I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 48: Kaido: I'm not a fool!

   "You..." Catalina instantly widened her eyes, raised her head, staring at Bai Yu, wanting to say something cruel beforehand.

   "Don't hold on, if you are still alive, I will call your father."

   Catalina fell heavily to the floor, she couldn't catch her eyes.

   "Make up?"

   Yang Luoqi looked at him dumbly. It seemed to outsiders that her shot was approaching a limit, but only she knew the shot, and she hesitated for a moment.

   Just now she saw in the illusion created by Catalina... Bai Yu who was obedient to her, gentle and polite.

   Yang Luoqi recognized that it was fake at a glance, but she still hesitated for a moment.

   Bai Yu saw it.

   The shot just now was supposed to be a fatal blow, but Catalina seized the moment of opportunity. Under her strong desire to survive, she slightly deviated from the damage point.

   Although the scar on the face of this ‘witch’ looked terrifying, she actually survived this shot.

   Bai Yu drew his sword and looked at the blood on the sword with disgust.

   "It's dirty again..."

   This female pirate is still quite ambitious, but it is a pity that I met a guy like him who specializes in making up knives, otherwise Luo Qi might really be confused by her and let her escape.

"Oh~ I know what it means. I was going to stab her again just now because... I hesitated for a moment..." Yang Luo replied staggeringly, his pretty face flushed, as if to say What a shame.

   "Hesitate?" Bai Yu frowned slightly, and asked inexplicably: "Luo Qi, you are a general of the Hall of Heroes, how can you hesitate?"

   "I...I saw..." Yang Luoqi put his gaze on him.

   Bai Yu understood, he immediately held her in his arms, and smiled: "It seems that we still don't know the roots well enough. In the future, we will have to communicate more. If you know how long I am, I know how deep you are."

Yang Luoqi nodded obediently, and said: "I just wanted to make up the knife, but you didn't see it. When I ended the war, I usually have to make sure that the enemy is dead, so you must also understand my depth in the future. That's fine."

   Bai Yushou unconsciously turned into salted pigsty, floating up and down.

   Yang Luoqi felt the unconscious hand on Xiao Man's waist, and he was relieved. This is the real him.

   "Like seven, we must be more eager than before. Sometimes being cautious does not mean that we are afraid of death, but that only those who survive are the real winners."

   Yang Luoqi asked back: "If you want to win, you have to go for it, right?"

   Bai Yu happily replied, "Likewise, Luo Qi is indeed a genius, and I can't beat it in the future and I can just wipe the soles of my feet."

  Yang Luoqi said strangely: "But I remember you won't die, do you want to be stubborn?"

   Bai Yu looked at her earnestly: "It doesn't necessarily mean that I won't die. Maybe there is a way to kill me. The most important thing is that you are mine, you can't leave me alone."

   "Hmm...No, you are wrong, you are mine!"

   "It's all the same, don't care about the details~"

   Bai Yu let Luo Qi begin to touch the corpse.

   The one who died on the floor was a small boss-level pirate, he would definitely drop something.

   Not to mention the appearance of this female pirate with heavy makeup, which affects her appetite, but she still has a good taste, and she feels a lot of good things on her body.

   "No, I touched it several times, and the good things are here."

   After Yang Luoqi won the war, he would take away the best trophies. The vision he had developed over the years was very good.

   Bai Yu looked at these on the floor, began to pack up, and decapitated Catalina's head.

   "Luo Qi, let's go."

  Yang Luoqi stood on the spot with thoughtful eyes, and said, "That pirate who can set fire is also worth a lot of money. I'll get his head."

   Bai Yu smiled awkwardly, and stopped: "Luo Qi, you don't need to go, the pirate has already been unloaded by me with one hundred and eight paragraphs, and I can't put it together anymore. No one will want it..."

   For the bounty, Bai Yu felt distressed, but at least it proved that the Devil Fruit, he really couldn't get it from other people.

   He is a little envious of the future little cricket named Blackbeard, so let's take down Blackbeard and do research when he meets him in the future.

   came to the middle of the tavern and saw Edward Newgate greeting him.

   "Bai Yu, here we are."

   "Brother Newgate, have you disembarked?" Bai Yu took Yang Luoqi with him, and was a little excited when he saw Edward Newgate.

"Can't I get off the boat? I have to come down occasionally." Edward Newgate patted him lightly, saw the head on his hand, and smiled: "Ku~hahahaha~ it seems you have Harvest, Catalina Deppon is a great big pirate with great strength."

   "Jie~hahaha~ not bad, boy, it seems that your bounty can also go up a lot." Golden Lion Shiji drank rum~www.readwn.com~ and shouted a little drunk.

   John raised his orchid finger and asked playfully: "You cut off her head, don't you want to go to the navy to receive a reward, you are a pirate~"

   Really hammered, this is Jack Spyro's rebirth of the pirate, this standard orchid finger is impressive.

   "Of course not. I'm a pirate who goes to the navy to receive a reward. It's not that it's not going to the toilet with a lantern." Bai Yu stunned John's appetite halfway through.

   "Hey~ You haven't spoken yet, can you finish the rest?" John spread his hands, the expression on his face was uncomfortable, he hated this kind of guy who didn't talk halfway through.

   Wang Zhi asked curiously: "What does this sentence mean when you enter the toilet with a lantern?"

   Bai Yu smiled badly, the expression on his face changed to the same as that of Brother Wu Fei, and said to them: "I'm looking for death!"

   Wang Zhi was taken aback and reacted instantly.

   John also understood in seconds, and quietly explained to Captain Locks.

   Others gradually came to understand, Kaido looked at the expression that everyone else understood, as if he didn't understand it.

   Kaido immediately pretended to be very understanding, trying to get involved.

  Golden Lion Shiji laughed loudly: "Jie~hahaha~boy, your tone of voice is really too much."

   "I just like the expression that others want to beat me, but they can't beat me to death."

   Bai Yu chicly sat in his seat, and let Yang Luoqi sit next to him.

Kaido in the corner of    could only watch these cadres speak, feeling very boring, until he heard the words behind Bai Yu.

   There was a ray of light in his eyes, and he cast an agreeable look at Bai Yu.

   "That's right for a man!"

   This is what Kaido thought.


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