I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 221 Housekeeping Cleaning Company

No one can withstand the threat of the Dongfeng Corps.

Because the threat of others is "I will do whatever you want if you don't tell me", but the threat of the Dongfeng Corps is "I will change someone else if you don't tell me".

Moreover, judging from previous successful cases, Dongfeng Corps not only changes people, but also changes them quickly.

Therefore, after Chen Chen revealed his identity, the interrogation became smoother at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xu You confessed everything he knew. Chen Chen didn't know if he had concealed anything, but it actually didn't matter.

In intelligence work, what we really want to do is not to "squeeze out all the information", but to "achieve the goal of information integrity."

As long as what you get exceeds the expected bottom line, it is considered a success.

After two hours of "talking", Chen Chen finally figured out the truth behind this incident.

On the surface, things are complicated, what about Kachin, Bangning Village, Shadow Corps, MPRI, kidnapping case.

The forces are complicated, as if there is some terrible conspiracy.

But in fact, after excluding a series of unnecessary information, the truth is so simple that even the dumbest person can easily understand the logic.

Bangningzhuang wanted to expand the arms export route, but Huamei Commercial Bank, which monopolized the Bada Brown route, refused due to safety concerns. Jingyi Commercial Bank was used to kidnap Xu You's daughter, hoping to use this as a breakthrough to threaten Huamei Commercial Bank into submission.

However, they did not expect that Xu You was also a ruthless person. Relying on the power he had developed in Mengyang for many years, he directly began to recruit troops and expand the army under the banner of "saving his daughter", hoping to have a serious conflict with Bangning Village.

Therefore, Bangningzhuang simply broke up the vote and planned to rely on force to defeat them.

Huamei Commercial Bank offered huge bounties to attract cannon fodder, intending to engage in a struggle to "widely mobilize the masses."

The plans of both parties are actually going very smoothly. If the normal plot develops, the two parties will collide with each other after the clues gradually become clear, and then engage in a vigorous "battle for hegemony" or "battle of revenge."

But what none of them expected was that before the battle started, Bangning Village suddenly disappeared.

Well, they were easily defeated by the Dongfeng Corps who wanted to stir up the situation in Kokang and wanted helicopters.

This sounds a bit ridiculous. In the eyes of the Dongfeng Corps, the enemy that Huamei Commercial Bank was waiting for was a foil for the battle of Laofajia, the kind that could be killed with a few rockets.


This really illustrates the difference between professional teams and amateur players.

Therefore, in this case, the two sides whose conflicts had already intensified to the extreme suddenly stopped fighting. After a short period of calm, larger forces began to enter the scene.

For example, the Kachin is behind Bangningzhuang, and the CIA is behind the Kachin.

These big forces have noticed serious threats and clear danger signals from the destruction of Bangning Village and the decisive change of the world. Unlike Bangning Village on the front line, they are more concerned about not "immediate interests" but "long-term interests". business, and continued harassment.”

Therefore, they decided to thoroughly understand this matter and take advantage of the collapse of Bangningzhuang Trading Company to clear all the traces of this matter.

The first one is Jingyi Trading Company.

This matter was supposed to be done by the Shadow Corps, but for some unknown reason, MPRI's reinforcement team personally participated in the operation, and then capsized in the ditch and was shot down by the Dongfeng Corps with heavy machine guns.

At this point, the entire sequence of events is clear.

The Kachin and Shadow Corps are all on the list, and their priority is raised to before the 505th Brigade calls Jialiang.

Chen Chen scratched his head and thought to himself:

Zhao Jialiang should really set up a longevity memorial tablet for Gan Mao and his group. After all, although they did not have direct contact with the Southern Shan State, they indirectly extended Zhao Jialiang's life a lot.

However, although the context is clear, the follow-up action plan is still open to discussion.

Just like Xiaoyu said, all isolated and individual events are actually external manifestations of a huge system.

Without understanding how the general trend is changing, it is impossible to plan from a small perspective.

After sending Xu You away and arranging house arrest, Chen Chen found Xiaoyu again.

The two of them were sitting in the command room of the villa. Chen Chen took out the compiled interrogation records and said:

"The situation is basically clear. This is what Kachin did to open up a second route."

"There's not much to say. You should probably understand what's going on."

"What is relatively special is that MPRI has indeed increased its investment in Pubei. This seems to be regarded as a 'test'."

"From the logic behind it, the CIA's local activities will become more frequent. Maybe you need to pay attention to this change."


Xiaoyu nodded slightly and then asked:

"Are you planning to take action against the Shadow Corps in the short term?"

Chen Chen did not answer, but asked:

"What's your opinion over there?"

In fact, his question was very artistic - of course it was not asking for permission, and there was no superior-subordinate relationship between the two parties. Although they cooperated, if the Dongfeng Corps was really focused on what they wanted to do, it would be impossible to care about the North's ideas.

The reason why I ask is that the actual meaning is just one sentence:

The front line is tight, make money!

And Xiaoyu immediately understood what Chen Chen meant.

In her opinion, this is quite reasonable.

After all, the Dongfeng Corps is the core force on the front line. Now the enemy's agents have been strengthened. If the Dongfeng Corps cannot be strengthened, it will be a bit difficult.

It makes no sense.

So, after thinking for a while, she said:

"We still need some time to prepare."

"Judging from the current situation, the threat you face is 'significant but not urgent'."

"Therefore, what you must do is to quickly improve your strength first - just like I said before."

"Of course, there are some little things that have to be taken care of."

"For example, you have to destroy the peripheral forces of the Shadow Corps, right? The team active in Banglong is not restricted and poses a great threat to your security."

"The one at Jingdong headquarters is much easier to deal with. You can take it slow later."

"If there is no reward, you can't fight. This is the rule of mercenaries."

Chen Chen shook his head and interrupted Xiaoyu, choking Xiaoyu until he couldn't speak.

"Yan Guo is plucking his hair, right? Isn't this your own business?"

"Who said that? Our own affairs are recruiting and training. What does the Shadow Corps have to do with us?"

". Shipwreck, if you have a conscience, even if I don't mention it, wouldn't you go and fight it?"

There was obvious helplessness in Xiaoyu's eyes. Chen Chen chuckled and replied:

"I won't fight."

".If you don't want to fight, just don't fight. It has nothing to do with us anyway."

Xiaoyu decisively ended the topic, and Chen Chen quickly said:

"I'm kidding you, why are you so impatient?"

"We will definitely deal with the Shadow Corps' stronghold in Banglong, because they will most likely become the fulcrum for Lao America to launch the IMET plan."

"If it is not dealt with, if the IMET plan proceeds smoothly, it will definitely not be a small matter for us."

"But on the other hand, if you kill one group, they will send another group."

"As you can see, MPRI will never let us go or let go of Pubei easily. Coupled with the needs of Wenbeng organization development, high-intensity conflicts will become more and more frequent and high-level. Mercenaries will also become more and more common."

"This is going to be a long-term struggle."

"We don't need any substantive support from you like the United States does to MPRI. We just need a clear line."

"What boundaries?"

Xiaoyu's expression became a little serious. She was thinking about how she should respond if Chen Chen made an "excessive" request.

However, Chen Chen did not make it difficult for her.

Because what Chen Chen put forward was just a very simple, but also very critical request.

"What belongs to zz belongs to zz, and what belongs to commerce belongs to commerce."

As soon as these words came out, Xiaoyu's eyes immediately changed.

She looked at Chen Chen with undisguised admiration on her face.

The two looked at each other silently. After a long time, Xiaoyu continued to speak:

"Business must be above the bottom line."

"I see."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation. At this moment, he knew that the Dongfeng Corps had the foundation to continue to grow.

However, he still wanted to confirm it one more time.

"Do you mean what you say?"

Xiaoyu smiled and replied:

"As long as you keep your word, I will keep my word."

This sentence ended the entire conversation between the two, and Chen Chen stood up and left naturally.

A few hours later, Xiaoyu also led the team to leave Mengka.

The dialogue between strong people does not need to be too straightforward. Just stop it and it will be the best result.


However, for other people, it cannot be enough.

Xu You has done such a big thing, so he should be given some blood.

A few minutes later, Chen Chen sat opposite Xu You again.

Looking at the man who had become a little timid, Chen Chen said simply:

"You have no way to survive. It's not ordinary mercenaries who are targeting you, it's the Kachin, it's the Shadow Corps."

"They didn't kill you this time because we made predictions in advance and saved your life in advance."

"But, not every time, you will have such luck."

"To survive, you have to do two things."

"First, pay our 5 million US dollars. We couldn't rescue your daughter because we don't have the ability to resurrect the dead."

"However, we have killed Bangning Village and Jingyi Trading Company. All your enemies on the surface have been eradicated and the mission has been completed. Do you have any doubts about this?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xu You nodded slowly and replied:

"No doubt, I will pay the money."

"But, I don't want to just pay, I want to live."

Oh yo?

You are quite alert.

Chen Chen couldn't help but admire in his heart, Meng Yang can indeed be the best, and Xu You is definitely not a small role.

But at this time, whoever puts forward the conditions first loses. If you want to trade, you have to let the other party speak for themselves.

So, Chen Chen just asked calmly:

"How do you want to live?"

Xu You hesitated for a moment and replied:

"I would like to ask you to protect me and Huamei Trading Company."

"I suffered a big loss this time, but my foundation is not in the business, but on the road. Losing my facade is not a serious injury at all."

"I can still stand up, but I need a background and really strong fighting power."

"We can work together and I can give you what you want."

Chen Chen still did not answer accurately, but continued to ask:

"What do you think we need?"

"Money, equipment, people. I can give you all these."

Xu You's expression gradually became firm, as if he was afraid that Chen Chen would be suspicious, so he quickly continued to explain:

"Bang Ningzhuang came to me, but I didn't agree because it was a real head-turning thing. They wanted me to risk my life to tie them up. I can't be that kind of fool."

"But you are different. I can see what you do, so I will tell you frankly."

"Poly Technology cannot meet all your needs."

"The United States needs Lockheed Martin, and it also needs Victor Bute."

"You are the same. You need Poly Technology, and you also need Huamei Commercial Bank."

"How about this, can you be satisfied with my conditions?"


Of course satisfied!

In fact, the second thing Chen Chen wanted Xu You to do was to let him serve as the real "quartermaster" of the Dongfeng Corps.

The reason is simple. Whether it is from Wanfeng Group, the 7th Brigade, Chaisili, or Poly Technology, the equipment obtained is too little and too scattered.

Moreover, if it is not your own channel, it is impossible to be completely assured.

What if one day, as the situation changes further, the Dongfeng Corps turns friends into enemies with these forces?

As early as when he first came into contact with Jackal, Chen Chen had considered finding enough backup solutions to replace Chai Sili. Now, he has many backups, but none of them can meet the requirements 100%.

There is an implicit competition between the 7th Brigade and the Dongfeng Corps. Even the AH-2 can only be shared by both parties. If more powerful equipment is involved in the future, it will inevitably be hindered here;

Wanfeng Group is a pure business group. They can turn to the Dongfeng Corps or the enemies of the Dongfeng Corps. Their reliability is not high;

Poly Technology?

This is just a pretext and an excuse, not a real channel at all.

Therefore, if you can control a trading house with complete business routes and a large enough scale, you can do it yourself.

There is no doubt that this is the best backup solution.

A smile finally appeared on Chen Chen's face. He looked at Xu You and asked the third question of this conversation:

"Have you considered?"

"If you do this, the company will no longer be yours."

"I want 49% of the shares."

Xu You nodded firmly and continued:

"I have only two requirements, first, to make money; second, to survive."

"As long as you can do these two things, you can make the decision!"

"But you must ensure my safety first. At least, kill those who want to kill me first!"

"That's no problem."

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief and replied:

"I know who is causing trouble for you recently, and I will solve this trouble."

"Then we have to talk about the company name."

"Huamei Commercial Bank can no longer exist. It must be a new, formal company."

"No problem, tell me what to call it, and I'll prepare it right away!"

Chen Shenshen thought for a moment and then said:

"The two words "gorgeous and beautiful" are your signature, so don't touch them."

"However, no matter what, it can no longer be called a trading house."

"Let's do this, I'll change my name from now on."

"Huamei Housekeeping Cleaning Company."

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