I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 266: Bai Yu: Give me a chance, I want to be a good person

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Wang Zhi was born out of ordinary, and he has seen countless good things. Compared with ordinary pirates, he has a lot more restraint, revealing a bookish spirit.

As for the tea Bai Yu gave him, he could drink it very unusually, and 80% of it was secretly hidden by the Admiral of the Navy.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Bai Yu asked.

"This tea is good, it's too wasteful to make it like this." Wang Zhi explained.

"Huh?" Bai Yu didn't understand tea, looking at the bitter tea in the cup, and said: "These leaves are yours. The admiral has been hiding and holding them, and it is probably going to be given away."

"This? Not so good, right?"

"Let's come here today. The Admiral of the Navy must take this leaf out, so you can take it in advance."

But the villain is in the lead, and not everyone has this vision, and once again failed.

After the great pirate developed in other places, the court had no choice but to find the door again.

Wang Zhi once again believed in the government. With the help of this pirate, the Japanese pirate sent all the boats and people back and paid compensation.

In the end, the imperial court stubbornly refused to let go of the maritime prohibition policy, and once again deceived Wang Zhi.

The common people survived by smuggling, and Wang Zhi even protected the safety of the common people. No one in many countries dared to invade the waters he protected.

Three requests, three disappointments.

Traitors are in power, the government is rotten, and the maritime prohibition policy has allowed many countries to catch up with their national strength in the near future.

"I am a thief, but I have never forgotten my roots. You can kill me. The coastal areas will be chaotic. When the meat eaters are sluggish, who can stand up for the people?"

Wang Zhi looked at a group of meat-eaters above, his eyes were unwilling, and his heads were beheaded after three laughter.

Sure enough, the coastal chaos and wars broke out. The people were miserable. The officials were not doing business, corrupting and squeezing the people, even more ruthless than the invading dog thieves.

A marine hero who has stabilized the order along the coast for decades, has been misrepresented as a traitor for hundreds of years. This is all the dirty water poured by the government at the time to cover up the facts.

In such a corrupt government, the minister, one of the six treacherous ministers, is in charge.

It would be great if he could meet Ming Jun at that time, if there were no evil men in charge, he realized the legalization of maritime trade, and the government agreed to his request to wipe out the coastal enemies in one fell swoop.

Born at an untimely time, the ridiculous generation of outstanding visionary heroes, but has a heart of loyalty to the emperor and the country.

No matter how great his vision was, he couldn't change the corrupt environment at that time. He never betrayed the country, but was deceived again and again, and ended up tragically.

Then, after hundreds of years of infamy, if the big pirate learned about the future, would he still choose to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country?

Times make heroes, this sentence is really not wrong.

The government at that time was really short-sighted, and the sea was the real mainstream.

"It's not a good thing to have a good vision, especially if the government is corrupt and incompetent. If I cross back, I must be the emperor by myself."

Bai Yu thought of how he led a powerful fleet to kill all quarters in the world.

"This marine marshal is a very good marshal, who loves the people like a child." Wang Zhi put down the documents in his hand, his eyes were gentle, and he wore a faint smile.

"Brother, you really don't look like a big pirate..." Bai Yu looked at Wang Zhi beside him and smiled.

Perhaps the great pirate who learned about the future might be even more crazy about exterminating Japanese pirates and advancing the legalization of maritime trade.

There is a kind of person in this world who has no regrets in his death, but he knows that he is dead, but he still has to plunge into it.

Bai Yu said in a sad tone: "Brother, you must be very wronged. It is only in the last few years that you have washed away the stains on your body, and you have been infamy for hundreds of years!!!"

Hundreds of years of infamy for treason, what a grievance this is.

Wang Zhi: "???"

Time seemed to pause.

Wang Zhi was confused. He was only in his 30s. How could he become hundreds of years old?

And what is going on with the infamy that has been carried for hundreds of years?

Even if he had a good reputation, he was still forced to be a pirate...If it wasn't for the world government, he still had the idea of ​​changing the world. What happened back then...he must go to an end.

Wang Zhi thought a lot, looking at this junior whom he admired very much, as if seeing the future of this world, maybe this junior could do what he couldn't do.

"..." Bai Yu smiled awkwardly. The great pirate had never betrayed the country. The Wang Zhi who was in front of him was the character modeled after the great pirate.

He believed that Wang Zhi's eldest brother, Newgate and Wang Zhineng were nothing more than their identity as pirates.

It's really ridiculous to simply hold on to a little bit. If you hold on to a little bit, then human beings are born a sin, and human beings are born evil in the eyes of other creatures.

Just like what the **** Eim said, this dirty and stupid creature of humans really deserves to be ruled, deserves to be squeezed, at least Bai Yu occasionally thinks like this when he sees some things.

There is too much pollution in this world, and the world government that now rules the sea is not a thief, a thief who has stolen a huge kingdom.

Bai Yu drank a pot of tea in one breath and shouted, "Brother, I want us to be heroes!"


"The truth of all the world, the winner is king!" Bai Yu slapped his expression on the table frantically, staring at Wang Zhi: "Victory is the real justice, we have won, we are the heroes of this world!"

Wang Zhi looked at Bai Yu and smiled gently: "We are pirates, not heroes. You are right. The foundation of justice is victory. There is no real truth in this world. We are all looking for truth. A struggling person."

"The concept of justice and evil has long been changed in the ocean. Right and evil are mutually transformed. The key lies in which side we choose."

"As men, you have to work hard in the direction you choose, so what if we are pirates?"

"The pirate itself is our honor."

Bai Yu felt shocked by these words inexplicably.

Afterwards, he grinned and said: "Hey, yes, darkness and light are always interchangeable, and we pirates should walk firmly in our direction."

Born as human beings, they all have their own guidelines and bottom line as a human bottom line.

Using simple justice and evil to divide a person, one thing, but a very naive behavior, only the flowers in the greenhouse can casually make an evaluation of what they think.

For some people, being alive is a challenge. The values ​​of the little ghosts who don't know how to be hungry and those who don't know how to eat and wear are different, but the latter have more experience in all aspects of human nature.

Under the bottom line of insisting on being a human being, it is difficult for people to see themselves clearly, let alone see others.

"You want to overthrow the world government. I support you. This world needs to change." Wang Zhi looked through the room and looked into the distance. The starry sky is connected, and I think civilians on this planet can touch things outside and let this planet rush into this beautiful starry sky."

"Brother, there are outsiders here? He is trembling with fright now." Bai Yu pointed at the navy lieutenant and said playfully.

He was very curious about how Big Brother Wang Zhi knew about the outer planets. He obviously only talked about captivity. After all, whether there really are planets outside of Pirate World, he is not very sure.

But Wang Zhi seemed quite sure that there were other planets outside.

"Brother, it's very miserable to be a hero in troubled times. I want to be a demon king with the strength. I don't want this world..." Bai Yu sat on the chair, clenched his fists, and said, "What I want is Become the true king in a world where the heroes are fighting for the world."

"But you can't participate in this kind of thing. I want to try it myself."

Wang Zhi's eyes were puzzled, and he didn't understand what Bai Yu said.

Soon after, the admiral of the navy entered the office empty and saw the great pirate Bai Yu sitting swaggering in his seat.

"Who the **** are you?" Ganggukong had never seen these two people.

"Give me a chance, I want to be a good person."


Among them, the Warring States is undergoing brainwashing by the world government, and Zefa is left with a naval admiral, and the admiral’s position has been three since ancient times.

The world government wanted to take action against Zefa through reasons, and then the three navy generals were all people from the world government, and they directly took the steel skeleton into the air.

At that time, even if the steel frame wanted to help, he would be a polished commander. As for Karp, the world government probably wanted to kill him a long time ago.

"I have arranged Zefa to escape in advance. His family is by Locks' side. He said he believes in you." Ganggukong squeezed his fist. "Zefa's defect is an opportunity. We can turn the world. Government opportunity,"

Bai Yu's eyes were gloomy, and he sneered: "Do you know what this means to Zefa? If he can't be remembered by most people, then he will never get rid of the stains on his body."

"So what? For the sake of this world, I believe that Zefa will definitely make this choice. I am a person watching Zefa grow up!"

Gang Gukong took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "The news of Zefa's rebellion against the navy will soon be spread. Only the four of us know about Zefa. There are too many inside lines in the navy to tell other people, you guys. Keep it secret."

"Also Klockdal was arrested by the world government, and they will act on you soon. As for whether you will save it, I don't know what your pirate thinks."

"One more thing I want to tell you, whether you go to save it or not, we don't have much time."

Bai Yu lay on the desk and directly squeezed the teapot that Ganggukong had been making tea for many years. The strong murderous aura on his body made Wang Zhi and Ganggukong feel his anger at this time.

"How long is there?"

"It's about a month or so."

Ganggukong's armed color covered his whole body in an instant, and even completely penetrated into the bones. The armed color of this hand was very incredible.

The name of the steel frame is worthy of the name.

"I'm here to discuss cooperation with you." After saying that, Bai Yu killed the navy lieutenant in front of the steel.

Wang Zhi: "!?"

Steel bone empty: ╯▔ware▔)╯"

"You asked Zefa to come and find me, didn't you let me come and see you?" Bai Yu took the initiative to reveal his identity.

When Wang Zhi saw this, he was exposed, and Ganggu Kong's look abruptly suppressed his anger.

What a special thing!

Even if these two are added together, he can't beat them.

Here is the navy headquarters if it is killed by two pirates, let's listen to this guy's next explanation.

After an explanation, Steel Bone checked the dead navy lieutenant, and found no merit at all. It was an aristocrat who stuffed in through the back door and looked at the phone worm's record.

Even if it is not guilty of death, as long as you hear what they are going to talk about next, you must die, not to mention that the dead navy lieutenant is not a good thing.

The two sides talked about what they were going to do. Bai Yu didn't tell Pluto. He only said that the sea king would come to help during the decisive battle. It was something he had agreed with the king of the sea.

"You mean you helped the fisherman island come to land, so the king of the sea king decided to help you once." Ganggukong excitedly said: "If there are sea kings fighting, our odds of winning will be great. "

"But you have to find the truth as soon as possible. We are running out of time. The world government seems to have noticed something and is ready to attack the navy headquarters."

Bai Yu said strangely: "Before there is decisive evidence, the world government has acted on your navy. That kind of behavior is a bit too stupid."

Ganggukong's eyes were solemn and his face was ugly, "The world government has sent two people to become admirals of the navy."

When Bai Yu heard that his pupils shrank sharply, he furiously said, "You have killed Zefa!"

The navy currently has two generals: Zefa and Warring States.

The navy lieutenant on the side listened more and more frightened, guessing in his heart that these masters are likely to come from the red earth continent, I am afraid they are the adults in the legendary CP0.

This time he is really going to die.

In extreme fear, the navy lieutenant forgot that one of the two grandfathers in front of him had scolded those people on the red earth continent.

The three were waiting for the arrival of the admiral in a quiet environment~www.readwn.com~ Bai Yu sat in the position of the marshal, looking at Wang Zhi who was watching the naval documents, and thinking of a big pirate in his world, it was a pity. In time.

In the eyes of some people in later generations, the great pirate became an image of collaborating with Japanese pirates, murdering and setting fire, harassing the coastal people, and opposing the government.

But in fact, this is a misunderstanding. The great pirate has never attacked the southeast coast, and even helped the country of that dynasty to eliminate the pirates. No alien is allowed to enter his country.

At that time, the treacherous dynasty was in power, and the maritime ban was even more serious.

The great pirate once had great expectations of the imperial court. He calmed down many pirates who burned, killed and looted, and maintained the order of the coast. Pirates of any country did not dare to invade.

As a result, the imperial court broke his faith and let the big pirate lose his way into an island country. Since then, coastal trade has suffered heavy losses.

The purpose of the big pirate was to make the government at that time abandon the maritime prohibition policy and legalize maritime trade. Under the circumstances at the time, it was the most correct decision. Such a vision is far-reaching.

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