I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 252 Total Annihilation

On the Mi-171sh helicopter, Chen Chen drove condescendingly into the jungle below, and this time, their goal was extremely clear.

The reason is simple. The burning of nearly three tons of moist black powder produced a large amount of smoke, which quickly spread throughout the cave and completely filled it.

And then, the smoke escaped along the different exits of the cave, indicating all possible escape paths for the Dongfeng Corps to the Shadow Corps.

The scale of the cave is indeed not small. From the entrance to the farthest exit, the distance is close to 1 kilometer.

However, judging from the diffusion of smoke, the space inside the cave is not large.

This should be a typical dendritic cave caused by groundwater dissolution, not the flowing water cave that Chen Chen initially judged.

The reasons for the formation of the two types of caves sound very similar, but in fact, the internal space is very different.

The former is a narrow, fine network structure, and may have a small number of wide cave halls, but the size of the cave halls will not be too large; while the latter is formed by violent erosion of groundwater, and will be accompanied by a series of collapses, disintegrations, etc. Due to the geological processes, the internal space is often vast, and even rivers, canyons, waterfalls and other landscapes can be formed.

The Shadow Corps was lucky. They really picked a cave that was most similar to the "tunnel".

However, they are also unfortunate, because this kind of cave is really suitable for "boring voles".

The complex air flow movement will form a delicate air pressure balance in the cave. Once this air pressure balance is broken, the air flow will carry air to every corner along the cave network.


Of course, it is not necessarily the air that is brought over, but also the smoke.

In addition, the walls of such caves often have dense stone stalactite structures formed by dissolution, which have poor adsorption of smoke. Even large particles of smoke can fly and spread along the direction of the airflow, making the entire cave almost invisible. There is no ability to weaken the "poison gas".

In this case, the "boring mouse" plan proposed by the mouse was a great success.

The moist black powder had not burned for half an hour, but smoke was already coming out from every corner.

Chen Chen decisively divided the Dongfeng Corps into three teams, the rappel team one, the white dog team one, and Lin He's team one. They began to maneuver quickly in the forest and in the sky, heading towards the locations with the thickest smoke. .

Looking at the plume of smoke rising into the sky, Chen Chen said with some emotion:

"They really have become boring voles this time. Do you think they have a chance to escape?"

The mouse, who was also a member of the rappelling team, shook his head and replied loudly:

"The probability of escaping is low, but in fact, even if they escape, our goal has been achieved."

"As long as they appear in the jungle, Bai Gou and Lin He can find their traces, right?"

".That's true."

Chen Chen nodded slightly, while Mouse laughed and continued:

"Actually, I prefer them to suffocate in there!"

"They may not be able to find the exit. If they can't find the exit, they will be dead if they stay inside!"

What Mouse said was not an exaggeration. As a southerner in his previous life, Chen Chen was very aware of the "suppressive power" of the smoke produced by this black gunpowder.

Dozens of firecrackers were set off in the New Year ancestral hall, leaving half the village suffocated.

If you're unlucky enough to throw a bunch of firecrackers into your room, just wait and enjoy.


No, it can't be that vicious.

Because maybe if things go wrong, someone will really die.

Chen Chen had seen the news before, saying that a family somewhere in the south set off firecrackers in their own home, and the man eventually suffocated and died.

Now, the situation faced by the Shadow Corps is actually similar.

This idea flashed through his mind, and at this moment, the helicopter was already hovering above the largest smoke column.

Chen Chen signaled the mechanic to put down the rope without hesitation. Then, three people from the rappelling team arrived at the exit almost simultaneously.

Smoke was pouring out one after another, and the Dongfeng Corps had prepared gas masks. They approached despite the strong smoke, but Chen Chen knew that this was definitely one of the main exits without actually getting close.

Because, although the entrance of the cave is covered by numerous vegetation, the air flow at the entrance is very large, which shows that the tunnel should be relatively wide.

In addition, this exit is nearly 800 meters straight away from the entrance, so it is also quite suitable to be chosen as an evacuation point.


But there are no traces of "being stepped on" at the entrance of the cave.

Chen Chen carefully checked the surrounding environment. Although he was not as talented as Lin He, after a professional inspection, he finally determined that this cave entrance had indeed not been used.

Of course, just because it has not been used does not mean that it will not be used. All they have to do is wait at the entrance of the hole to see if the mouse will come out.

So, the three people looked for cover on the spot and raised their guns to block the entrance of the cave.

Time passed by minute by second, and Chen Chen had almost lost his patience, but at this moment, gunshots were heard in the distance.

Then, the voice of Li Gang, one of the other two people in the rappelling group, came from his earphones.

"Rail rappel team 2, I caught them here, 4 of them! They have been killed!"

"Beautiful! We move faster than them!"

Chen Chen perked up, but before he could praise him more, good news came from Lin He.

"Group 2 killed two people. They must have gotten separated!"

2+4, 6 people are gone.

There were only 12 surviving members of the Shadow Corps, but this time, they were reduced to half again.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the battle was almost over.

So, he opened his mouth and ordered:

"Continue to check!"

"Understood, Group 1 found no abnormalities!"

"Group 3 found no abnormalities, continue to the next checkpoint!"

The operation of "blocking the mouse hole" continued in an orderly manner, and after an hour and a half, all the black powder was finally burned out.

Chen Chen did not immediately organize people to enter the cave. Instead, he tied up ropes first and tentatively entered one or two hundred meters to confirm that there was no problem with the air quality before gradually going deeper.

After all, gas masks are not a panacea, and everything should be done with caution.

After actually entering the cave, Chen Chen successfully verified his conjecture.

This is indeed a branch-shaped cave. The tunnel is very narrow. Not to mention bending down in some places to pass, you can even only crawl forward in small areas.

At the beginning of the narrowest passage, Chen Chen saw the first corpse.

A body that died of suffocation.

Following the traces of the corpse, the Dongfeng Corps successfully entered the cave. When they finally crossed the narrow tunnel and entered the first cave hall, a scene that made Chen Chen a little horrified appeared.

There were five corpses lying in the cave hall.

Three of the bodies were shot to death, and the other two died of typical suffocation.

The weirdest thing is that the corpse in the middle with serious chest injuries still has a weird smile on its face.

When Chen Chen's flashlight glanced at him, even a staunch atheist felt a sense of horror that stood on end of his hair.

He had no idea what was going on here.

He didn't know why the three people were shot to death, nor why the two men suffocated.

But he knew that the members of the Shadow Corps who stayed here must have suffered tremendous pain before they died.

Not just physically, but mentally as well.

I don't know if their commander will regret his decision to "enter the cave."


But in fact, he has nothing to regret, because that is really their only feasible strategy, the only strategy that has a chance to survive.

It's just that they didn't expect that their opponents would be so ungrateful.

Boring vole.

Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Who could have imagined this?

After confirming that the number of people was correct, Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The Shadow Corps is gone.

This time, it's really gone.

However, he always felt that something was not right. After thinking for a long time, he finally thought of it.

He glanced at the gun in his hand and said to the white dog who was inspecting the body:

"I found a problem."

"This time I killed the Shadow Corps without firing a single shot."

".I did open it."

Bai Gou stood up and asked tentatively:

"How about shooting?"

Chen Chen hesitated for a moment, then finally raised the SCAR in his hand, pointed it at the man sitting on the ground with an injured chest, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The man's face exploded. Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, and the weird feeling in his heart disappeared.

He opened his mouth and said:

"You're already dead, but you're still laughing at your mother."

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