I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 328: The main mission is complete! I'll restart 1 cut!

, The fastest update of the latest chapter I am a crew member on the Rocks Pirates!

The real extinction has arrived.

At this moment, both justice and evil are no longer important, and everything will pass away with destruction, finally bursting into new life.

"This kind of extreme pain and sorrow, as well as the satisfaction and happiness that I wish to achieve, really make me want to stop..."

Facing the sun, Bai Yu was about to set, feeling that his body was about to burn.

That feeling... That kind of satisfaction and sadness... That kind of urge to laugh so hard that he couldn't help laughing... It was too much for him...

To have everything first, and then lose everything, it turned out to be this way...

The experience of this period of time, the people I have known this period of time, I seem to lie to all of you...

But at the last moment, I found the truth, I found the ultimate feeling.

Yimu hugged another supreme god, and they scolded Bai Yu together. They cursed and cursed themselves and felt that they couldn't lift a trace of strength, as if everything, all the efforts they had made were empty.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them. Even if the opponent succeeds, it will at least draw a satisfactory sentence for their lives, but they have lost.

But what is going on now?

Who will win this?

Why did he die together? Is there a pit in his brain?

The Eim of this world accepts the memory of the Eim of another world.

She felt that this human man was different when she first met.

Now it seems that this is different.

This is something with a pit in the brain.

Facing the coming of the sun, facing the close at hand, the ripples of space like waves, facing the fear, confusion and helplessness of the two supreme gods in the world.

Bai Yu laughed strangely, and hugged the world: "When I walk in the darkness, I am the greatest darkness in the world..."

"You lunatic! You are more terrifying than gods! You are a demon! You are a total monster!!!" Eim's remaining head yelled in horror.

Before the sun came, Bai Yu completely swallowed Yim.

As a result, Yimu and another supreme **** yelled like a shrew in their minds, as if this would reduce the fear in their hearts, but it was just self-deception.

The topic of death is a problem that everyone has to face, and it is also something that many people fear.

Even pretending to be fearless on the surface.

But when death really comes, those people will not be bolder than the eye of a needle.

It would be better if it was a momentary death.

If you know you're going to die, and die while waiting, that's the most uncomfortable thing.

I hope that time can go slower, I can live an extra second, and I hope to be faster, don't let yourself suffer so much, the unknown next moment is always the most terrible.

"What is emotion? What is satisfaction?"

"In fact, it has always been difficult for me to understand, because I found that I can't even really see where I came from."

Bai Yu pretended to hold Yang Luoqi's body.

"Thank you for teaching me everything, thank you for allowing me to have feelings, the next generation should never fall in love with a monster like me."

Bai Yu hugged the imaginary Yang Luoqi tightly.

Time passed bit by bit.

Both Yim and his ‘good sisters’ gave up resistance. In this state, they couldn’t find a chance to live anyway.

The waves resembling ripples swallowed everything.

The sun went down.

It illuminates everything in the world, but it is ‘warm’ dazzling, ‘warm’ enough to burn almost everything.

Facing the sun setting, he let out a last crazy and contented laugh: "Hoo~hahaha~hahahahaha~hahahahahahahaha..."

He is a monster who doesn't know emotions, can't see the origin, and has been playing the world.

When he came to this world, Bai Yu knew that everything about him was fake, including his name, the last life he had fabricated, and the identity of the original owner of the body for the first time.

What a boring world, a boring identity and experience.

After playing for so long, it was the most enjoyable at the last moment.

Yang Luoqi's body was gradually melted in Bai Yu's hands, including himself gradually melted, the same is true on this planet, and it is impossible for all human beings and creatures to survive.

A world that is not beautiful, the destruction of the world may be better, at least not worse...

Pirate World Destruction, Locks, Newgate, Ryder, Kaido, Redhead, Karp, Luffy, Ace, Sabo... these people will eventually die, and they cannot avoid death.

Eim, who seemed to be the big boss, also died, and Yang Luoqi, his favorite person, was also dead.

Everything turned into dust.

"Bai Yu, the main task is completed, the first and only person in the group chat to complete the main task..."

The chessboard was overturned by Bai Yu and directly played a rogue.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Yu woke up from that mysterious space.

It was still the boat, but there was an extra person on the other end of the boat, a person who looked exactly like him.

He is dressed in white and calls himself a person of "Dao Wu".

"Take my favorite person as a **** and destroy the entire board just to get me out..."

"Papa Papa~"

"Amazing, when did you see it?"

At this moment, Bai Yu had no sadness or joy in his eyes, as if he had anticipated all this a long time ago.

"From the very beginning, when I came to this world, I didn't feel real enough, until the arrival of chat groups and systems became more and more unreal..."

"For the first time, I used Krokodall's life as a bet. I know that the world government is focusing on me, but I dare not do anything against myself and I will use Krokodall to threaten myself."

"Since then, the gambling game between you and me has been established. In order to disrupt the chess game, I caused both parties to suffer heavy losses. I went to see Yim in another world and realized that it was not Yim's real body."

"There are two Supreme Gods, and neither of them is dead."

"At that time, I used my life to make a bet, betting that you will come to save me, and as expected, you brought me and the Supreme God into this place."

"When I was forced to a desperate situation, I used the ghost fingers again, and you came out. As the guide of my life, it seems that everything is well arranged by some kind of force."

"You shouldn't do anything extra, but let me see your real body before unconscious, especially when I am so weak, it is impossible to see you clearly with my ability."

"Dao Wu" smiled, "I made it unnecessary."

This mysterious man in white did not have the slightest surprise, as if a mortal accidentally forgot something, but was reminded of that feeling.

Did not care about it at all.

"The bigger flaw is yet to come, that is, I heard some existing conversations in this space before I fell into a coma."

Bai Yu still knows himself.

This kind of thing far beyond his understanding, how could it be so easily heard by himself.

The man named "Dao Wu" nodded.

"You should be trying to bring my thoughts to this space. In fact, it is my golden finger, and you are a powerful protector of my way of rising, allowing me to have the idea that you are kind to me."

"I tried a lot in the Qun Tian Qun, and I deliberately used the transit card to go to another world, and quietly revealed the fact that I was going to the mentally retarded goddess."

"As I expected, I did lead both of the two fox demon Tushan over. Among them, I was more tentative, pretending to be dumb, and affirmed that the two fox demon knew me and had a very close relationship. Familiar, the short fox demon among them loves me..."

"But I am obviously not familiar with those two fox demons. I just met them in the animations of the previous life. There are only two lives in my memory, which may not be true."

Bai Yu's mood fluctuated, he was not sure in the first life, and he was really sure in the second life.

"I'm tired of playing this game, just want to see who that **** is."

"Dao Wu" chuckled, "Now that you see it, what do you think?"

"What a fart! Who are you?" Bai Yu asked fiercely.

"I am you, but you are not me. This space is indeed your golden finger. I prepared it for myself."

The man named "Dao Wu" was afraid that Bai Yu would not understand him, so he simply explained: "I'm going to a farther place. That's a level that ordinary detached people can't reach."

"I changed myself from one to countless. You should have heard that all timelines shrink to achieve the only true self, and I used to do this, but now I have reached a higher level and want to keep something, so I let Countless selves have been born again in the world."

"Don't worry, your memory is true. You who retain the memory of previous lives are my key observation object. You can understand this space as the golden finger I left for you, and you can also understand that I am your protector. Taoist."

"I really didn't expect you to do this. It's better for jade fragments than for tiles... This is really not a conspiracy theory..."

"I have left you the seed. I am going to leave and go to a place too far away. Maybe you still don't understand this explanation. Do you need me to remove the means to protect you? "

In the first three Ninja Wars, Sagyun had fought fierce wars with Konoha and Unyin. The son of the mother-in-law of the thousand generations (the father of the scorpion) died at the hands of Kakashi's father (the Konoha white teeth). Shadow’s disappearance forced the dragons of Shayin village to be headless. The Thunder Country, which admired military expansion, took advantage of the fire and robbed the country of wind, causing Shayin to fall into chaos. The fourth generation of Fuying Luosha resisted Yunyin's invasion and protected the village by relying on the magnetic escape and placer gold he learned from the third generation of Fuying.

Due to the continuous reduction of the number of ninjas and the funding of the Ninja Village by the wind country daimyo, the combat power of Shayin Village has been continuously reduced. Luosha used magnetic escape to collect dust and brought stability to the village. The collected gold was used as the village's capital, which is also the capital that Shayin Village can trade with other countries. Therefore, Shayin's strength and financial resources are second only to Konoha in the five great forbearance villages. After Konoha collapsed and became an ally with Konoha.

After the death of Zhu Lifen, the predecessor of Ichimi Shouhe, Shayak had a strategic need to protect the country from aggression. In order to protect the country from aggression, the senior management of Shayak successively searched for three experimental bodies of Zhuli, but all of them went violently, Luo. Sand suppressed the violent one-tailed Maori crane many times.

Later, under Chiyo's proposal, Luo Sha personally supervised Chiyo to seal the one-tailed Shou Crane in Gaara's body. Luo Sha hoped Gaara could become the strongest weapon in the village and fight against other ninja villages. However, his wife, Gaara, could hardly give birth to a baby Gaara, and died immediately. Gaara was called a ‘spiritual medium’ because of the Shou crane sealed in his body. The inability to sleep at night caused Gaara to suffer from insomnia and irritable mood. Normally Ren Zhuli's spirit suppressed Shou Crane, and when Ren Zhuli was asleep, Shou Crane would wake up. [2]

Operation Konoha collapse

In the 79th episode of the anime, Naruto summons Toad Fumata to protect Sakura and fight against Morizuru. However, there are very few Chakras left by Toad Bunta. After his transformation with Naruto, he became the image of Kyuubi. After restraining Morizuru’s actions, Naruto exploded with Kyuubi’s power and hit Gaara with his head. As a result, the fake sleep was cracked and Shouhe was re-sealed. [3]

Get out of Gaara and be sealed

After the beginning of the second part, Dedara, one of Akatsuki, was in charge of the capture. In the sandy hidden village, he fought against Gaara, who had just become a wind shadow. Finally, Deidara released the "Eighteenth Fan" with C3 Chakra. The survival of the hidden village threatens Gaara as a bet. Gaara depleted the chakra to destroy the bomb and removed the sand from the village in order to protect the village. As a result, he was accidentally captured by Deidara and absorbed the tail beast in his body. Gaara, who lost Shouhe, is still very strong.

Fourth Ninja War

After the tail beast was drawn out from the soil in the Uchiha belt~www.readwn.com~ Morizuru and Gaara frankly faced each other. When Madara's resurrection plans to absorb the tail beast with the outgoing golem, the nine tail beasts put their tails together to fight against Madara. Gaara fought side by side with Shou Crane, and finally the two understood each other.

The Chakra pulled out from the first to nine tails of Madara's body with soil was put into Naruto's body, and Naruto and all the tail beasts were fighting against Otsuki Kaguya.

As Otsuki Mokura-style sensed the location of the Shou Crane, he led the Shiren's puppet troops to the desert in the sandy village to catch the Shou Crane, trying to catch the Shou Crane's Chakra. At this time, Sasuke and Gaara Arrived in time and fell into a bitter battle with Urashi, and Urashi sucked Sasuke into a different space. Houbo arrived and was rescued by Gaara. Datong Mokpo launched an offensive, causing Gaara and others into a bitter battle. Then Shouhe tried to kill Pu Shi himself. However, its attack was easily evaded by Pu Shi. Just when Shou He and Pu Shi were entangled, Ai Luo waited for an opportunity to take action and tried his best to seal Pu Shi in the sandy desert burial. However, this seal can only last for a while. .

After the tail beast was drawn out of the soil in the Uchiha belt, Morizuru and Gaara frankly faced each other. When Madara's resurrection plans to absorb the tail beast with the outgoing golem, the nine tail beasts put their tails together to fight against Madara. Gaara fought side by side with Shou Crane, and finally the two understood each other.

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