I Work As a Crew Member on the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 93: Bai Yu who loves milk! Baibeard wants to accept his son!

Hearing these words from Captain Hanhan, Bai Yu didn't look back, but raised the hand that held her tightly.

"Captain, Luo Qi is mine, and no one can take it away! I want to give her the grandest wedding, spread my will to the whole world, invite countless people as guests, and hold an unprecedented wedding in the pirate world! "

Yang Luoqi blushed, the light in his eyes was like a child who had just gotten candy, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"It doesn't seem to be right~ I shouldn't be the one who married~" She reacted abruptly, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

Hastily, the offensive was reversed.

"And Captain Hanhan, before Kurokawa died, let me say'I'm sorry' to you... He is also your crew member, but his position is different from ours, he has not changed his position."

There was a sad emotion in the eyes of Locks lying on the hospital bed. Will this king of the sea also have this emotion?

"I know, each is the master. He insisted on his own position. He is also a man on the sea, who died vigorously in battle. I will not hate such a strong man. They are worthy of admiration."

Bai Yu shouted: "Captain, I'm going to eat first, and I'll bring you a copy by the way!"

"Remember to bring me wine! Bring me the meat again!"

Yang Luoqi poked at him and whispered: "Our doctor Nai Qin said that Captain Locks is forbidden to drink during this period, so that he can take a good rest."

"Oh~ I get it, Captain, you can take a good rest, I won't take the wine for you." Bai Yu joked in pain.

"You bastard! I'm so good to you! You show me John who is basking in the sun. I'm not allowed to drink, and he is not allowed to drink secretly from me!"

John, who helped bring out the sun in Wald, said he was very embarrassed!

He was stabbed by the captain!

"I'm really sad lately, I almost don't look like me, Wang Zhi, you wake up quickly, we are still waiting for you to go to the sea..." Lockes woke up and saw Wang Zhi's tragic situation. Hearing the bad news of the doctor Naiqin's diagnosis, his eyes became red on the spot, and almost couldn't help crying.

Yang Luoqi helped to explain: "Wald took John out to enjoy the sun. The fruit you want to eat is in the remaining treasure box of our Rocks Pirates. Mr. Red Earl Ryder also stayed. On this small island, I have a strong interest in a devil fruit."

Bai Yu smiled, no wonder he didn't see Brother John in the hospital bed, because he was taken to bask in the sun.

The fruit that Red Earl Ryder is interested in, is it the animal family, the monster species, and the bat fruit?

This fruit was eaten after Red Earl Ryder ran out of Propulsion City. If the current Red Earl ate it... the strength would be even more terrifying. Maybe he could easily defeat Gang Bone Kong and then talk to the card. Universal War.

Brother Wang Zhi's leg can still be cured under Naiqin's superb medical skills, but the hand is very difficult to heal. The original arm fell into the sea, and the conditions at the time did not allow them to enter the sea to find it.

Naiqin's medical skills were so superb that she couldn't conjure an arm out of thin air to help the king directly, and her spine was completely shattered, even if she had a hand, she would not dare to undergo surgery to pick it up. The danger was too great. Sacrifice as baolaixsw.com Sacrifice as

It seems that he can only turn to the chat group for help. I hope the group members or the chat group itself can solve this problem.

Yang Luoqi took him to a lawn.

John, Golden Lion Shiji, the Wald brothers, Red Earl Ryder, Edward Newgate and others all started eating here.

"Brother John, your injuries are so bad, why don't you go back to the hospital bed, isn't it uncomfortable to lie down?" Bai Yu picked up a bottle of milk, and a loaf of bread was gobbled up in front of everyone.

"Even if you are not hungry, this kind of satisfaction and enjoyment of tasting food is really overwhelming. This milk is so delicious!"

"Jie~Hahaha~Little bastard, I'm not mistaken, you are still an unweaned baby." Golden Lion Shiji said with a belly laugh.

"My uncle's wound is about to burst open with laughter. A real man should drink alcohol!"

Bai Yu raised his **** and said with contempt: "That's because you have no knowledge. The real strong should drink milk, and beware of a little milk-drinking baby slap you to death!"

"Jie~hahaha~little milk baby? Still shooting me to death? My uncle is almost out of laughter, you little **** definitely wants to make my uncle laugh alive, and then want to inherit my uncle's second position on the ship. "

Whitebeard Newgate looked at Skie, thinking that he should be able to beat him now.

How could this guy's face be harder than Hai Lou Shi!

"John, what are you looking at?" Bai Yu finished a bottle of milk and took another bottle of milk.

Several large boxes were placed on the lawn. There were a lot of precious gold jewels and a few devil fruits scattered where the boxes were broken. Count Red was holding one in his hand and was looking at it.

"The treasures on our ship are the only ones left. Captain Locks's other treasures are used to support his hometown. This is what Wald got when he ransacked his home in Tianlong~www.readwn.com~ Although John found the best treasure, But he is still a pirate who loves money, and he doesn't have the slightest resistance to this kind of shiny, golden treasure.

"Treasure, you need as much as you want in the future, don't worry, you should recover for a while first."

"That's what I said." John lay on the chair, his eyes fixed on the wine, and finally chose milk.

Bai Yu found a place and sat on the lawn, watching these children playing nearby, many of them were still watching them curiously.

"Brother Newgate, do you like children?" Bai Yu couldn't help but ask as Bai Yu looked at these children lovingly.

"Ku~hahaha~ I like these children very much, and I really want to take in some sons. I plan to go out to sea in two days to find some children to bring them back, and nurture them well."

Bai Yu suddenly felt that smell, and wondered whether the son Newgate would take in later would call him uncle.

He looked at a bunch of uncles sitting on the lawn, and some of them were expecting Brother Newgate to take back the people from the future White Beard Pirates. Mi He Mi

They called him Uncle, he was not really interested, he just wanted to ask how the Ice Witch was maintained, how her figure and face were so young and beautiful during the war.

He wanted Yang Luoqi to learn from this girl.

Of course, if those people insisted on calling his uncle, he wouldn't mind acknowledging their nephews and nieces.

"Brother Newgate, then you have to charge a few more reliable ones. What we need for the redevelopment of the Pirate Group is not exclusively elites, but reliable and potential partners."

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