"Hit the target!"

"Hit the target!"

"I was hit here too! The bow of the armed cargo ship was damaged, but they are still approaching!"

"It can't be blocked, it doesn't have heavy firepower, it can't be sunk!"

Calls kept coming to Chen Chen's ears. The first round of 40-fire attack had ended. 4 rockets hit 4 cargo ships, but because the distance was too far, the hit range was not accurate.

Except for one cargo ship that was damaged and leaked below the waterline, the other three rockets hit the upper part of the cargo ship.

Although it caused a certain amount of damage, due to the steel plate reinforcement, the actual effect was extremely limited.

Relatively speaking, the biggest losses were those speedboats.

In just one encounter, the two small boats scouting forward were directly smashed to pieces by heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, and the enemies above fell into the water without even making a sound.

The Dongfeng Corps took the lead, but the problem is, it was just a head start!

The three cargo ships were still approaching. The speedboat hid behind the armed cargo ship, and the opponent's counterattack had already begun.

Shells kept passing by, and recoilless rifles and mortars bombed in the direction of the smoke. Big Bird, which had returned, drove the assault boat back and forth on the river to avoid the shells falling from the sky.

As Chen Chen said, water flow is the best cover.

If it weren't for the greatly reduced impact of the mortar shells that fell into the water, the Dongfeng Corps would probably have suffered a shipwreck and casualties.

However, even so, the current situation is definitely not balanced.

The strength of the armed cargo ship used by the opponent greatly exceeded Chen Chen's expectations. After losing their explosive weapons, the threat to them has been reduced to the limit.

All the Dongfeng Corps can do here is to rely on the advantage of their field of vision to continuously shoot and kill the enemies exposed on the deck in an attempt to deter them.

"White Dog, knock out the gunner on the deck first!"

"Yang Shu, shoot from the side and see if there is a chance to decapitate him!"

"Find high-value targets, don't just hit them!"

Chen Chen issued orders one after another. At the same time, the M82A1 in his hand never stopped shooting.

The bullet penetrated the steel plate and hit an enemy who was operating a heavy machine gun. His blood spilled all over the floor, and his body folded into a sideways twisted arc from the waist on.

It was terrifying and astonishing, but the enemy was not deterred.

At this time, the cargo ship had entered the edge of the slow current zone. Chen Chen hoped that they would hit a certain reef and be stranded, but this time, he was out of luck.

Such a thing did not happen. After entering the rapids area, the speed of the three cargo ships also began to increase.

This is the core area of ​​the ambush.

The distance between the two sides was less than 400 meters, and the other side's firepower became increasingly intensive.

Because there is a steel bunker covering it, it is very difficult for one's side to cause damage, but the other side can take advantage of it and directly shoot at one's side!

The only ones that can penetrate the splint are the 23mm anti-aircraft gun, the 85 heavy machine gun, and the M82A1 in his hand.

"No. 1! Aim at the deck and shoot! Clear the wave for me first!"

"Baigou, hit ship No. 2! Suppress the opponent's firepower!"

"Baigou got it! But I'm almost out of bullets!"

Listening to the voice on the radio, Chen Chen's heart sank suddenly.

Armor-piercing weapons consume bullets too quickly.

If the opponent really rushes in front of him, the assault boat will definitely be blown up, and there will be no chance of survival.


Chen Chen suddenly felt excited and found himself trapped in a strange circle.

Yes, he wanted to save the assault boat and the evidence.

But who the hell says the ship must remain intact and functional? !

Could it be that an assault boat that was blown up to nothing but a pile of wreckage was not an assault boat? !

The above evidence has been taken down by myself. As long as it is still here and has not been completely destroyed by Nuokang's people, it is enough to prove everything!

Therefore, the core of the problem is not to hand over the assault boats to the 756 Brigade in a flawless state, but rather.

We must kill all the enemies who come here.

Don't let them take the assault boat away.

The passes, the assault boats, and the cargo on the assault boats are a chain of evidence that is interconnected and intertwined.

To prove that the 505th Brigade is indeed selling drugs, all three are indispensable.

However, a broken assault boat is still an assault boat.


I really went over the top—or made the mistake of radicalism—to actually think I could take this ship back and use it for myself.

But in fact, it doesn’t have to be so perfect at all!

Chen Chen's mind suddenly broadened.

At this time, the fire in the jungle had intensified, and Chen Chen decisively ordered:

"No. 1, White Dog, Big Bird, empty the bullets, then retreat!"

"Take the boat ashore and beach it, blow up the engine!"

"Abandon protecting the assault boats, everyone's first goal is to kill the living forces!"

After the order was issued, everyone in the Dongfeng Corps immediately took action.

Li Gang spared no effort to pull the trigger, the barrel fired red, and the armor-piercing incendiary bomb shredded the armor of the No. 1 cargo ship. After the bullet swept across the entire deck, it brought up clumps of blood.

White Dog's heavy machine gun fired two hundred rounds of ammunition. The steel plate in front of the No. 2 cargo ship's deck was riddled with holes. All the enemies who were originally hiding behind had fallen to the ground.

"Big Bird, turn ashore!"

"No. 1, withdraw!"

White Dog shouted.

At this time, Li Gang fired the last cannonball, grabbed the gun on the side and rushed to the bow of the ship without hesitation.

The assault boat didn't slow down at all and rushed towards the shore. The three of them jumped into the water under the cover of smoke and quickly climbed behind the bunker on the shore.

"How to fight now?"

Bai Gou asked.

"No more bells and whistles, just hit people when you see them."

Chen Chen replied calmly.

The battle between the two sides fell into a brutal tug-of-war. The Dongfeng Corps' positions were extremely scattered, and the opponent's explosives basically had little effect. As the freighter passed through the rapids area, the battle began to evolve in the purest direction.

Against the gun.

The distance is only less than 150 meters, and any bullet may hit an unlucky guy.

Chen Chen constantly changed his position, and with the help of the thermal imager, he fired deadly bullets at the enemies on the ship.

The enemy's heavy machine gun was set up, but before it could fire, a bullet from the rear penetrated the shooter's body.

Drug dealers are drug dealers after all. They do not have such high fighting qualities, let alone such high fighting will.

After discovering that "the probe will die", they made what they thought was the most correct choice:

Faith shot.

This is definitely not as ridiculous as shown in the picture - in fact, at a distance of more than 100 meters, when the "overhead shooting" strategy is really adopted, the enemy's suppression force begins to become so powerful that Somewhat scary.

As long as you aim roughly, the bullets pouring down will make the Dongfeng Corps unable to lift its head!

Even Chen Chen's position has been exposed, forcing him to give up the M82A1 rapid transfer.

The first battle casualty appeared. The machine gunner holding an M240 was hit in the face by a bullet floating from an unknown ship and fell to the ground on the spot.

The rifleman of the team noticed the interruption in firepower and immediately stepped forward to take over his position. However, it was this moment of blank suppressive firepower that allowed the enemy to launch a wave of fierce counterattacks.

Everyone started firing, and the rifleman who had just received the M240 fell to the ground again!

The headcount was reduced by two people in an instant - or in other words, 20% of the headcount was reduced!

The balance between the two sides was about to be broken, but fortunately at this critical moment, the poplar trees arranged in the rear came into play.

His SVD gunshots rang out again and again, taking away the lives of high-value targets from behind again and again.

The shaky balance was suddenly brought back.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Chen finally found his fighting position again.

HK416 switched to single-engine mode, and Chen Chen took a deep breath.

At this moment, the smoke on the battlefield once again activated his long-standing physical instinct. Compared to the last pursuit in the jungle, his feeling was even stronger.

The little conch came up to his face, aiming with both eyes.

This is an advanced aiming technique, especially effective when using a collimated sight like a small conch.

It can aim using the principle of binocular vision overlap, using one eye to observe the target and the other eye to aim through the sight.

The different perspectives seen by the two eyes will overlap according to the human visual habits, which can not only ensure the speed and accuracy of aiming, but also ensure the perception of the battlefield environment.

Even when used to a very high level, this aiming method can transform a fixed-magnification sight into the effect of a variable-magnification sight.

Before this, Chen Chen had tried to use this technique to aim and shoot many times, but the body's instinct could not be trained in a short period of time.

Only today, only under strong pressure that might lead to annihilation, did he suddenly get another breakthrough.

A head emerged from the side of the ship. It was just an enemy looking over his head. He didn't even have time to fire.

But in this second, Chen Chen, who used his eyes to aim, had already locked his position.

Then, the muzzle of the gun was pulled horizontally, the sight coincided with the head, the trigger was unintentionally pulled, and the bullet came out of the chamber.

The enemy fell backward on the spot, followed by the second and third

Chen Chen felt that he had finally recovered most of his strength and entered a state of efficient combat.


Of course, this is not the so-called "selfless" state in fantasy novels.

On the battlefield, if you dare to focus only on "shooting", you will definitely die faster than everyone else.

So on the contrary, Chen Chen is not "selfless", but "ubiquitous".

His sensitivity to the changes on the battlefield has been greatly improved. What should be done at each moment, how should he move, when should he stop shooting, what method should be used when shooting, and how to pull the trigger.

It's clear at a glance.

It was as if the enemy in front of him had an identification mark on his head.

It was as if he had turned on his self-aim.

In just three minutes, eight more lives were lost under Chen Chen's gun.

Any enemy who dared to approach the heavy machine gun point with a firing range would be killed with one shot.

Three ships and four heavy machine guns facing the Dongfeng Corps were all silenced!

Under his powerful suppression, all the enemies on the cargo ship fell into panic.

How to fight this?

If you show your head, you will be dead. You don’t even know which direction the bullet came from!

Because every time they shoot according to the direction in which their teammates fall, they will find that there is no one at that position.

The gunman was constantly moving and shooting, and each movement and shooting only took a few seconds!

What terrifying efficiency is this!

Yes, the opponent is at a comprehensive disadvantage in human hands, but if the fight continues like this, our own side may even be slowly bitten to death!

At this moment, the enemy's mentality began to show cracks before collapse.

They fired their guns blindly, blindly looking for the most terrifying enemy.


Finally, someone saw Chen Chen.

Under the majestic wildfire that spread, his figure was illuminated by the firelight.

A black silhouette suddenly poked out from behind the tree trunk, followed by a accurately fired bullet.

With a bang, the observer fell.

The teammates around him were heartbroken.

There is a ghost in the woods!

Everyone who saw that ghost died! !

"Hide quickly! Don't poke your head out! Don't poke your head out!!"

Morale officially began to collapse. They clearly still had an advantage in numbers - and it was an absolute advantage of 70 to 8, but they really didn't dare to fight anymore!

"Run! Get out first! Get out first!"

"Keep your distance! Hit with cannon!"

Freighter No. 3, which was lagging behind, started to reverse first, and Sang Kang roared hysterically in the armored command room.

He ordered everyone to attack again, but the problem was that no one listened to him anymore.

Even his adjutant tried to persuade him:

"Sir, retreat first! Reorganize the attack!"

"We can't beat them at close range, their marksmanship is too accurate!"

"They are already dead and won't last long!"

"With just a few more long-range attacks, we will win!"

"The fire is too big now, at least wait until the fire burns out!"

Sang Kang clenched his fists angrily. He even wanted to rush out and operate the heavy machine gun himself, but he also knew that that would only make him a target.

The forest fire has covered the entire area, and contact with the ground troops has long been lost. It is not known whether they were burned to death in the fire before they could escape, or whether they jumped into the river to survive and were too late to answer.

We can only withdraw first.

Sang Kang gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence:

"Escape first!"

"Watch that assault boat, don't let them drive away!"

"Don't worry, I will never open it."


Before the adjutant finished speaking, a strange scream suddenly echoed throughout the battlefield.

Then came the second and third sounds.

The adjutant turned around in shock, and then saw a scene he could never imagine.

The crashed helicopter had been enveloped in the flames of ultra-high-temperature forest fires. The ammunition exploded and scattered in all directions. Under the high temperature, the rockets in the rocket nest were flying out one after another.

It's like a blooming firework.

But this firework blocked the way for the fleet to evacuate backwards.

A rocket went over the top of the No. 3 ship, hit the tree trunk behind and exploded.

And the rest

is attacking this cargo ship!

"Get down!!!"


Ship No. 3 was severely damaged, and a fire broke out on Ship No. 2. Ship No. 1, as the "shield" traveling at the front, was actually riddled with holes in the suppressive shooting of Li Gang and Bai Gou.

The crew above had already been reduced by more than 50%, and with the final explosion, they completely collapsed.

Everyone is jumping into the water to escape, but their location is still in the rapids area!

The rapids area is the deep water area.

Everyone who dives becomes a target.

"Don't pursue, don't pursue!"

"Clear the perimeter first!"

"Report the count, how many people are left! Form a new combat team!"

"6! 6 people!"

"Surround! Surround! Poplar! Pull back!"

Order after order was issued, and the Dongfeng Corps began to enter the rhythm of harvesting.

6 people, harvesting dozens of people.

Bai Gou suddenly felt his mind wavering.

He fired the gun and murmured:

"Is this the power of tactics?"

Chen Chen, who was changing the magazine, heard his words and replied casually:


"This is pure power, boy."

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