The hellish scene frightened the militants in the Xiaotianyuan Village camp. In fact, among modern weapons, in terms of oppressive power alone, Chen Chen always felt that if nuclear bombs ranked first, then rockets Bomb must be ranked second, there is no doubt about it.

The reason is very simple. Heavy artillery kills people in an instant. You don't even feel anything abnormal at all, and the person has turned into a ball of powder. Bullets kill people without leaving a trace. Many times you just feel like you were bitten by a bug. He died of exhaustion.

As for RPG, flamethrower?

The range is too short, the speed is too slow, and you always feel like you have a chance to dodge.

There are only rockets, which fly over so slowly and overwhelmingly that you have nowhere to hide and no way to resist.

The moment Katyusha's high-pitched singing sounded, it was the countdown to the end.

Rain of fire from the sky fell on the ground, burning up not only the gunpowder, but also the flames of life.

360 rounds of rockets, fired rapidly.

Each launch tube fires 4 rounds, taking a total of 4 minutes.

After that, Chen Chen and Jackal each controlled a 63-type 60 mortar, and the barrage extended to cover the infantry's forward assault.


They encountered little resistance because everyone was already going crazy.

Enemies who have never really experienced large-scale battles chose to escape as soon as they saw the dense rockets falling, but in reality, where could they escape to?

Compared to the ground area of ​​nearly 5 square kilometers, the number of rockets is not large.

However, almost all the armed personnel gathered in several main positions, so the "sky fire" falling on their heads was extremely considerable.

Not to mention, the rapid fire of Chen Chen and Jackal's life-threatening phosphorus-aluminum incendiary bombs also created layers of fire walls around them, and their range of action was almost suppressed to the limit.

Xiaotianyuan Village was in chaos, but Chen Chen was extremely calm.

"The shells are empty!"

He spoke.

"My place is empty too!"

answered the jackal.

A total of 120 rounds of artillery shells did not last more than 5 minutes in their hands.

This is not a rapid fire in pursuit of the highest speed, but a speed after continuously adjusting the impact point of the ammunition.

The ordinary mercenaries of the Mugui Corps who were responsible for delivering ammunition were dumbfounded. They had never thought that someone could actually hit a mortar like this!

And now, the two men standing in front of them were like the legendary King of Guns.

And Chen Chen looked at Jackal with admiration.

Good boy, your basic skills are quite good!

"The artillery fire is over, prepare for the assault!"


All the assault teams on standby immediately responded at the same time. A few minutes later, with the signal flares emitted after the predators broke through the last minefield and arrived at the entrance of Xiaotianyuan Village, everyone began to gather around the armored vehicle.

Behind them were two F150 pickup trucks carrying MK19s and a Warrior vehicle carrying heavy machine guns.


Chen Chen gave the order and the motorcade started to move.

The large army gradually moved closer to their direction, and gathered into an indestructible rock in the turbulence of Xiaotianyuan Village.

They swept through everything, leaving no grass growing wherever they went.

Their firepower poured into the body of every moving creature, tearing it apart in just an instant.

What? Enemy counterattack? The heavy machine gun that is an infantryman’s nightmare?

MK19 will create an absolute safe zone!

The violent rain of bullets poured down again, and the drug dealers who had just recovered from the fear caused by the rockets were suddenly enveloped in greater fear.

There is nowhere to escape.

The underground fortifications are already crowded with people, but so what?

Do they think they can escape disaster?

At the entrance of the fortifications and at the solid buildings, one cloud bomb after another was fired, suffocating the rats hiding underground into a pot of hot porridge.


Of course, there were no casualties.

Stray bullets hit a dozen unlucky people, forcing them to fall to the ground and take cover.

But this cannot change the situation at all, because in close combat, once the gap in morale widens, the outcome of the battle is actually no longer in suspense.

The barrel of the gun was already hot, and all resistance collapsed under the unstoppable offensive.

Sporadic enemies with strong fighting spirit tried to operate cannons and heavy machine guns, but were immediately shot accurately by sniper positions hundreds of meters away.

When three and a half corpses overlapped behind a heavy machine gun, no one wanted to take a step forward.

And then, there was only one problem left for the Dongfeng Corps.

How to retain them as much as possible, how to kill as many drug dealers as possible, how to ensure that Nuokang no longer has the foundation to regroup and make a comeback?


"The convoy goes out to clean up! Assault groups 4 to 10 follow and clean up!"

"Others, be alert on the spot!"

"Where's the loudspeaker? Draw a green zone centered on the current location! All enemies put down their weapons and surrender in the green zone!"

"Outside the green zone, if you see anyone moving, shoot again. I don't want anyone outside the green zone alive!"


In fact, Chen Chen really wanted to order "no one left behind" because his own manpower was too few after all. Even though he had caused at least 300 casualties during the high-intensity bombing and assault, the opponent still exceeded his own in number. many.

Leaving one alive means leaving risks to oneself.

But he had no choice. He could not turn an offensive operation into a massacre. In that case, he would not be able to get the support of other "regular" forces in the subsequent development.

Therefore, some risks must be taken.

However, this choice did not cause him too much trouble.

In the team of more than 250 people, in addition to the commando team that went forward, there were still 230 people left. 30 of them stayed on the spot to guard and set up heavy machine gun positions to prepare for receiving prisoners, while the other 200 people continued to sweep away all the enemies. Drive to a place.

Chen Chen and Jackal's team played an irreplaceable forward role. They were like windbreakers in a bicycle race, smoothly splitting the opponent's remaining defense line. Then the large troops swarmed up and immediately defeated the enemy. engulf.

Everyone went crazy.

Even the ordinary mercenaries whom Chen Chen looked down upon before setting off showed their combat effectiveness far beyond their true strength.

There is no way, the tailwind game is so easy to win.

The downwind game under saturated firepower coverage is even better!

From attack to harvest, the conversion time does not exceed 10 minutes.

The entire harvesting process lasted less than 30 minutes.

The commando team that went out has returned, all the heavy firepower points have been controlled, the offensive and defensive positions have been changed, and the Dongfeng Corps has completely captured Xiaotianyuan Village.

"Captain, there are hundreds of enemies who have fled into the jungle. We did not pursue them further."

Someone reported on the radio, and Chen Chen immediately replied:

"Establish a defensive line and hold on, there's no need to chase them!"


After a brief communication, Chen Chen turned to the prisoners squatting together.

Everyone's eyes were filled with fear - pure fear without any anger.

Yes, it's not that they don't want to be angry.

Decades of foundation were destroyed and fires are still burning in the poppy fields.

Those beautiful and sinful plants that were supposed to be made into drugs were completely reduced to ashes before they could undergo the most critical changes.

It's their money and their lives.

Who can not be angry?

But who dares to be angry?

Their lives are now truly in the hands of others.

That man, the man who commanded this group of evil spirits, stood there calmly drinking water as if he didn't care.


But even so, no one is born with the intention to resist.

Because they knew that a heavy machine gun installed close to the ground could penetrate five people with one bullet.

Everyone was watching Chen Chen's movements closely. Even a casual wave of his hand would cause a huge commotion.

Because the prisoners were afraid, it was a "kill them all" gesture.

"Has the perimeter been cleaned?"

Chen Chen asked.

"It has basically been cleaned up, and there are still 3 support groups of 150 people cleaning the battlefield."


While speaking, there was a sudden explosion in the distance. Bai Gou was stunned for a moment, and then shouted angrily:

"Silly! Cloud explosion bombs cannot be used at close range!"

"Bring him back quickly and see if he's dead!"

A noisy reply came from the radio. Bai Gou turned his head helplessly and continued to report:

"All buildings have basically been cleaned, and the underground fortifications are now being cleaned one by one."

"We won't fight them in close combat indoors. We don't have flamethrowers, but we found some gasoline and lit it directly."

The real living king of hell.

Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"I'll leave the team to you, just watch and come."

"Where is the prisoner? Have you seen Nuokang?"

"I didn't have time to tell, but they are all here. Those who came after me were not accepted, and they were all killed."

"How many prisoners are there in total?"

"I don't know, I don't know. How to deal with it?"

"Find Nuokang first!"

Chen Chen answered without hesitation. Then, he picked up his gun and swiped it at the prisoner's head without any warning.

There was another commotion.

Chen Chen shouted loudly:

"Look around you and find Nuokang for me!"

"I only want him, and everyone else can leave!"

"I'll give you 10 seconds. If you can't find Nuokang within 10 seconds, the machine gun will open fire!"

As soon as the words fell, all the prisoners panicked.

They immediately turned to look at the people around them, trying to find the "boss" who was once extremely respected by them.

This will be their only bargaining chip for survival.

"Machine gun fire", placed in any other scenario, this sentence would sound like an exaggerated threat, but the prisoners knew that the man in front of them could really do it!

He has killed so many people, is he still missing this point? ?

Never disobey his orders and never exceed the time!

Some were crying, some were shouting wildly.

"Nuokang! Nuokang! Come out!"

"Come out! Don't kill us! Don't force me!"

"Zay is here! Zay is here!!"

A gray-faced man was pushed out. Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction and said:

"very good."

"You, come out and squat on the other side. You don't have to die anymore."

In an instant, all the prisoners were boiling.

One after another, the ringleaders were reported, and in order to survive, these heinous drug traffickers began to bite their former colleagues crazily.

Chen Chen didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart, he just shot away the elected little bosses one by one.


This sounds cruel and inhumane, like voting out a "bad student" in the class.

But in reality, the situation is completely different.

Because if you choose bad people from good people, you are likely to choose innocent people.

But choosing a bad guy from a bunch of drug dealers?

One is more damned than the other!

Ten minutes passed and the leader was almost killed, but Nuokang still didn't show up.

Someone among the prisoners finally reacted and said loudly:

"Nuokang ran away! It's a secret! He has a secret!"

"He must have run away!"

Chen Chen glanced at the man, waved to him and said:

"You lead the way!"

The man rushed over without hesitation, his face full of eagerness.

If you can lead the way, you don't have to die, right?

"Group 2, follow me."

Jackal followed Chen Chen, and a few minutes later, they arrived at Nuokang's residence. A grenade blew up the tunnel cover and also detonated the arranged booby trap.

"Where does the tunnel lead?"

Chen Chen asked.

"I really don't know where it leads! But it must be outside the mountain!"

Then there is no need to chase.

I don’t know how many traps and side roads are laid out here. If you chase them, you will die.

Only mentally retarded supporting characters in certain movies can do such stupid and fatal things.

Chen Chen sighed slightly disappointedly and said:

"It's a pity that he ran away and was not caught on the spot."

Jackal nodded slightly and replied:

"It's impossible not to run away. We don't know the exit of the secret passage and we can't stop him."

"But isn't this also part of your plan?"

"That's true."

Chen Chen nodded slightly, and then said:

"Take everyone in Chaisili and set off with me."

"Starting from Xiaotianyuan Village, there are a total of 9 possible hiding spots in Nuokang. Let's scan them one by one!"

"With any luck, we can find him in his hiding spot."

"If he is unlucky, let him find the 505th Brigade."

Meanwhile, in Bangkok, an underwater demolition attack force was in the command room.

The group of people were still discussing how to carry out the beheading of Nuokang, but just as the discussion became more and more heated, a violent and rapid knock on the door interrupted everyone.

The commander opened the door of the command room with some dissatisfaction, and a communications guard appeared in front of him.

"Sir, urgent information!"

The guard looked serious, saluted the commander and left immediately.

The commander opened the sealed information and couldn't wait to read it.

After a few seconds, his expression completely changed.

He looked at the thin piece of paper in his hand in disbelief, and then at the people in the command room who were looking at each other.

Then, he spoke:

"I think our discussion ends here."

"Just received the news."

"The Nuokang Xiaotianyuan Village camp was destroyed."

"At least more than 400 people were killed on the Nuokang side."

"Nuokang is finished."

After the words fell, everyone froze on the spot.

At this time, they had only one thought in their minds:

You beat me to death before I step on the horse? !

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