I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 115 You are a bit extreme

Half an hour later, Chen Chen arrived at the Vientiane Hotel with a gun.

The others haven't arrived yet, only Peng Xucheng is waiting.

After meeting Chen Chen, his first words were:

"You're a little too extreme."

"Lao Mian didn't send anyone directly, but asked the Bao family to come over. It was obviously just a test. If it works, he can do it. If it doesn't, he will be pulled down."

"You're always going to kill the whole family. It's really not necessary."

Hearing Peng Xucheng's words, Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"I'm a mercenary, what else can I do?"

"Mercenaries use guns to solve problems, unlike you, who use conspiracy and tricks."

".Are you embarrassed to say this?"

Peng Xucheng rolled his eyes and said.

"Then what's there to be embarrassed about - stop talking nonsense, so what exactly do you want me to do? You can't take action, but you have to persuade her and the forces behind her to retreat. To be honest, it's very difficult to do."

"You want me to stand up, but what can I stand out for? All I can stand out is a gun?"

Chen Chen's words were not reckless, but the most accurate reality.

After all, he is just the leader of a mercenary group. He has intimidation but no right to speak.

It is really not easy to "convince" anyone at the negotiation table.


Of course, killing the whole family was just a joke, and while he might actually be able to do it, that's not how it works.

Not a natural born killer.

Killing is a means, not an end.

Chen Chen frowned, but Peng Xucheng looked confident.

He looked at Chen Chen and said:

"Actually, it's very simple. The 7th Brigade will make an offer that she can't refuse, and then let you be the executor to convince them to give up their intervention temporarily and bear the pressure from Myanmar."

"In this way, the original friendly relations between Northern Shan State and Wa State will not be destroyed, and the interests of the 7th Brigade will not be damaged. Even if an agreement is signed with Myanmar in the future, greater benefits can be achieved. .”

"All in all, you still want to use me as a gun user."

Chen Chen shook his head and said.

"There is no way, only you or I can do this. Why Bupa can't go to the territory of the 756th Brigade and let them continue fighting with Lao Burma, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Chen's heart suddenly thumped.

He immediately understood what the Seventh Brigade, or the Northern Shan State Army, was really trying to do.

". Win over the Wa State, use the Burmese side, and work together to swallow up the southern Shan State, which is much stronger than you. Then rely on the strong strength of the entire Shan State to kill the Wa State, continue to push northward to regain Kokang, and finally fight with the Burmese side. break"

"What a strategy and calculation."

The signing of the agreement by the Northern Shan State Army may be a stopgap measure, but their plans go further.

Um? MG’s orthodoxy is not in Kokang, but in Beishan?

Really, integrity is something that ordinary people can’t understand.

"It's good that you understand, but you can't say this to others - people are coming, go out and pick them up."

Chen Chen stopped talking and followed Peng Xucheng out of the hotel. He stood at the door to greet He Bupa and Bao Xiaomei who had just arrived.

As the child of Commander Bao's fourth wife and the most beautiful wife, Bao Xiaomei's appearance is naturally not bad.

She is tall and tall, and her skin is not dull and yellow like other Southeast Asian women here, but is almost translucent.

Similarly, her facial features are also extremely delicate, and even a little dazzling with the makeup.

Her face revealed a unique momentum and look, which was a kind of strong self-confidence - I don't know whether it was confidence in her appearance or confidence in her family background.

However, Chen Chen didn't have much interest in her. He just looked at her briefly and said hello, then followed everyone into the box and sat down. He was so focused on waiting for and eating the food that he didn't even take the initiative to talk to her.

Anyway, what I have to do today is very clear. It is nothing more than to act as a tool man and a powerful thug, and then use my past achievements to prove that "I can accomplish things."


But he didn't take the initiative, but Bao Xiaomei took the initiative to tease him.

He Bupa had just finished the show. Before he could make an introduction or get down to business, Bao Xiaomei interrupted him and said bluntly:

"Commander He, I've said the ugly things up front. What we are going to talk about today are serious and major matters. This matter involves the core interests of all of us and the future development direction."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a matter of life and death, right?"

"At this time, I think it is inappropriate to have outsiders present - is this gentleman with a gun a bodyguard or a mercenary?"

"No matter what it is, since I don't know him, I don't think there is any need for him to sit here, right?"

After the words fell, everyone's eyes turned to Chen Chen.

Peng Xucheng looked helpless. He could tell that Bao Xiaomei just wanted to test Chen Chen.

Why doesn't she know Chen Chen? She knows her too well.

She just didn't approve of it.

However, it would be a bit too stupid to use such low-end means to test the sinking ship's character, right?

Similarly, He Bupa, who was sitting next to Bao Xiaomei, also shook his head.

Seeing Bao Xiaomei's confident and confident expression, he even wanted to speak up immediately to smooth things over - not for Chen Chen, but for you, Bao Xiaomei!

You treat everything I told you as farts, right?

Who do you think he is? Are they just random mercenaries picked up from the street?

Just because Chen Shenhe did one thing wrong, he buried the entire Chen family!

Yes, your Bao family is powerful and has many people and guns, but the Seventh Brigade has fewer people?

We are all very polite to him, but you still can't tell his difference?

If he causes a shipwreck, you can either kill him face to face at any cost. Once he is out of your sight, there is no need to say more about who will die.

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the dinner table became a little tense.

Chen Chen didn't care. Anyway, in his stereotype, the Bao family had always looked like this.

This has nothing to do with personality, nor does it mean that she is particularly stupid because she is a woman, but because of the geographical environment and the way they develop in the Wa State, they have to use a relatively high-profile attitude to show others.

Otherwise, they wouldn't get that much support.

To a certain extent, this is actually understandable - the crazier they act and the more they bully their superiors, the more at ease some people feel.

But if you bring this way of doing things out of the Wa State, to the Shan State, or to Monkha, then it’s your fault.

So, he raised his head, looked at Hebupa, and said insinuatingly:

"Hasn't Brigadier He introduced me to Miss Bao yet? That's a bit inappropriate."

As soon as these words were spoken, Bao Xiaomei's expression immediately changed.

Yes, He Bupa had introduced this man named Sunken Ship to her in advance. She also knew that it was because of this Sunken Ship that He Bupa was able to obtain the position of commander of the 7th Brigade and was able to take over all the troops without losing any blood. Interests.

But the problem is, He Bupa didn’t make it clear enough!

She thought this man was a relatively capable mercenary and a useful thug - just like the Lion Corps she raised over there.

But just this simple sentence brought her back to reality instantly.

The relationship between Sunken Ship and He Bupa is not that of master and servant, but a fucking partnership!

Hebupa, you deserve to die.

Why don't you speak clearly? ?

In these few seconds, her eyes even looked helpless.


Fortunately, He Bupa also immediately realized the crux of the problem, and he quickly said:

"It's my fault. I didn't explain it clearly enough when I talked to Miss Bao on the phone before. It's normal for Miss Bao not to recognize people."

"But it's not too late for introductions."

"This is the Sunken Ship I told you about. He is a good friend of ours. We will also need Sunken Ship's help for what we are going to do next."

"We are all our own people, let's relax and relax."

With He Bupa on the ladder, Bao Xiaomei also took advantage of the opportunity. She turned to Chen Chen and said with a smile:

"Mr. Wreck, I'm really sorry. I took the liberty."

"But it's Brigadier He's fault, he didn't tell me about your appearance."

"I just heard him say that you were very capable, and I immediately took the lead. I thought you were at least thirty or forty years old, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

"You are young and have a lot of promise!"

Able to bend and stretch, riding a donkey down a slope is faster than riding a slide. This is the Bao family.

Chen Chen didn't bother to do any trick of pretending to slap someone in the face. He just nodded in a friendly manner, said "It's okay", put down the bowl and chopsticks, and officially integrated into the "relationship" between the three parties.

And his move also made He Bupa and Peng Xucheng feel relieved.

The subsequent negotiations were lackluster. As Hobuppa said, they are all our own people and there is no need to hide them.

In just a few sentences, the tone of future strategy has been set.

It was Chen Chen who stepped forward and took the initiative to promote what the 756th Brigade was doing, urging them to start fighting as soon as possible and to fight bigger areas as soon as possible.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the vast area of ​​Southern Shan State, the Wa State and Northern Shan State joined forces to seize the opportunity to pick fruits as the reorganized "national police force" and gradually penetrated into the territory of Southern Shan State to seize greater benefits. .

This plan is actually quite sound and quite reasonable.

The only risk point may be that the 756 Brigade cannot take the bait.

"I think He Bangxiong can do it. The 756 Brigade is the main force of the entire southern Shan State. They occupy two important city strongholds and have nearly 6,000 troops. No matter from any angle, it will be very difficult for them to continue the fight. There are benefits.”

"Although they may have foreseen the situation of being 'attacked from both sides' once we signed the agreement, the more this happens, the more united Shan State will be."

"Fortresses are all breached from within. With this opportunity, he may even truly unite the Southern Shan State and reach the sky in one step, reaching a height that even his father has not reached."

"So, the closer we get to Lao Burma, the more they will fight."

"This involves a northern issue."

Hearing He Bupa's words, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

I have to say that although this man always looks cheerful and kind, his precise grasp of the situation is truly outstanding.

He was able to find opportunities in such a crack and choose to cooperate with the Wa State instead of immediately starting a confrontation. It is true that he has carefully understood the trends and mentality of all the forces in northern Myanmar.

Bao Xiaomei, who was sitting next to him, nodded in agreement, and then she asked:

"So what exactly do we do?"

Everyone looked at Chen Chen, now it was his turn to talk.

After thinking for a few seconds, Chen Chen replied:

"We have a path in southern Shan State. The risk is a bit higher, but the benefits are huge."

"When the time is right, I will contact the 756th Brigade to see if I can give them a push."

"However, the best option is actually to wait and see what happens - because the seed has been planted, and now we are just waiting for it to sprout."

After the words fell, Bao Xiaomei's eyes flashed.

When was the road buried in Southern Shan State?

The change of Wang Qi of the 7th Brigade of Northern Shan State was obviously an accident. The subsequent series of actions of several people present were all based on this accident.

But now, he actually said that he has a path in Southern Shan State for this sunken ship?

Or are the seeds already planted? !

Doesn't that mean that he had already started preparing and making arrangements for this day not knowing how long ago? ?

Chen Yimin's death and the destruction of the Chen family may indeed be accidents.

However, even such an accident was included in his calculations

No wonder He Bupa has a cooperative relationship with him.

You can only cooperate with such people, not control them!

With your eyes closed, you can count a thousand steps, but with your eyes open, you can kill your whole family. Do you dare to say you are not afraid?

He couldn't let He Bupa and the Seventh Brigade monopolize such a role, and he had to find a way to win over him.

Bao Xiaomei's face showed a warm smile, and she said:

"As expected, he is a young hero. Then it depends on Mr. Sunken."

Chen Chen nodded, which was regarded as acquiescence.

It seems that the 756th Brigade, Jiya, and Tachileik will also be connected.

This is completely the butterfly effect. What originally seemed like a small role and a small event that was not worth mentioning, secretly continued to accumulate power and condensed into a storm that could sweep the entire northern Myanmar.

No one can stay away, everyone is forced to move forward.

Is this their own choice?

The fall of the Chen family, Ho Bupa's rise to power, the cooperation between the Northern Shan State and the Wa State, the compromise between the two parties with Myanmar, the resistance of the 756th Brigade, the chaos in the Southern Shan State, and Ho Bang Hsiung's big gamble.

All seemingly unrelated things actually come from the same factor.

That is, Chen Chen himself

Taking stock of the active forces in northern Myanmar, the only ones that are not closely related to this major event are the Kokang, Eastern Shan, and Kachin.

But if, in the process of promoting the 756th Brigade, he is forced to go to Tachilei, the Kachin is a force that cannot be bypassed.


It’s too complicated! ! !

do not care.

Just hold on to the gun in your hand.

No matter what is in front of you, the .50 bullet can destroy it with one shot!

Chen Chen raised his head and glanced at the three people present.

Then, he spoke:

"Leave this matter to me, to our Dongfeng Corps."

"Friends, you can rest assured that the purpose of our Dongfeng Corps is to highlight a mission and achieve it."

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