I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 201 What is your identity? You use the same gun as me?

Chen Chen's movements were actually very fast.

From the launch of the attack, to the capture of prisoners, to the evacuation of all personnel, to the completion of the settlement of Bangning Village, and now the loot is collected, only 40 minutes have passed.

During these 40 minutes, the major forces in Banglong City were either watching, or had not organized effective actions, or were frightened by the fire and explosion of Laofajia Trading Company and did not dare to attack. In these situations, by staying It can be clearly seen from Lin He observing in the city and Bao Qi's radio listening.

Therefore, Chen Chen really couldn't imagine who would run over to them at this time and want to touch them.


But it doesn't matter who it is.

There are a large number of armed personnel throughout Banglong, but the problem is that there are very few large-scale "teams".

You want to pull out two thousand armed men with guns here easily, but if you want to pull out a team of more than a hundred people, then only the police battalion and the security brigade can do it.

In this case, the Dongfeng Corps can be said to be invincible.

There is no room for who will come and who will die.

Holding the HK416 in his hand, Chen Chen watched a J8 jeep approaching slowly, and he immediately confirmed the identity of the person coming.

Not everyone can get this thing or afford it.

As the military version of the Jeep Wrangler, this car made its debut in 2007 and began small-scale production in 2008. In the early stage, it was only delivered in small batches in Egypt. The people who can get this car are basically the border patrol anti-terrorism forces of various countries, and A small number of Latin American anti-narcotics police forces.

Even the United States will have to wait until after 2020 to start using this car on a large scale.

As far as Chen Chen knows, there are only a few of this car in the whole of northern Myanmar - no, in the whole of Southeast Asia. They are all in the hands of the Thai military. At that time, they were also brought from Africa relying on the so-called "joint anti-drug plan".

Now, when this car appears in Banglong, there is no doubt that it cannot be from Thailand, because Jackal is standing next to him.

Then there is only one answer.

That is, the Shadow Corps, which is closely related to the wealthy MPRI.


Their people were indeed killed by themselves

Moreover, the body was still buried.

This is a bit troublesome.

The J8 jeep stopped far away. Chen Chen wanted to intercept the other party's communication, but it was obvious that the other party's equipment was different from other rogues in northern Myanmar. They also used frequency hopping communication equipment and could not be hacked. .

The two teams were facing each other in the air. The other team didn't dare to fire the first shot, but Chen Chen didn't want to fire the first shot. The situation became awkward.

After a long time, the other party seemed to have finally given up trying and finally made a compromise.

Someone got out of the car, turned around and put the gun on the hood of the car with exaggerated movements. Then he opened his hands to show that he was not a threat, and walked step by step towards the Dongfeng Corps.

This scene always made Chen Chen feel familiar.

He glanced at the jackal beside him. The jackal coughed and said nothing.

But Chen Chen did not let him go.

"Would you like to come with me and take a look?"

"Let's see what tricks these people from the Shadow Corps can pull off."

Jackal shook his head and replied:

"It's better to try to avoid unnecessary conflicts. The background of the Shadow Corps is still a bit complicated."

"Although they are not strong, they have developed rapidly in the past two years. With MPRI's support behind them, we do not want to have too much contact with them."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on the people behind you, and I'll blow them up if they dare to move."

At this point, Chen Chen no longer embarrasses Jackal.

He dropped the gun but still held it in his hand.

Then, he walked towards the man opposite step by step, with a relaxed gait and steady movements.

However, he could quickly raise his gun at any time and kill the man in front of him.

This is obviously not in line with the results that the opponent hopes to see by actively "showing weakness", but so what? The heavy machine guns of the Dongfeng Corps have already locked onto them.

So, the two of them walked to the middle of the two teams. The man reached out his hand and said:

"Hello, I'm Red Blood Cell."

"You can really put yourself in a good position."

Chen Chen replied unceremoniously in English.

In fact, the Red Blood Cells are the next "legendary" special forces unit of the JTF. The name comes from the autobiography of Richard, the commander of the JTF at the time. It is known as the "SEAL Team beyond the SEAL Team" and is mainly responsible for sea-based infiltration. Infiltration combat missions, and also responsible for a series of T.R.A.P missions (overseas complex rescue missions).

In terms of positioning, this thing actually has the comprehensive functions of the Tianwei troops of a certain island and the general staff, general logistics, general assembly, maritime security and other departments of a certain big country. The work it does is complicated and hateful. In the end, in the 20th century The downsizing and disbandment were announced before the 1980s were over.

However, even if such a "legendary army" is gone, someone must have summoned its soul.

Obviously, this is what the man in front of me did.

Therefore, what Chen Chen said was absolutely correct. The latter just smiled after hearing this, but he was not angry at all.

Red Blood Cell asked:

"What if I am really a red blood cell? Maybe in this case, we can truly have an equal dialogue?"

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"Friend, don't talk about something that has been dead for eight hundred years. It's quite unlucky."

".Your English is great, especially when it comes to swearing."

Red Blood Cell said with a frown.

In fact, the words used by Chen Chen are not really dirty, but when translated from the broad and profound Chinese context, they do sound particularly vicious.

But he had no intention of giving the Shadow Corps any good looks, so he didn't care about what Red Blood Cells said.

He gently raised the muzzle of the gun, and Red Blood Cell's hand immediately subconsciously moved behind him, but Chen Chen actually just moved his shoulders.

This was a simple test, and the other party immediately showed his timidity.

Chen Chen felt a little confident, so he continued:

"No need to talk so much nonsense, what are you going to do? Time is very tight, let's get straight to the point."

Seeing Chen Chen's attitude, Red Blood Cell also gave up the idea of ​​"friendly dialogue" and said directly:

"We're taking one of our own back - is he still alive?"

"It's a pity that he died. He was the commander, right? Together with Bai Yingneng, he was used as a bargaining chip for surrender."

"When we saw him, his skull had flown to nowhere."

Chen Chen lied without changing his face or heartbeat. This was not a sign of weakness, but just an attempt to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Red Blood Cell obviously didn't intend to pursue it too much. He just nodded and continued to ask:

"Where is he? I mean, where is his body?"

"It's just been buried. You should come early so we don't have to dig a hole."

".We went to Laofajia Trading Company first. I have to say, your tactics are very exciting."

Red Blood Cell paused for a moment, as if thinking and recalling, and then he continued:

"The idea of ​​using a pump to inject fluid fuel is really good. Maybe it will become a popular tactic in small-scale battles in the future."

"JFT has also studied similar CQB tactics, such as powder fuel throwing, but it is obvious that they are not as good as direct liquid fuel in terms of coverage area and suppression force."

"It's just that the security of this strategy is too low, I think."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Chen Chen interrupted him again and then said:

"After we leave, you can dig him out and take him away."

"But you have to give me something."

"?? This is completely unreasonable! We have already lost an important person, and now we just want to get the body back. You actually want us to pay more?"

"Where's the Geneva Convention? Where's the Hague Convention? Where's the humanitarian spirit?"

"You're talking to me about this? Then I'll burn him on fire. He's just a mercenary anyway."

Chen Chen paused and then said:

"No, he's not dead at all. He's in my car. I even gave him something to eat just now."

"Well, if you don't bring something out, I'll take him away."


Red blood cells become silent.

Chen Chen had no intention of giving in at all, because he had already grasped the other party's psychology.

In fact, according to the information from Xiaoyu, the Shadow Corps is indeed only a small-scale commercial PMC organization so far.

They have close ties with the MPRI, but their ties with the CIA have not yet been established.

The appearance of their people in Laofajia Trading Company is indeed just a "business behavior", or it is still a business behavior for the time being.

They may know what Laofajia Trading Company has done, but they are basically not involved - they are not qualified.

However, if all the main parties involved are dead, if the MPRI background of the Shadow Corps is exposed, if some things are forcibly connected, then they will never be able to clean up.

This is obviously not the result their senior management wanted.

So, they really have to get the body back.

"what do you want?"

"Leave your car."

Chen Chen said decisively.

"Are you kidding me? Do you know how much our J8 is worth?"


"If you are not sincere in your offer, then there is no need to talk anymore and let's go to war."

"You can kill me now, but I have to tell you that you will face endless revenge. We are not mercenaries, we are a regular PMC company. The Shadow Corps will not let you go, MPRI Not even"

Red Blood Cell didn't finish what he said, but Chen Chen could indeed understand what he meant.

This is indeed a quite powerful threat. Its power lies not in "danger" but in "trouble".

Destroying a Shadow Corps is not a big deal, just like with the current strength of the Dongfeng Corps, it is not difficult to destroy Chaisili's northern Myanmar branch, but what happens after it is destroyed?

The overwhelming trouble is about to come to your door.

Therefore, it is best not to be too aggressive without completely entering a hostile state.

If J8 is indeed a bit too much, then

"You are using HK416, right?"

Red Blood Cell was stunned for a moment and did not answer.

But this is considered a default.

"Your HK416 shouldn't be too expensive, right?"

Default again.

"Keep the gun."

"Throwing a gun on the battlefield, this"

"Wrong, it's normal wear and tear during training."


Red Blood Cell finally nodded.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and gave instructions to the team members waiting behind him.

4 HK416s were thrown into the open space in front of J8. Chen Chen smiled with satisfaction and said:

"After we leave, you can dig up the body."

"Let's go, drive your car out of my sight, and if you have nothing to do, go help the fire brigade put out the fire."

Red Blood Cell shook his head, as if he wanted to say something, but eventually turned around and left.

But just after taking a few steps, he suddenly turned back, and Chen Chen's finger on the trigger almost pulled off.

However, he just said one sentence:

"One day, we will talk as equals."

Chen Chen frowned.

The implication of red blood cells could not be more obvious.

So he opened his mouth and replied:

"You'd better not look forward to that day and just be your PMC."

"Whenever you feel that you can talk to us as equals, that will be the end of you."

Red Blood Cell was stunned for a moment, then turned and left.

Chen Chen sneered and continued shouting:

"Don't forget to leave the spare magazine too!"

His voice lowered, and he added another sentence silently:

"Whatever grade, you use the same gun as me."

The Shadow Corps, which came and went in a hurry, just left. In fact, their actions were very consistent with Chen Chen's stereotype of them.

The PMC is well-equipped, well-trained, and capable of actual combat, but it can only play in favorable situations.

He always does some seemingly high-end jobs such as security, rescue, and escort, and disdains the barbaric tasks of local mercenaries.

But in fact, let alone the Dongfeng Corps, or even compared with the previous Lion Corps, there is still a big gap in their true "combat will" and "tactical hardness".

They know how to fight, but they never regard "fighting" as their first choice.

In a sense, he and Chaisili are wearing the same pants.

Well, the sense of rules is too strong.

If Chen Chen was in a similar situation today, it would be impossible for him to make any transactions with others.

What? Corpse?

I ran away after a sneak attack with napalm bombs. Where are the bodies? Isn't that a pile of charcoal?

Of course, this is just a rough example, but from this example, we can also clearly see the differences between the Shadow Corps, Chaisili, and Dongfeng Corps.

After the Shadow Corps left, Chen Chen quickly organized everyone to evacuate.

The loot has been collected and 4 HK416s are in hand - the funny thing is, these four guns are not much different from the factory-new condition.

Chen Chen shook his head and said:

"These people in the Shadow Corps are similar to Chaisili when we first met us."

".We were not as good as them at that time. At least they did have experience in several small-scale conflicts."

"But this does not mean that they are really weak. The Shadow Corps is quite special. Now these people are an advance team. If they can find the way out, it will be very simple for MPRI to replace them."

"And more importantly, if you want to dig deeper, they might also have what you have."

Good guy.

Jackal actually said the exact same words as Red Blood Cell.

But Chen Chen didn't care at all.

He opened his mouth and replied:

"Then let's give it a try."

"My opinion is simple anyway."

"If you can kill one, you can kill a group."

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