I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 268: Arrived in Lovedrew! the truth!

Until one day, a towering tree appeared full of fruits, and as the fruits fell down, those who picked up the fruits had incomparable power.

Those people call these fruits ‘gifts of God’.

As time passed, I felt more and more wrong.

Since the **** guards the moonmen, why are those moonmen wandering in the star sea so embarrassed?

Why are those moon people unwilling to release their guardian gods until the final defeat?

In order to find out the truth, I went deep into it step by step.

In the end, I got a terrible fact in the ruins of the moon man, something that made me creepy and couldn't help but take a breath.

The truth is...

Gods are a bunch of lunatics, and we must not believe anything from them! Man and God are different in nature!

We just have to remember that we are humans, not gods!

That is not a gift from God at all, it is the fruit of the devil!

The newly established world government has long since become slaves to the gods, but the so-called Tianlong people are being raised as pigs.

Gods are not social creatures. Gods think they are perfect creatures, but there are also contradictions among gods. That **** is precisely the existence among gods that other gods cannot tolerate.

A battle of the gods in the evening, the **** fell asleep directly after suffering an unimaginable serious injury. If the essence of one of the highest gods could not be eliminated, the **** would fall into a permanent seal in the dusk of the gods .

Lunar people were also involved in the war by the gods they believed in and lost their hometown.

But those kind-hearted people on the moon did not abandon the gods they believed in, even if they knew their gods were extremely sinful, they still pleaded with other gods to let them go.

With the help of a good god, they fled that place, came to this remote and remote planet, and built a new home on the moon.

That dusk of the gods made all their moonmen agreed that they would not release the gods they believed in, otherwise the gods would destroy the world, especially a wounded god.

In the records of lunar men, gods love sentient beings most of the time, except when they are injured, they will be nourished by sentient beings.

The closer the creatures are to the form of gods, the more they can be favored by powerful gods.

Locks, Navy Headquarters, Uzo, this trip took Bai Yu three and a half days, two of which were waiting for Wang Zhi to adapt to his body. He took the opportunity to rest in two days. After all, treatment was very costly to his Wang Zhi. Big.

It took them three days to get the text of the four historical road signs and figure out the direction of Lavdrew from Uzo.

Before and after, Bai Yu and the others spent nearly a week reaching Lavdrew and achieved an unprecedented achievement. They were probably the first pirates to board Lavdrew in 800 years.

"Husband, this is Ralph Drew?"

"Luo Qi, this is the last island in the legend, Love Drew."

Bai Yu's mood is very complicated. It took Wang Lufei in the original book for so long to reach it, but he actually arrived faster than Wang Lufei, which is a dream that has come true.

During that period of black boxing, he was supported by his efforts to survive. Apart from his family, he was left with the lingering pursuit of the comic. Even if the comics were drawn in the later stage, he also wanted to see an ending, to chase the comics together for many years. Growth draws a successful end.

And now he arrived, and set foot on the land of the last island.

"I almost forgot, brother, I still have something to give you." Bai Yu took out a pure gold ring and handed it to Wang Zhi in strange eyes.


"Jie~hahaha~ that's a good thing that a pure gold ring can make people almost immortal."

Even in the world of Pirates, there are not many things that can prolong life. One of them is pure gold, which was born under the research of Olga’s parents. It can be said that Olga’s parents are doubled in this respect. Punk is also a terrible genius.

Pure gold was born more than a hundred years ago. Before the dragon people wanted to **** it, the island was swallowed by the lantern master. Therefore, there are records of pure gold in the world government, but there is no pure gold.

However, based on the background of the world government, even if there is no pure gold, I believe there are other good things that can increase lifespan.

Otherwise, how could the five old stars live so long? They are different in life from Yimu. Without other means, people can't live as long as gods.

"There is such a thing unexpectedly." Wang Zhi showed shocked eyes.

"Wow~ Brother, this is the first time you have such a big fluctuation in your expression after waking up."


Wang Zhi was a little confused, and coughed a few times, "Bai Yu, I found that you are really capable of cultivating people. I am a human, and I must have seven emotions and six desires. The sword I cultivated is...I can't tell."

Bai Yu is a person who likes to collapse others frequently.

"Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a life for the people, for the sacred and continue to learn, and open peace for all generations."

He said these words slowly in front of the crowd, looking at the shocked expressions of Wang Zhi and Roger and they nodded in satisfaction, "This sentence is not bad."

"Maybe brother, you can try in this regard, how about my proposal?"

Wang Zhi held the sword in his hand with serious eyes.

Shi Ji said uncomfortably, "Why do you treat me like that?"

"Huh~hahaha~ no, **** Shiji, you have to know that our relationship is incomparable to others." Bai Yu teased: "Most people don't enjoy my treatment."

"..." Shi Ji flushed with anger, and roared: "Do you know who this uncle is? You can't be polite to this uncle!?"

When Bai Yu heard this, she appeared in front of Shi Ji as soon as she moved her body. He took out a chair and put it aside, pointed to the chair and said, "Come on, uncle, you will do it, and the young one will give you a massage, how about?"

"..." Shi Ji turned black and rolled his eyes. "You should treat it the same way."



All kinds of strange laughter sounded on the court, and the scene was lively and the atmosphere was very lively.

"Luo Qi, brother, bastard, come and take a look."

"Who is your bastard? My uncle's name is Shiji!"

"Brother, if you want to get to Uzo, you can only rely on the life card. How did you reach Uzo?"

"Did you forget that you gave me a life card?"

Mitian scratched his head slyly, and said embarrassingly: "I really forgot..."

"Don't talk about it, we have all reached the last island, hurry up and see what's inside."


Waidibei twisted her waist, her frosty eyes only softened when she looked at her family.

"Uncle, I didn't expect me to have such a big surprise with you."

"Eldest niece, maybe the truth behind it will be a terrifying fright."

"Then I don't care."

Unpredictable weather makes us underestimate people's hearts.

Not everyone wants a world like this. Those who are interested and those in power collude and dormant with each other. These dirty guys don't want all races to unite and become one, and they don't want a world where everyone is equal.

These people wooed people in the huge kingdom for a walk. The news said that those people from outside the starry sky possess terrifying weapons comparable to Pluto, and they have always wanted to seize the planet.

These people spread the news in front of the lunar man again, and exhausted all means to win over some lunar scum who had been assimilated in the Qinghai Sea.

Under the control of those with a heart, there was friction between the two parties that were originally peaceful.

The friction was getting bigger and bigger, the fuse was ignited by an incident, the matter was out of control, and the war broke out.

The leaders of both sides wanted to solve it, but the people underneath went crazy.

These restless humans ruined everything, and I finally missed the appointment.

After the fight, it was no longer clear who was right and who was wrong, and it was also unclear whether it was an enemy or a friend. Pluto used it, and in order to survive, the lunar people were forced to use the weapon that they had exchanged for their lives.

Two weapons that could almost destroy the world destroyed the world once. The moon created by the lunar man was destroyed. There were wars and fights everywhere.

The last 20 forces that survived are called the 20 royal families, and mankind made another big mistake. In order to covet the treasures left by the moon men, they awakened a great horrible existence, which was called a god. Of creatures.

The twelve bright wings spread out behind the gods, facing the gazes of barbarians and the race that believed in themselves and died once.

God is angry.

That is the scariest picture I have ever seen in my life.

The huge kingdom was destroyed and destroyed by gods. The forces known as the twenty royal families knelt in front of gods and begged for mercy. Those with conscience begged to let go of mankind, leaving a trace of blood for mankind, and those who had no conscience begged for themselves. Can survive.

At that time, the **** decided to exterminate mankind, but seeing the wings behind a newly born baby on the sky island, the **** hesitated.

In the end, God let them go, but wanted mankind to atone for their sins in another way.

In fact, some of the twenty royal clans back then did not know, and thought they were for the planet, but they did not expect that they were the initiators of this disaster.

Many members of the royal family are repentant.

At this time, the gods used terrifying power to create the Red Earth Continent, and the twenty royal families became the world government.

When they survived from the hands of the gods, they reached an unimaginable height, and even those ignorant royal clans would join in and fall for themselves.

No one except me noticed that God was actually sneering at the time.

At that time, the nineteen royal families were all cheering and cheering. Only one royal family, after hearing the truth, asked Eim alone without others knowing it, and after obtaining consent, withdrew from the world government and rooted in Alabastan.

That royal family was called a traitor by the other nineteen royal families. In fact, only I know that the twenty royal families are the biggest perpetrators of disasters. Their greed and ambition have ruined the world like this.

I met the **** and got a sentence, "You are born stupid and ignorant, and you have shortcomings. It is you who will ruin you."

Yes, we couldn't see through the hearts of the people and caused the disaster. I thought it would just pass.

At least God gave us a chance to survive, and I thought God was magnanimous.

Bai Yu and the others reached their final destination and saw a stone tablet, a red inscription made of a special material.

There are words on the inscription, and Robin stepped forward to investigate with excitement.

Soon the words on the stele were translated: This is the last island, the end of everything, and all the truth is here; fate is destined, and your attainment will make the world shine with hope. You are this Heroes of the times, this world is up to you.

After a paragraph was finished, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Although these people are honored as pirates, in this world, pirates are defined by the world government as the most sinful people.

At this moment, the stone tablet vibrated immensely, bursting with icy blue light, and scanned the bodies of Roger, Wang Zhi and Mi Tian.

Bai Yu looked at the blue light scanning Wang Zhi's body, his eyes thoughtful, and he said in his heart: "Big Brother Wang Zhi's identity does not seem simple."

Mitian is the heir of the Guangyue family, and Roger has the blood and identity of the D family.

And Wang Zhi is...

The password is correct.

The huge treasure has officially appeared.

Clan D, descendants of the royal family, Guangyue family, you did it~www.readwn.com~ I, Joey Boy, will tell you all the truth over 800 years. No matter who of you sees this truth, you will become this world. Hero.

I used to make the whole world a family, but unfortunately I failed, so I hope you can change the destiny of this world together.

Eight hundred years ago, the giant kingdom was the ruler of this world. The Guangyue family and the D clan are both a branch of the giant kingdom. After thousands of years of development, the technology of the giant kingdom has reached its apex, and it has been created. The weapon'Pluto' that can destroy the world.

However, "Pluto" is an ornament and symbol, which symbolizes eternal peace and prosperity.

But the longer and longer peace has led to various problems.

Until there was a turning point, we discovered that some strange creatures with wings appeared on the planet not far away. We only learned through contact with those creatures that they were a group of poor beings who had lost their hometown and came from other distant galaxies. .

The purpose of coming here is not to have a war with us, they just want to survive, as long as there is a territory on the moon.

We welcomed these humanoid creatures very much, and we invited them to live together on this planet. We didn't expect to harm those kind creatures because of this.

We soon started working with them at that time, calling them lunar people, and the two sides worked together to make the world a beautiful world free from oppression and exploitation, and free from racial discrimination.

For this plan, I found the mermaid princess to explain my intentions, and got the support of the cute fish people on the fisherman island.

At that time, we were determined to create a perfect world, take this perfect world to the depths of the starry sky, to explore and cooperate with more races, we want to let friends on the far side of the starry sky also feel our kindness.

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