I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 281 Smoke bomb? Smoke screen!

After the internal problems were resolved, action against Tachilek was quickly put on the agenda.

Since the situation in Thailand is about to change, the window period that the coalition forces can take advantage of is actually extremely narrow, so Chen Chen did not waste time, but acted quickly and began to prepare for the subsequent Tachilek offensive.

The work of team assembly and refitting was naturally completed by the two brigade commanders themselves. Chen Chen did not interfere too much, because what he wanted to do was to make his Dongfeng Corps, as a "sharp knife", able to fight in subsequent cities. Make the most of it in street fighting.

This is definitely not an easy task.

According to Chen Chen's plan, after entering Tachili, the Dongfeng Corps will use the advantages of vehicles to quickly maneuver throughout the city, assist the large forces in clearing out all key targets, and serve as a mobile unit to receive information from all aspects and respond to weak targets in a timely manner. Organize reinforcements and rescue.

He has only one purpose, and that is to desperately look for fighter opportunities on the vast front of Tachilei, to try his best to make up for the disadvantages caused by the offensive and defensive situation, to level the balance between the two sides bit by bit, and finally win victory.

To achieve this goal, Chen Chen must first ensure three things.

First, try to avoid large-scale combat attrition.

This is the only team he has in hand, with 29 combatants at full strength. On local battlefields, these 29 people can be said to be invincible. But the problem is that in urban street fighting, there are too many local battlefields.

If one or two combatants have to be left behind in each local battlefield, then I am afraid that I will not be able to fight across two streets and my team will be completely lost.

Therefore, the goal he pursued was to have no more than 10% casualties during the entire battle.

In other words, the casualties were less than 3 people.

Second, he must ensure the mobility of this team.

This is easy to understand. Only with sufficient mobility can this team move back and forth throughout the entire battlefield and play its due role as a sharp knife.

Third, he wants to ensure that this team kills enemies fast enough.

It is an undisputed fact that he can kill quickly and maneuver quickly.

Therefore, based on these three points, Chen Chen made a series of equipment adjustment plans.

First of all, in order to ensure that combat attrition does not occur, the demand for personnel protection has increased significantly.

Not to mention the light armor previously worn by some highly mobile personnel of the Dongfeng Corps, even level four armor was no longer sufficient.

With the help of Huamei Commercial Bank, he urgently purchased a batch of heavy-duty explosion-proof shields from the north, specially used for attacking buildings.

This kind of explosion-proof shield can completely withstand the shooting of large-caliber bullets of 12.7mm and below, and the protection against close-range blasting damage is also considerable. Even if there is only one side during the attack on the building, it is enough to block all the light firepower fired at the team in the building.

The only drawback is that the weight of this thing is too heavy. One person can barely carry it, but it is impossible to carry it for a long time.

Therefore, Chen Chen improved the explosion-proof shield by welding a universal wheel to it.

In this way, on flat ground, the lead soldier in charge of the explosion shield can push it forward.

In addition to explosion-proof shields, more smoke bombs, more shock bombs, and more grenades are actually a form of protection.

At this point, the foreshadowing that Chen Chen had buried with Peng Deren should be revealed.

He drained all the equipment of the Allied Forces and asked Peng Deren to transport all the projectiles he could collect. Peng Deren was also very capable. In just one day, he transported nearly 100,000 missiles to the Dongfeng Corps. Thousands of thrown objects.

These include nearly 2,000 smoke bombs of various types, more than 1,000 shock bombs and 6,000 grenades, mainly Maozi models.

Of course, this does not mean that the transaction between the two parties has been completed, but it can be regarded as a timely help to some extent.

At the same time, after learning about the plight of the coalition forces, Peng Deren put aside all the disputes with the Wa State "regardless of past grievances", opened up trade channels from Kokang to Wa State, and then to Northern Shan State, and transported a batch of goods to Mengkha. The coalition forces are in short supply of ammunition.

Of course, the quality of these ammunition cannot be exacted, because most of them are produced by local arsenals near Kokang, but it is better to be usable than not to be usable.

Under this circumstance, Chen Chen's goal of "strengthening protection" has basically been completed, and the next step is to strengthen mobility.

To maintain mobility, the most important thing is to ensure vehicle safety.

The vehicle is there, and the mobility is there.

In addition to the two armored assault vehicles owned by the Dongfeng Corps, the 756 Brigade emptied its wealth and provided the Dongfeng Corps with two MT-LB personnel carriers that are common in this area. According to Chen Chen's request, they used the simplest and crudest methods to The method is to weld double-layer fence armor to the assault vehicle to ensure the survivability of the personnel inside the assault vehicle as much as possible.

At the same time, helicopters are also an important means of maneuver. In order to ensure that the helicopters can take off and land smoothly, Chen Chen requires that the opponent's air defense units be quickly destroyed after entering the site - this task is left to the private soldiers of the 756 Brigade.

Finally, because Tachileik has a Rock River as a boundary river, maneuvering through the river is also an important means, so the task of solving the Thai side was left to Jackal.

He must use his connections to make Thailand turn a blind eye to the conflict on the Lok River, at least without allowing Thai ships to cross the border and intercept them.

Chen Chen thought this matter would be difficult, but unexpectedly, Jackal managed it easily.


Because in fact, during this period, the Myanmar-Thailand Friendship Bridge in Tachilek had long been closed, and the Thai side was simply unwilling to interfere with matters here.

At this point, the problem of mobility is solved, and the next step is the problem of killing speed.

To solve this problem, the idea is actually very simple:

More bombs, more high caliber bullets, more machine guns.

Chen Chen almost deployed the number of machine guns in the Dongfeng Corps to the limit, with an average of two machine guns for a four-man team.

Since it is mainly an indoor battle in the city, he does not intend to engage in traditional CQB attacks at all, but adheres to one principle:

If you can blow it up, don't use a gun; if you can penetrate it, don't enter.

As long as the peripheral fire points are resolved, other subsequent large forces can slowly complete the finishing and cleaning work with grenades.

Based on this idea, a large number of incendiary bombs that had not been used in the previous fight against the Shadow Corps were finally used. At the same time, Jackal also brought new good news to Chen Chen, that is, he obtained a batch of Cloud Explosive bombs.

There are 22 pieces in total, which theoretically can help Chen Chen secure 22 scattered city strongholds.

very perfect.

At this point, Chen Chen's equipment preparations have been completed.

The next thing to do is to spend a few days resting and running in, and then when the time is right and the internal fighting in the 505th Brigade comes to an end, launch a full-scale attack on Tachilek.

And just when all the preparations were in full swing, a person who surprised Chen Chen arrived in Mengka.


In other words, it wasn't actually unexpected, but he didn't expect Xiaoyu to come at this time.

This time, Xiaoyu did not notify Chen Chen again. When he returned to the villa, Xiaoyu was already sitting in the living room waiting for him.

This illustrates a problem.

The north's control over this place is strengthening.

For Chen Chen, this was a good thing, so he did not show any surprise, but walked over naturally and said:

"Come on, come on. What else do you want to bring? Didn't you bring anything?"

"I didn't bring anything. I didn't bring anything."

Xiaoyu spread his hands and replied:

"What do you want? Do you really want to fly Moutai? The battle is not over yet, and you are just thinking about drinking?"

"You are not a guest who comes empty-handed. You don't understand these rules? There is no Maotai in 53 Degrees. Do you have tanks in No. 59?"

"Nothing, stop being so playful and smiling."

Xiaoyu gave Chen Chen a roll of his eyes, reached out and patted the sofa beside him and said:

"Come and sit."

This scene reminded Chen Chen of some popular short videos he had seen on WeChat in his previous life. He shuddered subconsciously, but he still pretended not to care and sat down.

"You really think of this as your home. You asked me to come and sit down. Next time you see me come back, remember to stand up and greet me. Do you behave as you should?"

"Hey, Chief Chen, it's different after beating Jingdong. Are you talking tough?"

"No, I said it would take three days, but we won it in two days. Just tell me whether I can do it or not!"

Chen Chen's words were frivolous, but there was only a plain smile on his face. Xiaoyu shook his head and replied:

"Whether it works or not remains to be seen later, so don't go too far yet."

"I have something serious to do when I come here this time, so don't interrupt me all the time."

As he spoke, Xiaoyu signaled the security personnel on both sides to turn on the jammers, and Chen Chen also waved his hand to tell other unrelated personnel to avoid it.

The living room became quiet again, Xiaoyu looked at Chen Chen and said seriously:

"I have an important piece of advice to convey to you."

"Based on the current situation, international public opinion and the opinions of professional institutions, you can no longer use incendiary bombs as the main means of attack in this combat operation."

"Now you have been exposed to everyone's sight, and it is the time when the limelight is at its peak."

"If incendiary weapons are used recklessly and on a large scale in cities, it will inevitably arouse widespread doubts and criticism."

"At that time, not only you, but the entire Pubei and surrounding areas may be implicated."

"You must consider the international impact, because now you are an armed organization that has attracted international attention."

".are you kidding me?"

Chen Chen looked at Xiaoyu in disbelief and asked.

What kind of joke is this? Can't use incendiary weapons?

If I had a large-yield aerial bomb or sufficient heavy weapons, would I use something as dangerous and unpleasant as an incendiary weapon?

Isn't it because the equipment and funds can't keep up that the consumption is downgraded as a last resort?

Now you're telling me that you won't let me set the fire because of an illusory international influence?

Then you might as well just say don't fight this battle.

Of course, Chen Chen did not mean that he would really set fire to Tachilei, because that was indeed not in line with the demands of the coalition forces.


Whether I use it and whether I can use it are completely different things.

Even if I really don’t need it this time, I can’t possibly promise you “I won’t use it.”

This is the bottom line.

Nonsense, if it really comes to a point where it is absolutely necessary, you won’t let it be used, and will you take human lives to do it?

What are you doing?

Isn’t the life of Pubei people just fate? How is MLM?

Seeing Chen Chen's expression, Xiaoyu shook his head helplessly, and then explained:

"There are some things that neither you nor I have a choice about."

"What you see is the current fermentation of public opinion, and what you think is that your image is biased toward a positive side, but I want to tell you, the majority are always silent."

“That New York Times report had a much greater impact than you might think.”

"Countless pairs of eyes are staring at you, including your enemies."

"The reason why I want to give you this advice is actually because of your consideration."

"We are not saying that you have to change your usual fighting style from now on, nor are we saying that we have to impose some rules on you rigidly."

"It's about you."

"You have to think from a long-term perspective and plan an escape route for yourself, do you understand?"

"I see."

Chen Chen nodded slowly and replied:

"I understand your good intentions, but there is something I have to say."

"Set a fire is not something I want to set. If I had other options, I would not choose to set a fire."

"Every time I make a choice that you think is 'inappropriate', I always choose from two things: 'fate' and 'rules'."

"To survive, I had to break the rules."


Xiaoyu wanted to interrupt Chen Chen, but Chen Chen raised his hand and continued:

"It goes without saying."

"This matter is non-negotiable. Even if you tell me that if I don't listen to the advice this time, I won't cooperate in the future, my answer to you will be the same."

"That's it: I have no other choice, so I have to choose this."

"Okay, no need to say more."

"If you want to stay here for a few more days, your bed is right there; if you think it's meaningless, then I'll send you back."

"I'll always welcome you, but I"

Speaking of this, Chen Chen paused involuntarily.

Xiaoyu finally found an opportunity and interjected:

"I'll give you another choice."

"We have a batch of old antiques that are of high value. If you need them, they can be delivered within two days."


Chen Chen's heart moved.

Old antique?

It can’t really be 59, right?

His expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Xiaoyu expectantly.

The latter looked at Chen Chen silently for several seconds before replying:


"RD4? What the hell? Never heard of it."

Chen Chen was disappointed, but suddenly, a series of memory fragments flashed through his mind.

That was the scene of the TMC-65U smoke-generating vehicle puffing out smoke on a certain battlefield.



RD4, isn't it the thing that Maozi used before he equipped a new generation of smoking equipment?

The one used on Maozi’s TDA3 smoke machine is an improved version of the RD4 device.

It was a large-scale smoke-generating device born during World War II. It used the principle of thermal reaction to produce smoke and could be directly mounted on a variety of vehicles.

The smoke produced by an RD4 smoke generator can cover a radius of nearly one kilometer and last for several hours.

And the most important thing is

This thing is the simplest diesel smoke device. It is so simple that as long as you keep refueling, the smoke will continue to be generated.

The most important thing is that the smoke it generates does not have the anti-infrared function of modern aerosol smoke generating vehicles and will not block the use of thermal imaging equipment.

The most important thing is here.

In terms of the number of thermal imaging equipment, the coalition forces crush the 505th Brigade.

Whether it was the batch that Chen Chen imported before, or the batch that was seized before.

At least, the coalition forces can achieve the point where each 20-man team has at least one passive thermal imager and one active thermal imager.

The 505th Brigade absolutely cannot do it.

Damn it, tailor-made!

This thing is much better than setting fire!

Not only do you not have to consider too complicated tactics, but it will not hinder your own actions!

I'm just saying, Yankees can't be that unreasonable!

Chen Chen's face immediately put on a smile again. He moved his body, got closer to Xiaoyu and said:

"Oh, I knew you wouldn't come empty-handed."

"Did I scare you just now? It's okay, buddy, I was just joking with you."

"By the way, how many RD4s do we have in total? Can they be shipped today?"

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