I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 199 This land has no room for youthfulness

The harvesting process was not smooth sailing. After all, dozens of enemies did not rush out in a swarm. After being suppressed by the first round of machine gun fire, they quickly retreated into the building.

There were more than 20 corpses left in the gap between the south tower and the wall, but there were still more than 70 enemies.

Relying on the solid buildings, they began to counterattack the Dongfeng Corps. The intensive firepower formed by heavy machine guns and rocket launchers once made the Dongfeng Corps unable to hold its head up.

It is worthy of being the largest arms dealer near Kokang. The equipment level of this firm is indeed much higher than that of ordinary mercenaries.

Even heavy machine guns, they have more than 4!

Moreover, there were 4 heavy machine guns that were hastily deployed during the evacuation!

Chen Chen couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying firepower he would have faced if he had really chosen to attack.

However, it's all over now.

Because, after being interrupted time and again in making decisions, being severely suppressed time and time again, with the flames continuing to spread and being blocked in front of them, the enemy finally made a fatal mistake.

Their staff was so dense that several or even a dozen people gathered in one room!

In order to obtain the firing range of the heavy machine gun, they dismantled the barbed wire fence used to protect against rockets and projectiles.

This is the most convenient killing scenario for cloud explosive bombs.

Four cloudburst bombs entered the room where the four firepower points were located without any hindrance. Accompanied by high temperatures and air waves, the four heavy machine guns quickly misfired.

At this point, the enemy has actually lost all possibility of struggle.

They desperately tried to return to the north gate, but the square was already completely covered in flames.

The first round of suicide bombings occurred.

Chen Chen felt an unusual vibration on the ground beneath his feet, and then the flames screamed into the air, releasing a real firework.

The enemies in the south building had to retreat again. They wanted to cross the short distance of more than ten meters to the east building, but how could the jackals guarding there give them a chance?

No more incendiary bombs, but they still had light machine guns.

To block the exit, just an M240 is enough.

This was a real suffocation. The enemies who were suppressed in the south tower could only watch the flames burning closer and closer.

They have close to 50 people left. In fact, compared to the Dongfeng Corps, they even have an advantage in numbers!

However, they really couldn't fight anymore.

The gunfire stopped for a full two minutes. During these two minutes, the only sounds in the vicinity of Lao Fa Ka Trading House were the roar of flames blown by the wind and the dull sound of explosions from time to time.

Then, at a certain moment, intensive gunshots suddenly rang out in the south building.

No bullets were fired because the bullets were aimed at their "own people".

Immediately afterwards, a white cloth stretched out from the window on the back of the south building, and an unarmed man climbed out holding the white cloth.


Chen Chen calmly ordered.

Of course he can really kill everyone here, but he has no rules against killing prisoners.

What's more, these people are serious colluders with some violent terrorist forces, and they won't be in trouble no matter how they kill them.

However, if he kills them all, he will not be able to get more information about Bai Suocheng.

It's okay to stay, it's a big deal.

After hearing what he said, everyone in the Dongfeng Corps stopped.

The man climbed out of the window smoothly and took a corpse in a suit and leather shoes from behind with a lot of imagination.

He struggled to lift the body upright, and then shouted:

"Bai Yingneng is dead! We surrender! We surrender!"

The entire Laofajia Trading Company was burned to the ground, and Chen Chen had just received the prisoners, and on the other side, White Dog also received feedback from Bangningzhuang Trading Company.

He fought more smoothly, almost without any resistance at all.


But yes, a round of 107 fire bombing, two MK19 automatic grenades to clear the ground, 8 people also brought 3 light machine guns and two cloud explosive bombs, with the lax defense of Bangningzhuang, if they still can't defeat it, in vain The dog simply committed suicide and apologized.

Perhaps the only shortcoming was that their number was too small to encircle and annihilate them. In the end, many people from Bangningzhuang Trading Company ran away.

But fortunately, the main leaders did not run away.

To be precise, it's not that he didn't run away, he didn't run away at all.

Bai Gou set the target of the first round of 107 fire bombing on top of his head. He probably didn't even wake up from bed before he was blown to ashes.

There is no doubt that this is a big win.

Two trading houses were uprooted, and even Bai Yingneng died.

As for the Dongfeng Corps.

Only 4 people were injured.

One unlucky guy was hit in the buttocks by a stray bullet flying from the north gate when he finally abandoned the car and ran away. He was lying on the ground to rest; one person was killed by a "bolide" that exploded, and his clothes were set on fire, and there were small wounds on his back. A range of but more serious burns.

The remaining two were swept by heavy machine gun bullets in the last wave of enemy counterattacks in the south building. However, they had bunkers in front of them and wore the ones Chen Chen had just spent a lot of money to get from Chai Sili. Level 4 bulletproof vest, apart from one of the ribs being fractured, the other was only slightly injured by the shrapnel from a broken bullet that penetrated the arm. If he was more hard-core, he could even continue to fight.

Everyone's faces were filled with joy. This was the second "large-scale" battle they participated in after the Dongfeng Corps absorbed the Lion Corps.

And this battle was even more hearty than the one in Xiaotianyuan Village!

Fast, precise and surprising.

From the moment the attack started, the speed was stretched to the limit.

They don't need to think or fear. Everything they do is just to follow the plans that have been determined and the instructions that have been given!

Looks dangerous?

Yes, of course it was very dangerous, especially those who were responsible for pouring the fuel. They were really afraid that a stray bullet would kill them all.

But the problem is, everything is too fast.

They thought their courage could last for five minutes at most before they collapsed and fled, but in fact, the whole process only lasted two and a half minutes.

Not to mention fear, they didn't even have time to think.

was filled.

Mechanical movements don't turn them into warrior kings, but they do turn them into war machines for a short time.

After the fast-paced attack in the early stage ended and they began to regain their ability to think independently, the situation became a one-sided crushing game.

Can the war still be fought like this?

Under such a command, wouldn't it be possible for trash to be used as an elite?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind. The mercenaries of the Dongfeng Corps looked at each other, but none of them spoke.

Only Lin He, who was participating in such a big scene for the first time, excitedly ran to Chen Chen and said happily:

"Brother Chen! Am I okay this time?"

"How's the car I'm driving? There's nothing wrong with it!"

"And I was the last one to evacuate. I'm not afraid at all. I..."

"You have to remember the mistake you made this time."

Chen Chen interrupted him without hesitation, and then said to Li Bang:

"Bang Li, tell him what he did wrong."

After Li Bang hesitated for a moment, he answered:

"First point, when the fire truck was moving from the west to the north, your speed was too fast, causing the support team I led to almost fail to keep up, resulting in a cover gap of several seconds. Such a gap is inevitable. Someone might die.”

"The second point is that your route is too close to the wall. The water dragon was almost blocked by the wall several times."

"Third point, your evacuation speed after parking the car was too slow, so we had to turn back to cover. The brother who was shot in the butt was actually injured trying to cover you."

"Fourth point, I asked you to follow the vehicle to evacuate, but you insisted on staying. You think you want to help us in dangerous places and leave opportunities to other brothers, which is good, very good. But on the battlefield, you First, listen to orders.”

Hearing Li Bang's words, Lin He was stunned. A trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, but he quickly adjusted again.

"Brother Li, Brother Chen, I understand."

"Sorry! I will remember it in the future!"

Chen Chen nodded, patted his shoulder and said:

"Go and help guard the prisoners, there is a shortage of people there."


Lin He turned around and left. Jackal who was watching from the side shook his head and said with two tuts:

"Actually, he has done a very good job. At least if my men were to do it, they wouldn't be much better than him."

"The mistakes he made were not fatal, and some of them were not mistakes in my opinion."

"And he's just a recruit, he's still so young. I think you should encourage him more."

"Don't you think he has a youthful spirit in him? If he keeps this spirit, he may go further."

Hearing Jackal's words, Chen Chen shook his head disdainfully.

"You Chaisili are like this. You regard war as a kind of training, because your base is in Thailand, not in northern Myanmar."

"Whenever the fight stops, you can reveal your identity and withdraw at any time without any loss."

"But we can't, brother, we have to fight to survive."

"Look, we just set a fire and burned a dozen people to death, and then killed another thirty or forty others."

"In this case, do you think I should still pamper him?"

"Yes, this is his first time participating in a large-scale battle. It is understandable that he made mistakes."

"But he can only do it once."

"Just like Bao Qi, he also made a mistake once, but only that one time."

"Because if there was a second time, he would be dead."

Having said this, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

Then he continued:

"Don't talk about youthful arrogance. His whole family is dead. What's the point of talking about youthful arrogance?"

"Stop talking about him, this land"

"There's no room for that bullshit teenage mentality."

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