I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 219 Give you some souvenirs

After receiving Xiaoyu's reply, Chen Chen's condition improved visibly.

When he walked back to the camp again and walked to the other five people, the expression on his face had returned to his "as usual" calmness.

Everyone, including Shi Dakai, also noticed his change, and the atmosphere in the entire group, which had been so tense that it was about to collapse, instantly relaxed.


Shi Dakai asked.

"It's not solved, but it's better than originally expected."

Chen Chen replied.

"So who are those six people? The guns they use are weird, their fighting styles are weird, and their skills are weirdly high."

"I feel like if we hadn't been fighting an ambush and if we hadn't had two machine guns, we wouldn't have lasted that long."

"Also, even though we have two machine guns, if we hit the back, it will almost collapse."

Standing aside, Li Bang rarely said a lot of words. He was undoubtedly the one who felt the deepest about the dangers of the game between the two sides at that time.

Because, holding PKMS, he is the absolute center of firepower among the four people. He can deeply understand that if his ballistic trajectory deviates from a certain direction for just one second, the opponent's bullet will bite him as quickly as a poisonous snake.

No enemy he had fought before had such an ability. Even in the entire northern Myanmar, he could not think of any team that could possess it.

To be honest, he was a little scared after being beaten, and even a little scared.

If I were to bump into such a team in the future and start a head-on battle, would I really be able to survive?

Li Bang didn't want to think too much, but looked at Chen Chen with complicated eyes.

Chen Chen naturally noticed his emotional changes, so he reached out and patted his shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, you are already very strong."

"Because those we killed were probably SEALs."


As soon as the words fell, everyone froze on the spot.

"What SEAL? Are you talking about the SEAL I'm thinking of?"

Bao Qi looked at Chen Chen in shock and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, that's the seal, but a retired seal."

"They are most likely an elite force from MPRI, and their members are originally composed of former members of the SEALs, Deltas, and other special forces."

"I don't know how many seals are inside, but judging from the equipment, they should be most of them."

"So actually, we just killed an entire team of the world's strongest former special forces combat teams."

"In other words, no matter how difficult the process is, if we can kill them, it has completely proved our strength."


At this moment, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

A local mercenary group in northern Myanmar killed a special operations team composed of former SEALs?

This sounds like a fantasy.

The problem is, it really happened.

Although it is not an upright frontal annihilation, although there is an element of opportunism in the case of equipment suppression, who cares?

Just beat him to death!

I can find armored vehicles and heavy machine guns, that's what I'm good at!

In an instant, everyone's mood changed.

They no longer care about any threats or consequences.

There is only one thing left that they care about:

Damn, we killed the seal!

They can die, who else can't die?

At this moment, this team had an inexplicable detached mentality in their hearts.

That is, looking at northern Myanmar, I am invincible.

This mentality is undoubtedly good, but of course, the mentality can be invincible, but you still have to be cautious in your actions.

Especially now, it is estimated that the MPRI guidance group was suddenly killed by the Dongfeng Corps shortly after arriving in northern Myanmar. No matter what, they would not give up.

At least be prepared for their revenge, or at least arrange a plan to "completely end this matter".

Chen Chen returned to the Marauder. While thinking, he took out all the guns in the car, sorted them one by one, and put them in the temporary weapon box.

Shi Dakai stood beside him and asked curiously:

"What kind of money is this? It looks like a rifle, but the bullets are very heavy. I was shot once, and the ricochet was blocked by the bunker, but it felt like being hit by a machine gun."

"Can't ordinary rifles shoot this kind of bullet?"

Chen Chen nodded and replied:

"Yes, this is a new gun issued just last year, MK17, or SCAR-H."

"This gun can just replace the SVD in your hand. To be honest, bullets are relatively easy to find. Just use M249 bullets."

"In this way, you don't have to carry a sniper rifle or a rifle in ordinary missions, and you can have your hands free to carry a better automatic weapon."

“Then I’ll practice when I get back—wouldn’t it be too high-profile?”

Shi Dakai continued to ask.

"Whether it's high-profile or not, these six people were killed today, and they will be traced to us anyway."

"We have entered a state of war with the Shadow Corps and MPRI, and they will definitely retaliate against us on a large scale."

"I don't know if this is good news or bad news."

"It must be good news."

Shi Dakai continued seriously:

"That way we have every reason to take them out."

"What you said makes sense. However, after all, the Shadow Corps is not the trash team we have fought before. They are very strong and will be continuously strengthened by MPRI in the future."

"In short, we are afraid that we will have to fight for some time in the future, but the form of the conflict will change from large-scale battles where wolves join the flock to small-scale conflicts between elite teams."

"If it's not handled well, people will die very quickly."

There was a hint of worry in Chen Chen's words. After a moment's pause and thought, he said:

"So now the plan is clear."

"We need to put an end to the kidnapping case first, and then expand our recruitment and training when we get back!"

"We don't want to train the team to have the same combat effectiveness as the SEALs, but at least, with the advantage of heavy equipment, we must have the strength to compete with MPRI!"


Shi Dakai answered decisively, but then asked:

"Aren't the clues to the kidnapping case broken? How can we end it?"

"Break it off."

There was a hint of anger in Chen Chen's eyes.

"Huamei Trading Company, Xu You didn't tell the truth at all."

"He must know who is looking for him, and he must know how big the threat is."

"Let me tell you, in a poor place like northern Myanmar, offering a bounty of US$5 million for a daughter, is he really that kind of fatherly and filial to his daughter?"

"This money is just spent to attract more cannon fodder. Zhao Jingyi is right about this. Xu You is really not a good person."

"In that case, we have to have a good talk with him."

The follow-up plan was initially drawn up, and Chen Chen did not delay much. Instead, he got in the car again after a brief rest and drove the Predator eastward. It took more than five hours to return to Mengka.

This is his safest hometown, with the Wa State as a barrier in the north, the 756th Brigade He Bangxiong blocking traffic in the south, and the 7th Brigade stationed in Mengka City, with Chaisili and Wanfeng Group as backup.

Even if the Shadow Corps wants to take action, they have to consider whether they can find the entry point among such complex forces and then retreat smoothly after fighting a strong enemy.

Generally speaking, although Mengkha is not an impregnable fortress, it is at least a moat that the enemy must pay a price for if he wants to cross it.

When we arrived at Mengka, it was already past six in the morning. The little fish who said he wanted to sleep didn't seem to actually fall asleep, or he woke up early after sleeping.

In short, when Chen Chen got out of the car, what he saw was Xiaoyu's face that looked angry, helpless, complaining, but also vaguely worried.

He smiled awkwardly, walked forward and said:

"Sorry, I've caused trouble for the organization again."

".Do you still know?"

Xiaoyu clicked his tongue twice, and then asked:

"What do you think? Don't you think of a way to confirm your identity before taking action? If you do this every time, there will definitely be big problems in the future!"

Xiaoyu's tone was a little "stern", but Chen Chen knew that this was really a very realistic advice.

Prior to this, the Dongfeng Corps had indeed fought too recklessly.

No matter whether you are a civilian militant, a regular Burmese army, or a drug trafficker, as long as you stand in the way, you will be shot to pieces without hesitation.

This way of doing things undoubtedly allowed the Dongfeng Corps to rapidly increase its combat effectiveness, but at the same time, it also caused the consequences to become more serious every time.

In the previous attacks on the Bai family and the Mangdongba military camp, under Chen Chen's careful arrangements, the consequences could be managed through the balance of various forces. However, as the forces involved become more and more "profound", what if? When will the bag no longer hold up?

After all, even if the four masters and disciples who are studying in the West can kill the spider spirit and the white bone spirit, if they really want to kill the Yellow Eyebrow King, the Nine Spirit Yuansheng, the Golden Winged Dapeng, etc. Then everyone would look bad.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not talk back, but replied humbly:

"The situation this time is very special and there was not much time for deliberation in the decision-making process."

"The first time I saw them, my instinct was to stop them from killing people and silencing them, because based on rational judgment, a trading company worthy of using a professional team to kill people and silence them would definitely have more secrets than just a kidnapping case."

"So, I had to stop them. Originally we didn't plan to go too far, but once the fight started, the opponent's strength far exceeded our imagination."

"There is no way, things are like an avalanche. Once the first shot is fired, it can no longer be contained."

"Shi Dakai was almost killed, Li Bang and Sang Ye were almost killed. If we slow down for a second, we will be wiped out."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu opened his mouth hesitantly, but finally took it back.

As she said, this matter was "luckily" limited to two commercial mercenary groups. It may have a considerable impact on the situation, but it is still controllable after all.

In that case, I really have no reason to blame Chen Chen too much.

The position is there, and you can't be arrogant.

So, she just ignored the topic lightly and said instead:

"It's a good thing I asked you to wear a neck brace, otherwise a stray bullet would have killed you!"

"That's not the case. I'm lucky. I'm not born to take bullets."

Chen Chen replied with a smile.

Xiaoyu's eyes almost rolled to the sky. She didn't bother to say anything and turned to leave, but was stopped by Chen Chen again.

"Just wait a moment. Someone will leave it to you."

With that said, Chen Chen motioned to Gang Li to slip Zhao Jingyi out of the looters.

"Who is this?"

Xiaoyu asked doubtfully.

"The leader of the evil gang that came over from you is punished for smuggling, illegally crossing the border, murder, and kidnapping at the same time. He can be sentenced to death immediately."

"I'll give it to you. It's not easy to come here. Bring some souvenirs back."

".Okay, okay, okay."

Xiaoyu signaled to the two security guards behind him, who decisively took out the zip ties and tied Zhao Jingyi's hands behind his back.

There were doubts and surprises in their eyes, but more importantly, they were still curious about Chen Chen.

This mercenary's way of doing things was really unpredictable to them.

But what the hell?

No matter what, it’s a credit, and Mengka’s success this time was not in vain.

But it is.

No matter which way you think about it, the variety of gifts this guy gives girls is a bit strange.

After the handover of the suspect was completed, Chen Chen began to prepare for the follow-up matters.

Xu You from Huamei Commercial Bank must go to "have a chat", but this time, he doesn't plan to go in person.

The first point is because of security issues.

The Shadow Corps and MPRI are not fools. They know the core of the problem, so they must have also targeted Huamei Commercial Bank. If they go there now, they are putting themselves at risk.

As for the second point.

Bao Xiaomei's relationship, or the Wa's relationship, still needs to be managed. Even if Xiaoyu asks him to stay away from her, he can't really keep rejecting others.

In that case, your own path will be narrow.

And since you want to run a business, the best way is not to do things for them, but to let them do things for you.

If you owe them a favor "not too big, not too small", then the two parties will have a reason and an entrance to deal with each other in the future.

This is also a common human sophistication. Chen Chen has been in an agency no matter what, so he is not unfamiliar with it.

So, he decisively called Bao Xiaomei and made an appointment. At lunch time, the two met in the Vientiane Hotel room.

Bao Xiaomei wore casual and loose clothes, which were obviously a bit too loose.

However, there was nothing unusual about Chen Chen's behavior. He just politely explained his purpose and expressed his demands.

Of course, he would never mention anything about seals or SAD.

".So this Huamei Commercial Bank may actually have a big problem?"

The focus of Bao Xiaomei's eyes always stayed on Chen Chen's eyes. Chen Chen did not avoid it, but solemnly replied:

"This is our guess. Based on various clues, the possibility is very high."

"So, it will be beneficial to both of us to get rid of Huamei Commercial Bank."

"After all, you still have to rely on that side."

"And those over there don't want to see this kind of thing exist."

"That's true."

Bao Xiaomei nodded with a slight smile, then changed the subject and asked:

"However, helping Mr. Shipwreck solve the problem is more important, right?"

"Yes, that's true."

Chen Chen answered calmly without any pretense.

"Then I will ask for a lot of money."

Bao Xiaomei's smile became even stronger.

"Mr. Wreck, if I help you solve this matter, you have to give me something, right?"

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