Because the targets of several vehicles were too large, Chen Chen could not arrange for the entire convoy to enter Banglong. In addition, the enemy had built a brand new tower observation post. Even if he wanted to get close to the area near the city and use vehicle-mounted howitzers to suppress it, it would be quite difficult. , so after comprehensive consideration, he simply gave up the cumbersome convoy, straightforwardly planned the mortar position, and prepared to use 120 and 60 mortars to accurately cover the combat area.

The 107 Huo without a launcher was abandoned directly - in fact, even if he carried a launcher this time, Chen Chen did not intend to use it.

Because the spread range of this thing is too uncontrollable. Not to mention accidentally bombing civilians, it would not be fun if a rocket landed on your head during a close combat.

This time's action still needs to highlight "precision amidst roughness."

The equipment and weapons are home-made and crude, but the tactics and battle plans must be precise.

So in this case, after hiding the vehicles and other equipment, the entire team walked a distance of nearly 4 kilometers through the jungle to the vicinity of Banglong, and established a latent position in the jungle on the eastern hillside.

They are less than 800 meters away from Banglong City and only 1,000 meters away from the scheduled combat area.

As long as the forward reconnaissance team is ready, the assault team can quickly assault under the cover of mortars, attack the No. 1 building complex in the target area, seize the bunker, and then use the advantage of the bunker to set up fire points to attract enemy firepower and create a space for vehicles to enter. time.

After the vehicle enters, with the cover of the fixed bunker, the vehicle can gradually advance in a relatively slow manner and eat away at the middle No. 2 area.

Theoretically speaking, Area 2 is the location of the Banglong branch of the Shadow Corps, and the probability of the headquarters being located here is very high.

After defeating it, this battle can basically be declared over.

Lying down in the grass, Chen Chen ordered everyone to enter radio silence.

They have indeed updated the frequency hopping communication radio, but who knows if the Shadow Corps has any black technology equipment. If they can decipher the frequency hopping mode, their entire combat plan will be exposed.

Therefore, he adopted the most primitive method and confirmed the readiness of all equipment one by one through messages and gestures.

The mortar has been transported and is now located on the rear anti-slope position. In the future, he will let Bai Gou and Bao Qi stay behind to operate the mortar and provide cover for the assault team.

The vehicle team has previously determined the assault route, which is 4 kilometers away. It is expected to arrive within five minutes and break through the obstruction of other local "unrelated armed forces".

All weapons and equipment of the assault team have been inspected. A total of 4 cloud explosive bombs have been fired. After approaching the target point, they will give priority to attacking the enemy.

Yang Shu and Shi Dakai had already moved forward to lurk 600 meters away. As snipers, their positions were further forward than the assault team, because once the action started, they would not move again.

They will conduct non-stop attacks on several high-altitude firepower points to cover the advance of the assault group.

As a result, there were only 12 members of the assault team left, exactly 3 teams.

This means that synchronized attacks are more difficult, because according to the scheduled combat plan, a total of 5 buildings are subject to CQB operations.

However, Chen Chen can lead the team to take charge of the third building.

With the Li Gang here, this group of people can completely suppress the three buildings simultaneously and clean them one by one.

The fault tolerance rate may be slightly lower, but it is enough.

So now, all we need to do is wait quietly for the investigation team to complete the deployment of explosives.

Before the large force could move, Lin He and the other two people had used multiple floating objects to successfully pass the thin line through the sewer next to the street.

They need to wait quietly late at night, when the enemy is at its most vulnerable and defensive, and then use that thin line to pull the explosive into several pieces from the corner of the alley three hundred meters away from the target area. Complete the connection and pull it into the sewer next to Area 1.

This is a very risky job.


Of course, it is not because of the danger of the explosives themselves, but because they may be discovered by patrols at any time, or directly by the mercenary spies hired by the Shadow Corps in the city.

Once that happens, there will be no need to continue this battle that has been planned for a long time.

Chen Chen sighed softly. He knew that no matter how delicate the action was, he would still have to make some compromises on "randomness".

There's nothing we can do about it.

However, when he thought this, the white dog lying next to him didn't seem to have this idea at all.

He found this way of fighting really novel.

Of course, it was not because of the fire attack plan itself, but because of this personnel deployment that made him feel even a little "inexplicable".

Looking at the flickering lights of Banglong in the distance, Bai Gou said with emotion:

"Captain, now I can probably understand what real special operations is."

"I initially thought that special operations meant a well-equipped team rushing to the target and killing all the enemies one by one."

"And many movies do describe it this way. At most, they just talk about how to use throwing objects, how to cooperate with personnel, etc."

"But now I realize that this thing is simply the most minor part of special operations."

"I really can't believe it. There were more than 20 of us, but only 12 of us participated in the direct battle."

"Everything else is just cover."

"This concept, I feel, has surpassed other mercenaries in Pubei."

Hearing Bai Gou's words, Chen Chen chuckled and replied:

"Where is this? Ours is already a replacement version of special operations."

"Didn't I say it before? Special operations lie in the system. Just an intelligence system, we are completely different from real special forces."

"We still have people who are familiar with the situation, and our intelligence sources are relatively abundant. What about the future? What if we need to fight in unfamiliar places in the future?"

"So, the intelligence network is also very important. I am already thinking about how to build a professional intelligence team."

Bai Gou nodded slowly and sighed again:

"Thinking too far ahead"

"Nonsense, how can you live if you don't think too far?"

"That's right, leader, what do you think of that woman? Jiya?"

Ji Ya?

Chen Chen was stunned subconsciously.

Since she was labeled as CIA, this name has not appeared in her sight for a long time.

He really didn't care much about the follow-up treatment, but he also heard that someone wanted to take her away from the jackal.

In this case, how could he still have the opportunity to continue to have contact with her?

Even if there is, it is unlikely that I would dare to use it.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen opened his mouth and replied:

"Forget it, this woman is just a razor blade."

"It's not even a knife, it's a blade without a handle."

"Whoever tries to hold her will be cut and bleed."

"I still don't count on her anymore. I'll figure it out myself."

When it comes to this, Bai Gou doesn't worry about it anymore.

After all, he just casually made a "possible suggestion".

While speaking, the Recon in Chen Chen's hand had already locked into the predetermined contact position.

According to the previously scheduled plan, at this time, if the investigation team had completed the deployment of the blasting cord, Lin He should have appeared there and reported to himself through a simple semaphore.

The time was 2:10 in the morning, and there were still 20 minutes left before the scheduled attack time.

Chen Chen's heartbeat slowed down again. He planned to start organizing a retreat immediately if the reconnaissance team's deployment failed.


But fortunately, Lin He did not disappoint him.

His small figure appeared on the roof of a building in the corner of Banglong, and then waved a "success" signal.

Chen Chen took a deep breath and ordered in a low voice:

"Ready to fight!"

Everyone immediately took action, the mortars were returned to their positions, obstacles were cleared, the firearms were loaded, and the safety was turned on.

The forward attack route was determined, and everyone started to move and formed a rapid attack formation.

They will move slowly for a distance of 300 meters and then, after emerging from the jungle, sprint forward at full speed for the remaining 700 meters.

Countdown to 30 seconds.

Bao Qi held the 60-meter shell in his hand, while Bai Gou pulled the 120-meter match.

The whole Banglong is still peaceful, but behind this peace, there is a crisis that is devastating the world.

The countdown has come to an end.

Chen silently turned on the radio, and then issued the same order to all personnel.

"start to act!"

At this moment, the team, which had been quiet for several days like dormant tigers, all started to move.

A few kilometers away, the engines of two F150s, Warriors, and Predators roared violently, their tires kicked up dust, and they rushed towards Banglong.

Behind, the M120 and 60 guns spit out fleeting fire, and the shells dragged and screamed towards Area 1.

In front, the L115A3 in Yang Shu's hand and the M82A1 in Shi Dakai's hand opened fire at the same time. The large-caliber bullets penetrated the bunker at the sentry point almost instantly, slamming the enemy's body to the ground.

At the same time, the three assault groups had left the jungle and dispersed into three unstoppable arrows, stabbing into the enemy's heart.

Explosions sounded one after another, but Chen Chen didn't care about anything at this time. There was only one thing he had to do:

Use the fastest speed to reach the combat area, and then suffocate the enemies who have just reacted to death in the building!

In two minutes, the distance of 700 meters has been covered.

Chen Chen only brought a HK416 - and a cloud explosive bomb.

"Cloud bomb!"

Chen Chen, who occupied the launching position, shouted loudly.

Subsequently, two cloudburst bombs hit two target buildings at the same time. Under the effect of overpressure, the building glass that was not destroyed by the mortar bombs immediately exploded into pieces.

"Mortar fire extends back, Li Gang, smoke bombs!"


Li Bang immediately picked up his MM-1, and the magazine filled with smoke bombs began to rotate.

In just a few seconds, the three buildings selected by Chen Chen were completely enveloped in smoke bombs.


However, Chen Chen did not immediately launch an attack on these three buildings.

Because at this time, other groups have also thrown smoke bombs, and all the enemies in area 1 have been completely isolated!

He successfully bypassed the front of the building and threw thermite incendiary bombs at other brick and wood structures based on the building that had not yet been knocked down but the enemy did not dare to attack blindly.

The four scheduled brick and wood structures immediately burst into flames, and the enemies running out of them were shot down like rabbits hitting tree stumps.

The time it took to clean up the perimeter was less than 30 seconds. Not only the team led by Chen Chen himself, but all three teams were progressing smoothly, without even a single battle casualty!

"Attention everyone, start the indoor attack!"

"Pay attention to the enemy's firepower points. There are heavy machine guns in these three buildings!"

"Synchronized attack with three seconds left!"


Replies from other groups came through the earphones, and after three seconds of countdown, the C4 that had already been hung on the door exploded simultaneously!

This is the most typical goal-breaking tactic - quite extravagant.

But, will the Dongfeng Corps be stingy on equipment?

They won't use a attacking hammer that can't guarantee 100% destruction!

Before the smoke dissipated, Li Bang threw a detonation bomb in. However, he did not wait for the detonation of the detonation bomb to end. Instead, he stepped on the path of the detonation bomb and entered the door with his back turned!


A huge explosion sounded. With the support of noise-cancelling headphones, Li Bang's actions were not affected at all. He did not need to turn around and draw the gun at all. Instead, he picked up the AA-12 without hesitation and shot at two dangerous corners. Fired two shots and both hit the enemy!

Chen Chen followed his steps closely, and HK416 shot over Li Bang's half-crouched body at the enemy behind him, instantly knocking down the enemy who was struggling to get up at the entrance of the stairs.

"Rat, shock bomb!"

Chen Chen didn't need to remind him that Mouse, who had basically understood the essence of CQB operations during training, threw a detonation bomb at the stairwell, while Chen Chen bypassed Gang Li and switched places with him.

He didn't have Li Bang's ability to withstand the detonation bomb through simple training. He waited patiently for a second, and after the white light flashed, he stepped over the stairs and fired a blind shot at the corner.

Immediately afterwards, he cut the corner sideways and swept away the enemy who fell on the ground.

The entire room was quickly cleared, and another minute passed.

However, there are at least 20 more enemies active in Area 1.

It will take another 3 minutes to clean completely.

"Sangye, blast!"

Chen Chen gave the order without hesitation.

And just the moment after this order was issued, a strange landscape suddenly appeared on the street between Area 1 and Area 2.

First there was a dull explosion.

The entire sewer was completely opened, and violent smoke surged out, as if the lid of a pot that had been smoldering for a long time was lifted.

Immediately afterwards, several sparks exploded in the smoke.

And with these sparks as the center, those milky white, thick, and weighty smoke suddenly exploded!

Fires shot into the sky, but this time, it wasn't just fire.

It's a wall of fire.

A wall of fire that completely demarcates the line between life and death.

On this side of the wall of fire, gunshots were heard one after another.

On the other side of the wall of fire, there was only the sound of extended mortar shells.

The entire battlefield has been completely cut open.

And this piece that was cut off was about to be swallowed up by the three assault teams that looked like wolves and tigers!

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