I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 287 The trapped beast still fights

"Jinhu Supermarket has been captured, Firebird, replenish fuel, we will hold on to the supermarket for 30 minutes!"

"Understood. Return in 30 minutes."

Cheng Lei's answer came from the earphones. Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and lowered the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

Not long ago, they completed the entire "Leapfrog Tactics" and entered into the most difficult battle so far.

After capturing the customs building, they encountered fierce resistance from the private soldiers of the 505th Brigade.

Although there were only a dozen armed men inside the barricade and inside the building, they had a large number of heavy weapons at their disposal and once fought fiercely against the smoke from the smoke trucks.

A smoke-generating truck in the team was completely destroyed, and a machine-gun pickup truck was penetrated into the engine compartment and unable to move forward. The paralyzed position of these two vehicles blocked the direction of the team's advance. If it were not suppressed by the aerial firepower of helicopters, the entire vehicle would have been destroyed. Everyone in the team will be in crisis.

However, there are no "ifs" in war.

If it weren't for the suppression of multiple firepower from the air and the ground, Chen Chen would never have been able to adopt this leap-frog tactic of a single-axis breakthrough by a small team. Therefore, all the opportunities that the 505 brigade defenders thought would "reverse the situation" were actually different from the real There is still a huge gap between victory and victory.

The aviation rocket artillery that had not fired since the beginning of the operation finally showed its power, and the entire customs building was completely covered by fire.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, there were no fire points left in the windows, and the barricades were directly blown up by two cloudbursts.

The violent explosions and the sky-high fires resounded throughout Tachileik, which seemed particularly abrupt at this time when both warring parties had already started eating dinner.

I don’t know how many people stood behind the windows and looked at this tall customs building. When they saw that the flag on the roof of the building was cut off, the same thought flashed through their hearts:

If you don’t resist, you are good to me and everyone is good;

Once you resist, just like the people in the customs building, they will be blown to pieces by several rocket launchers!

For a time, the 505th Brigade's troops were worried.

As He Bangxiong's publicity campaign began to take off, the effect of Chen Chen's "exclamation mark" finally began to show.

The defenders in the buildings closest to the Green Zone defected and surrendered, and the defenders of Chausan Hospital and the Royal Hospital laid down their weapons.

Although they did not declare surrender, it was obvious that they could no longer continue fighting.

The situation was improving. In the next two hours, Chen Chen continued to lead the commando team towards important strongholds, and their operations became increasingly smooth.

Wherever this team went, all the defenders almost looked away.

Although the absolute number is not large, and sometimes only one or two defenders can be captured after a stronghold is laid, the situation has changed visibly with the naked eye as flags representing the coalition forces are planted everywhere in the city.

Surrender has become a tacit choice. It can even be said that all the defenders are looking forward to the arrival of the Dongfeng Corps.

Because once this team arrives, they only need to fire a few symbolic shots before they can naturally put down their weapons.

No one will be held accountable, and there will definitely be no "unequal treatment."

After all, prisoners should receive preferential treatment, so why should they fight to the end?

As a result, the cooperation of the defenders of the 505th Brigade reached a level that Chen Chen could not imagine.

Looking at the defenders standing in the middle of the supermarket obsequiously, holding cigarettes in their hands and asking questions one by one, Chen Chen couldn't help but shook his head.

He turned to Shi Dakai, who was on guard, and said:

"30% of the key points in the Tachilek city area have been captured. Although it is not under absolute control, it is unlikely that another fierce conflict will break out in this part of the containment zone."

"Observation posts have been set up and barricades have begun to be built. In no more than 10 hours, we will be able to achieve actual control of the current area."

"The intensity of the street fighting has been reduced to the limit. As soon as we achieve actual control, the defenders in the actual control area will surrender one after another."

"That's great news, but I didn't expect it to be that simple."

After hearing his words, Shi Dakai nodded slightly, and then said:

"This assault can be said to have given us a major reference. It was a high-intensity game in the early stage and a stalemate in the middle stage. But once the key point was found, the battle ended in an anticlimactic manner."

"Now, our only problem is to find Zhao Jialiang."

"We haven't had time to search the whole city yet, but we have a clue on hand."

"Zhao Jialiang's armored company has completely disappeared. They must be hidden in an underground fortification somewhere in the city."

"As long as we find the armored company, we will most likely find Zhao Jialiang."

"Because this is his only and last resort. He is already frightened and cannot place the 'gun' too far away."

"Then, our next action should be to conduct a comprehensive search of the underground fortifications in Tachileik."

"Underground parking garage, air-raid shelter, cold storage. What else?"

"Unlikely underground fortifications."

Chen Chen shook his head and continued:

"Zhao Jialiang knows our play style very well, and can quickly adjust and respond according to our play style. He can't be stupid enough to hide such a key team underground, because if we discover their movements in advance, Block the exit and he will suffocate to death."

"The location of the armored company should be a location that cannot be discovered by air reconnaissance but has convenient transportation."

"To be honest, there are too many places like this in Tachileik City that we can't even search through."

"But I always feel a little strange, at this time--"


Before Chen Chen finished speaking, a huge explosion suddenly sounded.

At the same time, Cheng Lei's voice came from his earphones as he was returning from the helicopter.

"An explosion and fire occurred in Dongcheng District! White phosphorus bomb!"

“800 meters away from Jinhu Supermarket!”

"I see an enemy armored company!"

"Six armored vehicles are setting off from the direction of the Golden Buddha, the direction is unknown."

"There are light infantry troops advancing down the street in your direction, numbering about two hundred."

"I can't intercept, sink the ship, evacuate quickly!"


The last desperate struggle of the trapped beast is here.

Chen Chen had long expected that the armored vehicle company of the 505th Brigade, which had never appeared before, would become the key to this siege battle, but he did not expect that Zhao Jialiang would hide the armored vehicles in such a place.

Big Golden Buddha Temple!

As a landmark building in Tachileik, the scale of this temple is one of the best in the entire Pubei region. In a country like Bagan where Buddhist culture is prevalent, the sacredness of the Golden Buddha Temple goes without saying.

Ke Zhao Jialiang actually made it his stronghold

That means that Zhao Jialiang is probably hiding inside!

Yes, this is very consistent with the cultural background of Zhao Jialiang. In fact, it is also very consistent with the Pubei warlord's combat ideas.

No matter how fierce a battle is, places such as temples and churches should not be touched if possible.

In addition, temples often have large building systems, numerous underground structures, and convenient transportation, so they are perfect for being used as temporary headquarters.

Zhao Jialiang had probably been hiding there before the war started, and it was only now that he revealed his trump card.


And this means that this is the last and only chance to catch him.

The victory was fleeting, and Chen Chen immediately made new arrangements.

"Everyone get on the bus and head towards the Golden Buddha Temple!"

"No. 2, provide drone reconnaissance vision and guide us!"

"I will use the fastest speed to bypass the opponent's armored vehicles and block Zhao Jialiang in the headquarters!"


Bao Qi responded immediately, and the drone took off again. Just when everyone in the Dongfeng Corps commando team was about to get in the car and set off, an accident happened.

A large number of bullets were suddenly sprayed out of the window of a house less than 100 meters away from Jinhu Supermarket. Li Bang, who was walking in front, was immediately hit. But fortunately, he was very close to the bunker. He only staggered and retracted, and asked Chen Shen made a "nothing" gesture.

The counterattack was completed in an instant. The team members who stayed behind to operate the weapons set up a 20mm anti-aircraft gun and fired at the houses. In just a few seconds, the originally weak firepower point was reduced to ashes.

However, this is not the end.

With this unreasonable attack, the 505 Brigade militiamen who had been scattered everywhere began to gather.

Cold shots continued to be fired at the Dongfeng Corps' convoy, and the sound of large-caliber sniper rifles even appeared in the distance.

Further on, someone flashed past the corner of the street and fired the RPG in the direction of the convoy without taking aim.

Of course it is impossible to hit the target with such accuracy, but they are willing to hit. This is the biggest problem!

"Damn! There must be something wrong!"

Chen Chen cursed angrily.

He had already gotten into the Warrior, and Li Gang, who was in the driver's seat, kicked the accelerator and drove the car onto the road, heading northwest.

"These people suddenly started fighting again. This is very unreasonable!"

"No. 2, report the situation. What happened in the city?!"

"Many fires broke out! Mainly concentrated in private houses! After listening to the 505th Brigade's communications, Zhao Jialiang issued a reward and wanted to besiege us!"

"Are you kidding me?"

Chen Chen frowned and continued to ask:

"He set the fire himself?"

".Now everyone thinks we set it up."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Chen's fist immediately hardened.

This is really not a clever strategy, it can even be called stupid.

But what if its purpose is not to place blame, but just to upset the balance of the current security war?

With this reason and a reward, it is really enough!

Zhao Jialiang is really cruel.

He clearly knew that it would be extremely difficult to reorganize after being broken into pieces, but he still used this reason to bring the team together.

that means

He doesn't want to fight back, he wants to run!

"Quick! Go to the Golden Buddha Temple at all costs. Zhao Jialiang wants to run, stop them!"

"Firebird, replenish flight fuel for one hour and return as soon as possible. We need air superiority!"

"On the 2nd, organize artillery cover and clear all the barricades near Masaha Hospital on the north side of the Golden Buddha Temple. We will break into the Golden Buddha Temple from there!"

"All teams in the rear remain vigilant and do not organize rescues. This is a trap!"

"We can fight it, stick to our position, don't rescue blindly! Don't cause trouble for us!"

As he spoke, Chen Chen climbed into the weapon operating position of the warrior vehicle.

He held the handle of the automatic grenade and aimed at the road ahead to continuously bomb.

At this point, he had no time to make so-called tactical adjustments. At this point in the fight, both sides had already played the final trump card, and what he had to do was to bulldoze all obstacles in front of him and seize the biggest one. Chance to win.


In fact, if you think about it from another perspective, how different are Zhao Jialiang's ideas from his?

He also wants to use himself as bait to attract the Dongfeng Corps into the game!

It's just that his bait is a fly fishing bait. It only touches the water surface lightly and then jumps away quickly.

But the shark of the Dongfeng Corps seemed to pull him down even with his human pole!

The intensity of the battle increased again. From Jinhu Supermarket to Aike Nightclub is an east-west avenue. This is also the final road for the Dongfeng Corps to reach the Golden Buddha Temple.

In just two minutes, this road has been completely plowed by artillery fire!

The warriors opened the road with an automatic grenade. One of the two armored personnel carriers used a 20mm anti-aircraft gun to sweep across the high-altitude fire points, and the other used a heavy machine gun to suppress the enemies on the street. The other more flexible machine gun pickups were constantly looking for enemies in the building. , trying to find and fire before the enemy.

At the same time, Ye Hening, the artillery position on Bao Qi's side, launched a shelling on the Masaha Hospital barricade. This round of shelling eliminated the possibility of calling in Jialiang's elite private soldiers for support.

But even so, Chen Chen could clearly feel that the quality of this group of enemies far exceeded the militiamen he had fought before.

There is no doubt that everyone here is elite.

In other words, those who can be transferred by Zhao Jialiang at this time must be elites.

"Bang bang bang——"

The heavy machine gun swept across, and the enemy holding an RPG on a high building instantly disintegrated. The broken limbs fell with blood foam, and hit the front cover of the warrior's car hard.

Even Li Gang, who was used to seeing battlefields, was startled by this scene. The direction of the warrior car suddenly swerved, and then quickly returned to the straight line.


He was extremely lucky. At this moment, an RPG missed the warrior and hit the side of the rear Paramount.

The heavy armor of the mine-resistant and anti-ambush vehicle once again performed a remarkable job. The rocket approaching from a small angle was bounced off by the armor, and finally exploded on the road to the side of the heavily covered smoke-generating vehicle.

The smoke-generating car was overturned to the ground, but due to the low position of the hit, the two occupants of the car were not injured. They were just stunned on the ground for a few seconds before they were quickly rescued by the F150 that arrived from behind.

After a series of explosions, the speed of the convoy was slowed down, and at this time, the first batch of light infantry approaching the convoy had already arrived.

They did not rush directly onto the road, but took advantage of the terrain to launch attacks from narrow alleys.

Chen Chen had no choice but to speed up the convoy as much as possible to break through the block and reach the open area near the Golden Buddha Temple.

However, this short stretch of road is as out of reach as a natural chasm.

The infantrymen of the 505th Brigade fell one after another. They certainly did not want to block the convoy with their own flesh and blood.

Maybe they just wanted to take a gamble and see if they could destroy an armored vehicle with a rocket and then go to Zhao Jialiang to receive a huge bonus.

But whatever the motivation, they did significantly slow down the team's progress.

10 minutes have passed and we are still more than 300 meters away from the target open area.

At this time, armored vehicles arriving from three directions arrived.

An assault gun turned from the corner in front of the convoy and fired a shot at the convoy without aiming.

The shot missed its target and penetrated the entire street, blasting through the Ike Nightclub behind the convoy.

At this time, the dusk was getting darker, the lights had already been turned on, and the fragments of neon lights flew into the air, like a giant abstract painting.

"Anti-aircraft gun fire!"

Chen Chen gave a loud order, and the anti-aircraft gun on the wheeled personnel carrier quickly changed its direction.

At this moment, the "bullet" that Chen Chen had loaded long ago finally came into play.

The incendiary bomb easily penetrated the side armor of the assault gun, and violent flames ignited in the crew compartment. The assault gun, which fired only one shot, instantly lost its combat effectiveness.


However, behind it, there is another armored vehicle.

One was covered tightly by Zhao Jialiang and had not even appeared once before, the 69 tank.

This thing definitely cannot be penetrated by 20mm incendiary bullets.

"Put the warrior over and get out of the car!"

Chen Chen gave the order decisively.

A series of actions were completed within a few seconds, and just after they left the vehicle and dispersed, 69, which had completed its aim, fired its first shot.


The warriors were reduced to ashes.

But Chen Chen's footsteps did not stop.

He was taking the six crew members of the Warrior vehicle and desperately throwing smoke bombs and incendiary bombs at the tank 200 meters away.

Lightly armored units versus tanks?


Before the air power arrived, our own side had no way to deal with this tank.

It has to be said that Zhao Jialiang's grasp of fighter planes is surprisingly accurate.

It would be absolutely impossible for any other warlord in Pubei to endure until now and wait until the helicopter returns for supplies before pulling out the tank!

Strong enemy.

Chen Chen threw out all the incendiary bombs in his hand, and the entire street instantly burst into flames.

This temporarily blocked the tank attack, but also blocked the Dongfeng Corps' path forward.

Directly ahead is the indestructible 69 tank.

At the rear are two VN-2B wheeled infantry fighting vehicles.

On the west side of the street is a W551 infantry fighting vehicle.

With all the equipment from the north, Chen Chen didn't even know who he was fighting.

But time did not allow him to hesitate any longer. After thinking for a while, he said:

"The assault team will stay put and wait for helicopter support!"

"He Bangxiong! Mobilize the nearest infantry battalion-level units for rapid support!"

"A group of 6 people, follow me on foot to the Golden Buddha Temple to carry out the beheading mission!"

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