Chen Chen has never been afraid of using a gun to solve problems; but Chen Chen is also willing to follow the rules when it comes to problems that can be solved with rules and laws.

And it just so happened that he had such a person on his team.

Peng Xucheng was previously responsible for most of Wanfeng Group's business, many of which involved imports and international trade. He was able to transport South African predators to Mengka, and even brought remote-controlled weapon stations. Of course, it was impossible to rely solely on money. , relying on guns.

And this is exactly what proves his ability to "within the rules".

Therefore, Chen Chen left this matter to him with confidence, and in fact, Peng Xucheng also completed it very well.

At this point, there were basically no worries about the gold mine, and Chen Chen began to make full preparations for his trip to Indonesia.

And just in time, notifications from Xiaoyu and Bao Xiaomei also came down.

The job invitation letter has been issued and all passports have been issued. Next, everyone only needs to wait for a batch of visas before everyone can set off.

In a week at most, a few people will get on a plane and fly to a completely unfamiliar land to continue to expand their territory.

I have to say that even Chen Chen himself was a little nervous about this action.

Because he had never been to Indonesia in his previous life, but he had heard many legends about it.

Indonesians have never been too friendly to East Asians. This "East Asia" refers to "Pan East Asia" in a literal sense, including a series of countries in the north, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, etc., which are similar to Indonesia. Don't deal with it.

Chen Chen was once confused, are all the Huskies with the word "print" in their names from junior high schools?

Just bite someone when you catch them, without considering the possible consequences?

Let’s not talk about the series of things Indonesia has done to the north. Even within ASEAN, Indonesia has to fight with a series of Southeast Asian countries, and even Japan is not very good at dealing with it.

Although it maintains a pro-Japanese relationship on the surface, the blood feud in history cannot be washed away after all. From top to bottom, Indonesia's attitude towards Japan is quite ambiguous.

There is a lot of cooperation, and there are also a lot of stumbling blocks.

In short, this is an unpredictable country.

This is true for their decision-making class, let alone the people at the bottom.

You don’t need to expect them to have a friendly attitude towards outsiders, because at this point in 2010, in the eyes of most of them, foreign investment in Indonesia was just to grab food.

For these reasons, Chen Chen was very cautious about his trip to Indonesia, and he repeatedly emphasized this to the members of the action team going to Indonesia, but in the end he still couldn't let go, so he had to look for a sense of security in the equipment.

Sitting in Xiaoyu's room, he took the list provided by Xiaoyu and carefully checked the equipment with her one by one.

"The HK416 and the sights are basically fine. There are 13 guns. It's easier to supply ammunition there, but can you tell me why there are only two machine guns?"

"For a small-scale team like ours, firepower is everything. We only have two M249s. How can we carry out a high-intensity battle?"

"Moreover, the bullets are too conventional. I have already told you that we are likely to have frequent conflicts with MPRI this time. They all have heavy body armor and bulletproof helmets. If they do not have armor-piercing capabilities, we will use Why fight them?"

"Piercing through incendiary bombs, I want to penetrate through incendiary bombs!"

"Also, will you give me an M24 sniper rifle? Didn't I say I wanted an M82A1? How can I fight CQB without an anti-materiel sniper rifle?"

"There are no cloud bombs or rocket launchers. Are we really going to be security guards over there?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu shook his head helplessly, and then replied:

"Do you think I don't want to get it for you? Time is too short, and we have no way to get so much legal equipment."

"Do you think Indonesia is like Pubei, everything is black?"

"The guns I gave you have been officially registered with formal procedures."

"If necessary, you can even bring all these guns back to Pubei - just use special shipping channels."

"Also, this is just the first batch of equipment. After you go over and set up the company's frame, I will find a way to contact you and purchase equipment using your identities."

"But you have to remember that Indonesia is not Pubei. Indonesia has rules and laws."

"If you want a gun, you have to understand Indonesia's ecology. Don't just transport good things over there regardless of seeing them, like in Pubei, where private gun ownership is illegal."

“??Isn’t it legal to own guns in Indonesia?”

Chen Chen asked in surprise.

He clearly remembered that although the gun ownership rate among the people in Indonesia was not high, guns were still legal. Why did it become illegal again when it came to Xiaoyu?

Hearing Chen Chen's question, Xiaoyu rolled his eyes speechlessly, and then replied:

"Have you done all your homework on dogs during this period?"

"No, I have not paid special attention to this issue - I have learned all kinds of information about weapons channels in Indonesia, as well as the local situation, administrative divisions, etc."

"But the problem is, I really didn't expect that holding a gun is illegal, because from the information I saw, the issuance of gun licenses in Indonesia is relatively loose."

"That's because you haven't carefully studied where these guns came from."

Xiaoyu figured out where Chen Chen's prejudice came from, so he answered:

“Indonesia’s management of firearms is very strict, especially compared to a country like Thailand that allows private individuals to legally possess firearms. That’s a world away.”

"In Indonesia, only personnel engaged in specific industries or active military and police personnel can hold guns."

"But in fact, there are loopholes in their laws, and at the same time, there are difficulties in enforcing government orders in this country of Thousand Islands, so in fact, even ordinary people have the opportunity to obtain a gun license."

"The typical problem is that the closer you get to Jakarta and the further east you go, the less problems you have with the proliferation of guns."

"The further west you go, the closer you get to the Papua New Guinea side, the more gun proliferation issues you have."

"This is easy to understand, right? Papua New Guinea is extremely poor, and the gap between the rich and the poor is huge. In addition, there is almost no difference between Papua New Guinea's gun ban and those without. You can see people selling guns on the street. , so Indonesia, which is on the same island, will definitely be affected."

"I have seen statistics before. Nearly 20% of Indonesian private guns come from Merauke and Jayapura - both cities bordering Papua New Guinea."

"In short, if you want to talk about the gun issue in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea cannot avoid it. This is also the channel that you will most likely need to go through if you want guns in the future."

"So that's why it's so hard for us to get you guns."

"These guns were bought in the name of Qingshan Group and may even be more expensive than what you bought in Pubei."


Chen Chen nodded thoughtfully, but then asked again:

"If Indonesia is in such a situation, is it really necessary to use us?"

"I mean, the most we need to guard against are some tough civilians with guns and knives. Do you think we are the ones fighting this kind of war?"

"I already told you, you are not here to be security guards."

Xiaoyu sighed helplessly and continued:

"There is a high probability that you will not fight, but if you want to fight, it will be a big fight."

"What you have to guard against is actually MPRI and the resurgent Shadow Corps."

"Of course, they may have a different name, but no matter what, the threat they pose is the same to us."

"The Qingshan Group may be attacked by professional forces and threatened by the EIM organization. These are the people you have to deal with."

"Pinch, them?!"

The so-called EIM organization is actually an organization highly related to IS. They have caused a large number of attacks in Indonesia, including the most famous Jakarta explosion in 2016.

The background of this organization is quite complicated, but if one incident is mentioned, then I am afraid that basically all the people in the north will hate them to the core.

2014, 3 years to go.

Chen Chen took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"No problem, done."

"Could they have any contact with MPRI?"

"We don't know yet."

Xiaoyu shook his head and replied:

"We feel that there will definitely be one, because now that the rare earth war has started, the United States has fewer and fewer cards to play."

"Business-wise, they have fallen into total passivity, so it is very likely that they will play their last and most shameless trump card."

"Anyway, you have to be careful."

"Indonesia is not as chaotic as you think, but it is definitely not as safe as you think."

"I see."

Chen Chen nodded solemnly, and after thinking for a moment, he asked again:

"Our actions must be supported by formal instructions - what is the relationship between Tsingshan Group and Indonesian officials?"

"Solid. To put it simply, if you are fighting EIM, no one will cause trouble for you; if you are fighting ordinary armed personnel and robbers, it can be handled; the conflict with MPRI will be relatively troublesome, but I promise, no one will make it difficult for you.”

"That's no problem. Get your equipment ready. The things I mentioned are all really needed."

Looking at Chen Chen's serious expression, Xiaoyu nodded slowly and replied:

"Don't worry, I said I would take care of it for you, and I will definitely take care of it for you."

"There are some difficulties, but it's not a big problem."

"Within a week, when you leave and get on the plane, the equipment you want will be on the plane."

After hearing this, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He said half-jokingly:

"You're quite confident. Didn't you just say that guns are hard to handle?"

"Brother, difficulties are relative, okay?"

"Don't underestimate our strength overseas. If we can't handle such a small thing, it would really be a shame for our development in recent years."

"Okay, let's not say so much. If there is anything else you need to prepare and arrange, please arrange it as soon as possible."

"In the last week, cherish your time in Pubei."

"In the coming period, your life as a local emperor will come to an end."

"Oh, I'm not a local emperor."

Chen Chen shook his head disdainfully and continued:

"Have you ever seen an emperor who didn't even have a concubine? I'm a local eunuch at best."

".What are you implying?"

Xiaoyu glared at Chen Chen and said angrily:

"Bao Xiaomei is going with you this time. We are alone in a foreign country. I don't even have to think about it. I can just come up with a good show."

"Stop talking nonsense, Shi Dakai wants to go with me too."

Chen Chen quickly waved his hand and explained:

"Now Bao Xiaomei is scared when she sees Shi Dakai and doesn't know what's wrong with her."

"Don't say those things that are available or not, I'm warning you, stay away from Bao Xiaomei."

"Such a woman's background is too complicated. If you get too involved with her and the Bao family, it will definitely not be good for you."

"I know."

Chen Chen nodded and replied:

"They are just partners, half allies at most."

"That's best."

Xiaoyu said no more, but turned around and continued to contact Chen Chen for equipment according to the list he added.

At this time, everyone in the hall was also ready.


Not preparation for battle, of course, but preparation for vacation.

This time I went to Indonesia. The time of the business trip was uncertain, and the danger was unknown. If something happened, even the body might not be able to be transported back.

Therefore, after obtaining the confirmed schedule, Chen Chen gave all those involved in the operation a week's leave to let them relax.

Those who have family members can go back to spend time with them, while those without family members like Chen Chen, Lin He, and Shi Dakai can also take advantage of this week to rest and clear their minds.

Everyone has changed out of their body armor and is preparing to go to Mengka in the only Predator that still has protective capabilities.

Chen Chen said goodbye to them one by one, and gave a few words to pay attention to safety and pay attention to the time to return to the team. Then, he, Shi Dakai and Lin He who stayed behind, watched the others leave.

The plunderer disappeared at the end of the road. Shi Dakai sighed with some emotion, and then said:

"Don't tell me, I still envy them."

"Nonsense, who wouldn't envy you?"

Chen Chen snorted and asked:

"Where are you two? Why don't you go back to Mengka to burn incense?"

The tombs of Lin He and Shi Dakai's family members are all located near Mengka. Logically speaking, they should go back and burn incense sticks for their families to pray for peace or something, but they chose to stay in Mengka with Chen Chen. , which still surprised him.

"No, there's nothing to burn."

Shi Dakai shook his head and replied:

"Captain, have you talked to Xiaoyu? How is the situation?"

"The equipment preparations are still in place. It is estimated that it will be ready in a while."

"The situation this time is a bit complicated. Come on, go inside and I'll tell you slowly."

"Don't worry yet."

Shi Dakai waved his hand and then said:

"A large number of raw jade stones have arrived from Huishai. Lin He and I have agreed that we will open the stones to make Wushi cards today."

"Let's go, captain, take a rest."

"We haven't relaxed for a day since the war started. Everyone has a holiday, so it's time for us to take a holiday too."

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