"We should be unexposed."

In Chen Chen's room, Bao Xiaomei said with a serious expression.

"All my operations in Indonesia were made using the Bao family's own gloves, and they were subcontracted through at least three levels. It is impossible to trace them to us."

"We can't even find out the Bao family, let alone the Dongfeng Group."

"Our company was not even listed on the market after it was registered. And to be cautious, what I registered was not Dongfeng PMC, but the relatively hidden E.W. The registered name was 'War Years' PMC. I will tell you and Peng about this." Xu Cheng has discussed this."

"In addition, all of your passports are the result of direct transactions with Myanmar. I am sure there can be no problems, because there is no real identity involved at all, and even the photos are fake photos selected from the database."

"The same goes for my own. Unless there is a mole, I feel that there is no chance of us being exposed."

"Will there be a mole?"

Chen Chen asked immediately.

".Then it depends on who our enemy is."

"If it is Lao Burma, there is no doubt that there is a mole, and they are monitoring us all the time."

"But you also said that in Indonesia, your main opponent is MPRI and the United States. I think it should be impossible."

"From all angles, we don't have an 'intelligence channel' connected to the US. Even if they want to infiltrate, they shouldn't be able to infiltrate, right?"

"The Dongfeng Corps, including the coalition forces and us, may not have a clean foundation, but almost all of them are not qualified to have direct contact with the United States. It is too difficult for these people to become moles."


Chen Chen nodded slightly and did not continue to ask any more questions.

In fact, he has no evidence to prove that his whereabouts have been exposed, and his current worry is just a "gut feeling".

He always felt that the execution in Indonesia this time was too smooth and easy, which made him feel a sense of crisis inexplicably.

But it's also possible that this is just his illusion, just an overreaction caused by too tight nerves.

Of course, no matter what, Chen Chen decided to be as cautious as possible.

So, he opened his mouth and said:

"Security needs to be strengthened at our residence. Shi Dakai, please contact Lao Zhu and get the person over to me as soon as possible."

"I want at least 20 people in the first batch. We have more money, so we can recruit people directly from the north."

"If he can't be recruited by remote control, just fly to the north directly for me."

"Forums, websites, small advertisements, going to the countryside, I don't care what method he uses, within two weeks, I want to see people in Mengka."

"In addition, let Jackald speed up and set up our training base quickly. He knows what to do."

"At the same time, Baigou was notified to prepare for a month of adaptability training for personnel. After the training, 10 outstanding personnel will be selected to fly to Jakarta first to support the company's fundamentals."


Shi Dakai answered immediately, while Chen Chen continued:

"Ms. Bao, we need to reselect our location. We can't live upstairs and move to the villa area next door."

"I saw that the villa over there is for sale. The price is not high. You make an offer and I will buy the villa tomorrow."

"Considering that the villas here are relatively small, we need at least 12 villas to facilitate subsequent staff arrangements."

"The average price of villas here is not high now, right?"

"not tall."

Bao Xiaomei nodded and replied:

"It's about 500,000 to 800,000 U.S. dollars per set."

"Then just go directly to the company's accounts and calculate the company's assets."

In fact, Chen Chen can also ask other team members to contribute the money themselves, but the housing prices in Jakarta will still rise in the next few years - it should be said that housing prices around the world will rise in the next few years, so he is too lazy to care too much. , go directly to the company's account, and you won't lose money anyway.

"Understood, I'll get it done tomorrow."

"At the same time, the security of the villa area will also be upgraded - tomorrow night, I will move into the new villa."

"Also, there are bulletproof vehicles for sale in the Indonesian market. We can't use armored vehicles in urban areas, and we can't get them. You can find a way to help purchase 4 bulletproof Lexus first. Likewise, try to get them in place tomorrow if possible."

"Shi Dakai, contact Xu You and Peng Xucheng and ask them to purchase 4 Paramount Predators. The sooner the better!"

"no problem."

A series of arrangements were quickly made, but these were relatively long-term security measures. For Chen Chen, his anxiety about the "possible attack" had not been alleviated.

After thinking for a few seconds, he stood up and walked into the room and dialed Xiaoyu's phone number.

He soon received a reply. Within an hour, the first batch of heavy-duty body armor and radio equipment were in place, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although we still only have small pistols in our hands, at least we are on the same level as potential enemies in terms of protection and communication levels.

"Don't even think about having a good night's sleep tonight. Four people are on duty in turn, two are downstairs, one is in the elevator and one is in the stairwell."

"Two people downstairs, one will set up a mobile post and the other will set up a distant observation post, and find a suitable location by themselves."

"Sentinels are set up at the elevator entrance and stairwells. Our apartments are on the same floor and no one is allowed to get close."

"If anyone disobeys orders, he will be detained directly; if he is found to be carrying a weapon, he can shoot first!"


Everyone answered one after another, but then Shi Dakai asked again:

"Is it too radical to shoot the enemy first? This is Indonesia after all, not Pubei."

"We can't control that much. Just because this is Indonesia, we have to be more aggressive."

"The people here are not the kind of people in Pubei who fight for money. These people are really capable of self-destruction!"

".kb elements?"

Shi Dakai was slightly surprised.

"You won't encounter them so early, right? I heard you say before and thought they were only active in Sulawesi and Papua."

"Indonesia is riddled with penetration."

Chen Chen sighed and continued:

"There are more than fifty large-scale KB organizations in Indonesia alone. The EIM and JIS I mentioned to you are just the larger ones."

"JIS is the most notorious among them. They caused the Bali bombing, killing more than 200 people."

"These people act with absolutely no logic, and you have no idea why you would become their enemy."

"At the same time, their plans are extremely meticulous and impossible to guard against."

"So, under the premise that there is a possibility of conflict with them, we'd better use the most aggressive defensive methods."

"If something really happens, I'll run back to Pubei in the worst case, but if my life is gone, then I really have nothing."

"Okay, listen to you!"

Shi Dakai nodded decisively, while Bao Qi on the side asked curiously:

"Is it really possible that we will be targeted by JIS and EIM? I thought our biggest enemy was MPRI."

Chen Chen sneered and asked:

"You don't really think that JIS and EIM are enemies of the United States, do you?"

"Isn't it??"

Bao Qi was shocked.

"All I can say is, it can be, or it can't be."

Chen Chen didn't explain much about this issue, but in fact, what he said was really without any moisture at all.

Or at least, in this place in Indonesia, there is no moisture at all.

Judging from his past life experience, the KX in Indonesia has already reached the point of no return of "political struggle" under the control of the military.

In 2016, Baron Naim planned a bombing and shooting in Jakarta, which resulted in the death of seven people and serious injuries to more than 10 people.

This seems to be a "random" attack. Even Barron Naim said that this attack was entirely to support the struggle of "brothers" in Syria. But if you think about it a little deeper, in 2016 Who was in power in Indonesia at that time?


He and the former Suharto military regime can be said to be mortal enemies, and he came to power by stepping on the opponent's undecomposed corpse. After taking office, he made a series of changes to Indonesia's foreign policies, the most important of which was the policy towards the north. Attitude.

And when is it in 2016?

South China Sea.

After this terrorist attack, Widodo's rule was greatly shaken. Many pawns left behind by the former Suharto military regime in Indonesia's power hierarchy demanded the expansion of power. The core dispute among them was the revision of anti-terrorism laws.

They demand higher authority and broader jurisdiction, including the director of counter-terrorism, the chief of police, the minister of defense, and the minister of intelligence. They are all involved. This situation can even be said to be a forced abortion in a sense.

If you say there is no political struggle here, who would believe it?

Moreover, as the saying goes, evidence alone does not stand up. If this incident alone is not enough for people to use the "most malicious" thoughts to speculate on Indonesia and the United States, what about 2002?

After the Bali bombing, the then leader Wahid was in a precarious situation. The United States and Australia took advantage of the situation to expand their power and established "Task Force 88", a pure-blooded spokesperson in Indonesia.

This is an important part of the IMET plan of the United States and the United States, and it is also the ironclad evidence that they have actually begun to influence the Indonesian military and government.

Wahid himself has stood up and said that the planner of the 2002 Bali incident and the so-called "Jihad Commander" did not exist at all, but that the Indonesian military and police jointly planned the attack with "certain forces".

In this case, isn’t it self-evident what the truth of the matter is?

Of course, not to mention the incident regarding EIM in 2014

Although Chen Chen didn't experience these things personally in his last life, he basically understood the ins and outs.

Therefore, when Xiaoyu told EIM, he had no doubts at all, but was surprised that he would have to fight with them so soon.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen sighed softly and continued to explain:

"The issues here are too complicated, and we don't need to think too much about it for the time being."

"You need to think clearly about one thing, and that is, whether it is MPRI, EIM, JIS or any other KB organization, they are all our enemies."

"Don't think that just because they are on the opposite side of the United States, they can say, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' They are everyone's enemy."


Bao Qi nodded solemnly and didn't ask any more questions.

Afterwards, everyone quickly arranged the rotation, and the first post personnel set off with weapons and began to escort the safety of the Dongfeng Corps.

Chen Chen himself chose the second post, which was still the most dangerous and difficult one.

Fortunately, this night was calm.

Early the next morning, Chen Chen first asked Bao Qi to lead the team to the office to wait, while he himself took Shi Dakai, Li Bang and Bao Xiaomei to complete the purchase of villas and vehicles.

It's not that he is worried that Bao Xiaomei won't be able to handle it. In fact, although the Bao family's influence in Indonesia is not strong, their relationships in all aspects are still reliable. It doesn't take much effort just to buy a house or a car. .

What he is really worried about is the possible catastrophic consequences of letting Bao Xiaomei act alone.

Yes, I have no feelings for Bao Xiaomei, and I will not go out of my way to save her for the sake of love. But if she is really caught and killed, then the situation that the Dongfeng Corps managed with great difficulty will be Do you want more? !

Therefore, he must ensure Bao Xiaomei's safety. This is a very utilitarian but also very rational choice.

So, a group of four people took Bao Xiaomei's car and arrived at the car dealership she had contacted overnight. Four bulletproof Lexus LX570s were already ready. What surprised Chen Chen was that the owner of the car dealership actually took out a car dealership. A civilian version of Hummer H1!

Moreover, this is not an ordinary Hummer H1, but the late 2006 version of H1.

Compared with the ordinary version, this thing is purely "fully armed".

Made by TAC, a Texas armor manufacturer in the United States, the entire vehicle is made of bulletproof materials, the engine compartment is equipped with bulletproof armor, and the windows are more than 5 centimeters thick. It is equipped with a 6.6-liter Duramax diesel V8 engine and can run at a top speed of 90 kilometers per hour.


This is already very good. After all, this thing weighs more than 5 tons and is a serious heavy-duty bulletproof vehicle.

Seeing this car, Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh.

No matter what, a big city is a big city.

I went through all the trouble to get a Predator in Pubei. Here, if I look for a civilian car dealer, you can even give me a Hummer H1? !

Chen Chen hardly hesitated and made the decision to buy the car on the spot.

Because he only needs 470,000 US dollars.

It’s like picking it up for free! !

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. In fact, the circulating price of the H1 bulletproof version is about US$300,000.

However, this thing has a price but no market. If you can buy it, it is normal for a slight premium.

Moreover, it is much cheaper than the Paramount Predator I originally bought.

Without further ado, it took half a day to pay for the car and complete the procedures. Five cars were heard in the parking lot of the office building.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen followed Bao Xiaomei to the sales office of the villa area - the PIK area was actually developed by an overseas Chinese businessman. Just like in China, he set up a sales department in the same way.

Logically speaking, it was time for Chen Chen to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger to win the heart of the sales lady.

But unfortunately, he is a mercenary, and he must keep a low profile at all times except on the battlefield.

Therefore, under Bao Xiaomei's arrangement, the group walked through the VIP privacy channel throughout the entire journey.

It only took 15 minutes from entering to exiting, as if they just casually walked in for a walk.

But in fact, the 12 villas with the best geographical location in this area have just been completed.

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