I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 43: My name is Roger! Come be my partner!

   "Ahem~" Shanks was choked and slapped himself hard.

   "Water~ I want water!"

   Leili smiled and threw the small hip flask he was carrying to Shanks. He was very optimistic about this trainee crew member.

   "Deputy Captain Raleigh, this is wine!"

   At this time, the young red-haired still disliked the taste of the wine very much, especially the wine in the small flask of Captain Reilly.

   "This bastard, are you laughing at me for having a red nose again!" Bucky exploded and jumped three feet high on the spot with anger.

  "?" Yang Luoqi tilted his head and stared at Bucky'Red Nose' with a puzzled face, scratched his head, and said seriously, "Are you stupid?"

   "Deputy Captain Raleigh! She not only said that I am a red nose, but also that I am stupid! I can't swallow this breath!" Bucky yelled like a neurotic, jumping side to side.

   Yang Luoqi thought of what Bai Yu had said to her.

   Pirate World, strength is respected, this rule is the same as her original spiritual realm.

   Thinking about it, he took his spear and pointed it at the sky and pierced it.

   One gun is one.

   A spear of letting me out of Yang Luoqi burst out from Yang Luoqi, shocking a group of cadres in the Roger Pirate Group.

   I saw a ray of silver light from the spear straight up to the sky, penetrating the sky and the earth like a rainbow.

   "Leilly, this little girl is not weak~" Jabba looked at the girl curiously and smiled: "It seems that our captain's vision is as good as ever~"

Raleigh looked at Roger's back not far away, and said contemplatively: "Yes, Roger's vision has always been good... and this little girl is not only not weak, it is simple, we have a few such strong on board ?"

   "It is estimated that no one can beat this little girl except us and the captain." Jabba took back two axes and sighed: "I wanted to use it. I didn't expect that kid is quite strong."

   Reilly smiled without saying a word, thinking in his heart: "This girl is not only weak, but it may not be able to get the upper hand after changing him and Jabba..."

Bucky watched Yang Luoqi's performance stupidly, and found that nothing happened. He suddenly laughed and said, "Hahahaha~ I thought it was so powerful, nothing happened! You thought it would scare you. Uncle Bucky?"

   "I tell you! I... what are you doing Shanks?"

   "Hello~ Bucky, I think you should look up at the sky." Shanks said kindly.

   Bucky replied impatiently, and looked up at the sky: "Can there be...ah~ah!"

  Fear, shock, disbelief, fear, etc. all kinds of expressions can be found on Bucky's face. At this moment Bucky's expression is funny and ridiculous, and his chin was so scared that he fell to the ground.

   There was no cloud in the sky, and an unfathomable big hole appeared in the sky. I looked up and looked at the darkness, as if a hole had been opened from the top of the head.

   "Deputy Captain Raleigh, please help me!!"

   Bucky came back to his senses, and at the speed of a top powerhouse, quickly ran behind Lei Li, hiding tightly, afraid to even show his head.

   Yang Luoqi was stunned again.

   What did she see just now... This weak aura broke out so fast in an instant!

   Is this pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

   There is a big question mark on her little face, and she looks puzzled.

"Haha~ This is Bucky, the trainee crew member on our ship. This kid has always been like this. Don't mind, we have no malice. We were prepared to come and help under the instructions of a stupid captain, but we didn't expect to need us anymore. "Jabba scolded his captain as an idiot captain, and the other cadres and members were not surprised.

   Roger Pirates is like this, the captain and crew have almost no sense of distance.

   Yang Luoqi heard it and nodded without paying too much attention.

   She doesn't believe that anyone in this world can kill Bai Yu, even if that person is the strongest in this world.

  Huangfu Longdou, the ceiling of Zhenhun Street, whose mentality is crushed, has proved that the strongest can't kill Bai Yu.

   A big wave hit the sea, and a flying sword broke through the air and reached the port.

   Wang Zhi came to the Pirate Carnival Island.

   He saw a large-scale battle here just now on the ship, and Captain Locks personally ordered him to come and help Bai Yu.

   Wang Zhi saw the little girl named Yang Luoqi at a glance, and asked, "What happened just now? Did Bai Yu fight with someone?"

   "'Pluto' Raleigh! And you... from Roger Pirates!?" Wang Zhi followed her gaze and saw the neatly organized Roger Pirates, except for the captain.

   "Come on to me!" Wang Zhi quickly drew out his sword, his eyes solemnly said: "The captain will have to wait a while before he can come over, where is that guy Bai Yu?"

   The members and cadres of the Roger Pirates were also a little confused. Many of them recognized the Great Pirate King Zhi, the famous powerhouse of the Rocks Pirates, who offered a bounty of more than one billion yuan.

   This is still in the era when the bounty has not yet increased in price, UU reading www.uukanshu.com contains a lot of gold.

'Pluto' Raleigh also looked at them with solemn eyes, and was shocked: "Is the Rocks Pirates already so strong? Two more such potential crew members...Roger's biggest opponent in the future-Locks. "

   The atmosphere here is very tense, and the atmosphere on the other side is more harmonious.

   Baiyu divided the captain of the Fire Demon Pirate Group into 108 segments, and did not find the devil fruit, thinking in his heart: "It seems that the devil fruit is really the kind that appears randomly..."

   In fact, he still wanted this devil fruit in his heart.

   The devil fruit of the Pirate World is equivalent to the house in the original world of Bai Yu. If you keep it, it will appreciate when you don’t know. The natural devil fruit is very precious in the sea, and the price is very high.

   "Hey~ My name is Roger! Come and be my partner!"

   Bai Yu, who was thinking about something, was taken aback and turned back sharply.

   He saw a man staring at him with a smirk on his face, which made Bai Yu feel chills all over his body.

   But the iconic straw hat on his head, as well as the coat and dress, made him recognize who the man in front of him was.

   Roger, the one piece of the future, the only man who has reached the finish line of the great route.

   "I know you are Roger. I haven't seen you for a while. How are you?" Bai Yu greeted casually.

Roger froze immediately, staring at him for a few seconds, and then he said: "You are a cadre on the Locks ship, I have an impression of you! Join my pirate group, and be my partner. Bai Yu!"

   "It's amazing to recognize me, you can actually remember the name of my little cadre?"


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