I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 296 Intelligence and Base

Under Chen Chen's arrangements, all members of the core group of the Dongfeng Corps had corresponding arrangements.

This is undoubtedly good news. Once the company's stall is spread out, there is no need to worry about no one available.

In fact, to be a PMC, just being able to fight is definitely not enough.

Of course, if the boss alone is in charge of the overall situation, it will not be enough.

If a gang of three heroes does not have enough manpower to manage such a large stall, will they really engage in a barbaric model like bandits?

In that case, it is impossible for a company to develop. No matter how far it reaches, it will at best act as a "thug" for some big forces, and it is impossible to have the ability to operate independently.

But now, although the degree of specialization is not enough, the framework of Dongfeng PMC has been set up.

We have a CEO, we have a CTO, we have a CFO, we have a COO and a CAO

After mud-legged people get ashore, everyone still has to cross the river by feeling the stones, but a fish seller can be the boss, let alone one who can carry a gun.

Everything was ready and the general direction was basically clear. Chen Chen finally had time to collect the scattered lines one by one and pull the kite back to him.

The first thing he had to solve was Jiang He's problem.

After returning to Tachilei, he has gradually built up his previous lines and slowly established a relatively rudimentary intelligence network. During the entire Tachilei offensive, he also provided considerable help to the Dongfeng Corps. .

In Chen Chen's opinion, he has passed the test and can completely break away from the Wa State.

So, after greeting Bao Xiaomei, Chen Chen invited Jiang He to the villa and formally invited him to join the Dongfeng Corps.

The latter was naturally willing - having seen the violent methods of the Dongfeng Corps, he was really determined.

"Boss, I will follow you from now on."

"You ask me to go east, but I will never go west."

"I don't want anything, I just want revenge."

"Whether it's 10 years, 20 years or 30 years, as long as it's before I die, I can wait!"

Hearing his words, Chen Chen shook his head slightly, and then replied:

"This matter is not that simple. If what you want to kill is a drug dealer or a warlord, to be honest, I might just grit my teeth and do it for you."

"But what you want to kill is a Thai person and a high-ranking Thai official. If I really help you do it regardless, then our other brothers really don't have to mess around."

"So, you have to wait, you have to be patient."

"I can only tell you that to achieve what you want to do, you cannot rely on individuals or force. You have to rely on the 'general trend'."

"I see!"

Jiang He nodded solemnly and then replied:

"You are just building momentum, I can see it!"

"The Wa State wants Taunggyi. What they want to do is too big. Our Dongfeng Corps will definitely not be absent."

"From now on, you will definitely want to be the overlord of one party. You have the final say not only in Southeast Asia, but -"

"do not talk."

Chen Chen interrupted him, and the latter nodded obediently and closed his mouth.

From Chen Chen's perspective, Jiang He's intelligence capabilities have indeed reached a fairly "mature" level. If nothing else, Chen Chen himself has not told anyone about Taunggyi.

And he can guess and guess the follow-up plan of the Dongfeng Corps. It can be said that his acumen is excellent even if it is placed in the intelligence mouth of the north.

"Follow up, I need you to do something."

After a pause, Chen Chen continued:

"Intelligence work requires a large investment of resources, complex plans and sufficient manpower."

"You did very well before, but in essence, you are still fighting alone."

"I hope you can really think about what you are doing from a professional and large-scale perspective, and find ways to really do it."

"You want to set up an information service company - an information service company that is not affiliated with the Dongfeng Corps."

"I will control this company in a reasonable way and provide you with sufficient financial and resource support."

"What I need you to do is to collect as much intelligence as possible and collect all the intelligence that is beneficial to us."

"As for the company's business, what suggestions do you have?"

Jiang He frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"First of all, the company's business coverage must be sufficient and the penetration must be strong enough."

"I used to sell mosquito nets. The coverage was actually pretty good, but the penetration was actually very limited and I couldn't penetrate into the real core areas."

"I was thinking that if possible, why not let us correspond."


Chen Chen was stunned.

"Are you talking about communication terminals or equipment networking services?"

"Communication terminals are meaningless, and their penetration is even worse. We can't do the equipment networking business, it's all done by ZTE, Huawei, and Ericsson. But there is one business we can do - MS, which is network maintenance services."

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Chen was a little confused. He really didn't know much about this area.

"It's very simple. Our civilian cellular network, that is, the mobile phone network, requires base stations for signal transmission."

"It's the towers and antennas we saw."

"The coverage of this thing in Tachilei and Pubei is not high now, but it will definitely get higher and higher in the future."

"When the coverage rate is high, someone must do maintenance, that is, tighten screws, remove rust, test, replace batteries, replace generator fuel, maintain lines, etc."

"No one is doing this business yet. Originally, most of the business on Tachilei's side was in the hands of Zhao Jialiang's militiamen, who just made do with it."

"If we can take the lead, take over this part of the business, and become professional, we can even penetrate into Thailand."

"Because a large part of Pubei's network cables come from Thailand."

"Of course, in addition to Thailand, if we can become a large professional team in the future, this business can be spread all over the world."

"Boss, you know that communication is the thing where you have the most contact with officials."

"I see."

Chen Chen finally understood Jiang He's thinking.


In fact, this is an upgraded version of the mosquito net business.

What he has to do is to expand his influence with the help of a business that everyone needs, and then after the business scope is wide enough, he can obtain the required intelligence through the information and channels that come with the business!

Very mature and professional thinking.

In the 21st century, don’t people still think that intelligence work is just like stealing things from a heavily protected safe house and then selling them on the so-called dark web, right?

Only by establishing a broad intelligence network can it be possible to obtain open source intelligence stably and securely obtain closed source intelligence!

Although the MS business that Jiang He mentioned cannot touch the more core and direct networking work, it is indeed quite close.

Communications is a big piece of cake, and this is where the most controversies arise regarding espionage and intelligence.

Why is there so much controversy?

Isn’t it because he can really use his hands and feet?

Of course, there are very few places where you can do anything with back-end services, but as long as you continue to develop, you don't have to just do the back-end.

"Just do as you say!"

"You can think of the name of the company yourself and don't have anything to do with the Dongfeng Corps."


Jiang He nodded and replied:

"I've already thought about it. It's simple, just call it a normal service."

Chen Chen hesitated to speak, and finally said:

". That's fine, not just China Unicom."

After Jiang He's work was arranged, Chen Chen immediately found Jackal.

In fact, Jackal has been waiting for Xiao Zhou in Dachili, but Chen Chen had too many things to do and never came to see him.

And now, when Jackal finally saw Chen Chen, his expression was that of a resentful woman who had been left out.

"Sinking the ship, I was obviously the one who came first. Whether it's sending equipment, providing support, or taking the initiative to contact you."

".Please stop for a moment."

Chen Chen raised his hand to interrupt him, and then said:

"You have nothing important to do, so why are you so anxious?"

After hearing his words, Jackal glared and said:

"Okay, now just say that I have nothing important to do. That's not what you said before when you asked for equipment."

"Armored vehicles don't matter, security doesn't matter?"

".It's important, don't act here, can't you be more serious?"

".Can't be serious."

The jackal sighed.


".Because I really don't have anything important to do."

"Then you tell me about a hammer?"

Chen Chen rolled his eyes at him, and the two sat down on the sofa in the living room. Chen Chen asked Lin He to pour a cup of coffee for Jackal, and then said:

"You have nothing important to do with me, but I still have something to do with you."

"I'm going to Indonesia recently. You may not be able to see me for some time in the future."

"However, our cooperation will still continue, but it is possible that the form of cooperation will need to undergo some changes."

"I came to you just to talk to you about the future. How about it? Do you have any ideas?"

As soon as these words came out, Jackal also restrained the joking expression on his face.

He frowned slightly, thought for a moment and then said:

"To be honest, my current position is very embarrassing."

"Before, because of Chaisili's relationship, I could provide you with advanced equipment that was difficult to obtain and gain an irreplaceable status."

"But now, Tachilei has been captured, and you will soon develop outward and obtain legal status. In this way, Chaisili's role will be much smaller."

"At least, you have more choices for what equipment you want. We are no longer irreplaceable."

“So to be honest, it’s hard for me to think of what I could do.”

"Unless I leave Chaisili and directly join your company, maybe I can still have some effect."

Jackal's words were quite candid. In fact, even Chen Chen himself was surprised that he would speak out about the current problem.

This is equivalent to putting his disadvantages and trump cards directly on the table. If the two are negotiating, the Jackal can even be said to be at an irreversible disadvantage.


But fortunately, the two were not negotiating, just discussing.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"It is impossible to leave Chaisili. I even hope that you will continue to climb up in Chaisili."

"This is a good platform and your biggest hidden advantage. If you give up, it will be a loss for both of us."

"But I have to say that if you don't leave Chaisili, what you can do is indeed very limited."

"So... here's my plan."

"You think of a way to go up a level."

"Then, completely open up the relationship in Pubei."

"You can follow Chaisili's requirements and not sell advanced weapons or participate in actual conflicts, but you need to undertake the basic equipment, basic training, and basic life work of the Dongfeng Corps."

"How about it, do you think you can do it?"

"absolutely okay!"

The jackal answered immediately.

"I understand, you want me to customize a base solution for you."

"That's right."

Talking to smart people is that simple. Chen Chen has considered almost all the elements needed for a PMC. So what is the only missing link?


How to set up a base and how to manage a base is actually not a simple matter.

The team is getting bigger and bigger, and it is no longer possible to "gather together when it is beneficial and disperse when it is unprofitable" as before. Instead, all members must be managed in a centralized manner.

In terms of base construction, Chen Chen can indeed do it himself, but the problem is that those who can do more work must also pay attention to cost-effectiveness.

He can't put too much energy into it, as that will delay him from doing more big things.

In this regard, Chaisili happened to do very well.

Their base is one of the best in Mengka, and even in the entire Pubei. In terms of functional integrity, safety, and management standardization, it is stronger than most military camps here.

There is really no more appropriate person to let Jackal take the lead in doing this.

Jackal also instantly understood what Chen Chen meant. The expression "base solution" was really professional and appropriate.

The two hit it off immediately, and Jackal once again had a smile on his face.

"Very good, very good. I have never thought of this direction before."

"But this business is indeed very good, and the head office will support it."

"Moreover, if there are good cases to support it, we can continue to expand our business in the future."

"It's not just Pubei. Wherever you go, we will build our base. Damn it, I feel like this business has a bright future!"

"No, I still have to leave Chaisili in the future, yes, that's right."

Jackal's tone became more and more excited. Chen Chen immediately guessed what he was thinking, so he quickly interrupted:

"Don't think too far ahead!"

Jackal chuckled and replied:

"Don't worry, I didn't think too far ahead."

"I was just thinking, for Africa, we can put it in Djibouti, the Middle East in Qeshm, South Asia must be Mengka, and then Europe."

".That's it."

Chen Chen interrupted him again, and Jackal shut up decisively and made a gesture of pulling the zipper with his hands.

"Anyway, this is your arrangement."

"Build the base in Mengka for me first."

"I may have to go to Indonesia for a few months. I hope that when I come back, I will see a base that is better than the Chesri base."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Jackal drank the coffee in the cup in one gulp, and then replied:

"Of course! Absolutely!"

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