"It's so hot, put me down." Yang Luoqi wore wide clothes that didn't fit well, concealing her figure.

   Under the huge heat wave, she sweated again from the shower she had just taken.

   "Don't let go! Leave this to me!" Bai Yu was feeling the good figure of the girl with his body, especially the perfect body like Yang Luoqi who has been exercising for a long time, and he was reluctant to let it go.

   This is not the same as those who have trained their muscles to be tough. The feeling of getting started makes people linger.

   Such a good opportunity, he wanted to hold him for a while, and he encountered this kind of thing.

   Bai Yu clenched his teeth with an angry expression on his face.

   Where did this **** flaming **** come from? It's really looking for death, right?

Bai Yu saw the group of pirates whistling in the harbor, and saw the group of pirates making gestures with their hands on their necks, provoking him, and the sea with the burning skull pirate flag. Thief ship.


   His left hand used his finger as a sword to cut out a sword gas, and the surrounding sea instantly became turbulent, and a big wave surged and swallowed all the flames.

   Compared with the flame that burns the fruit, the water in the sea can't evaporate.

   Bai Yu recognized who it was.

   The captain of the Fire Demon Pirate Group, a well-known pirate in the sea, but that's all.

   If it weren't for burning the fruit, he wouldn't even remember the fruit that was eaten by "Fire Fist" Ace and "Second Commander of the Revolutionary Army" Sabo in the future.

"A bit capable~" The captain of the Fire Demon Pirate Ship smiled, with a confident expression, and commented: "This man is pretty good. If he is willing to hand over the woman in his arms, I will reward him as a cadre. , What do you say?"

   "Long live the captain!"

   "Long live the fire demon!"

   "That person will be grateful for the gift of Master Captain. It is a great honor to be a cadre of the famous Fire Demon Pirate Group!"

   Bai Yu hugged her sister, accelerated the speed of the sword's flight, and soon arrived at the port.

   put down Yang Luoqi.

   He smiled gently: "Hey, wait for me, please let me this man come forward on this matter!"

   Hearing such firm words from the man in front of him, Yang Luoqi nodded seriously and said, "I won't do it, come on~"

   "I will be back soon."

   Bai Yu's face was black, and he looked at a group of pirates not far away with cold eyes, and walked over slowly with the Yunxiao Sword.

   The nearby pirates, some local people, and outsiders hurriedly evacuated the place.

   These bystanders are very eye-sighted and will not participate and keep a safe distance.

   If both lose and lose, this group of them doesn't mind going to reap the benefits of the fisherman, so most of the people nearby have not left. They have various eyes such as playfulness, greed, and awe.

   The one with the most eyes is greed.

   The captain of the Fire Demon Pirate Group stepped out confidently, and the other pirates followed him one by one.

   The distance between the two sides soon pulled in.

   ‘Fire Demon’ confidently said: "Hand over the woman over there. I allow you to join my pirate group and reward you as a small cadre. This is a big benefit of falling from the sky."

   "That is, our captain has made such a good promise, don't you hurry up to hand over the woman next to you!"

   "As long as you hand over that woman, you can become a cadre of the Fire Demon Pirates. This is your honor!"

   "Hand it over! Hand it over!"

   "Hand it over!"

   A group of pirates roared, their voices getting louder and louder, and everyone present could hear them.

"Roger, there seems to be something going on over there." A handsome man with short blond hair, glasses, a scar on his right eye, but a gentle temperament, a handsome man with a sword in his hand, drinking a small pot of wine, and drew it with interest. His eyes fell over there.

   This man is Raleigh, Roger's right and left hand.

   A pirate with a straw hat and a hearty smile like Luffy smiled broadly: "Raleigh! Don't you think that kid is suitable to join our pirate group? I'm going to invite him to join us."

   Raleigh is not surprised, when Roger can be normal, he will think that this is a fake captain.

  Roger is not like this.

   At that time, he was caught by Roger and turned to the sea.

"Roger, do you say we are going to help them? That kid's little girlfriend is going to be snatched by other pirates." Jabba, the third character on Roger's boat, has two axes hanging from his waist. Said to Roger with a grin.

   "My partner is not that weak!" Roger laughed and said, "I'm going to invite him and the lady to my boat, Raleigh, let them be our partners!"

   "Roger!" Reilly looked at his own captain who was already on the move, holding his head in a headache.

   "Deputy Captain, what should we do now? Are you still going for a drink?" a fighter on Roger's boat asked.

"Go! Of course, we will go wherever Roger said to go!" Leily put away the hip flask and drew out his sword as a top swordsman~www.readwn.com~ and followed his house. The captain walked up together.

   "The captain is still such a fool~ Raleigh, since you're gone, then I'll follow along." Jabba followed.

  All the other members followed.

  Roger is a naive man, but he cherishes his partners, so the members of the ship are willing to mess around with the captain.

   A group of pirates from the Fire Demon Pirates Group was very proud of shouting so imposingly just now.

   "If you don't answer our captain's words, it would be death..."

  The pirate didn't finish his words, he was directly headshot, and the blood mixed with his brain and scattered all over the place.

   Bai Yu slowly came to the side of the ‘Fire Demon’ and smiled: “Why do you have an inexplicable sense of self-confidence when you are so weak? I want to ask you where the courage comes from, did Liang Jingru give it to you?”

   "You..." The other pirate Xiaoyi still wants to talk.


   Bai Yu raised his hand and slapped the pirate on the face.

   Just hear a click!

   The head of the pirate was like a puppet, and a large rotation of 1,800 Baidu came directly. The head passed through the air in a spiral flight trajectory and fell to the ground, with horrified eyes.

   "It's too late for you to run now. I really don't understand why the Pirate's IQ can't be higher..."

   Bai Yu looked at these pirates speechlessly, drew his sword, smiled and said, "Don't meet me again in your next life."

   Crazy murderous aura, bloodthirsty eyes, accompanied by a powerful aura, destroyed the fighting spirit in the hearts of these pirates.

  Armed color coverage!

   The pitch-black armed color completely covered the whole body of the Yunxiao Sword, glowing with a black luster.

   "Smugglers, go to hell!"


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