"What extraordinary move do you want to do? Karp, I tell you that this action can't be missed." Karp's old man, Warring States, looked worried, afraid that Karp would do anything unexpected.

   "Warring States, you have to believe in the justice behind me, justice will never lose!"

   Karp roared confidently, clenching his fists.

The Warring States also let go of the worries in his heart, and said to the green pheasant who was standing aside, looking forward to it: "Kuzan, you have to perform well in this operation. Among the rookies in the navy are you and Sakarski. The three of Russellino are the best, and they have come up with their own names. Many people in the navy think that you are the candidates for the three generals in the future."

   Green Pheasant nodded, and replied earnestly: "I will definitely not let any pirate off this action, for the justice behind it."

   "Puff~hahaha~Warring States, you don’t know that this little pheasant is usually lazy, but when something happens, he is more reliable than anyone else."

   Karp grinned broadly. Among the three future navy generals, his favorite is the green pheasant.

Although the navy rookie Akainu Sakaski also carried out justice and showed no mercy to the pirates, he never left his hands on the civilians... It was just those civilians who, under the oppression of the pirates, did not dare to resist and help the pirates. He concealed the news and silently suffered the squeeze of those pirates.

   Those civilians who have no strength, even if they want to resist, they don't have the strength to resist. The end of the resistance will only be death. Just like the civilians in Windmill Town, they did nothing wrong, but were oppressed by the pirates.

   Sakaski is still too extreme.

   is still full of enthusiasm, and the green pheasant that implements the concept of justice is even more popular with Karp.

   It's okay to be lazy in normal times, and he is like that too, the little devil, the green pheasant, will follow him.

  I just need to be serious when doing things, just like him to implement justice, and never let the pirates go.

   may be because of the principle of same-sex attraction. Karp likes Kuzan very much, and Kuzan also likes to be a little brother with Karp.

"Lieutenant General Karp, I can act with you this time, and I will let you see my strength." The green pheasant walked to Karp excitedly, looking at the valley of the gods not far away, and said expectantly. .

   "After this action, Lieutenant General Karp will become a general." Tsuru said with a smile standing behind.

   "I'm not going to be a general. Leave this general position to Zefa, but you guys will train with General Zefa soon after you return. You have to work hard, Qing pheasant."

   "Lieutenant General Karp, he is as handsome as always~ he is so handsome!"

   Qingfei stood beside him like a little fan, clenching his fists excitedly.


   Polusalino'Yellow Ape' picked up the phone bug in the room and received a call.

   "This is really bad enough~ The Rocks Pirates is really terrible~"

   After Polusalino came out, he told the navy that was present.

   After listening, most of the admirals present were silent. Only the red dog roared: "Kill all the pirates and bombard the valley of the gods. Never let a pirate be spared!"

   The Warring States Period stopped and said: "No, Sakarski, your idea is too extreme. There are still civilians on the island."

   "Civilians can also sacrifice, for justice, even if they sacrifice it!" Sakarski said categorically, vowing to carry out justice to the end.

Lieutenant General    Crane reminded: "In addition to civilians on the island, there are also world aristocrats, Tianlongren. You don't know their status, do you?"

   "This..." Sakarski hesitated. Of course he knew what it was, the world nobleman, Tianlongren.

   The first lesson the navy headquarters taught the recruits was not to say what justice is, but to tell them the details and status of the Dragon people.

   "They tarnished justice..." Sakaski stepped back and changed his words: "Even if we can't order shelling, we can't spare any pirates on the island! I will execute them myself!"

   At this time, the young red dog still couldn’t understand the existence of the Tianlong people. Maybe he didn’t think that he would protect these strays in the future.

  Kapu, the leader of the team, yawned and explained to Sarkarski: "Our main purpose of this operation is to take Lockes, and the other pirates will be put aside first."

   Sakaski said excitedly: "Why? Lieutenant General Karp, please give me a reason!"

Karp's face darkened, and he said gloomily, "Do you know how powerful the Rocks Pirates is? It is an unrealistic idea to want to leave all of the Locks cadres, you know. How much sacrifice will your thoughts cause the Navy?"

   "For justice, sacrifice at all costs!" Sarkarski is like an active volcano about to erupt, which will explode at any time.

   "Sakaski! I'm the leader this time, I can randomly ask you to roll back to the army headquarters!"

The Warring States intervened in the middle to say: "This action is mainly to capture Lockes~www.readwn.com~Sakaski is not allowed to act without authorization. If this action is disrupted by you, you should know what the consequences will be. ?"

   The Warring States period didn't want Sakarski to be sent back to the navy headquarters with injuries all over his body from Karp, but he didn't want any mistakes in this operation.

The Rocks Pirates are too powerful, as Karp said. They can’t eliminate them all at once. They can only leave behind the leader captain, so that the other crews and cadres of the Rocks Pirates can also become effective for the time being. Can't control the climate.

   "Yes, Lieutenant-General Karp, I understand." Sakarski lowered his head, said in a low tone, and went back to the room.

   The Warring States Period sighed for a long time and said: "Sakaski is still not convinced, I hope he will not cause any trouble in this operation."

Karp nodded his head and said: "Sakaski has his own way of justice and will carry him through...I hope he can really follow through. It's best to kill the gangsters of the Celestial Dragon together. That's it."

   Sengoku shouted: "Kapu! Are you crazy?"

   Karp clasped his nose and bounced his nose on the forehead of the Warring States Period.

   "Puff~hahaha~Warring States, don't be so serious. I am not completely opposed to Sakarski's justice. If he can be less extreme and kill civilians together, his justice will be very good."

   The Warring States wiped off the booger on his forehead, and the black line was full, and he roared at Karp: "Is this what I said?"

   "Warring States, I know what you want to say, Denon is a bunch of rubbish, isn't it?" Karp pulled out another tuft of nose and looked at the Warring States not far away.

   "I say two things seriously, one is that the dragon people cannot be killed, and the other is...you dare to hit my forehead and try?"


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