I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 248 The real collision

Chen Chen didn't know when the Shadow Corps would withdraw from Jingdong, but as Jingdong's "anti-foreign interference" sentiment intensified, he keenly judged that the Burmese army might soon be unable to hold it on.

And this also means that the Dongfeng Corps' preparations must be accelerated.

In addition to the truncated version of RPD obtained by Baigou, Chen Chen also used the identity of Huamei Company to order a batch of C-5 rockets from Mang Xin. However, because it is a bit difficult to obtain this thing, it is difficult to obtain it at all. There is no way to get there in time.

This is a small omission. After all, as an armed helicopter company, ensuring the supply of ammunition should be the most basic requirement.

But the problem is, no one could predict that Chen Chen and the others would fight so fast.

How long has it been since the helicopter arrived? It has already participated in two operations and destroyed more than a dozen armored units.

The efficiency of this kind of equipment utilization can be called "what you see is what you use".

Therefore, Chen Chen gave up hope on new rockets. In the end, he started with individual soldier equipment and replaced all the 7.62X39mm bullets of the Dongfeng Corps with 7N23 bullets with stronger penetrating power. In order to replace the original M43 bullets, and even some of the main shooter's bullets, Chen Chen simply bought the BZ type armor-piercing incendiary bombs previously produced in Yugoslavia.

As for the 7.62X54mm caliber used in the machine gun, it is naturally replaced with B-32 armor-piercing incendiary bombs.

The quantity of this batch of bullets is not too large, but it is really shockingly expensive in Pubei. A 7N23 bullet costs close to 6 US dollars, and the BZ reaches 11 US dollars. The B-32 is cheaper, only 5 US dollars.

The role of supply and demand in the market can be said to be fully exposed.

The M61 armor-piercing bullets used by SCAR-H were more expensive. Huamei Trading Company searched all over Pubei and used almost all the connections Xu Youneng had. In the end, they only found a batch of 400 rounds of M61, and the asking price was $40 a round. , this is obviously arbitrary pricing under an absolute monopoly and has nothing to do with the market.

The Dongfeng Corps has 4 SCAR-Hs, which averages out to 100 rounds for each of the 4 precision shooters.

You might say it’s not enough, but it’s barely enough.

But if you say it's enough, it seems too reluctant.

This problem made Chen Chen very embarrassed. He almost decided to let the precision shooter give up the SCAR-H, which he had gradually adapted to after training for two months, and return to the SVD.

After all, the 7.62X54mm armor-piercing bullets used by SVD are still very sufficient.


But at this moment, good news came from Xu You.

He still couldn't find the M61 armor-piercing round, but he found something more powerful.

PI86 armor-piercing incendiary bomb produced in Belgium.

In 2010, the EU crisis intensified. Starting from the Greek sovereign debt crisis, many countries including Ireland, Spain, and Portugal fell into deficit crises.

Once the crisis starts, it will inevitably develop in an uncontrollable direction. The chaos of Europe's social and economic order will eventually cause those "countries in disaster" to lose control of the most basic things.

The most typical one is that the "arms trade" of these countries has begun to get out of control.

The phenomenon of reselling supplies is becoming more and more common, and even arms that have just been put into storage will be sold the next day.

This batch of PI86 armor-piercing bullets flowed out from Greece and eventually flowed around the world.

The Dongfeng Corps was able to take advantage of this. Although the price is very high, the lethality of this thing is definitely not the same as that of ordinary 7.62X51mm NATO bullets.

Not only can SCAR-H be used, a total of 12,000 rounds of ammunition can be used, and even the M240 of the Dongfeng Corps can be replaced with new bullets.

This also means that the level four body armor that the Shadow Corps will inevitably equip has lost its meaning in front of the Dongfeng Corps - at least, it has become much more fragile.

And looking at the boxes of bullets pulled back one after another, Bai Gou's understanding of "modern confrontation" has reached another level.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to fight a battle, I changed all the bullets of the whole team. This is the first time I have seen this operation."

"We have hit targets with body armor before, but at most we just said, 'Try to aim for the head'."

"Who would have thought that there is a way to replace bullets."

"That's because you were too poor at that time."

Chen Chen replied disapprovingly.

This sentence made Bai Gou speechless.

Objectively speaking, the Lion Corps is actually not poor. Before the Dongfeng Corps took over, they had been working off and on for a year and had an income of several hundred or even tens of millions of dollars.

However, after excluding personnel salaries and commissions, most of this money was used to "maintain customer relationships."

Gifts are given, bribes are given, and bribes are paid. No matter how much you save, you will end up spending everything. The money allocated to "equipment updates" is really pitiful.

At that time, the Lion Corps had no idea that, as mercenaries and "cooperating" with warlords, there was more than just "being a dog" as a way out.

Like the Dongfeng Corps, giving gifts? What gift?

Do you want cloud bombs?

As long as the value is achieved, some value purchased with cash is not so necessary.


But in the final analysis, this philosophy of the Lion Corps is still due to too conservative thinking and cannot keep up with the changes of the times.

They don't know the importance of equipment, and their understanding of combat effectiveness is still at the level of "personal soldier king".

Therefore, it is inevitable that the Lion Corps will be eliminated. Even if it is not absorbed by the Dongfeng Corps, it may be swallowed up by the warlords one day.

After all, using the land to serve Qin is like putting out a fire with a salary.

Thinking of this, Bai Gou couldn't help but sigh.

Then, he spoke:

"It's not a matter of poverty, it's mainly a matter of vision."

"These bullets may be very expensive, but they are not."

"PI86, more than 10,000 shots, the total price is only more than 200,000 US dollars, it is affordable to spend."

"However, we really didn't have this concept at that time, but fortunately we have learned it now."

"By the way, Commander, I said before about checking the equipment. In the past two days, I found that the weight of our individual soldiers' equipment is too heavy. If we fight in the jungle, it will be difficult to ensure continuous mobility."

"Look, do you want to lose some weight?"


Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"You can bring less explosives and projectiles, and each person can bring one offensive and one defensive grenade."

"Smoke grenades are restricted to grenadiers only. There is no need to carry shock grenades. The Shadow Corps will definitely not eat them."

"All secondary weapons are cut off. The machine gunner only carries a machine gun, the rifleman only carries a rifle, and the precision shooter only carries a SCAR."

"There's no need for a pistol. I won't bring it."

"In addition, do not bring any unnecessary supplies. We have helicopters that can directly airdrop supplies."

"Everyone tries to pack as lightly as possible and maintain mobility as much as possible while ensuring protection."


Bai Gou nodded immediately, while Chen Chen continued to test the new armor-piercing bullet with others.

The effect was very good - even several times, one shot of SCAR-H directly penetrated the body armor.

Under such armor-piercing firepower, the Shadow Corps would really suffer.

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction, and at this moment, his phone rang.

The caller was Jiang He, and he brought brand-new information.

A commercial airliner is likely to take off a day later, but this is likely to be a ruse.

Because, a member of the Shadow Corps who was originally being watched in the city has completely disappeared.

His residence in Jingdong was empty, leaving no trace.

If he was going to take a plane, it was unlikely that he would change his residence at this time.

Then there is only one answer:

The Shadow Corps began to run away.

No news came out from all the assembly points, which proved that the Shadow Corps was not far away. In other words, the Dongfeng Corps even gained itself a whole day ahead of the Shadow Corps.

This is undoubtedly a huge piece of good news. Perhaps even the Shadow Corps themselves did not expect that their mysterious strategy of suspecting soldiers would seem to the Dongfeng Corps to be playing a bright card.

It has to be said that if they were dealing with other opponents, after playing this trick, they would probably be able to escape from Jingdong smoothly and then disappear quietly from everyone's sight.

But unfortunately, their opponent is the Dongfeng Corps.

This is the power of intelligence. Jiang He has already rendered his first "war exploits" before he officially joined the Dongfeng Corps.

Based on the information he provided, everyone started taking action.

The team members, who had been prepared for a long time, all geared up and carried equipment, ammunition and other supplies to the Mi-171 one by one.

The payload of this aircraft can reach 4 tons, which means that without considering comfort, this thing can carry up to sixty or seventy people.


Of course, that's India Rafa.

But no matter what, it is very simple to pull more than 20 people at a time and carry a small amount of equipment and supplies, and the space inside the cabin is quite spacious.

After all combatants boarded the plane, the Mi-171sh flew directly to Mengbin and landed in Dongta Town under Mengbin's control.

This is a mining town among the mountains. Whether it is concealment, safety, or the convenience of subsequent attacks, it can be guaranteed.

He Bangxiong personally rushed to Dongta Town to greet the Dongfeng Corps' large troops, and arranged fuel and logistical supplies for the Dongfeng Corps here.

At this time, there were at least 12 hours before the Shadow Corps officially began to evacuate Jingdong - at least 12 hours because they might evacuate after the civil aircraft took off, but not before it took off.

There was plenty of time, but Chen Chen had nothing planned.

He just asked that sufficient security be left, and then everyone would have to lie down in bed to sleep, whether they could sleep or not.

Because it is very likely that they will not have a chance to rest normally for several days in the future.

The mercenaries obviously knew this, so everyone really started to sleep. This scene made He Bangxiong a little confused, but it was not that he couldn't understand it.

So, after sleeping, eating, and sleeping, and exercising twice to maintain condition, at the 8th hour, the Burmese army in Jingdong announced that civil aviation was about to take off.

This news caused an uproar. People took to the streets to demand the lifting of martial law. A large number of police battalion soldiers were transferred to the airport to maintain order and prevent shocks. As a result, the management of entering and exiting the city was relaxed. Many people, including Bao Qi and others, took advantage of the opportunity. Jingdong was evacuated.

Chen Chen still failed to consider one thing, that is, to cover the Shadow Corps, the plane does not have to actually take off, but just needs to make everyone think it is taking off.

But fortunately, it's still not too late.

According to his estimate, it would take at least two hours for the Shadow Corps to rush to the nearest assembly point after leaving Jingdong. These two hours were enough for the helicopter to complete preparations for takeoff.


The fact is that it only took 5 minutes to release the mechanic because his inspection standard was not "no accidents" but "can fly back".

In this way, all the team members sat in the cabin, waiting for the final takeoff order.

Chen Chen is sitting closest to the cabin door. Later, he will be the first to leave the cabin and perform the rappel.

Next to him is Li Bang, the only member of the core group selected to participate in the rappel.

Looking at the indifferent expression on Li Bang's face, and looking at the nervousness on the faces of the other team members who were about to participate in the rappelling, Chen Chen couldn't help but ask:

"What, you're not nervous at all?"

The engine had begun to warm up, and his voice was somewhat muffled amidst the noise of the propeller.

But Li Bang saw the shape of his mouth and simply shook his head and replied:

"not nervous."

"Why aren't you nervous?"

"Because I'm not afraid."

"Then why aren't you afraid?"

At this point, Chen Chen suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

He almost thought that Li Gang was going to answer "If you're not afraid, you're not afraid."

But fortunately, in the end the other party just said:

"Because it's simple."


In fact, Chen Chen knew that rappelling was definitely not an easy matter for Li Gang. What others practiced once, he had to practice twice or three times.

To some extent, he is indeed much stupider than others.

But at the same time, he is indeed able to endure hardships and is more energetic than others.

In particular, the Devil's Month that he participated in for the first time had already laid an "anchor" in his heart, making him naturally think that everything in this world can be learned through "practice".

If you haven't learned it, you haven't practiced enough.

Therefore, with this mentality, he can work hard for something without hesitation, and this hard work will eventually accumulate and form a huge breakthrough.

The manifestation is that he will be slower than most people to get started, but once he becomes proficient, he will be more familiar than most people.

This is probably also a kind of talent, right?

Chen Chen asked no more questions, but at this moment, He Bangxiong ran to the helicopter and conveyed the information of "target discovery" to him.

The location is on the east side of Jingdong, near the assembly point No. 4 of Wanpaoshan.

The distance is 50 kilometers and the flight time only takes ten minutes.

Chen Chen made a gesture to indicate that he was clear. Then, he gave an order and the helicopter rose from the ground and pounced towards the east.

Shadow Corps, Dongfeng Corps.

The collision of these two "professional-level" teams is about to begin.

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