with the killer organization.

As a member of the Great Heavenly Dynasty, infrastructure construction must definitely be built, and people's livelihood must not be left behind. If the planting industry is started, this kind of thing will be able to win over the various countries in the Qinghai Sea in the future.

Otherwise, the things done in the Battle of Wald will be wasted, and it is not clear how the current situation on the sea is.

"Ski, I want to go to a place, you can accompany me to find it."

Bai Yu thought of a small island in the original book. It seemed to be an island that could control the climate. Nami had been studying art on that island for two years.

The island is called Visalia. It is the small empty island closest to Qinghai. It is also the only empty island that can freely descend into Qinghai. It is an artificial island controlled by a group of old men.

According to the current timeline, those people are not old men yet, Bai Yu wants to invite those people to join, so that the sky island has a controllable artificial climate system, which is still a long-term one, and it is not perfect for the development of the planting industry.

Neither infrastructure nor agriculture can be let go.

"I want to go too." Yang Luoqi raised his hand, his eyes cunning.

"Ahem, of course we will go together." Bai Yu took Yang Luoqi's hand and said excitedly: "That island is still very interesting. We will bring that island back to the sky island so that the sky island has a perfect weather system. , Agriculture and planting can be vigorously developed."

"You little bastard... what is the weather system? Your boy's thinking is a bit weird, right?" Seeing Bai Yu's fiery eyes, Shi Ji was confused, "Say, where? This big sea does not exist. Places you can’t go! Jie~hahaha~"

"Then 20,000 miles under the sea, can you go?"


Can this kid speak something human?

"Your kid wouldn't really be going twenty thousand miles to the bottom of the ocean, right?" Skee twitched.

"Just kidding, I'm going to an island called Visalia, the kind of island that can fly freely in the sky."

After Bai Yu finished speaking, Shi Ji was stunned, thinking that in addition to airplanes, even the island could fly... His flying effect of flying fruits was imitated by these.

"Husband, there is a place called the Island of Gods near Angel Island. There is precious soil in that place..."

Yang Luoqiyi reported this matter seriously.

The island of the gods in the sky island was part of Gaya Island four hundred years ago. It was sent to the White Sea along with the eruption of the rising ocean current. The residents of Angel Island drove away the aboriginal people on the island of gods for the mud, and the two sides fought For hundreds of years.

Until the arrival of Yang Luoqi, the battle between the two sides was temporarily ended, and the Qinghai Sea was informed that this kind of mud can be seen everywhere.

"The friction between the two races for hundreds of years is difficult to resolve, and I don't have any good solutions. The Sandia is a fighting clan, and if trained as a warrior, it will form a good combat effectiveness."

Bai Yu's eyes lit up. There was no way to solve this matter. He might have a solution. In fact, the soil problem was very easy for them to solve. The only thing that was difficult to solve was the friction and struggle between the two clans for hundreds of years.

This matter depends on the agreement between the Sandia and Rolando back then.

"Go to the island first, and then settle this matter."

Bai Yu Yujian took Yang Luoqi, Shi Ji used the fruit ability to fly alone, and the three of them focused on the sky island, searching for islands close to Qinghai all over the world.

In the end, the effort paid off. They found the island and met a group of scientists in their thirties—meteorological scientists.

One of the leading aspiring young men is Harida. He is the old man who will be beaten the most in the next two years of Nami's practice. He trains Nami as a granddaughter.

After the two sides exchanged.

"So you want to develop a sky island? This is indeed for the benefit of civilians... but are you not pirates?" Harreda couldn't help but complain.

"A pirate does whatever he wants. Is it true that when a pirate has to do everything?" Bai Yu sat on a chair with his mouth raised. "That's something abnormal. The real big pirates sacrifice their lives for their own pursuits. of."

"I hope you can come and help me. You have the wisdom and technology, and you should always implement it."

Bai Yu's words made them unable to refute. They dedicated their lives to researching science and technology, but if the things they specialize in research are of no use at all, it can only prove that their lives have been a failure.

"I need to go to the place you said first. If that is the case, we are willing to spend our whole life to build that place." Harreda said sincerely.

These meteorological scientists are people who put life and death out of the question. If someone insists on surrendering, they would rather destroy the research of the first half of their lives and take their own lives.

Bai Yu's words touched them, and Harida, as the representative of this group of meteorological scientists, put forward some small conditions.

"Yes, Luo Qi, you can take them to the sky island." Bai Yu explained: "I will be back soon. The soil and islands need Shiji's ability to transport them."

In the current situation, Yang Luoqi is most suitable to lead the way. If Shi Ji were to lead the way, 80% of these scientists would be scared to death.

Bai Yu also wanted to resolve the contradiction between the two races through a trip to Qinghai, and to resolve the matter through the descendants of Rolandu.

"I understand." Yang Luoqi looked at the group of meteorological scientists with a'nuclear good' face.

These meteorological scientists looked at the little girl tremblingly, and controlled Visalia to the sky island.

The weather system on the sky island is believed to be built soon. Once the planting industry develops, all aspects will develop.

People take food as their heaven, this sentence is not to say.

Shiji followed Bai Yu and was silent all the way until they were about to land, "You little **** is more capable of ruling the land than me. You want to use the empty island as a template, so that the whole world can develop according to this template. Okay, I'm convinced."

"Ski, if you would say such a thing, then I would be a little proud."

Shi Ji, the most arrogant big pirate in the sea, could say so, Bai Yu really had a little sense of satisfaction and pride.

"If the world really develops like this in the end, maybe it will be lucky for most people. Maybe by then, the pirates and the navy will disappear with history..." Shiji looked awkward, "but that kind of world It's not the world I want! It's so **** boring!"

"Bored?" Bai Yu pointed at the distant starry sky and laughed: "Hoo~hahaha~ don't worry, you will never be bored with me in the future. I will take you to conquer the stars and the universe and go to a bigger stage. "

Skee dangling his cigar and rolled his eyes angrily, "You have followed Roger, and you still want to recruit me? Isn't Lao Tzu Roger's younger brother anymore, who do you think of me as Skee?"

"I just promised to accompany Roger to Love Drew. Are you really not planning to follow me in the future?"

"Don't even think about it! Humph~"

"What about teaming up?"

"...This can be considered..." Shi Ji was stunned for a moment, "No, aren't we just a cooperative relationship!?"


"Smelly boy!"

The Flying Pirates Group can be said to be the king in the sky~www.readwn.com~ Wait for the sky island to build a batch of ships flying with impact shells and wind spray shells, so that the world government will completely lose the right to the sky.

The two came to an island in Qinghai.

"Our flying pirates need a long-stayed territory on Bikka Island, helping each other with Angel Island, and sending troops to help in times of crisis."

"You moved the entire island of Bikkah, of course I have no problem, but Shiji, can those people under your control take good care of it?"

Skee laughed and said, "Jie~hahaha~ they didn't dare to defy my orders. They were recruited before they had time to pick them. You always know them, John and Wald's men. They will help me to take care of them. ."

If it hadn't been for Shiji to rush to gather the pirate fleet, with the brains of John and Wald, the flying pirates would have developed very well.

"Then start doing things."

Shiji activated the fruit ability, and an entire uninhabited island left the sea and flew to the sky with ease.

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