I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 176 Quick Breakthrough

Breaking through the first line of defense definitely does not mean that the Allied forces are out of trouble.

In fact, let alone getting out of trouble, they have not even been guaranteed temporary safety.

But in any case, this unit has achieved the most critical victory, that is, to gain a head start and build up its own momentum before the battle begins.

After crossing the ridge, the Li Gang held off the enemy's reinforcements for two minutes as planned and helped everyone in the troops complete the rendezvous. Then, under the deterrence of several smoke grenades and Shi Dakai's anti-material sniper rifle, the man responsible for covering The firepower point was also successfully evacuated.

They left behind two bodies - both Confederate soldiers without body armor. Together with other soldiers killed in the previous bombing, the number of the team had been reduced from the original 102 to 95.

Staff reduction exceeds 5%.

However, since the base number was already large, this did not have a great impact on morale.

On the contrary, everyone was excited.

Because this is the first time they have played such a hearty attack!

Although most of the kills were not caused by oneself, following the masters made the feeling different.

The team was whispering and communicating happily, but Chen Chen didn't relax at all.

He arranged for White Dog to check on Bao Qi, whose leg had not fully recovered, and then ordered:

"Keep up the speed! All lights go out, each team follows their team leader!"

"The team leader contacted via radio and watched the flashing signal I sent out."

"I will flash every 10 seconds and follow my direction."

"No. 5, go out to explore the road and find out the best route."

"No. 1, you continue to lead teams 9 and 10 to retreat for cover, and use smoke bombs to evacuate if necessary. How many smoke bombs are left?"

"I still have 6 rounds left, and the team should have about .30 rounds left."


Chen Chen answered decisively, then reached out and took off the night vision goggles on his head.

At this time, the time has reached 7 o'clock in the evening. Although the sun has not completely set, the light has become extremely dim in the dense forest environment.

Such an environment is not good for the enemy, but it is equally bad for our own members of the Allied Forces whose equipment is extremely backward!

We must leave the dense forest as soon as possible and move forward to the north side of the ridge of Mount Aifang.

That is the real home ground of "interspersed operations" because there is a river there.


Or, the Salween River.

In this section of the river, the Salween River has a gentle flow area that is more than ten kilometers long. The height difference from north to south is less than 10 meters. The conditions for crossing the river are excellent and it is an absolutely irreplaceable natural obstacle.

As long as the Allied forces arrive near the Salween River before the border camp completes the encirclement, they can rely on the river to block the enemy after quickly crossing the river.

At that time, whether it is to fight a blocking battle of retreating, or to use the advantage of the night to continue to penetrate, it will be the Allied forces who have the final say!

The plan is perfect, but the execution is not perfect.

Although this alliance army is known as elite, in fact, their quality can only barely match the quality of the Burmese Army's mountain brigade. If they were placed in the north, they would be something that even the cooking squad could abuse with one hand.

Therefore, the team started to fall behind after only walking a few hundred meters into the jungle. When the three groups that were originally closest to the vanguard led by Lin He inexplicably ended up at the end, Chen Chen was not even a little surprised.

He just ordered to continue moving forward, but at this moment, intensive gunshots suddenly sounded.

"No. 1, report the situation!"

"No. 2, keep looking for listening signals!"

Two short commands were issued, and immediately the reply from Li Gang came through the earphones.

"On the 4th, Group 3 broke away to meet the enemy. They were bitten by at least a hundred enemies and are retreating."

"I'm going to cover, but"

"Don't cover!"

Chen Chen immediately interrupted him and then said:

"Group 3 covered and evacuated on their own, and other groups quickly distanced themselves from the group."

"Look at my signal and adjust the route to the northwest!"

It was impossible for Chen Chen to let Li Gang and Shi Dakai take risks for a group that couldn't even understand the command and fell behind during the march. In fact, he himself had already anticipated this situation.

There will definitely be people who fall behind, and there will definitely be people who can't keep up.

But who says their "mistakes" are not an opportunity?

If you keep distance from them, they will be the best "blocking team".

After all, we don’t have a clear target point, we just need to go to the river!


Gang Li quickly replied and the team continued to move forward. But just when the team was slightly shaken by Chen Chen's cold-blooded plan, Lin He, who was exploring the road ahead, suddenly sent back a message.

"Enemies found, numbering at least 100."

"It's about two hundred meters away from me and 300 meters away from the main force."

"The enemy is moving in my direction and we expect to meet them in 10 minutes!"

10 minutes, this is the time required to enter combat range.

But in fact, the sound caused by the actions of large troops in the jungle can be heard by the other party 100 meters away.

This means that the Allies still have up to 6 minutes to make a decision.

Fight or go around?

There are only a hundred people, so we can beat them.

But if the time drags on for too long, the pursuers from behind will come up!

The less than a hundred people under his command are not members of the Dongfeng Corps. With their quality, is it really possible to end the battle in a short time?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

The only way to go is to divide your troops and lure the enemy!

Therefore, Chen Chen spoke decisively and said to Peng Deren on the side:

"Boss Peng, where are your dead soldiers? Which group are they?"

Peng Deren was stunned and replied:

"It's group 1."

"Let them quickly move forward to the west, feint to attract the enemy, and drag the enemy in place!"

"Do you want to use it now?"

Peng Deren hesitated.

In fact, no matter how good a warlord is, as long as he has a certain amount of military power, he can raise a group of dead soldiers.

These people may not have strong fighting qualities or strong protection abilities, but they must be extremely loyal and must be willing to die for their "master".

Peng Deren himself has such a team, with no more than 10 people, who are his most trusted confidants.

He is indeed ready to sacrifice all of this team, but... now?

Didn't the battle just begin? !

Hearing Peng Deren's rhetorical question, Chen Chen did not answer his desire at all, but said bluntly:

"I am in command now, you have no right to question the order."

"After the beating, you can ask me whatever you want, but not now!"


Peng Deren replied decisively that he was not an unreasonable "country bumpkin", he was a warlord!

He is a warlord. Even if he doesn't know how to fight, he can still understand the rules of war!

So, he decisively ordered a group of dead soldiers to come forward immediately. Just two minutes later, intensive gunshots began to sound.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin He completed an extremely risky approach reconnaissance, determined the distribution range of the local troops, and planned the route for the subsequent troops.

Go 50 meters west, then 100 meters north, then 300 meters northwest, and follow the Aifang Valley for 200 meters to reach the Salween River!

The team set off immediately and completed the earliest "breakout route" in just 3 minutes.

Reports from the leader of Group 1 continued to come over the radio.

"The enemy's firepower is fierce!"

"What light machine guns they have!"

"We can't hold it! Get ready to throw smoke bombs!"

"Sir, have you passed the danger zone?!"

At this time, Chen Chen led the team to have passed the "defense line" intercepted by this enemy and heading towards the west side of the Salween River. The enemy and Allied forces were parallel to the Salween River in the north-south direction.

Theoretically, they had indeed passed the danger zone.

But the problem is that on the battlefield, every dollar counts.

There is absolutely no room for any soft-heartedness.

If Ci Bu controls the troops, letting Group 1 retreat now will increase the risk of the large army being encircled!

Chen Chen frowned and was silent for two seconds before he said:


"The situation is tense."

"Keep stalling!"

"Surrender is allowed, but only after all bullets are used up!"



"Commander Peng, goodbye!"

The captain of Group 1 gave a brief reply, and then gunfire rang out again.

Surrender, this is your last chance.

But can they survive until they surrender?

Peng Deren's expression was a little painful, but he didn't say a word.

The team continued to move forward. In less than 15 minutes, this team of 100 people had been reduced to only 75 people.

The enemy is getting closer and closer, but their speed is always behind the allies.

This is the power of tactics. Even two teams with almost the same fighting qualities can widen the gap.

And many times, this small difference can determine life or death.

The terrain of the valley is flat, and the team sprinted with all their strength for the last two hundred meters.

"No. 1, deploy broadsword mines in the middle of the valley. How many more rounds are there?"

"4 shots!"

"That's enough! Throw smoke bombs to block the valley, and then retreat with alternate cover! We need to quickly cross the river without cover!"


After a brief communication, the team crossed the valley. In the smoke, the dull sound unique to the explosion of a broadsword mine rang out, followed immediately by the miserable cry throughout the entire valley.

The Salween River—or the Nu River—is right in front of you.

Chen Chen quickly scanned the river surface and found the shoal slightly to the north that was most suitable for crossing the river.

The width of the river is no more than 100 meters, and if everyone is proficient in water skills, it only takes 3 to 4 minutes at most.


"Is there anyone who can't swim?"

"Those who can't swim stay on the river bank for cover, and the others immediately get into the water and cross the river!"

On the other side, near Aifang Mountain, inside the temporary command post of the border defense camp.

Listening to the battle reports that kept coming from the front line, the expression on Wei Huairen's face was both joyful and confused.

Happily, almost all he heard was news of "victory".

Except for the initial wave of counterattacks, in which the Allied forces caused more than a dozen casualties to them, in the subsequent jungle chases and encirclements, in almost every conflict, the border camp won a great victory!

At least 20 people have been killed, and according to detailed intelligence feedback from the front line, one of the groups is Peng Deren's most loyal soldier!

In order to delay their own pursuit, they even charged at their own troops with daggers when they were out of ammunition and food. This action shocked the combat team responsible for the encirclement, but it was only "scared" "That's all.

Even in a dense jungle, there is no suspense about the suppression of cold weapons by modern weapons.

The only four people who survived were all killed in a round of light machine gun fire. They didn't even have time to say a single last word.

This result made Wei Huairen very satisfied.

When it comes to fighting, you have to kill decisively without showing any mercy.

Just as he said at the beginning, since Peng Deren is already in a certain death situation, why should he hold on?

Now that his soldiers have been killed by him, it means that he is probably at his wits' end.

Their team is fleeing towards the Salween River, and there is no doubt that they want to cross the river to survive.

But the question is, if you can cross the river, can’t we?

The other side of the river is not to the north, but is still within the scope of Myanmar!

If you want to cross the border, you have to trek at least ten kilometers in the jungle. How can we not catch up with you at such a long distance? !

A smile appeared on Wei Huairen's face. He had almost anticipated Peng Deren's ending.

However, just as he was looking at the map to plan the next step of the encirclement and planned to mobilize heavy firepower, the adjutant on the side suddenly broke in.

"battalion commander!"

"The rebels have arrived near the Salween River. They have set up mines and our pursuit force has been blocked."

"We are still several hundred meters away from them."

"But we'll catch up soon."

"Are they really going to cross the river?"

Wei Huairen asked with a frown.

In his opinion, this is definitely a stupid strategy, because the west bank of the Salween River is completely different from the east bank. There is an open area with sparse vegetation on the other side. Once the river is crossed, one's own rockets and long-range weapons will Can cover them completely.

Do you really think you are all idiots? Do you really think that your troops can't catch up with them?

Looking at Wei Huairen's expression, the adjutant immediately replied:

"Yes, we are sure to cross the river."

"The Sixth Company encountered sporadic obstructions on the shore. They should be the broken troops abandoned by them."

"The other side surrendered very quickly, and I felt that their morale was about to collapse."

"This is normal!"

If more than a thousand people surround more than a hundred people, their morale will collapse.

Do you really think that since you are from the north, you can easily perform miracles like defeating more with less?

Don't be ridiculous. After all, you are just mud-legged people born and raised here.

The overall situation has been decided.

Wei Huairen breathed a long sigh of relief and ordered:

"The second and third companies moved to the river bank, and the artillery company moved its position to the ridge and prepared 107 fire."

"The 1st and 4th companies searched the mountains along the Aifang ridge towards the river bank to prevent them from attacking in the east and to hide Peng Deren in the mountains."

"The fifth company continues to guard outside the headquarters, and the sixth company divides its troops to maneuver across the river. No matter the casualties, kill them!"

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