I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 188 Programmed Tactics

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chen's expression became a little complicated.

Of course, Xiaoyu's last words were not the so-called "conclusion", but still "testing".

However, he didn't pick up her troubles.

This is actually a very normal thing. My situation is too special, and it can even be said that it is so special that it is impossible to explain clearly.

No matter from which angle you look at it, you look more like a "kite with a broken string", but no matter which direction you look at, your identity cannot be found.

So this is very embarrassing.

From Xiaoyu's point of view, they have an inexplicable extra blame on their head, whether they take it or not.

Because if you say you won't bear it, he brought his own dry food and brought the benefits to you. It would be a waste of money if you don't eat it;

But what about memorizing it? Who's to say he can be trusted?

If something goes wrong, it won't be a matter of taking responsibility, but the entire development path will be significantly affected.

Therefore, based on this judgment, it is actually very easy to understand why Xiaoyu proposed a new task.

Since it can't be verified, then let's just talk about the deeds and ignore the intentions.

I pick a person who submits a certificate and you go do it for me. Then even if you can't completely trust him, at least the risk of hostility is eliminated.

Combating Banglong arms smuggling is just such a pledge.

How can we describe its sensitivity? As long as a force is really willing to participate in the attack on this route, it will naturally possess one attribute:

Never try to cooperate with the Americans and be permanently blacklisted by the CIA.

If Chen Chen can really do this job and do it well.

No matter you are a wild monkey that jumped out of nowhere or the Monkey King, as long as you go to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures, you can fight and defeat the Buddha!

The logic is clear and the future is within reach. Of course, the difficulties are not small either.

Chen Chen actually didn't know much about the Ming Xuechang smuggling route in his previous life, because he was mainly responsible for anti-drug operations, and this line fell under the management of another team.

However, in his limited memory, this line is indeed as Xiaoyu said. It has been fought for many years and has not been eliminated. It will be truly and completely solved after 2020 with the help of some special operations.

Therefore, it is still important to obtain more detailed intelligence.

And that meant that he had to see Ming Xuechang alive.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen put away the phone, then walked to Peng Deren's command tent and confirmed to him the details of the subsequent series of handover plans.

What surprised Chen Chen a little was that the final handover location was set in the arch.

“Why did you choose this location?”

Chen Chen asked.

"This is the center point of both sides' forces. The terrain is relatively open and there is no possibility of an ambush."

"At the same time, the transportation is relatively developed and the evacuation route is relatively smooth - Li Bang's family was originally in this village, right? They have already evacuated, so there shouldn't be a big problem?"

"It's not a big question, I just asked casually."

"That's good. We expect handover in 12 hours."

"Handover early in the morning?"

Chen Chen frowned.

What arrangement from the underworld is this?

"Yes, there's nothing we can do about it. The location we choose, Bai Suocheng's side has to choose the time. We can't always have the advantage."

"However, we can postpone the reception until daytime to avoid the opponent's night battle advantage. This is not a big problem."

"It's useless. If they want to ambush, the result will be the same whether it's day or night."

Chen Chen interrupted Peng Deren and continued:

"The time remains unchanged, let's go and receive it."

"You go by yourself?!"

Peng Deren asked in surprise.

He originally thought that when Chen Chen said "it's over", it meant it was really over, but now it seems...

It seems like you still have a chance?

As long as there is a chance, that is enough!

So, before Chen Chen could answer, he immediately said:

"Then I will arrange for my manpower to work with you to protect your safety as much as possible."

"Let the remaining two groups from the original breakout battle participate - they are more familiar with your tactics, they have been on the battlefield, and they are more courageous."

The "veterans" who survived the battlefield are undoubtedly the skeleton and elite of a team, and now that Peng Deren is willing to allocate all these elites to Chen Chen, it shows that he really intends to lay a heavy foundation on Chen Chen. Note.

No matter what he wants to get, at least this attitude is commendable.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not refuse. After communicating the details of the plan with Peng Deren, he quickly gathered all the teams and prepared to start the reception task.

As Peng Deren said, after a "common battle", the quality of the two allied army teams has also been visibly improved. Although they still look loose when standing together, at least there is some blood on their faces. of murderous intent.

Especially Ning Ming, his expression can even be said to be a little impatient for the battle.

However, what made him a little disappointed was that Chen Chen did not pay extra attention to him. Instead, he reorganized everyone according to a fixed process, and formed exactly 4 groups according to the establishment of a 6-person combat team.

Group 1 is the core of the Dongfeng Corps' combat power, including everyone in the Dongfeng Corps, and plays the role of the main shooter in the 4-4 system.

The remaining three groups are each responsible for the roles of cover, support and secondary shooter. After simple training, everyone basically understood their positions.

At this time, there were still 10 hours before the official start of the mission. Chen Chen was not idle and simply led four groups to start the drill in the Allied Army camp.

Attack, cover, support, evacuation.

His training method is extremely direct, and the training content is simplified to the extreme. However, under this "pure utilitarian" training method, the proficiency of the four groups has been improved unprecedentedly.

In just 4 hours, the team members were fully able to move, shoot, and throw according to Chen Chen's unified command.

Even if these movements are unskilled, their cooperation has basically made no mistakes.

Everyone onlookers were stunned.

Not only Peng Deren, but even ordinary soldiers who have never known what tactics are can realize the power contained in this simple system.

After completing another central stripping retreat drill, Peng Deren couldn't help but walked to Chen Chen's side and said:

"Mr. Chen, is this the Four-Four System?"

He couldn't hide his excitement, because in his opinion, Chen Chen was simply a genius who turned decay into something magical!

He knew better than anyone else what qualities the Confederate soldiers were like.

It is no longer easy for such a group of people to remember the essentials of tactical movements, but they can actually cooperate like this?

How is this done?

Seeing his expression, Chen Chen nodded slightly, and then replied:

“This is a simplified version of the 44 system, or actually it should be said, this is a special version of the 44 system.”

"It only exists for this one mission. When the mission is over, the meaning of this tactic no longer exists."

"Because it is rigid, rigid, and unscalable, even if each of these people has practiced very well, as long as there is a slight change in conditions, all their tactical moves will be deformed."

"They are not learning tactics at all, they are just executing a certain procedure."

After Chen Chen finished speaking, Peng Deren nodded thoughtfully and did not continue to ask questions.

Chen Chen thought he had been persuaded by his explanation, but soon, Peng Deren suddenly asked:

"So, they're like human flesh codes in computer programs?"

"Do you still understand this?"

Chen Chen couldn't help but be surprised.

"Know something, and you must continue to learn."

"Sir Chen, please listen to my thinking, right?"

"These people actually form the skeleton of a special program. The way they operate is like a program without emotions and independent judgment."

"You preset certain contents first. When the battlefield inputs a certain variable to them, they will feedback a fixed result; and if the input variable exceeds the preset range too much, they will crash like a program. Is it right?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded slightly - this is indeed a very appropriate description, and it is really difficult for Peng Deren to sum it up.

It can be seen that this person is indeed at a certain level in fighting and training, and what he knows is not limited to the so-called "zz struggle".

"Then this is indeed the 'special edition tactic' you mentioned."

Peng Deren breathed a long sigh of relief and continued:

"The scope of application is really narrow. Different 'procedures' must be applied in every different war."

"The workload is huge and the demands on commanders are high. At the same time, the requirements for intelligence capabilities are even higher."

"However, this seems to be the tactic that can best improve combat effectiveness in a short period of time."

Peng Deren's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the way he looked at Chen Chen began to contain more things that were difficult to explain clearly.


If it's just a four-four system, then that's fine. After all, in northern Myanmar, almost every front-line commander can talk about things like a three-three system and a four-four system.

However, the "programmed" four-four system?

Who could come up with such a thing if they hadn't already understood the essence of the training and combat system? !

Insufficient quality of personnel? Okay then, I will customize a set of tactics for you, and the purpose of this set of tactics is to use the commander's ability and extensive intelligence capabilities to make up for the lack of quality of individual combatants!

Besides you, who else can do this kind of thinking? !

Moreover, this tactic will not stay at the "customized" level forever.

When enough programs are designed, and when different programs begin to complement and integrate with each other, won't a team's combat system gradually take shape? !

I understand.

Chen Chen is tapping me.

It was not convenient for him to teach me, so he used this method

Thinking of this, Peng Deren excitedly grabbed Chen Chen's hand and said:

"Sir, thank you very much!"

Chen Chen looked confused. He didn't even realize what Peng Deren was thanking.

But looking at the other person's expression, it seems that he has really learned something?

Just learn what you have learned. Anyway, without me here, you can't have any fun.

At this time, there were only the last 6 hours left before the handover, and the scouts sent by Peng Deren had already brought feedback information.

No abnormalities were found around Gongtang Village, and the situation is basically safe.

It's time to go.

Chen Chen waved his hand, and all the groups immediately started boarding the bus and drove towards Gongtang Village.

6 hours later, Gongtang Village.

A military vehicle drove from the direction of Laojie. After arriving at the predetermined location at the entrance of Gongtang Village, the four people on the military vehicle lifted a metal iron cage from the back of the vehicle. After removing the oilcloth covering the cage, they quickly Get in the car and leave.

The man who was left in place and locked in the iron cage had a face full of despair. He slumped on the ground and stared blankly at the moon that was half covered by the woods.

He didn't know how things could become like this, and he didn't know why he had to become a victim of this struggle.

I obviously didn't do anything.

I just killed a dozen police officers at the request of those in higher positions. This was obviously done with their consent and they had assured me that there would never be any problems!

Which part is wrong?

In fact, he has thought about this question countless times.

Ever since the enemy of the Confederate soldier named Lee Gang was killed, he realized the changes in things.

Later, Ang Tingling's disappearance and Wei Huairen's "failure to suppress the bandits" directly raised his vigilance to its peak.

He no longer goes out or even attends so-called important meetings. All his actions are only aimed at "personal safety."

But even so, he almost had an accident and was almost burned to death in the Henry Hotel!

Yes, his caution saved his life, but Wei Chaoren was not so lucky.

He died without warning, like a dead dog, being casually thrown on the roadside.

The enemy's power has exceeded the limit of Ming Xuechang's imagination. He has no idea who can do these things and who has the ability to do these things.

Is it really Bao Qi?

That kid's father does have some background, but his background isn't strong enough to allow the Allies to launch such revenge, right?

What's more, even if they want to do it, can they do it with the Allied Forces alone?

Stop talking nonsense!

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

Ming Xuechang let out a long sigh, he had already anticipated his ending.

I will definitely die in a very miserable way, but now I can't even commit suicide.

He sat helplessly on the ground, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

The grass in the distance suddenly understood, and the "receiver" hidden in the grass stood up and walked in his direction.

Ming Xuechang's eyes widened, trying to see clearly the identities of the recipients.

And a moment later, under the reflection of the moonlight, the faces he saw made him freeze on the spot in shock.

"Is it you?!"

"How could it be you!?"

Ming Xuechang shouted hysterically.

He couldn't believe what he saw because it was so absurd and unbelievable.

However, the person opposite him showed no emotion at all.

The leading man looked at him indifferently, and then said:

"Why can't it be us?"

"What, you don't want to see us?"

"Commander Ming, it seems you still owe me a commendation, right?"

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