I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 255 American version of Chen Shenhe

Mengka, inside the Dongfeng Corps villa.

After killing the Shadow Corps, the Dongfeng Corps entered a short period of repair.

This conflict does not seem to be a big one. It can only be said to be a small episode in the confrontation between the northern and southern Shan States. But in fact, the impact of the destruction of the Shadow Corps is huge.

A very typical phenomenon is that whether it is the 7th Brigade or the 756th Brigade, their negotiations with the Burmese army have become smoother.

Prior to this, Myanmar relied on its vast depth and logistics, as well as some "unexplainable" support, and always insisted on using the toughest attitude to suppress the coalition forces during negotiations.

But now, the direction of the wind has suddenly changed.

As soon as the Shadow Corps was destroyed, the Burmese army suddenly realized a problem, that is:

Does he have a big brother in Pubei?

Although the eldest brother is usually quiet and seems to let his younger brother do whatever he wants, that is because what the younger brother does does not exceed the bottom line.

Grabbing territory? Okay; fight? Okay; resell some contraband? Can.

But are you selling contraband to me?

Nuokang is an example, Laofajia Trading Company is an example, and the four bold families are also examples!

If you really don't have a good eye and actually go to the trouble of colluding with Big Brother's "old rival", then don't blame Big Brother for being ruthless.

The Shadow Corps has been active in Jingdong for a long time, but when does Big Brother feel that you have crossed the line? Once you put on your gloves, life or death will not be up to you.

I'll kill the Shadow Corps first, and then I'll take Jingdong from your hands.

Are you dissatisfied?

It doesn't matter, everyone is dissatisfied, and they are all convinced.

Anyway, in this broken place in Southeast Asia, a lot of people have been beaten by Big Brother. Now that you have Bagan, it’s really not too much.

Therefore, in this case, the environment around Jingdong, including Mengka, has softened visibly.

Everyone sat down calmly and began to seriously discuss matters related to the armistice and subsequent distribution of benefits.

However, on the contrary, the direction of the Great Power became more and more turbulent.

Obviously, the 505th Brigade has not yet made up its mind to completely decouple from Myanmar, but their tendency to defect to Thailand and the embrace of the United States has become increasingly obvious.

An important signal is that, originally under the banner of "assisting the Burmese army to stabilize the situation," they have quietly changed their slogan.

They claimed that one of their troops was "brazenly attacked" by the 756th Brigade during training, and demanded that He Bangxiong immediately come forward to clarify, apologize, and compensate.

Of course, He Bangxiong did not accept their tactics. He even directly questioned them in a public speech: Do you not know what your most powerful soldiers are training around Jingdong?

As a result, the relationship between the two parties became tense.


The development of this situation was originally expected by Chen Chen, but his development path was different.

As a result, the Dongfeng Corps' subsequent plans had to be changed.

In the combat command room, Chen Chen's brows were almost wrinkled after reading the latest information.

He was about to call He Bangxiong to ask about the situation, but as soon as his hand touched the cell phone, the phone next to him rang.

There is no caller ID, but only one person can call this number, and that is Xiaoyu.

When the call was connected, Chen Chen asked:

"Comrade Xiaoyu, what are your instructions?"

After hearing Chen Chen's question, Xiaoyu was silent for a few seconds, and then asked:

"Did you kill the Shadow Corps?"

"Yes, you get news very quickly."

"All killed?"

Xiaoyu's tone was a little serious, and Chen Chen immediately realized that things might not be as simple as he thought.

So, he changed his relaxed state, sat up straight, and replied solemnly:

"The bodies have been counted. According to the early intelligence, we should not have missed any."

"We have identified all the corpses. One of them should not be an early member of the Shadow Corps, but came with the coaching staff."

"He was the one who directed the battle of the Burmese army in Kengtung. Later, he also led the Shadow Corps to launch several very fierce counterattacks. We suffered heavy losses."

Chen Chen's words were obviously exaggerated, but Xiaoyu didn't bother to tease him or comfort him at this time.

She just breathed a sigh of relief and then said:

"That's right."

"Do you know who you killed?"

"I don't know, we didn't talk to each other the whole time."

Chen Chen replied immediately.

"His name is Jonathan Connor, one of the persons in charge of MPRI in the Middle East. He is a former Navy SEAL. He has participated in many successful operations behind enemy lines in the Gulf War. It can be said that he has made great achievements in combat."

"And the most important thing is that he is a war hero recognized by the United States."

"It is precisely because of this background that he was selected as one of the executors of the IMET project in Bagan. He would have entered the Myanmar Army to organize military training as an instructor."

"That's why he can command Jingdong's border brigade. This is a practical training."

"But, you killed him."

"All I can say is, Sunken Ship, you are going to make a name for yourself this time."

"This man is not unknown, and his death will soon cause an uproar in the industry."

"You will be targeted. There are many people who will want you dead."

Xiaoyu's tone was heavy, but Chen Chen relaxed again.

To be honest, Chen Chen was really surprised when Xiaoyu asked the question "Do you know who you killed?"

And when she said the name "Jonathan", Chen Chen's hair stood on end.

But fortunately, the complete name Xiaoyu said was not the one Chen Chen had guessed.

So, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"You scared me to death. I thought I killed Jonathan Braga. Who is Jonathan Connor? Do you need to be so nervous?"

Hearing Chen Chen's unscrupulous remarks, Xiaoyu's tense nerves suddenly broke.

She opened her mouth and made a sound of "ah", but for a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Yeah, who is Jonathan Connor, and is he worth being so nervous about?

Regardless of his background or identity, his clothes will eventually come off.

At best, he is just a famous mercenary. What does killing a famous mercenary have to do with him?

Isn't it the Dongfeng Corps that is unlucky?

Hmm. It seems that I am not nervous because "the situation is about to change".

I am nervous because "the Dongfeng Corps will face a huge crisis."

To put it bluntly, I am afraid that this sunken ship will be killed for no apparent reason.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyu couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Good guy, I reported the information to you as soon as I saw it and shared it with you as soon as I got permission. Why are you giving me this reaction?

You really have no sense of danger at all, do you?

Thinking of this, Xiaoyu suppressed the urge to curse and continued to say calmly:

"I am sharing this information with you because the death of Jonathan Connor may cause a strong reaction from the MPRI, and they will retaliate through various channels."

"I suggest you be prepared for possible shocks."

"Connor's death is a signal that the internal conflicts in Pubei are beginning to spread outward. This means that your enemies will no longer be limited to Pubei."

"The Dongfeng Corps has begun to touch the lower and core interests of certain people and forces. You must be prepared for this."

"I see."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"This is actually a situation we have anticipated - no matter who they are, as long as they are related to MPRI, the matter will not be settled so easily."

"But that's okay."

"Soldiers will block it, water will cover it, and the earth will cover it. The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish will be."

"Some people will stand with MPRI, and maybe some will stand with us?"

"Just be prepared."

The little fish opposite also breathed a sigh of relief, and then she continued:

"I will not go to Mengka during this period. We will keep in touch by phone."

"The situation changes very quickly, but I still say the same thing: Don't do anything you shouldn't do!"

"I know."

Chen Chen answered obediently, and then the phone hung up with a bang.

Chen Chen scratched his head, and for a moment he couldn't figure out the reason for Xiaoyu's call.

Jonathan Connor?

The identity is indeed quite bluffing.



Isn't it just an American version of Chen Shenhe?

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