I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 119 Seeking Survival from Death

Two days later, Chen Chen led the team to set off.

A group of 10 people, including Chen Chen, Li Bang, Bai Gou and 7 other recruits, rode the newly acquired Predator and arrived at Mengbin in just over 3 hours.

The speed of this car is not fast, but it has strong torque and strong ability to overcome obstacles. In order to familiarize the drivers in the team with the performance of this car, Chen Chen even chose a rugged path to walk on.

Facts have proved that no matter what the road conditions are, the passing performance of this car is excellent, and no additional special driving skills are required.

In addition, the loading capacity of this vehicle is much higher than that of their warriors. This time, the equipment they carry can be said to be perfect to the extreme.

The 10 people are configured in a double 5-man combat group, each group has a PKMS or M240 general-purpose machine gun, a rocket launcher, a precision shooter, and two riflemen.

Chen Chen naturally occupies the positions of precision marksman, team leader, and squad leader, but the other precision marksman is not White Dog, but a mercenary named Yang Shu in the Lion Corps.

Yang Shu also uses an SVD, but he is familiar with different types of sniper rifles, so the anti-material sniper task is also given to him. He also needs to operate an additional M82A1, but only in extreme and specific situations. use.

As for Chen Chen himself, he uses the standard configuration of HK416+M24.

After a battle with the Dongfeng Corps, the Lion Corps lost two of its three M24s. The team members who went to Mengyang to perform the mission also took one away, but fortunately it was still barely enough.

As for the rocket launcher, the 10-man group is still equipped with the New 40 fire, coupled with high-explosive armor-piercing projectiles, taking into account the lethality against personnel, light armored vehicles and buildings.

At the same time, they also carried the remaining PF89 cloud explosive bombs obtained by Jackal - of course, the correct name of this thing should be WPF-89-2, which is different from the PF89A seized from Chen Shenhe.

This thing is different from the PF89A. It can actually be reloaded, but the reloading process is too troublesome, so the ammunition preparation was not used in the previous battles.

I just happened to keep it for this time.

To sum up, the only firepower they lack this time may be heavy machine gun firepower.

But according to the nature of the mission, they just want to go to Tachilei to get something. They can leave immediately after taking the things. Theoretically, there won't be too high an intensity of the battle. The current firepower is enough anyway. .

Unless He Bangxiong went crazy and revealed his action plan to the 505th Brigade, triggering a killing and silencing operation.

This would not do him any good. Chen Chen believed that he was not a fool like Chen Shenhe.


And this is exactly what happened. After entering Mengbin and seeing He Bangxiong standing with Jiya, Chen Chen knew from the first words he said that he could not be betrayed.

He said:

"You don't need to tell me your specific action plan. I don't know where you are going or what you are going to do. I only care about what you can bring back in the end."

"You will complete the rest of the communication on your own."

Looking at this tall man with sharp eyes, Chen Chen couldn't help but praise in his heart.

After all, they were the radical faction among the capitulation faction, and they still had some courage.

It's a pity that the conflict between him and Northern Shan State is still irreconcilable. Otherwise, just draw him to Northern Shan State, and it will be much easier for me to get along.

"Understood, we expect to be back within two weeks."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and replied.

"Must be within two weeks!"

Jiya on the side added.

Chen Chen looked at her subconsciously and immediately understood the importance of this time to her, but since He Bangxiong was present, he couldn't ask in detail.

But he didn't ask, but He Bangxiong seemed to want to give him a chance to ask.

After a few brief exchanges, he left early, leaving Jiya and Chen Chen alone.

"Aren't you curious?"

Jiya asked smoothly.

"Curious, but there are some things I don't need to know."

"I'm just a mercenary. I only care about things within the mission. As long as it's beyond the scope of the mission, I won't ask."


Of course, this is just a cover. After getting involved in the relationship between the 7th Brigade, the Northern and Southern Shan States, and even the Wa State, he is no longer a simple mercenary.

This is different from the first time I fought Wanwano. At that time, I was really fragile and would die if I wasn't careful, so I had to use a big razor to eliminate all non-essential factors.

But now, the conflicts and entanglements between the parties are intensifying. The more information you have, the safer you are.

But on the surface, this basic principle must remain unchanged.

Of course, Jiya is also a smart person and will not be dissuaded by Chen Chen's words.

She smiled and continued:

"You want it, but you won't say it. It's not good, especially when it comes to women."

"But the funny thing is, I prefer passive men."

"So, the more you don't say anything, the more I will satisfy you."

"Let's get straight to the point - the reason for it being two weeks is partly because it's a window period and it's the deadline for Chaisri to hand me over to the Thai authorities."

"But it's not just that."

"If you can come back within two weeks, He Bangxiong will launch an attack on the Jingdong Burma garrison within three days and cut off all Jingdong's external routes."

"At that time, no one will be able to transport me out of northern Myanmar. He Bangxiong will hand me over to Chaisli again, and Chaisili can only take me back to Monkha."

"They can't afford the risk of a second long-distance escort - this is my chance."

Chen Chen was shocked.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke:


This is really a perfect plan, because under such circumstances, not even Thai officials can have any doubts about Chaisri's delay.

There's a fight! The only airport nearby has fallen into ruin!

You want people? Either you send a plane to force entry to pick them up, or you just wait.

If the matter is dragged on and on, it is very likely that the Thai side will automatically digest this matter.

Of course, they would definitely still want Jiya to die, but in Monkha?

That's a lot of room for maneuvering.

There are two core parts of this plan. The first is how Jiya convinces He Bangxiong, and the second is how she survives the subsequent execution.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and asked:

"How are you sure that He Bangxiong will definitely launch an attack?"

"That's up to you, dear."

Jiya smiled meaningfully, and then said:

"You must give He Bangxiong a deterrent and force him to take action as soon as possible - otherwise, you will hand over the items to the 505th Brigade to let them know that they have been targeted and give them time to destroy the evidence."

"It's a timing issue."

"He Bangxiong must start a war before he can get the things."

"Why should I help you? I need the Southern Shan State to be in chaos, but I don't need them to be in chaos so quickly - I can wait."

"No, you can't wait."

Jiya shook her head.

"If you don't implement it, I will tell He Bangxiong that Northern Shan State has reached an alliance with Wa State."

"He doesn't know that yet - at least not sure, and I'll give him a proof."

“Think about it, if he could confirm the existence of the northern Shan-Wa alliance, what would he do?”

".Join other brigades in Southern Shan State to crush the alliance first, at least kill the 7th Brigade first."

In the jungles of northern Myanmar, everyone is watching.

Balance is extremely fragile, and once a factor breaks the balance, it must be eliminated immediately.

The emergence of a new alliance is a bargaining chip to break the balance.

"That's right."

Jiya let out a deep breath.

"So, would you like to help me?"

"If you don't help, you have no evidence. Everyone will say it, but he won't believe it because no one will admit it."

Miss Bao's arrival in Mengka itself is a highly confidential matter. Chen Chen is confident that Jiya cannot have any evidence - this is just her way of bluffing people.

However, what Jiya said next once again exceeded Chen Chen's expectations.

"I have proof."

"It should be said that I really don't have evidence in my hand, but I can have it."

"Chen Yimin is dead, isn't he? This is news that everyone knows."

"Hebupa took over the Seventh Brigade, which is also known to everyone."

"But no one knows what happened next."

"Everyone only knows that the Burmese army's Mengku camp instigated certain people to assassinate the Chen family, but who was it?"

"It's you, the Dongfeng Corps."

"My guess is correct, right? Only in this way will you accept my mission so decisively - this is information that only I know."

"Why are you so decisive? Because this was originally part of your plan."

"So, how can we use this news to prove the existence of the alliance?"

Jiya asked knowingly.

"There is no need to prove it. The Dongfeng Corps killed the Chen family and then went to Tachilei to promote war in Southern Shan State. This is enough to show that we are a sharp knife."

"This knife is too fast and cannot be held in He Bupa's hand alone - in He Bangxiong's eyes, he does not have this ability."

“It’s either the Tatmadaw or the Wa State.”

"But the civil war in southern Shan State is not in the interests of the Tatmadaw, so it can only be the Wa State."

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief.

Yes, I knew very well that killing Chen Yimin was just a personal grudge.

However, He Bangxiong doesn't think so.

So as long as he can confirm that it was indeed the Dongfeng Corps that killed Chen Yimin, then everything will have a reasonable explanation - only a reasonable explanation in He Bangxiong's view.

But that's enough.

And, it’s not that hard to prove.

He Bangxiong may not have cared about it before, or he may not have paid special attention to it, because the compromise between the Northern Shan State and Myanmar is not a big problem.

But as long as Jiya breaks through this relationship, he will definitely care and he will definitely find the real threat.

damn it.

He didn't even show any flaws from beginning to end, he was just more decisive when accepting the task.

This kind of decisiveness is even in line with the behavior of mercenaries, but Jiya grasped this trivial detail and opened up a way to survive in death.

"Jiya, if you can really return to Monkha alive, and if Thailand really gives up on extraditing you, I will kill you with my own hands."

This is not a threat, but the truest thought in Chen Chen's heart.

This woman is too thoughtful. Although she is not here for him, keeping her alive is a risk no matter what.

"You will not."

Jiya said nonchalantly.

"Why can't I?"

Chen Chen asked back.

"Because I'll drug you, sleep with you, well, dozens of times a night, and get pregnant with your child."

"How about that, will you kill the child's mother?"

A narrow smile appeared on Jiya's face, and Chen Chen shook his head indifferently.

"An unborn child has no human rights, let alone a fertilized egg. I will kill him faster."

"Cold-blooded man. This is just a joke."

Jiya rolled her eyes and continued:

"When you come back, I will give you a reason not to kill me."

"I believe that reason will work. After all, we have no hostile relationship in the first place. In order to survive, I am forced to use you, but at the same time, you have been using me."

"It's a cooperative relationship, why do we have to fight to the death?"

"If you think my attitude and failure to explain my plan to you in advance have hurt you, then you can punish me severely."

"With whips, ropes, candles, canoes - do you like canoes?"

"That's it."

Chen Chen did not answer, but asked:

"Can you tell me the specific mission information now?"

"Force me."

make me.

Jiya played a pun just like Jackal, but her level is much higher than Jackal, because this sentence really fits the atmosphere she just created.

Chen Chen pulled out the FN-57.

"Is this enough?"

"I'd prefer your gun somewhere else but okay, let's get down to business."

An hour later, Chen Chen got all the information he needed. It wasn't particularly clear, but it was enough.

After all, Jiya is just a reporter, not a professionally trained agent.

Although she tried hard to be as professional and aloof as possible, she couldn't learn it.

What she showed was just the madness of fighting to the death.

But such madness is inexplicably appropriate in this land.

Maybe she really should be allowed to live.

Then let's see what conditions she can come up with.

I have to say that Chen Chen is really looking forward to it.

After walking out of the hotel where Jiya was under house arrest, Chen Chen saw Bai Gou and others waiting outside.

He would not reveal the specific details of the conversation, but simply said:

"The situation is clear. The things are in the Valentine Hotel - a love hotel in the Tachileik slum area."

"Giya hid everything in the hotel's water tower, wrapped in tarps and vacuum bags."

"What we need to do is simple, get into Tachileik, check into a hotel and get our stuff back."

"For a mission like this, our equipment is a little too conspicuous."

"White Dog, Gang Li, the two of you are following me to infiltrate. The others are waiting at the Hengtong Buddhist Temple on the northeast side of the outskirts of Tachileik, near the NH4 highway."

"The Buddhist temple is 20 kilometers away from the target hotel. We need to keep communication open at all times and be ready to respond at any time."

"More specific situations will be synchronized after preparations are completed."

"The task process is complicated and difficult. Is everyone clear?"


The team members responded immediately. Chen Chen nodded slightly and turned over to the predator.

From Mengbin to Tachileik along NH4 Highway, the total distance is about 300 kilometers, and it takes them about 6 hours.

If all goes well, the round trip can actually be completed in two days.

But things are definitely not that simple.

Because Jiya has been exposed.

Chaisili knew her, and all the other forces involved in the Chiang Saen incident knew her. The 505th Brigade, Naw Kham, and even the Phamang Camp in Thailand obviously also knew her.

And what she hid has yet to be found.

This means that every place she has been is under the surveillance of major forces.

It's best to be able to infiltrate without arousing suspicion, retrieve something, and leave.

But if it is exposed, then this mission cannot be ended with a simple "retreat".

You have to be careful and you have to plan carefully

There are two more chapters to be posted later.

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