The time it took for the commando team to capture the Ruan Long Park was shorter than Chen Chen expected. After the battle began, it only took less than two hours for the entire Ruan Long Park to fall under the control of the commando team.

Moreover, the casualties caused by this battle were frighteningly low - the commando team suffered only more than 20 casualties, and even the Ruan Long Group only suffered more than 40 deaths.

As soon as the helicopter arrived, the drug traffickers of the Ruan Long Group collapsed.

This does not conform to many people's inherent impression of drug dealers, because in most people's eyes, drug dealers are crazy, life-threatening, and struggling to the end.

But in fact, their madness is only directed at those anti-narcotics police officers.

It can even be said more absolutely that it only targets the anti-narcotics police in the north.

Because they know better than anyone else that if they fall into the hands of the police in the north, they have no other choice but to die.

That's why they have to fight for their lives, because if they fight, they may still have a chance to survive, but if they don't fight, they really can only wait to die.

This is a helpless and sad fact, but in a sense, it is quite worthy of the people of the north to be proud of.

Because this proves that when it comes to drug control, no one in the world can match it.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous things in the world are tax evasion in the United States and drug trafficking in the north.

The fact that such a "meme" can be spread is actually a kind of sideways and implicit praise.

As a result, when the identity of the commando team became clear and their advantages were lost, the morale of the drug traffickers in the Ruan Long Group quickly collapsed.

According to the battle situation reported from the front line, those people first abandoned the outer barricades and trenches and retreated into several major buildings and factories, and then quickly surrendered under the threat of several cloudburst bombs.

The commando team took almost no effort and captured all the "employees" of the Ruan Long Group.

There were more than 200 and less than 300 people captured, and nearly 800 people were captured. This sounds like an exaggeration.

After all, even if there are 800 pigs, it will take you three days and three nights to catch them.

But the problem is that many people have overlooked one issue, that is, pigs will not surrender in an organized manner.

After the first group of people surrendered, the situation developed like an avalanche. From the capture of the first building to the final capture of Xuan Ruanlong, who failed to break out and was forced back into the building by the heavy machine gun from the helicopter, it actually only took ten years. Just a few minutes.

Everyone was imprisoned in the main hall of the main building. The captain of the commando team learned about the Dongfeng Corps and also used it to scare the monkeys among these people.

Of course, he didn't understand the game better than Chen Chen. He finally got the situation under control after killing more than 50 people.

At this time, the Lao police battalion and nearby troops had arrived at the periphery of the Ruan Long Group, and the two sides entered a confrontation.

The two sides have not yet opened fire, but out of caution, the commandos have not agreed to contact Laos.

They are like "bandits" who have taken a large number of hostages and are emboldened to consume the patience of Laos.


Their task has indeed been completed for the most part. Next, it is time for political means to come into play.

In the villa of the Dongfeng Corps, the core members of the Dongfeng Group and various stakeholders gathered together to summarize and discuss the current situation while looking at the latest battle reports.

"The current situation is that there is no suspense about winning the Ruan Long Group."

"And the better news is that we have captured Xuan Ruanlong, which means that information about almost all of his properties has actually fallen into our hands."

"As long as we are given enough time, we can slowly digest all these things."

"But the problem is, we probably don't have time."

"The Laotian side has launched a formal inquiry against us. Of course, it is only the local governor who is communicating with us now."

"But if we cannot give them a satisfactory answer, it is very likely that we will be forced to have a 'national' conflict with them."

"Such a result is definitely not what we want to see. Therefore, we must make a decision as soon as possible."

"Should we transfer part of the benefits and obtain acceptable results as quickly as possible, or should we continue to delay for a while and find ways to obtain more benefits?"

"The risk of the former is approximately 0. I have completed preliminary contacts with some officials from Bokeo Province in Laos. They have not yet made clear requirements, but they are very willing to cooperate."

"This is an opportunity that can be seized, Mr. Chen, what do you think?"

Bao Xiaomei finished introducing the situation three times, five times and two times. Now she has become more capable. Although she still has a bit of flattery in her body, she is not as "evil" as before.

How else to say "what you do is what you become"?

In the previous life, the Bao family began to decline from the drug trade to gambling, fraud, money laundering, and smuggling. They did everything and made money. The bottom line was lowered time and time again, and the pattern became smaller and smaller. It could even be said to be "hopeful". It’s disgusting.”

But in this life, because of the butterfly Chen Chen, they had more frequent contacts with the north, their layout was more sophisticated, and their participation in the planning was even more far-reaching.

It also makes them look less offensive.

How did you say that?

I often serve beside the dragon. Although I don’t have a dragon body, I still have the spirit of a dragon.

Chen Chen nodded approvingly towards Bao Xiaomei, and then replied:

"The transaction is feasible and it was within our original plan."

"However, we still need to think carefully about how to trade and how to negotiate."

"First of all, we must squeeze out all the details about Xuan Ruanlong, clarify what he has in his hands, and master the method of control."

"Only when we achieve this will we have the capital to negotiate with Laos."

"But this is actually a very serious problem - if these things are handed over, Xuan Ruanlong will be close to death."

"I'm afraid he won't be that stupid, and he won't give in so easily."

After the words fell, everyone in the conference room nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, at the beginning, their basic goal was to understand and contact some of Xuan Ruanlong's industries through the Ruanlong Park. After completing the park, they would continue to clean up other industries and engage in a wave of "hit and run" plunder.

But now that Xuan Ruanlong has been caught and Laos has entered the game, that basic goal is obviously no longer enough to satisfy everyone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the coalition may even take over the various legal industries that Xuan Ruanlong has laid out and extend its tentacles along the Mekong River.

By that time, the benefits that everyone can obtain will be far beyond what can be compared with a robbery.

So, if you can think of a way, it’s best to do it as soon as possible!

"So we need to let Xuan Ruanlong cooperate with us first, and then let Laos cooperate with us?"

Shi Dakai, who was sitting next to Chen Chen, asked.

"That's right."

Bao Xiaomei nodded in reply.

"Can we use interrogation methods?"

"I'm afraid not. Xuan Ruanlong is a bastard. At the same time, he is also very aware of his situation. If you want him to explain, it may be difficult to rely on interrogation alone."

"Another point is that instead of trading with us, he might as well go and trade with Laos. Anyway, he has to pay protection fees. There is no difference between giving it to us and giving it directly to Laos."

"And if it is given directly to Laos, he will still have some money left. If it is given to us, there will really be no bones left."

When Bao Xiaomei said these words, everyone present burst into laughter.

Only Chen Chen, who was sitting in the middle, held his head and sighed.

Damn it, when did my team’s reputation become like this?

What can be left to us without any bones left?

We are not devils either, okay?

Stereotypes are harmful!

I'm just a little cruel to my enemies. Those who really mess with me are still living a good life.

But at this moment, no one paid attention to his complicated psychological activities. After listening to Bao Xiaomei's explanation, Shi Dakai spoke again:

"So our core issue now is actually to make Xuan Ruanlong think that cooperation with us is more promising."

"In that case, our early preparations are meaningful - the Dongfeng Corps is not directly involved, which leaves a glimmer of hope for him."

"We could try to talk him out of the drug business, then."


Chen Chen interrupted Shi Dakai and said:

"If you do this, the battle line will be stretched too long. At the same time, there is another problem, that is, we are actually controlled by him and cannot take the initiative."

"We and him must use deterrence, not cooperation."

"The correct idea should be to find a way to find what he really cares about and threaten him with what he cares about."

"If you don't want it, what else do you want?"

"Refer to Kunsha's experience?"

Bao Xiaomei thought for a moment and then said:

"We give him a chance to survive legally?"

"I don't want to give it."

Chen Chen shook his head decisively.

Are you kidding me, letting Xuan Ruanlong live?

Xuan Ruanlong is not Kun Sa. He is now in his prime and has amazing business acumen.

If you really let the tiger go back to the mountain, don't say how to catch him again. What will you do if he makes a comeback in the future?

Kill him again? Isn't that an infinite loop?

After hearing Chen Chen's answer, Bao Xiaomei nodded thoughtfully.

"If you can't trade your life, then you can only try interrogation - there is really no other way."

"I think there must be something else he cares about."

Shi Dakai suddenly spoke and then said:

"Bring him here, I have a way to get him to talk."

"Are you sure?"

Bao Xiaomei asked with a frown.

In fact, if Chen Chen said this, she might have taken it as her final decision.

But now that it was Shi Dakai who said this, she had to doubt it.

After all, Shi Dakai didn't have Chen Chen's astonishing record, nor his "miraculous" foresight.

"I am sure."

Shi Dakai nodded firmly, and then looked at Chen Chen.

"Captain, let me try?"


Chen Chen nodded decisively.

It’s not that he trusts Shi Dakai blindly, but he feels that

This time, he should really be given a chance to stand alone.

Just two hours later, Xuan Ruanlong was taken aboard the Mi-171sh and prepared to go to Tachileik.

The reason why it takes so much time is certainly not because of how far it is to fly, but simply because it takes a lot of time to communicate with the Laos side.

However, with Bao Xiaomei's mediation, the outcome was ultimately good.

Of course, Laos also wants to squeeze out the benefits of the Ruan Long Group. Now, someone is willing to do such "dirty work" for them. It's too late for them to be happy, so how can they stop it?

Their only doubt is whether the Dongfeng Corps wants to do business or is looking for excuses to arrest people.

If Xuan Ruanlong arrived to the north quietly, then they really would have no way to explain.

But Bao Xiaomei convinced them with just one sentence.

"Dongfeng Group is in business, just like Ruanlong Group."


So, Xuan Ruanlong was caught like this. He didn't even know where he was going, whether he was going to be executed, or if he had other arrangements.

It is impossible to say that you are not afraid. Who in this world is not afraid of death?

However, even after getting off the helicopter and seeing Chen Chen, Xuan Ruanlong still remained basically calm.

"Is this Mr. Shipwreck? I've known you for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He tried to reach out to Chen Chen, but Chen Chen completely ignored him. Instead, he turned to Cheng Lei who got off the helicopter and asked:

"went well?"

"It went well, just fired a dozen rockets. The grandson wanted to run away, but we forced him back."

"The forced laborer used a heavy machine gun to shoot at me, and the paint on my landing gear was all dried out."

"Captain, be more ruthless in a moment. If you need me to do anything, I can help."

"Shut up now."

Chen Chen rolled his eyes and said:

"You should be careful with your words. You will not fade away after being discharged. You really think of yourself as a bandit, don't you?"

"Hey hey hey hey, there is nothing to be merciful to this kind of drug dealer."

Cheng Lei smiled and led the people away, while Chen Chen turned to Xuan Ruanlong again, nodded to him, and then led him into the "interrogation room" that had been packed out long ago.

The protagonist of this interrogation was not Chen Chen, but Shi Dakai, but Chen Chen still participated and took on the task of "assisting".


Chen Chen asked immediately. Xuan Ruanlong was stunned for a moment and replied:

"Xuan Ruanlong, whose real name is Chen Yulong."




". Zhengzhou, Henan, currently living in Huishai, the government, I am really a legal businessman!"

"No, I admit that I sell drugs, but I don't sell a single gram to the north. I sell them all to Europe, America and Southeast Asia!"

"I am different from Nuokang, that boy."

"You answer whatever I ask you!"

Chen Chen shouted sternly, and Xuan Ruanlong immediately fell silent.

This is a necessary process, not because we really need to confirm any information with him, but because

Let him develop obedience subconsciously.

As long as obedience is established, Shi Dakai's subsequent interrogation work will be much easier.

After finishing a routine, less than half an hour had passed.

At this time, Shi Dakai also opened the door and walked into the room.

He nodded at Chen Chen, and then sat down next to Chen Chen, which meant that the real interrogation had officially begun.

Shi Dakai looked up at Xuan Ruanlong, and his first words surprised Chen Chen.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Xuan Ruanlong, we found out clearly that you have 4 sons and 3 daughters."

"Do you want to have 4 more daughters?"

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