I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 234 Bulletproof vest business

For Pubei, equipment such as "body armor" is absolutely 100% hard currency.

Because it is a life-saving artifact on the battlefield, the armor of the modern army, and the key to a light infantry unit truly forming combat effectiveness.

In fact, this is easy to understand - in ancient times, a fully armored soldier could defeat more than a dozen or even dozens of unarmored targets, and it was even exaggerated to the extent that "hiding armor secretly is tantamount to rebellion." This was already in a certain way. The degree illustrates the importance of protection.

After entering the era of hot weapons, the importance of armor has shown a spiral upward trend.

In the era of full-power bullets, due to the relatively backward material technology, body armor has limited defense against bullets. Those that are too light cannot stop people, and those that are too heavy cannot move. Therefore, basically all mainstream armies generally do not use body armor.

However, after World War II, as full-power bullets were gradually phased out, intermediate-power bullets became popular, and thinner Kevlar materials appeared, and body armor began to narrow the gap in the conflict.

In the 21st century, various new lightweight bulletproof materials have become popular, such as special steel, silicon carbide, boron carbide polyethylene, FIAM, pyrolytic carbon

With the addition of materials and technology, the body armor is already capable of fighting even under the fire of large-caliber full-power bullets.

But at this stage, body armor cannot be said to have completely won the "contradiction battle".

Because it is too expensive, so expensive that even most regular armies cannot use it on a large scale.

Chen Chen was particularly impressed by this point.

At that time, there were several very classic questions on the Internet.

First, how many J-8s can shoot down an F-22?

Second, whether the Varyag can be launched into the water.

Third, how can we fight if we can’t even afford body armor?

Each of these three questions can trigger hundreds of pages of forum wars. Even if Chen Chen can't end it due to his identity, he still has all the fun.

The third question is particularly classic. Every time someone asks it, it will inevitably extend to a series of fun topics such as yellow washbasins, liberation shoes, new military uniforms, 95 guns, etc., and if we talk about these topics, we will eventually end up talking about them. Moving towards the same answer, that is:

The Army is poor.

That's right, at that time, body armor was really a representative of high technology. The cost of a single piece alone was as high as thousands of dollars. It was not something that the country army could play with.

This can be seen from the fact that the Dongfeng Corps went through a lot of effort to obtain four pieces of level four body armor.


However, this situation was completely broken in 2008.

Because it was in this year that Yizheng Chemical Fiber Company used dry spinning technology for the first time to industrialize ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber, and the offensive and defensive momentum suddenly turned.

In less than 10 years since then, the product "body armor" has been completely removed from the altar, and has become a popular commodity that can be purchased on civilian shopping websites for 500 yuan.

Moreover, it is 500RMB.

Of course, it is only now 2010. Although the technological breakthrough has been completed, mass production has not yet been realized, and the price of body armor is not as exaggerated as it will be in the future.

But as far as Chen Chen knows, even this "no exaggeration" is actually enough to meet Pubei's current needs.

If the civilian export route of body armor from the north to Pubei can be opened, it means that the Dongfeng Corps will no longer have to worry about the source of heavy body armor in the future, and it will even have an additional stable source of income.

Therefore, Chen Chen had already planned early on. If he could establish his own business route, the first business he would do would be body armor.

But the idea is good, but how to implement it is a problem.

It's a little too early.

Unlike in the future, any company that produces travel bags can set up a production line to produce body armor. In this era, the production of special equipment such as body armor is still concentrated in the hands of a few companies. It is easy to buy it in the north, and you can carry it individually. You can buy a lot of them directly with money, but if you want to export them in large quantities, the procedures are still quite complicated.

It was impossible for Chen Chen to send someone to the north to squat and talk slowly. He had to take a shortcut, and this shortcut had to start from Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu naturally understood what he meant. After a few simple exchanges, the two basically reached a consensus.

Listening to Chen Chen talk about how to help Jihua open the Southeast Asian market, how to use real combat examples to promote Jihua body armor, and how to rely on the cheap productivity and cheap raw materials in the north to impact the monopoly of international protective equipment, Xiaoyu couldn't bear it. Zhu said somewhat funny:

"Sink Ship, why do I remember that you are a mercenary group? How long have you been thinking about going to the international market?"

Chen Chen chuckled and replied:

"You don't understand. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Although we are still relatively small, we will eventually move towards professionalism and formalization."

"Since we have to take that step sooner or later, we must make preparations early."

"Don't tell me that these are no longer available, can you help me contact the source of the goods?"

"Theoretically, this is not a difficult matter, and it doesn't even involve any sensitive issues - all I need is a contact person."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu pondered for a moment, and then replied:

"Are you sure it's okay? I'm not very familiar with foreign trade, especially when it comes to these sensitive elements."

"I'll correct you again, this is not a sensitive element."

Chen Chen interrupted Xiaoyu and explained:

"Believe me, ask your people now. Once you contact Jihua 3523, tell them to help them expand their market. I guarantee they will sell the goods."

"This is a win-win business. To be honest, I can do it without you. It just takes more time and unnecessary costs."

"How about, give it a try?"

".Then give it a try."

Xiaoyu finally let go, and Chen Chen here felt relieved.

He was really afraid that the little fish would be killed for some "unexplainable reason" without providing any help. If that were the case, he would have to go through various complicated channels if he wanted to contact the manufacturers in the north.

It’s not that it doesn’t work, it’s that it’s too slow and a waste of resources.

But fortunately, Xiaoyu, who was born in the intelligence community and works abroad all year round, doesn't have many pedantic habits. She probably knows the dangers of internal friction better than she does.

So, the matter was settled like this. Xiaoyu was responsible for finding someone to make the connection, while Xiaoyu had to prepare legal and compliant procedures and receive the goods as soon as possible after the supply preparation was completed.

Before hanging up the phone, Xiaoyu warned again:

"Shipwreck, remember, no matter what angle you look at, this is just a normal business transaction."

"Whether it succeeds or fails, it does not represent our attitude."

"We just act as an intermediary and provide information that can facilitate transactions. We will not gain any benefits or provide any convenience in the middle."

"In other words, after the contact person is given to you, all the work has nothing to do with us."

"do not worry."

Chen Chen replied firmly:

"I said, even if I don't look for you, I will look for someone else."

"But putting this business under your control is actually safer, isn't it?"

".That's indeed the case."

Xiaoyu replied thoughtfully, and then said:

"So be it, do what you have to do."

"We will meet again soon. If you have any questions, you can chat in person!"

With a snap, the phone was hung up.

A smile appeared on Chen Chen's lips, and then he immediately called Xu You and began to arrange a series of "business" matters

In fact, for Chen Chen, doing business itself is not very interesting.

He doesn't have much pursuit of money, material things, and the like. The reason why he wants to make money is that his core desire is to focus on equipment.

What's the point of money? No matter how much money, no matter how luxurious the car, no matter how exquisite the villa is, can it withstand a 120-meter mortar?

What? Do you think you can resist it?

What about the 155 pomegranates?

A profound understanding of "destruction" does deprive him of his interest in certain things to a certain extent, but on the other hand, only such an understanding can allow him to eliminate unnecessary things as much as possible. interference and survive in this chaotic land.


However, two days later, when the first BOQ (quotation sheet) from Jihua Group was placed on Chen Chen's desk, he still truly felt the impact of pure "profit".

Not only him, but everyone in the core group of the Dongfeng Corps, including Xu You, were shocked by this quotation.

Xu You stared at the quotation with his mouth open, crossed the numbers on it with his index finger, and then said in disbelief:

"Is this thing real?"

"A Kevlar fiber body armor, plus four levels of ceramic bulletproof panels at the front and rear, the total price is only US$2,460?!"

"Are you kidding me? I have sold two pieces of body armor of the same level before. Even if it is purchased on the legal market, the purchase price is more than 4,000 US dollars. It is conservatively estimated that it will cost more to ship it to Pubei. Sold for fifteen thousand dollars."

"Now you're telling me that this thing costs less than one-fifth of the price?!"

"Forget about the price, there is no upper limit on the supply quantity, and the supply cycle is calculated in days?"

“And it still uses CIP terminology—even freight is included?!”

"I feel like this is a scam and they may not be able to deliver the goods at all."

"But that's impossible. I know that Jihua Group is a state-owned enterprise. If they break the contract and fail to deliver goods, it will have a major impact on their goodwill, right?"

I have to say that Xu You is quite professional in trade.

Although his previous exposure was mainly to various "illegal transactions", it does not mean that he does not understand the rules of legal transactions.

And in just a few words, he did point out the "unreasonable" aspects of this quotation.

Ultra-low prices, relaxed delivery conditions, and unlimited supply.

In his view, this is not business, it is simply charity.

Other people's perceptions were similar to his. Even after seeing the quotation, Bai Gou couldn't help but feel that this was some kind of deal similar to a "helicopter". After receiving Chen Chen's negative answer, he was completely confused. Fell into confusion.

Looking at their expressions, Chen Chen couldn't help but shake his head.

Where is his talent?

The strength of the manufacturing power has just begun to be revealed. In a few years, you can go and see the drones that cost 500 US dollars, the body armors that cost 200 US dollars, the mobile phones that cost 20 US dollars, and the carrying equipment that costs 5 US dollars.

All those things that were once high will be completely pulled down from the altar, and those who can seize the opportunity of the first round of impact will all make a fortune without exception.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"There is no doubt about the authenticity. Although this business seems a bit exaggerated, it is actually special."

"The factory that supplies us has some operating difficulties. They urgently need to open up the international market and form new sales channels."

"When brand influence has not yet been established, using a low-price tag is the safest and most secure solution."

"So Xu You, just do it with confidence and boldness."

"Now tell me, with the trade routes and transportation capabilities you have, how many pieces of body armor can you bring back for me in the first batch of purchases?"

Hearing Chen Chen's question, Xu You hesitated for a moment, and then replied:

"In fact, in theory, we can swallow no matter how much it is. According to the quotation strategy, we will complete customs clearance at Xiaomengla. This trade route is relatively mature and safe, and large trucks are used directly for inland transportation. Just pull it.”

"The main problem we face is a sales channel problem - we can spend 10 million US dollars and buy 5,000 body armor vests, but who will we sell these 5,000 body armor vests to?"

"We can't buy it for $2,000 and sell it for $2,000. We have to sell it for at least $10,000."

"That means that this is a large order of 50 million U.S. dollars. Even if it is spread across the markets of Northern Shan State and Wa State, it is unlikely that it can be fully absorbed."

"So my suggestion is to get a thousand sets to test the water first?"

"no problem."

Chen Chen immediately nodded and said:

"Only 1,000 units, and we need to screen the sales targets."

"In the early stage, we only sold to partners who are absolutely unlikely to conflict with us in the short term, such as the Wa State, the 7th Brigade, and Chaisili. We didn't even give it to Mugui."

"We are going to give them a wave of hunger marketing. We want them to know that those who cooperate with us will become stronger and stronger; those who oppose us will only become weaker and weaker!"


Xu You nodded solemnly and continued:

"Then I'll send them a reply? Order a thousand sets first?"

"go a head."

Chen Chen waved his hand, and Xu You immediately retreated.

A few hours later, the first advance payment was transferred through international settlement to the account of the company even further north of the Tropic of Cancer.

That night, the company's sales staff celebrated collectively, while the production lines in the factory were fully activated, working overtime to start production.

It won't be long before the first batch of equipment will arrive in Pubei and Mengyang.

This will definitely have an irresistible impact on the entire Pubei.

Because in a light infantry battle, the side wearing level 4 armor will have a crushing advantage.

There is no rationale for the advantage.

After that, the entire Pubei battlefield ecology will begin to change.

The promoter of all this is sitting in an inconspicuous office in Mengyang County, thinking about how to use this batch of equipment to leverage as much power as possible to launch an attack on that important town, that is, Jingdong. attack.

The end of the Shadow Corps is coming soon, but they don't even know that what defeats them is not some super advanced and super powerful equipment.

It is more likely that she is a rural female worker in the Northeast who is thousands of kilometers away, wearing reading glasses on her head, stepping on a sewing machine pedal, and earning only $3 an hour.

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