It can be said that He Bupa's plan went extremely smoothly. On the afternoon of the second day after the dinner, Chen Yuhu had already taken action.

According to He Bupa's report, Chen Yuhu also left the contact information of He Bupa and He Bangxiong, made exactly the same phone calls to them, and told them almost the same story.

The reason why I say "almost" is because in the conversation with He Bupa, Chen Yuhu pretended to "accidentally" reveal an additional piece of information.

That is, he will stay in Tachilei for a while to investigate possible future directions for cooperation.

Logically speaking, this is really like an insignificant politeness.

But if this sentence is said to only one person, the effect will be completely different.

And sure enough, after He Bupa expressed his interest in a very subtle way, Chen Yuhu took the bait on the spot.

He made an appointment to meet He Bupa alone, and the appointment was at He Bupa's own hotel - the Baiden Hotel he had just taken over from Zhao Jialiang.

The two of them were like a man and a woman having an affair behind their master's back, seducing and hinting at each other, and finally agreed on a meeting place and prepared to find a place where no one knew about the hookup.

But unfortunately, this is not some unethical consensual relationship, but one party deliberately fishing and the other party biting the hook unpreparedly.

At best, it's just a fairy dance.

He Bupa set the time at two o'clock in the night, euphemistically calling it "busy business". In order to make the play more realistic, he also specifically asked Chen Yuhu to call He Bangxiong and make an appointment with He Bangxiong.

If Chen Yuhu really fights, He Bangxiong will definitely find a reason to refuse.

If Chen Yuhu didn't fight, it means that this kid is stupider than the fishing guys expected.

The result is that Chen Yuhu did not make this call to He Bangxiong.

The plan went more smoothly than expected. Everyone thought that in order for the Ruan Long Group to take the bait, they would at least have to go through a series of steps from making a nest, hanging bait, throwing the rod, reeling in the line, etc. However, unexpectedly, He Bupa I just fell down by the water and accidentally threw the empty hook into the water, and the fish in the water automatically bit me.

".It was so smooth that I wondered if they were playing tricks on it."

In the living room of the villa, Chen Chen looked at Xiaoyu opposite, scratched his head and said.

"It does go a bit too smoothly, but... in fact, it would be really questionable if it didn't go smoothly."

"The power of inertia is very powerful. In Pubei, things like poison have existed for nearly a hundred years, and the rules here have long been ingrained."

"No matter how many owners we change, no matter who is in charge, we basically cannot completely separate ourselves from the drug trade."

"Including Peng Jiasheng and Bao Youxiang back then, do you think they didn't want to ban drugs? There was no way, they couldn't."

"The situation of the coalition forces is the same now. In the eyes of outsiders, no matter how strong your Dongfeng Corps is, it doesn't matter. Even if you show your northern background, it is impossible to change this order that is harder than cement."

"So, Chen Yuhu's judgment is very accurate - it should be said that within his limited information channels, it is very accurate."

"What really makes things go in another direction, do you know what it is?"

After hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Chen thought for a moment and then replied:

"Railway, Bagan Railway."

"That's right."

Xiaoyu nodded approvingly and continued:

"This is something that can really change the pattern of this land. The Bao family has realized this, and the coalition forces also know this, but no one knows it except you."

"So, they thought the drug trade was the most profitable business."

"They could never imagine what the level of benefits would be if the Bao family could really push for the completion of the Bagan Railway, and even open a line from Daluo, Mongla to Kyaukpyu Port."

"Trillion? That's still less."

"This thing looks like it's just a railway line in Southeast Asia, but what is its real significance? I don't need to say more, right?"

Chen Chen said "hmm", took a breath and said:

"Essentially, this is still part of the confrontation with the United States."

"So, its implicit value may be several times or even dozens of times the explicit commercial value, right?"

"That's not something I can discuss with you."

Xiaoyu spread his hands and ended the topic bluntly.

However, after chatting with her for a few words, Chen Chen felt relieved.

The authorities are obsessed with it. When you think everything is going well, it is best to find a third party to take a look and evaluate it.

But now, since Xiaoyu thinks there is no problem, then there is a high probability that there is really no problem.

Next, just do things step by step and wait for the results quietly.

So, Chen Chen decisively stood up from the sofa and said:

"Then let them do it, and I will do my own thing."

"Help me contact Mr. Chuan and ask him to come over."

"We are about to start adaptive training. I hope he can get familiar with our people in advance and be prepared."

"no problem."

Xiaoyu answered immediately.

Without any delay, she immediately stepped aside and contacted Pingchuan "in her own way". At this time, the team members who planned to participate in the so-called "Qingshan Project" and go to Indonesia had also arrived.


Of course, mulberry leaves are not included.

In fact, his injuries were not too serious. Most people thought that just cutting his throat would be a serious injury.

But in fact, if cutting the throat does not damage the artery, but just cuts the throat, the problem is not too big.

Such injuries may cause emphysema, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, shock and other symptoms, but as long as the bleeding can be stopped in time and the wounds are debrided and sutured promptly, the prognosis is basically good.

Sang Ye was already close to being "alive" a week after he was sent to the hospital. However, his wounds had not healed yet and he had big problems talking and eating, so Chen Chen didn't bother to let him bother.

As a result, he once again missed the opportunity to make progress, and Chen Chen finally knew what he wanted to say on the helicopter.

What he wanted to say at that time was "Remember to wear a neck protector" because he saw that the neck protector on Chen Chen's body armor had been removed.

But Chen Chen is fine. He got into an accident because he was not wearing a neck protector. Who are you going to explain to him?

Maybe he just memorized it - not too memorized, after all, he was still alive.

In short, he can't go to Indonesia, so it's just right to leave him with Bai Gou and give him a blow.

Half an hour later, Pingchuan arrived at the villa.

A group of 12 people stood at the door of the villa to greet him. When Pingchuan, still wearing sunglasses and bald head, appeared in front of everyone, something unexpected happened to everyone.

"Fuck, Mr. Chuan!"

Someone in the team shouted, Chen Chen turned around and saw that it was Bao Qi.

"Ah? You two know each other??"

Chen Chen spoke in confusion, and Pingchuan, who had just walked into the living room, also looked confused.

"you know me?"

"I know him! Mr. Chuan, I was only 6 years old in 1996! You knew my dad, have you forgotten? Bao Youcheng!"

"In 1996, when you came from Bangkang to Laojie, it was my dad who received you!"

"You said you were an old acquaintance of my father. I didn't ask for details, but do you still remember? I broke my hand on the first day you went there, and it was you who straightened the bone!"

"I will remember your skills forever."

After hearing Bao Qi's narration, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little enlightened.

Indeed, Bao Qi's father Bao Youcheng is also a man with quite a lot of experience. He worked in the government, in the National Democratic Front of Wa State, and later went to Kokang and joined the Allied Forces, and finally followed his son to Dongfeng corps.

After this experience, although it was a small probability event that he and Pingchuan would meet each other, it was quite reasonable.

After Bao Qi's reminder, Pingchuan finally remembered his "old friend".

"I see, you have a successful son, right? How about it, is he still alive?"

"Well, I'm still alive and well, in Mengka."

"That's good, we have a chance to meet!"

Pingchuan didn't say much, but Chen Chen also saw it.

To Bao Qi's family, Pingchuan is a friend and an honored guest, but to Pingchuan, Bao Youcheng may be just a small passerby in his exciting life.

There's a little bit of incense, but obviously not too much.


Bao Qi naturally knew this, so he did not continue to have a relationship with Pingchuan. Instead, he agreed with a smile and returned to the team.

Chen Chen walked up to Pingchuan and introduced his team members one by one to Pingchuan. Compared with the extremely simple introduction made by Cheng Lei and the others, Pingchuan could be said to be extremely professional.

Not only does he have to ask about age, height and weight, physical strength, physical condition, past injury history, but he even has to touch and see the body fat.

Therefore, this introductory segment is very long.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shi Dakai quietly approached Bao Qi and asked:

"How do you know this person? I've never heard of you before!"

Bao Qi shook his head and replied:

"Don't mention it, I almost forgot about this guy. As soon as I saw him coming over today and saw his little round glasses, I suddenly remembered it all."

"I can't help it. The impression is so profound that I usually can't remember it. But once I saw it, I really can't forget it."

"Is he very good at it?"

Shi Dakai asked subconsciously.

"I don't know if it's good or not. Anyway, for a 6-year-old kid like me at that time, it was really painful."

"Setting bones depends on breaking them with bare hands. Do you know how strong he was back then? Much stronger than he is now!"

"My hands were like two matchsticks in his hands. I was afraid that he would crush my shoulders after taking my hands!"

"And I can't cry. When I cry, my dad slaps me in the face with a big slap. He thinks I'm embarrassing him."

Bao Qi shook his head with lingering fear, paused for a moment, and continued:

"However, Mr. Chuan's medical skills are truly unparalleled."

"I remember my dad scolded me and said, 'Master Chuan can pick up the bones crushed by the mortar in the Palace of Hell, but you are howling'."

"You know my dad, he rarely says anything that is too exaggerated. Being able to compare it like this shows that Mr. Chuan is really good."

"And it is said that he has been a military doctor all his life, until now."

"What is your name?"

Before Bao Qi finished speaking, Pingchuan had already turned to Shi Dakai. Upon hearing his question, Shi Dakai quickly replied:

"My name is Shi Dakai! He is 30 years old, weighs 150 kilograms, and is 173cm tall. He is in good health. He had suffered gunshot wounds to his abdomen before, mainly his intestines. No major organs were injured."

"Have you cut it? Have you cut the intestines?"

"No, I had a body armor at the time, so the internal injuries were not serious."

"That's no problem, it's standard."

Pingchuan pinched Shi Dakai's arm and asked a few more questions about medical history, allergies, and blood type. After writing them down one by one in his little notebook, he turned directly to Bao Qi who was aside.

"What about you? How's it going?"

Bao Qi answered according to other people's routine, focusing on the gunshot wound on his leg. Pingchuan knelt down to help him roll up his trouser legs, checked them, nodded slightly and said:

"It's been handled well, and functionality has not been affected at all."

"How's it going? Is your hand healed?"

"Okay, hehe."

Bao Qi opened his mouth to answer, and the two looked at each other and smiled. This friendship that spanned the generations of their fathers was renewed here.

After a round, Pingchuan basically checked out the situation of all the personnel and wrote them all down in his notebook. Then, he led the team to the backyard of the villa and began to conduct a thorough test on the team members.

According to him, he has to understand the details of each person's movement patterns, behavioral habits and body functions.

For example, each person's strong hand is different, and the strength of the strong hand is different, which will bring different judgment basis for his subsequent injury treatment. What he has to do is not just as simple as "keeping the wounded alive", but also keeping the wounded alive. At the same time, we must ensure their combat effectiveness as much as possible.

Looking at the team members running and jumping hard in the backyard, and looking at Pingchuan who was concentrating on taking notes, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

He glanced at Xiaoyu and said:

"You are right, people like us will indeed come to you."

"What is this? The agglomeration effect of idealism?"

"Pretty much, there are only a few lighthouses anyway."

Xiaoyu frowned slightly, then quickly relaxed his brows and continued:

"Now the lighthouses in this world have been extinguished one after another. Ships that originally followed other lighthouses have to change their own channels."

"Look, Bao Qi's family is actually a typical example. He found the waterway that his father failed to find."

"It's quite interesting, isn't it? It even feels epic in a way."

"The epic feeling is too exaggerated."

Chen Chen smiled self-deprecatingly and said:

"We're not even close yet."

"Of course it's still far away now, but if you look at it ten, twenty or thirty years from now, it won't necessarily be the case."

"So work hard and do more great things while you are young!"

"no problem."

Chen Chen nodded solemnly, and at this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID showed that the caller was He Bupa.

Chen Chen picked up the phone, and He Bupa's voice on the other end was slightly urgent.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Sir, there's a bit of trouble."

"The news I just got from Chen Yuhu, Xuan Ruanlong is serious!"

"The Ruan Long Group has just signed an agreement with a mining company in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, and is preparing to search for gold mines in the Huay Xai area."

"They are really planning to clear their name. We must capture them before Thailand enters the scene, otherwise, it will be really fucking difficult!"

I have a fever today and have been feeling unwell.

I will try my best to write more tonight, but if I really can’t, I will add two more chapters tomorrow.

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