I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 227 If there is one, there is a second

With the entire army of the Banlong branch of the Shadow Corps annihilated, the entire Banlong fell silent in an instant.

The mercenaries who were originally bought with money dispersed, and then they were surrounded by the Dongfeng Corps driving armored vehicles and "low-end self-propelled howitzer trucks", and gathered in the middle of the combat area to wait for processing.

They did not resist at all, because they knew that since the Dongfeng Corps had killed the main figures of the Shadow Corps, they would definitely not kill them again.


This is indeed the case.

They are all here for money. Just spit out the money and it will be over. How could it cost your lives?

Yes, not only the money, but also the equipment given to you by the Shadow Corps.

What? Do you think this gun and body armor belong to you?

What a joke! You're already working for the Shadow Corps, can they still not give you a body armor?

It was them who sent it!

So, in this case, the open space in front of the Banglong branch of the Shadow Corps was filled with naked mercenaries - of course, naked does not mean that they are naked, but compared to the fully armed Dongfeng Corps , they were as clean as if they were here to make soy sauce, and not even a bullet could be found.

The work of receiving and controlling the prisoners was in full swing here, and on the other side, Chen Chen had already arrived at the last "surrender point" of the Shadow Corps, preparing to confirm their identities.

"Where are the people?"

Chen Chen stepped forward and asked the rat on the side who was on guard.

"It was burning inside just now. We quickly threw a few offensive grenades to put out the fire, but unfortunately a little was burned. I guess all the equipment they had was ruined."

"If it's gone, just let it go."

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly.

What can be done?

The old guys from the Shadow Corps even burned down their building, so they were determined not to leave anything for themselves.

In this case, you have to be prepared to get nothing.

"Can I go in now?"

"There's no need to go in, we've already dragged the people out."

"Ah? Can you still drag it out?"

Chen Chen asked subconsciously, but then he realized it.

In the final analysis, thermobaric bombs mainly rely on high temperature and high impact pressure to kill. If it is not a well-sealed environment, the high temperature and high pressure to which the human body is exposed is still relatively "low dose".

Or to put it another way, not everyone will be "sticked to the wall" like Chen Yimin, but more like those charred corpses in Mouse Finger, with more or less intact corpses left.

However, this made it quite difficult for him to confirm his identity - he couldn't identify who was who at all, and he couldn't even confirm whether they were members of the Shadow Corps.

You can tell that they are white, and they are indeed both. This can be seen from the bones and a small amount of skin that has not been completely burned.

But is he really dead, or is he someone pretending to be?

Can't tell.

Chen Chen couldn't help but frowned. He turned to the mouse and confirmed:

"Are you sure that all of these people are members of the Shadow Corps?"

"We can basically confirm that they speak very standard English and are wearing uniforms. To say the least, we have searched almost the entire city and have not found anyone else who escaped."

"I think it is impossible for the golden cicada to escape from its shell. After all, they have no place to hide."

"Didn't the assault team completely control the combat area? No other white people were found."

This reason is quite convincing, but what if?

Chen Chen will never let go of any possible risk, he must be cautious enough.

This is the key to his ability to lead the Dongfeng Corps to this point, and it should not be taken lightly at any time.

So, he opened his mouth and said:

"Collect all these corpses and take them back to Mengka."

"At that time, we will send a notice to the Shadow Corps and ask them to send a third party to collect the body."

"If they don't come and ask us to send back the red blood cells, they are really dead; if they agree to come, they are still alive."


The mouse answered immediately, and then directed others present to start separating equipment and packaging the body.

Most of the equipment on the five people had been damaged by the high temperature, including their guns, which were basically useless.

After being roasted at a high temperature of 2,500 degrees, no matter how courageous Chen Chen was, he would not dare to take it back and use it again, so he would simply destroy it all.

It's such a pity. After all, the equipment these people have is actually a small fortune.

But what can we do otherwise?

Judging from the situation at the time, using a thermobaric bomb to kill decisively was the safest option. Risking the lives of his own team members for a small profit was not in line with Chen Chen's philosophy of running a mercenary group.

Therefore, even though his team members were sighing with regret, Chen Chen did not show any disappointment. This is a quality he must possess as a commander.

Of course, inner regret is another matter.


However, this regret was quickly wiped away, because as the prisoner reception work was completed, the Dongfeng Corps also began to quickly count the spoils.

I don’t know if I don’t count them, but once I count them, the Shadow Corps is really damn rich!

Twelve monocular thermal imaging night vision devices alone were seized. This device can just make up for the shortage of night vision equipment that the Dongfeng Corps will face after the expansion.

In addition, 4 pieces of heavy body armor were seized, all of which were brand new equipment that had not been hit before.

Needless to say, there were other messy heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. These couldn't even be called trophies, because Chen Chen simply couldn't transport so many at once.

But these are not the key. The most critical thing is what is in the Shadow Corps building.

When they blew up the headquarters and destroyed the evidence, the 5-man group of the Shadow Corps had already left the building, and the matter of blasting and burning was handed over to other mercenaries under their command. This led to the "complete destruction" and Not quite done in place.

The things were destroyed, but the traces were not completely eliminated.

Among the ruins after the explosion, the Dongfeng Corps was very lucky to enter the destroyed arsenal in a very short time, and in this small arsenal, they really found a treasure.


No, of course it's not guns and ammunition. No matter how good those things are, they can't be called treasures.

The real treasure is something that can complete the combat system.

That is.

RQ-11 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

of the wreckage.

Even though the thing had been burned to ashes, Chen Chen still recognized it at a glance.

Because the characteristics of this thing are so obvious, short and thick, rectangular-like wings, pusher propellers, and a dragonfly-like tail.

Damn it.

How can something like this still appear in Pubei?

Why doesn't the Shadow Corps use it? !

Wait, it’s normal not to use it.

After all, the reconnaissance system of this thing is quite stupid. It uses an active infrared camera. In front of the Dongfeng Corps with thermal imaging equipment, it is like a big light bulb flying in the air.

If it really takes off, it may not be able to fly more than a few hundred meters before being killed by focused fire.

It is impossible for the Shadow Corps to take this risk. After all, the cost of this thing is quite high and it is extremely difficult to obtain.

From being installed as a standard short-range UAV in 2004, to 2010, although more than 4,000 RQ-11 and RQ-11A were flying in the air, the vast majority of these UAVs were deployed in the Middle East battlefield In the past, only no more than 200 aircraft were exported to places including India, island countries, Europe, the Philippines and other places.

Even if MPRI wants to obtain this kind of equipment and deploy it elsewhere, it will take a lot of trouble.

But on the other hand, just because it is difficult to obtain does not mean that it is completely impossible to obtain.

Because Chen Chen clearly remembers that in 2011, that is, next year, there will be a stubborn smuggler who dumped several captured RQ-11s from the Iraqi Kurds, and then put them up for auction on EBay. In the end, they were stolen and seized by the CIA. , sentenced to 20 years in prison.

what does that mean?

This means that the front-line control of RQ-11 is slowly reducing, and MPRI is likely to have accumulated a considerable number of RQ-11s that can be used by front-line elite troops.

Or to put it more bluntly, if there is one, there will definitely be a second one.

Because it is obvious that this thing came with the coaching staff of the Shadow Corps. It cannot be just used to show the professionalism of the coaching staff. Since it exists, it must be used.

So that means

The headquarters of the Shadow Corps, and possibly drones!

Chen Chen became energetic instantly.

Well, now, there is one more reason to kill the Shadow Corps.

After seeing his excited expression, Bao Qi came up curiously and asked:

"No. 4, what is this?"


Chen Chen answered briefly, but Bao Qi immediately widened his eyes.

"Drone? What drone?"

"RQ-11, platoon-level reconnaissance drone, American product, good stuff."

"It's a pity that the Shadow Corps burned them all. Damn it, these losers, they burn such good things at will, so why can't they be left to me?"

"If they surrender early and use this thing as a bargaining chip, I can really save their lives."

Chen Chen's tone was mixed with anger and helplessness, while Bao Qize continued to ask:

"Such a small drone? Is it the kind used on the battlefield in Iraq?"


"How did these people get it?"

In Bao Qi's view - in fact, in the view of most people, at this point in time, drones are a "sci-fi" weapon, and the control level should be similar to that of nuclear bombs.

They simply could not imagine that a mercenary group active in Pubei would have such advanced equipment, and it was even difficult to accept it for a while.

However, Chen Chen is different from them.

He knew that 2010 was the first year that drones began to develop explosively.

In this year, the United States released a roadmap for the future development of unmanned combat equipment, and also began to invest heavily in related industries and support related scientific research. Military drones were rapidly iterated, driving the civilian market to also flourish.

In fact, DJI’s first ready-to-fly drone, the Phantom 1, matured at this stage.

Seeing RQ-11 in the Shadow Corps is surprising, but not bizarre.

So, he briefly explained to Bao Qi the possible origin of the drone, and after listening, Bao Qi's eyes lit up.

"Then when are we going to grab it?!"

".Don't act like a bandit, okay? How can this thing be so easy to steal?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Bao Qi scratched his head in embarrassment, but then asked with a sly smile:

"It's not easy to rob, does it mean that you really know how to rob it?"

".That's inevitable."

Chen Chen admitted it openly.

There is nothing to hide. The conflict between the Dongfeng Corps and the Shadow Corps has developed to an irreconcilable level. From the beginning, they "accidentally" killed their "security chief" assigned to Laofajia Trading Company to "accidentally" After killing their coaching staff, and now, "deliberately" killing their Banglong branch, so many things have piled up. If we still expect that the two sides can have a smooth ending, then it is not just a fool. Words can sum it up.

Of course, if you want to fight, you don’t have to fight immediately.

After all, the headquarters of the Shadow Corps is in Jingdong, which is heavily guarded by the Burmese army. It is not easy to break through the outer defense line and find them, and it is basically impossible to retreat calmly after defeating them.

In the short term, the two sides may still end up in confrontations and small-scale conflicts. There is still some time before the final decisive battle.

The most important thing right now is to make yourself stronger.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen no longer hesitated. He immediately ordered everyone to quickly search the headquarters of the Shadow Corps. After confirming that there were no more valuable clues and equipment, he began to organize an evacuation without hesitation.

This battle took 3 days from preparation to start, but only 55 minutes from start to end.

Moreover, 40 minutes of it were spent cleaning the battlefield.

What is special operations?

This is special operations.

Of course, this is only the primary form. If it develops into the ultimate form, the preparation time will be weeks or months.

In any case, the Dongfeng Corps' first battle after trying to carry out systematic operations was over. In this battle, the Dongfeng Corps completed the basic exploration of "multi-arms coordinated operations" for the first time.

This is especially satisfying to Chen Chen, because he knows that the impact of a high-level start will be so profound that it penetrates into everyone's bones.

People who have eaten meat will no longer be willing to become vegetarians, and mercenaries who have experienced the charm of systematic combat will no longer be willing to risk their lives.

A benchmark will be established in their hearts, and in every subsequent battle, they will subconsciously refer to this benchmark.

At the 60th minute, the Dongfeng Corps quickly withdrew from the battlefield, and the "One-Hour Operation" came to an end.

Six hours later, the mercenary group returned to Mengkha in silence, as if they had never left.

Xu You, who was under house arrest, was already a little anxious while waiting, but the news that the enemy had been wiped out made him finally let go of the last worry in his heart.

Just two hours after the Dongfeng Corps returned, he paid a commission of US$5 million and verbally agreed on a follow-up cooperation plan with Chen Chen.

It seemed that everything had been settled, but just when Chen Chen was about to take a good rest for a few hours, an "unexpected" call came directly to Chen Chen's mobile phone.

The caller was He Bangxiong, and his tone was still enthusiastic.

It can even be said that it is a bit exciting.

He lowered his voice and asked on the phone:

"Brother, have you killed all the members of the Shadow Corps?"

Chen Chen was stunned and replied:

"They didn't light it up. They just destroyed their branch in Banglong."

"That's what I mean, that's what I mean!"

There was a sound of a slap on the thigh from He Bangxiong's side, and then he continued:

"Too fierce, brother, you are too fierce!"

"Their headquarters just contacted me. They want me to be the middleman and take the body back."

"Brother, just make some conditions and I'll help you negotiate!"

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