Drug traffickers, Kachin, Shadow Corps, MPRI, Wen Bang, CIA, this is a complete chain of interests.

As Xiaoyu once said, there can be no small things in Pubei. Every small thing that seems to be isolated and not connected with any other forces, if you want to investigate it carefully, there are actually big things hidden behind it.

Even Wan Henai, who was destroyed by the Dongfeng Corps at the beginning, was actually related to the major events that happened in Tachilei - because Chen Shen and Zaozuo planned to destroy it.

Needless to say, Wanxi Village was originally an abandoned victim after the struggle between the Ruan Long Group, the Burmese Army, the Seventh Brigade, Naw Kham and other forces.

If you can't see it, it's just because your status is not high enough.

Therefore, when Bao Xiaomei said that "the drug dealers in Mengyang Reservoir are related to the Shadow Corps", Chen Chen actually did not show any surprise.

He was just curious about the direction in which this clue merged with the line of the Shadow Corps he was chasing.

Bao Xiaomei's explanation made him feel suddenly enlightened.

She said a long time ago that decentralized drug production must be the final development form of Pubei's drug ecology, and the replacement of traditional cultivation drugs with chemical drugs is a quite "advanced" trend and idea.

And as long as you can think about it, you will know that who would have realized the problems before Nuokang was eliminated and turned to develop this type of drug?

Only those "high-ranking forces" who truly control this land, only those "high-ranking people" with broad visions can do so.

Therefore, it is not surprising at all that the big boss behind Mengyang Reservoir is Wen Beng.

And since they have already contacted Wen Beng, it is not surprising that the Shadow Corps is involved.

The Shadow Corps has established a broad intelligence network in Pubei and laid a relatively deep foundation. These foundations are definitely not built through bloody battles like Chen Chen's Dongfeng Corps. They rely on money.

Where does the money come from? Transfer from the head office?

No, not possible.

After all, MPRI is a capital group, and they cannot pursue distant profits.

The Shadow Corps must solve its own survival problems on its own.

Then, chemical drugs have become a very suitable way to make money.

Banglong's Shadow Corps mercenaries were originally related to the drug traffickers in the Mengyang Reservoir - the "silencing operation" against Huamei Trading Company was organized by the drug traffickers in the Mengyang Reservoir.

This also explains why the other party moves so quickly and accurately.

It also explains how the Shadow Corps was able to cross hundreds of kilometers into the Wa State and destroy the Huamei Commercial Bank, while still establishing defense in its own Banglong defense zone.

Because this is just a remote control operation.

As for the "undercover" Bao Xiaomei mentioned?

The reason why he is important is because he has information on more than ten drug manufacturing bases under the control of the Wenbang organization.

With this information in hand, the Wa State can eliminate it one by one - or use it as a bargaining chip in some transactions.

All the truth finally came to light, and the fragmented puzzle pieces that appeared in front of Chen Chen during this period of time finally formed a complete picture.

On the phone, Bao Xiaomei finally finished explaining everything, and she concluded with one sentence.

".So, this is not a task we gave you in the first place. This is our common goal."

Chen Chen let out a long sigh and asked:

"When did you know these things? Except for undercover agents, I will not pursue the matter of undercover agents."

He was afraid that Bao Xiaomei would say something like "We knew it a long time ago" because that meant that he would have to put her on the list.

But fortunately, Bao Xiaomei is not Jiya, she is not such a "monster" after all.

"We really only found out after you defeated the Shadow Corps. Some situations have changed, some people have shown their feet, and some people have provided us with information."

"Okay, I'll take care of it."

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"But I'm not going to do any hostage rescue."

"You have to let him find a way. In two days, we will launch an attack on the Mengyang Reservoir."

"He must find an opportunity to leave or hide before then, even if it is just for a few minutes."

"Don't stand in our shooting range, otherwise, he will have no choice but to die together."

"I see."

Bao Xiaomei answered immediately. It must be said that she is quite sensible when talking about important business matters.

"He can't be gone for too long, the drug dealers there are very sensitive, maybe .5 minutes? Is that enough?"

"That's enough."

Chen Chen replied.

After a while, Mengyang Reservoir.

An ordinary-looking man carefully took out a small spoonful of powder from a large jar, mixed it with the liquid in the test tube and shook it evenly, then used a spatula and a special brush to evenly apply it on a piece of test paper.

Then, he waited quietly and carefully observed the reaction of the test strips.

After it finally showed a different color, he shook his head, straightened up and said to another man waiting expectantly:

"This won't work, the purity is still not enough."

"This can't be a problem with the material head. There must be a problem with the operation."

"I have already said that when dispensing medicine, everyone must weigh it on a scale, not just fill it in a bottle."

"When you put it in a bottle, how do you control the weight of the fabric inside? Is it compacted? How compacted is it? Are there any gaps inside? How many gaps are there?"

"Come on, tell me, can you see it with your naked eyes?"

"Competition in the horse medicine industry is so fierce now. Over in Banglong, a farmer who used to grow opium poppies can make it just by buying some ingredients. If we want to grow bigger, what do we rely on?"

"Quality! Without quality, who will buy your goods? Otherwise, why don't you stop selling mine and do it yourself? I won't bother to care about you anymore!"

Seeing his reaction, the man opposite him quickly put on a smiling face, then patted his shoulder and said:

"Brother Jiang, Mr. Jiang! Don't be angry, don't be angry!"

"You know, our people are at this level. I've beaten and scolded them. What else can I do? Can they be killed with one shot?"

"Take your time, take your time. Look, haven't we made a lot of progress? The purity of this test paper is much higher than last time!"

The man named "Jiang He"'s eyes changed slightly, he looked at the speaker and asked:

"Okay, Brother Hua, can you even understand TLC test strips now? In a few days, you won't even need me anymore, why don't you just get rid of me?"

"Okay, kill me. If you kill me, you don't have to pay the money, and you don't have to avenge me!"

Brother Hua's smile immediately became stiff, but then turned into anger. He stood up suddenly, slapped the test strips on the table away, and cursed:

"What the hell, what son of a bitch started this rumor?! Brother Jiang, don't be afraid, tell me now, I'll dig out his heart for you and see how dark it is!"

"Where are the people?! Gather them all! Come here one by one and let Brother Jiang recognize them!"

"Hurry up! Hurry the fuck up!"

In an instant, everyone in the entire factory started to move. Jiang He looked at Brother Hua displeasedly and said:

"Are you crazy again? Did someone else say what I said? Do I need to say this?"

"What the hell, how many months have I been here with you? Not to mention holidays, I haven't even been out to the reservoir a few times. You always told me to go down to the mountains for a walk, and let me go to the city to relax. I've been there a few times. Second-rate?"

"The only time I go far with you is to meet the big boss!"

"I'm not doing my job diligently enough, or am I sorry for you in some way?"

"I got up in the middle of the night to pee last night, and the gatekeepers followed me. Tell me, what does this mean?"


Upon hearing this, Brother Hua suddenly showed an annoyed expression on his face.

Then, he slapped himself in the face and said:

"These are all fucking rules you made when you first came here, Brother Jiang. I even forgot about them!"

"Misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding, Brother Jiang, don't worry, we will withdraw from today. Just calm down, don't worry about it, don't be like us."

Looking at Brother Hua's reaction, Jiang He still looked unmoved.

But in the end, he didn't care anymore.

He knew that he had finally got what he wanted, and his goal here would soon be completed.

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